May 20, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Honestly, I cannot take it anymore.

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Shar, We have to HOPE that will become the majority sentiment. These people are f’ing clowns

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I hope. I live in canada. Im surrounded by idiots ( except for the eastern europeans…they’re wonderful). TBH, im relying on Americans to get everyone out of “ this” mess.

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Gawd, don’t rely on us; we seem to have caused all this w/ horrible Americans - Gates, NObummer, Faux-Xi, et al, ad nauseum. And now our “government” is creating ongoing world wide collapse of everything w/ this phony “war”, closing shutting down pipelines, creating fertilizer, food, gas shortages, tanking the economy, it goes on & on. For the 1st time in my life, I’m ashamed to be American but certainly Canada seems worse (for now).

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But the citizens are better. You have opposition and critical mass of people speaking up. This is the difference.

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And we have a semblance of a federalist political order - lots of executives - I'm thinking De Santis at head of the pack. For the most part, the provinces seem to be trying to out-do each other in Covididiocy - BC - and Ontario, maybe leading? Tho did Quebec and a few others resist the state of emergency in March? Earlier in May, Governor Kemp in Georgia signed a bill to prohibit any public entity in the state from requiring vaccines passports or mandating the vax. That doesn't sound like Canada.

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Canada is China light. At least the Chinese know what they are dealing with. Canadians , the majority, are unaware.

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Nop, The worst are the Atlantic provinces, then QC and BC.

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… and guns.

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It’s absolutely Turdeau-Castro, just as it is the “leadership” here in the States

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Democrats are fulfilling their dream of the USA being no better than any other country.

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I would argue WORSE. I never could have dreamed in the US there would be DELIBERATE efforts to create shortages of baby food, for God’s sakes…but then again, if they can’t kill them before birth, why not starve them after. It’s one & the same to them. Just wait until the all-food shortages hit for everybody. Stock up people, as best you can.

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Farming is using land to convert oil into food. No oil. No food. Biden has shut down a large segment of our oil production, making us dependent AGAIN on foreign imports. His solution? Import oil from Venezuela! *facepalm*

The Marxists, aka Democrats, are hoping for major food shortages so that they can declare an emergency, activate Continuation Of Government, declare martial law and suspend the Constitution. They KNOW they cannot win in November, so expect some "disaster" before then. Monkey Pox? Don't think so.


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Or worse yet, they have turned us into what they claimed we were(erroneously) all this time which is the most evil force on Earth, or close to it at least

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May 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022

Have you seen the latest US Army psyops recruiting video? It is psychotic. *It is called ghosts in the machine.

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As an awake American ( liberal amd NOT “ woke” who knows jan 6 was a lie , RussiaRussia was a lie and Biden was installed while trump was really elected ) I can tell you ALOT of us have been ACTIVELY fighting back. Refusing masks in supermarkets despite ACTIVE harassment and threats. Refusing to wear them in dr offices or walking out and leaving practices .informing those threatening us of ADA / federal law violations and on and on ). Wr all feel overwhelmed. But the 50% + of us uninjected , fighting back , are willing to do whatever it takes to stop this. I personally pray the military will do a Valkyrie. Anyone who still believes elections are real in any country is delusional.

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I am glad to see there are still liberals that are not 'woke.' Woke is a new word for communism. Biden and the Democrats have gone full Marxist-Fascist totalitarianism - And in all our western countries they are implementing the policies of totalitarianism. China does it first and then exports it via the WHO and its agents, traitors in every country. Every single Covid19 policy can be tracked back to China and Xi Jinping. This is the CCP's thanks to the citizens of the world for buying their shit and making them rich, waging war on us with traitors in our own countries. That is really what is happening.

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I wish I could ‘break thru’ my husband’s s belief covid jabs are not harmful.

I swear there is something in the venom that the sheeple are willingly injecting into their bodies. It’s as if they turn into Stepford wives.If someone had told me a few years ago this was going to happen I probably would have laughed.

I’m not laughing.

