Susan Michie, a 40-year member of the British Communist Party and a leading participant in the UK Government’s Scientific Pandemic Insights group on Behaviour (SPI-B) “nudge unit” to drive consent for Covid mandates, has been promoted to Chair of the WHO’s Technical Advisory Group for Behavioural Insights and Science for Health.
Last year, when asked how long Britain’s Covid containment measures should last, Michie responded that they should last forever: “Test, trace and isolate system, border controls are really essential…social distancing…wearing face masks…we’ll need to keep these going in the long term…I think forever.”
On Good Morning Britain, when asked whether her membership in the Communist Party might inform her draconian policy preferences, Michie expressed outrage: “I’ve come on your program as a scientist… You don’t ask other scientists about politics, so I’m very happy to speak about science, which is what my job is, and to limit it to that.” Michie is a behavioural psychologist with no background in epidemiology or infectious disease.

The timing is ironic, as BBC reports that a team of UK scientists just concluded that a recent surge in cases of child hepatitis was attributable to lockdowns such as those Michie advocated, and had no connection to the virus. “Infants exposed later than normal—because of Covid restrictions—missed out on some early immunity… Scientists have ruled out any connection with coronavirus.”
Michie’s promotion also comes just as WHO Director Tedros Adhanom unilaterally declared Monkeypox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern—just weeks after the world’s first-ever global outbreak of Monkeypox happened to appear in the exact week of the exact month predicted by an international biosecurity simulation a year prior.

As the free world continues to be trolled by its ruling class, it’s clear that the World Health cartel certainly knows how to reward its highest performers.
Michael P Senger is an attorney and author of Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World. Want to support my work? Get the book. Already got the book? Leave a quick review.
How, as a humanity, can we be so stupid as to be unable to boot these people out of office? Are they that unstoppable?
Most people either (1) don’t know this is happening, (2) don’t see the relevance, (3) automatically dismiss anything that isn’t from the corporate media, and (4) believe that their government would never hurt them. We can’t fight a war if nobody acknowledges that we’re in a war.