How can so many people, having lived through the last three years, still believe the official narrative(s) of COVID.

Nothing they said was true. Nothing. And yet people continue to wear masks. Continue to defend the Intelligence Services spying and censoring Americans.

Trump really was a threat to our democracy--at least half the country sees nothing wrong with Fascism as long as Trump is not in the White House. The hypocrisy is astonishing to behold and leaves me speechless.

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Agreed Tero, the lack of introspection which continues to this day is astonishing.

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I believe that for evolutionary reasons (the need for cohesion in a social, tribal species like Homo sapiens), a certain percentage of humans are genetically programmed to be “followers”, ie not engage in independent, critical thought when faced with and entity (person, government etc) that is perceived to be an authority. See the Milgram experiments as an example, and human behavior through history as another. This is what makes possible the abdication of thought and makes exploitation of humans possible, again and again. Psychopaths know this, intellectually or instinctively, and are very good at exploiting it.

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Thought-provoking point..

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Indeed. Homo sapiens are not nearly as sapient as they should be, it seems.

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Dec 21, 2022
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Agreed, though I am skeptical of the claim that Jews really had anything to do with Communist China. True, Marx and Engels were both Jews if I recall correctly, as was Trotsky, and Lenin was apparently one-quarter Jewish. But otherwise, by the time Stalin (not Jewish) and then Mao (also not Jewish) took over their respective countries, any significant influence of Jews in Communism really waned a lot.

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Dec 23, 2022Edited
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Most of the people to mention are NOT Jews by blood or otherwise. Certainly not Stalin, Mao, Castro, or Putin.

I have heard of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, which still has kept its name to this day. But it is quite tiny.

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Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) are the three most heavily abused words in the entire Newspeak language.

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Hard to fathom the extent of the mass surveillance and the pervasive thought policing our government is engaged in here. In what way are still a “free” country? Will we the sheeple awaken to demand constitutional adherence, or have we passed that point? Even asking those questions now likely puts one on a domestic terrorist watch list.

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Harris believes US citizens must be prohibited from hearing ‘misinformation’ rather than being permitted to assess it for themselves.

Why does she believe this?

Because she believes regular folk are susceptible to propaganda.

And why is she convinced of that?

Because she and her ilk spend most of their time disseminating propaganda.

“Confession through projection” methinks (h/t robert Barnes).

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I disagree...Harris is too dumb to think out such things on her own. Just listen when she tries to articulate anything. She "believes" whatever she is told to believe by whoever controls her.

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They must go now.

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I think you have pinned the insect of willful ignorance and disregard for human rights that has been plaguing Western civilization with your comment in your Tablet essay:

“…stripped of all disguise, the illusion of virtue, competence, and commitment to human rights among the Western political class is nothing more than conformity with easily subvertible norms and institutions passed down by prior generations.”

Virtue, competence, and commitment to human rights must be practiced and clung to like life itself, not just believed in or thought about. The Bible is full of examples of this faith put into action (see the book of Hebrews for a synopsis), and we need to recognize it and practice it ourselves on a daily basis.

Mr. Senger, you are certainly heeding the call to “encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you [us] may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” (Hebrews 3:13)

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Thank you Walk2Write!

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It’s becoming increasingly clear that the various large government apparatus have been captured for decades. Their interests are NOT the interests of US citizens, but rather the globalist 1% who control 99% of the worlds wealth. This is true for all western nations, as we watched them march in lockstep over the last few years. Just remember: the apex parasites who created a “pandemic” in order to boost bioweapon uptake, are the same ones who want CBDC… Do not comply.

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An under-discussed, if discussed at all, related topic is how the censorship and propaganda campaign taints jury pools. Anyone charged with crimes, especially the political crimes invented by officials controlling the narrative, like not masking, dining out where vax id's are required, protesting rigged elections, etc, are unable to receive a fair trial. When jury pools are nearly 100% masked, jabbed, believe the "most safe and secure election ever" propaganda narratives those charged with these political crimes face a jury that's never heard counterarguments and are predisposed to believe counterarguments are dangerous dis/misinformation, normal defenses and appeals to commons sense fall flat, become counterproductive. Look no further than the DC trials of the J6'ers for this evidence. Set aside partisan leanings in DC, even R's subjected to the massive censorship and propaganda efforts are tainted by it and incapable of rendering a fair verdict.