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Just a point of clarification. I’m a theories expert. Language is crucial. Definitions are also as important. This entire neo liberal AND Neo conservative crackdown since the 80s is NOT “ Communism or Marxism. “. It’s actually fascism. And totalitarianism by definition. Most people really don’t know these terms they banter around so I don’t blame anyone. Also , my father worked at the top of the senate. He’s pretty famous. He told me that BOTH “parties “were fascist and crooked. He played golf 2x a week woth Tip O’Neill amd Newt Gingrich. They’re ALL the same. They vote the same when it comes to all wars and money. Until we all STOP claiming it’s R Vs D or Left Vs Right we’re going to DIE.

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I have zero experience with the ‘grifters’ who run our government, but, I share your sentiments

about our ‘government’.

It is nothing as to what our forefathers imagined.

It is made up of scumbags who expect “we the people” obey.

They do not work for us. They have enslaved us.

I could go further, but, I imagine most of the folks reading/commenting on this substack know where I am coming from.

This planet is an “experiment” gone awry.

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Thanks for that Jane Doe. I absolutely agree with you that language and definitions are important and crucial. I have for a long time been reading up on all these definitions of communism, Marxism, fascism, etc. And concluded that what we are all facing is a Global Fascist Alliance - but it is made up of what we like to call left-right, and on the left is definitely the Marxists-The Chinese like to call themselves Marxist-Leninists. But none of these is important when we just face up to the fact it is fascism, and both extreme sides of politics are twin sides of the same coin. You are right we need to end the divide - and we do that by understanding the real conflict is the Globalist fascists (who are traitors) against the patriots, who don't want to participate in a global totalitarian state.

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Canada here too. Nothing but masked, obedient fools on the streets. I fly my trucker flags on my car but all I get is ignored and eye rolls. God help us.

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I honk when I see flags in trucks! 😀

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There are lots of non-idiot Canadians out there (I'm one of *many* I know in, dare I say it? Ottawa aka idiot city) Hang in there! (I just keep praying....)

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Africa is the only country that might save itself. Less TV. Deep suspicion about “philanthropaths” like Gates.

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Sold my RBC stock immediately and will liquidate anything else Canadian. You guys freak me out with your Schwab PM's.

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Kanada is too far gone.

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lol, not to worry the FIB(cia) is on it!

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Just because someone is acting in a way that you consider crazy does not make that person crazy. These people plan. They test. They cooperate. And they have a lot more resources than anyone can imagine.

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Duh to all of that

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Don't feel down - there are people here who feel as you do me being one of them. Just don't put up with the BS. I'm surrounded by commie think alikes here in an affluent neighbourhood! Weird. But there are pockets but you just have to look for them. The left is just a noisier wheel and the media always highlights them. Stand firm - pray that the idiots self-destruct starting with Turd-eau.

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We will not be worn down by this because that is exactly their intension. Dr Paul Alexander is good to refer to regarding an understanding from a immunology point of view. Knowledge is power.

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This idiots think that we are stupid and want to be saved by them. 🦸‍♂️

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We just want to be left alone

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Oh, no. They must be removed, period. By any means possible.

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So many people don't see that the longer they stay the closer we get to live in a world alike to movies like the Hinger Games.

Lots of things that happened in the last 5 to 10 years just weirdly fit together !

You know, tiktok and meta from one side. China and its huge growth and its relation to Taiwan. Prices going up and food shortages all around the world. Depressed people (especially men) and everyone wanting to achieve everything as quick as possible.....

I mean, even what's small has something to do with what's big. This is insane..

I really hope people take a deep and long breath and try to become normal again.

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This is war.....Toughen up.

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I started telling myself some time ago 'prepare for war' and economic wipeouts

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I’m just warming up!

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A lot of people feel that way. Maybe that is part of their strategy for waging war on humanity-wearing us all down with relentlessness.

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Most definitely. If one lists all the way in which they used 'touchless torture' they'd be flabbergasted at the sheer assault released upon us. But the PTB did it in increments, so as to be sneaky. Still, imagine the people who buy into everything. They have gotten used to living day to day on adrenalin fixes from being constantly scared that any second they are going to die. And then pile on top of that all the civil unrest, early in 2020, peoples' businesses burning to the ground because 'diversity' must be upheld; the new rules where one must say a man is a woman or be labeled a bigot; where cult-think is institutionalized and enforced (CRT & Trans agenda), where one can lose their livelihood for wrong-think, refusing an experimental vaccine, or using the wrong pronoun; where ones' children are being groomed and indoctrinated and force-masked at school, where store shelves are going bare, where if one is born white, they are automatically a white supremacist, and where if you oppose any of the above listed affronts on us, you are a bigot at best and possibly a domestic terrorist. And all of this manifested itself in large part in 2020, along with a fake pandemic. A pandemic whose perpetrators told the populace to do everything to harm ourselves (e.g., telling us not to listen to naturopaths or use healthy self-healing techniques) by spraying ourselves with chemicals, blocking our breathing holes, telling fairy stories about distance from each other keeps you from getting the virus, and doing the hokey pokey in restaurants keeps you safe. If the sheep stopped buying all the utter lies and crap they are selling or mandating, we would not only be stronger as a people, there wouldn't be so much rampant insanity.

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Well said, Vida Galore! This is exactly how I see things.

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Vida Galore, Gore Vidal...

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Wearing down the opponent is the oldest trick in law, appeal after appeal etc until the opponent runs out of will and money.

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Part of the whole design is making us crazy.

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Or think we are. THEY’RE the insane ones

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that's how I feel too. Really at the end of my rope with all this stuff.

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Honestly, I think that’s part of the whole scheme: have wave after wave of shit pouring down on our heads so hard, cruelly & fast that our heads spin & we can’t keep up w/ it all. It’s a psy op that also demoralizes. For weaker ones, they give up & not only do as they’re told, but toe the party line to demonize we who resist. I’m not gonna lie: I’m demoralized & afraid a LOT, but I’m also defiant & pissed out of my mind over these past 2+ years & I hope that gives me courage too, if the shit really hits the fan. I appreciate these various substacks that are not only so informative, but that give us all a platform to chat & thus know we are not alone.

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well said! You expressed my state of mind too - demoralized, afraid, exhausted... but yes also defiant and with a determination not to allow them to achieve their goal of breaking our spirit. Both states co-exist in me, at times I am one and at times the other. I am in a Very "bluezone" of Montreal Quebec, and although I have my little group with whom I attend protests and marches (went to Ottawa to be with the truckers for one day), none of them live near me. These are times that try the soul. I am also grateful for all these substacks, for the info and for the knowledge that we are not alone.

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Im in a very red corner of a one-party, very blue US state so I know how you feel, Jen. At least in our “red zone” we are a majority which is a comfort (cowboys, farmers, ranchers, oil fields - people w/ common sense!). Even my liberal friends - covidian & jab true believers - are pretty reasonable & keep a low profile, knowing they’re in the minority here. But the rest of the state…Karens & Kens for the most part & our governor is awful

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BTW, good for you supporting the truckers!! What has happened w/ all of that? Complete blackout since Turdeau threatened to confíscate bank accts?

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I don't know the whole story or know everything, but as much as I do know: 247 bank accounts were frozen in total. The initiating factor of the convoy was mandates for truckers to get "vaccinated" (quotations because these are not technically vaccines but gene therapy), but it quickly morphed into the rallying cause against a lot of stuff; the passport system was especially onerous. One result of the convoy was that the provinces each set a date to end the passports, some sooner and some later, in bits and pieces. As far mandating jabs, in cases of private employers I honestly do not know. I believe schools (at all levels) still have mandatory jabs. For the federal government employees I believe the mandates stand, and in order to travel by plane or train the mandates stand. General trend is that provinces eased up a little bit, slowly, but TruDo has not, at all. My own sense is that he will never back down and or ease up, his admiration for China-style control is his defining quality. He wants to be a dictator and will continue to enact policies that allow him to be until he is stopped cold. I wish I was better informed but I really tuned out as much as I could in order to maintain my own sanity, sometimes things feel SO nightmarish the only way to manage is to try to put some blinders on.