The sophisticated and comprehensive deployment of The Narrative perpetuates itself this way, resulting in fewer opportunities to hold the regime officials accountable in peaceful ways that our constitutional system was designed to resolve conflicts and tensions between citizens and their government. Setting the stage for uncontrolled rejection of unaccountable government. At risk of suffering the same ultimate fate as many tyrannies in history. Censorship and propaganda end up putting the government and officials at greater risk of civil unrest and collapse than the threat of civil unrest and collapse that the censorship and propaganda is ostensibly wielded to protect from. As citizens realize the system itself is rigged, extra-legal and illegitimate.

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Excellent essay, as usual, Michael.

If we were down the pub, I might be tempted to initiate a hair-splitting session with you on the definitions of mis- and disinformation. I tend to look at misinformation as any report, message, or story that--with or without intent--misinforms the recipient to the point where he or she develops an incorrect understanding of an event or situation. And then disinformation as simply misinformation that is deliberately crafted and disseminated with intent to deceive. I'd include under that definition false propaganda, à la Goebbels in the 30s, Cheney in the aughts, or Fauci during the World's Deadliest Pandemic™.

But I'd probably classify the Trojan Horse or the Sudetenland deception as more "ruse de guerre".

Anyway, thanks for a great piece, one that I'm going to share to my dozens of followers. We all owe you a pint!

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Wel done. Censorship is a way to promulgate lies. Why do "free" nations need to lie to their puiblic?

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Excellent point, Susan.

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So do you consider "an epidemic growing exponentially" as misinformation or disinformation? Given that it doesn't has been known since at least 1927. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRC0D6LWwUQ

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Indeed, all epidemics follow a Gompertz curve, which is only very, very briefly exponential if at all.

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There are very specific reasons for what they do, if we only look

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Thanks for this very thoughtful piece. You succinctly distill the choice that has been made for us: that supposed foreign disinformation justifies censorship at home. This is not acceptable in America. I like your analogy of your Internet anarchy to the foolish belief at the end of the 19th century that industrialization, commerce, and international Socialism had eliminated the likelihood of a war. Is there any in-between solution? Doesn’t the law allow defamation suit, for false information and damage to reputation? Can a mechanism be built to make that easier on the internet?

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I'd prefer that we have a right to lie even while under oath or in furtherance of a crime. Regarding lying under oath, I think there is a tendency to give more credence to what people say in this situation - liars take advantage of this. I think it would be better to take away this advantage so that juries aren't swayed by this.

Regarding criminal investigations, I think it should be legal to lie to the FBI or the police in general, mainly because it makes non-liars vulnerable to being prosecuted for honest mistakes in memory, but true liars are going to do it anyway.

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"We have met the enemy, and he is us." -Pogo

For the past 6 years, we've heard nothing but non-stop claims of "Russian disinformation." Now, with the release of the Twitter files, we see who was really engaged in disinformation.

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This article reads like a piece of propaganda disinformation by western governments. The idea is promoted that we are at risk from foreign sources of disinformation when it is glaringly obvious that our own governments are the main culprits. From UK government "nudge units" promoting the Covid narrative to the FBI supervising censorship and feeding misinformation to Twitter. Remember the non-existent Iraqi WMD vigorously promoted by the US/UK governments? Fauci and Fisher in the US promoted a take-down of the Great Barrington Declaration on the harms of lockdown. Foreigners are not the problem! The problem is our corrupt political class and the mainstream media stenographers to power who masquerade as "journalists".

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Our Governments just turn on the £ or $ printing presses when they want to further devastate our National economies!

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'Dis' or/and 'Mis' information is anything/everything that contradicts or questions the LIES and scare PORN put out by the New World Order (Press, media, Governments, Big Pharma, etc,) about Covid, Deadly Vax or other similar topics!

Big Pharma MUST accept LIABILITY for their deadly injections (The Great Covid CULL). IMMUNITY from LIABILITY was supposedly a TEMPORARY concession given way back in 1976 for Swine Flu. After the disastrous Swine Flu vax KILLED 50+ US citizens the 'Temporary Experiment' was terminated. This time Big Pharma have no intention - even 46 years later - of accepting LIABILITY. This is absolute nonsense as the Covid Vax Casualties now run into MILLIONS WORLDWIDE!

FDA must reintroduce LIABILITY to Big Pharma NOW! Common Sense!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots!

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