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Thanks so much for your insight, Jen. I don’t blame you for tuning out to maintain sanity; these past 2+ years have been SO deeply damaging on every level, for those of us who know what’s really going on. Just remember that forewarned is forearmed…& that you (we) are not alone

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We’re on the winning team, rev up! full speed ahead, will have to fly over the bumps by the seat of our pants. Hang on! 💥🚀.

More news, the genome sequence is out on the latest monkey pox, spike protein and furin cleavage site again. Study this and get back. mejbcart’s Newsletter Substack

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Sad news, Australia yesterday voted in a Woke/Broke Federal government. Now full speed ahead on the bones of my arse.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

"Sit down, shut up, stay home, save lives, take your shots, show your papers, and muzzle your kids."

Put that on a t-shirt.

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Send the idea to Sharyl Attkisson. She has several real good ones. Wearing them every day.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Didn't know, thanks for the referral. Will check it out!

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…and get you sons shlong whacked off so he can pretend its a vagina

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Its a runaway dick, just like the broom in Fantasia

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No one will buy it but them

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The Redback Spider vaccine is the best.

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Is it funny that humanity has existed for at few thousand years and supposedly has a pandemic roughly every 100 years and now we have an annual pandemic occurrence?

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For thousands of years people stayed away of what they knew made them sick. Now the elite scientismists experiment with whatever they find causes the most deadly diseases. Real scientists try to cure people. Fake ones and of course governments, try to make them sick and then milk them, poison them, and blame the ones that have their eyes open to scams.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Ungovernable, I thought the exact same thing as Gates-From-Hell is flogging his dong (sorry, I meant “book”!) about the “next” soon-to-be-released “pandemic”….

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It's actually debatable that it happens even every 100 years.

Let's go backwards in time - the 2009 Swine flu was a faked event by the WHO with a similar testing method to the PCR tests - it got called out by European scientists and ended.

The 1976 Swine flu event in the USA was faked by the CDC and stopped after 49 deaths by their vaccines - 60 minutes back then did a great expose of it.

There were some mid century flu and influenza outbreaks that were big events but less than 2 million died worldwide. So again not really noticeable.

And then we come to the Spanish Flu, which is claimed to be about a virus.

But there are 2 big problems with that event.

# Problem 1: In 2008 Dr. Fauci and the NIH released the results of a study of remains of people who died of the Spanish Flu - they showed that 97% of the deaths were not caused by the virus, but by the coinfection of bacterial pneumonia. Fauci recommended stocking up on antibiotics for future pandemics to treat pneumonia - conspicuously absent with the Covid19 pneumonia and their 'there is no treatment' program.

So people didn't die of the virus and flu in 1918 - they died of pneumonia and medicine wasn't up to the job of dealing with a widespread pneumonia epidemic.

For both the 1918 event and Covid19 if the public health authorities had focused on early treatment that saves lives then nobody would have noticed either event. Many studies have now been produced to show that if Covid had been treated early with the protocols doctors created all over the world that were saving lives 80% of the deaths would not have happened.

So instead of 6.3 million deaths in 2 years and 5 months, we'd have 1.26 million in the same time - or an annual rate of 521,372 deaths a year - not a blip on the world population.

#2 Problem 2: The Spanish flu deaths occurred after years of stress and health reducing problems, like lack of healthy food, particularly for the boys fighting the war.

Many researchers who are not part of the scientific community captured by big pharma blame the deaths on the mass vaccination program that occurred as the boys were sent to war, and then at the end of the war the manufacturers had millions of shots left over and convinced the governments to jab up the populations to get rid of them.

A doctor back in day wrote a book about it - but her work is dismissed as being psuedo-science. And ignored. Pharma controls all the money.

But what do we see happening today? Mass vaccination with experimental drugs and massive increases in deaths and adverse affects.

If you dismiss all these 'pandemics' and start going back in history you'd have to go back to the Bubonic Plague to get a historically population changing event.

I think it is safe to conclude that the entire pandemic planning industry that centers around Gates, the World Economic Forum, the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and their public-private partners globally especially the Chinese partners - it is all based on lies and fake narratives.

Another fake narrative used by the pandemic planning industry is that humans are getting closer to animals. That is a massive lie. Urbanization has accelerated in the last 50 years, and we are now as a species more than 50% urbanized which only happened in recent decades. Urbanization removes people from the natural world, and reduces the distance between people and animals, and particularly due to the growth of industrial sized farms. Most developed countries have only 1-2% of their populations working in agricultural.

So that narrative is a fake narrative, disinformation to justify their pandemic games.

It is a once in a 500-1,000 year event - so all the money spent 'preparing for it' is a waste of tax dollars. But it makes lots of profits for Gates, big pharma, and their partners.

I firmly believe they are just running simulations for biochemical and bioterrorism warfare. Period.

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Jun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger


I too arrived at the opinion that not only is there not a global pandemic of a highly lethal respiratory illness, but that such global pandemics aren’t possible.

The higher the lethality, the more illness immobilised sick people & artistes transmission to the point that an epidemic stalls.

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p.s. Would you mind if I take part of what you replied to me and quote you and use it in a book or article?


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Ivan, it’s fine to use anything I write or say.

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Dr. Mike, thanks for turning up and replying to my comment, and affirming my thoughts.

I was extremely chuffed to see you had responded and to read your words. It means a lot to me. Thanks.


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Yeah, my impression so far is that they are banking one people knowing virus pandemic scenarios out of fiction movies, mixing it up with old time living and bacterial illnesses as a reference for it being real. It was probably never real, not in any long lasting way, due to the nature of the relation of humans and viruses. And the bacterial plagues, given the severe malnutrition plus lack of vitamin-D of common people in Europe in the colder seasons, and the catastrophic hygiene back then, it's no surprise.

I also thought the malnourished and probably otherwise weakened trench warfare soldiers probably did not have too much of an immune system left.

It took mad scientists to put together a virus that wouldn't occur in nature to make this more realistic - for a while. And the PCR noise amplifier made it longer lasting. And then the jabs arrive, putting us on a variant carousel.

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Ivan, well sure, many here knew from the beginning that this was a scam & ALL about power, money, control. The total # of deaths claimed (6.3 million or whatever it is) is a complete fabrication as well, w/ failure to distinguish “of” & “with, not to mention hospitals & governments financially incentivized to list many deaths “of” Covid or politicians & elites incentivized to whip up fear to institute draconian control. The survivability rate of @ least 99.7% for the vast majority of people globally was buried, as was the average age of death in the low 80s, which was higher by a year or 2 for average lifespan in many counties. There may only be a million “real” deaths attributable to pneumonia, in the same group that is susceptible to death from annual cold & flu season. And surely a whole lot more death AND damage due to the “cure”.

Whatever it is, our “betters” are planning annual events now, in order to maintain fear, control & depopulation.

Others on sites here & elsewhere think that the reaction to the tyranny won’t happen again because people are finally waking up to the truth, they’re “over it”, etc. I’m not so sure. I never could’ve imagined the bovine response the 1st time ‘round. Not just how thoroughly they complied, but how quickly w/ nary a peep or curiosity to think for themselves, ask questions.

As we speak, I’m sure the WEF-WHO-Davos demons are attempting to concoct something more hazardous than a phony flu or regular pneumonia. This was a trial run to see what they could get away with & how easily frightened (& thus compliant) people would be. And there were so many who were frightened & compliant, everywhere.

Just think how quickly people could revert to type if it’s something actually worse & they continue to ban cheap, effective treatments, lie about what it is/where it came from, whip up fear w/ a diabolical media fanning that, censoring or worse of anyone challenging or even just questioning the official narrative.

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Do you know what I really like about your comment Cindi, was the hope that it gives me for all of us - that even though there are still a lot of people with their head in the sand, and still a lot of Covidiots lost in their fear, there is a huge number of people, just like you, which have gone into it indepth and can see the lies and disinformation across the board, and if anything it has made us all even more skeptical of everything than we were before Covid.

I actually was asleep before Covid, just getting on with my life in my local world-which is normal for most of humanity. But the shock of having my life wiped out, and nearly a year on lockdowns, gave me the incentive and time to research-And I've formed a lot of new principles for how I digest stuff, which would no doubt mirror yours and lots of people like us.

I agree with you that there is a lot more to come. The last trial run was the Swine flu con in 2009. Covid is a fully fledged war on humanity - Schwab actually said it "Covid-19 is like a world war." HIs exact words in 2020. It stuck out like a sore thumb and I thought 'What is he talking about?' He was right.

The war goes on - rising oil and gas prices, skyrocketing food prices, continued border and travel restrictions - deaths by a thousand cuts, now Ukraine.

I think Biden and his team are working together to start a war with China with the expectation that China would win - if that was not the case why are they destroying America - And trying to force vaccinate all of their military with these dangerous and health destroying drugs? The Biden admin is attacking Americans in multiple ways, and they are attacking all of us.

Lol - I go off like this. Sorry about that. Join me on Substack Cindi. :)


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Absolutely w/ you, Ivan! I was “asleep” too, just wanting to be left alone & live my little life. I faguely remember swine flu but I don’t remember it having any effect on my life because there was none of this mask-distance-lockdown-vax bullshit. None of the inhumane “no-jab-no-job tyranny. My youngest son joined the USAF in 2020; the 1st thing they did when he got to Boot Camp was jab them all. Im sure he’s been boosted since, & I worry about him every day. In addition to being awake to all of this, I’m infuriated at everything this demonic administration is doing deliberately to bring this country to its knees. How do we survive 2 more years of this relentless assault? Awake, infuriated, so scared too…. I’ll join your substack now!

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*vaguely* (sigh)

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First, thanks for joining up-I appreciate it. :)

Had to smile at your first sentence - it sums me up nicely. All I ever wanted was to be left alone, so I could get on with my little life too.

I can well understand your concern about your son. Make sure he is well dosed up on the detox ingredients - the World Council for Health (do you know it?) just released a great detox guide - it's on their website. Send it to him.

You are right about Biden, they are attacking America viciously - I've got a file on it that I've kept adding points to for the last year - it's long. And the problem is that attacks on you are actually attacks on all of humanity - e.g. price of oil. We're lucky we put an LPG gas tank in and it is still cheap as but petrol here, (Thailand) has gone up 35% recently.

You know I don't like to be the bearer of bad news, but the World Economic Forum has said on their website they expect these 'disruptions' to go on for 10 years - they said it in 2020 - and guess where it takes us 2030 - that's their end goal.

So you're going to have to grit it out.

There was a period late 2020 early 2021 when I realized the full ugliness of what was going on genocide wise-because I had already been adding up deaths from lockdowns and border closures and facemask infections and suicides and etc., etc., etc. - and I hit this point of fear, because I didn't understand it and couldn't see who was really doing it.

Now I do. I have an article coming up shortly that shows the documented trail of the provenance of every single policy, and something that will come out tomorrow that names the guy who claims credit - Xi Jinping.

So after fear I got angry - And went into la-la land for many months.

During that time I was stressed, irritable, and wanted to strike out at every Covidiot I came across - or anyone who told me to adjust my facemask. And I couldn't stand the sound of any of the Covid dictators voices.

Then I decided that the anger was not serving me and making life miserable in the present, and that I had to go back and listen to the Covid-cartel members in order to understand and learn what they were doing and what they had planned.

It took me the second half of 2021 to come back to rock steady again - but I took my anger and wrapped it into a steel ball and buried it in the pit of my stomach so it is there if and when I want to draw on it.

It's like the British in London when the bombs were falling. You have to get on with your life and dodge the bombs. That's where we are at.

But here's something that I found on the net and reposted that really reflects the way I feel, and I actually know a lot of men like this, who are seething deep inside their beings for not being left alone. I think the global Covid terrorists have badly misjudged humanity.

Time will tell.




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with his Moobs hanging out no less

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Exactly. And they can even predict it rather precisely, even though the key guys who are providing the modelling like Ferguson seem to be crap of calculation how exactly things will play out once something is really on the loose.

Maybe something hard to calculate stays hard, but if you let something loose yourself, "predicting" it suddenly is easy.

And the 1918 "spanish flu" is rather debatable... with its apparently virus-atypical spreading patterns, but correlation with the experimental vax of back then. Next to all negative series of infection experiments.

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You might like to read my comment above about the Spanish Flu - some interesting reflections in there.

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Russia should attack Davos not Ukraine

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May 21, 2022·edited May 21, 2022

Sweden rolled out their police force and 5000 military troops to protect the "summit." they're also flying a pattern of jets overhead to maintain a no fly zone for the protection of the elites... do they think there's still anyone out there with an air force who isn't already captive to the WEF?

or maybe they're just worried about losing a whole bunch of figureheads all at once.

get Russia to take military action against the WEF, and I'll cheer them on

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At least they know they are in danger

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Sorry Swedes. It's nukes then!

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A hypersonic nuke would do the job. And they wouldn't see it coming.

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I'm waiting for the asymptomatic monkey pox panic is 2022

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May 20, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

I'm hoping that many of those who fell for the covid scamdemic have wised up and will tell these people to go pound sand.

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Not to my knowledge. Only one woke up of my friends and family even after several got sick after being jabbed trice. Dad running to get a fourth one. Crazy.

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Maybe not with covid, but maybe with future scare tactics like this latest one.

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Do you really think they’ll wake up?

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Well, according to Mattias and Malone regarding mass formation psychosis, about one-third of those who succumb to it are uneasy about it and are "going along to get along". So I have hope that some large percentage of that cohort will join the roughly one-third of us who never bought into the covid fear porn and that, maybe, we'll outnumber the one-third-plus of those who can't give it up.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Looking to make it a bit more scary with a more terrifying physical manifestation of monkeypox on people. These disgusting scumbags.

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Ridicule is the best weapon. Use it relentlessly.

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MonkeyPox already? I haven't taken down my Ukraine decorations yet!

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Look at all those nasty ass puppets. A table full of the worst kind of elitists.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Perhaps if we spread this article far and wide, we can cripple any traction this "new pandemic" gets before it takes hold.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Especially expose these two on their twitter feeds...Twitter epidemiologists Jennifer Nuzzo and Bill Hanage are on the scene.

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

These people are FUCKING INSANE! Havent they got better things to do? Really this is INSANITY. Monkeypox. F-off

That CCP idiot Eric F-D 🤦🏻

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Why can't they just be happy with all their money and toys and mansions.. And leave us all alone!

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If they are so unhappy, maybe we should take them away?

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Because their senior partner China's CCP wants to rule the world, and so do they.

And both groups think that 90% of the worlds population is disposable. Look at all of Biden and the Democrats policies - it's all killing more people. Open borders. Opiods crisis. Drug cartels. Defund the police. Homicides are up. Covid injections. Mandates for all things that cause harms. Afghanstian was not botched-deliberate. It goes on and on and on. Ukraine. Gas prices up. This is a hybrid world war - world war 3. It is Marxist-Fascist revolution.

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Infrastructure and Demolishing Food Plants as well.

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we must go to war to defend ourselves against these people, really.

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May 21, 2022·edited May 21, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

For this one we need to get ahead of the curve in order to flatten it! We cannot afford to wait two weeks.

They are now treating us like monkeys.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

First priority - not treatment, not discussion, not putting heads together in various disciplines and places. First priority: Control The Narrative!

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May 20, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Thanks Michael. Let's see what happens next.

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Just another coincidence…

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