Social media has been in an uproar since a member of European Parliament posted a video of a hearing in which a Pfizer director admitted the company never tested whether its Covid mRNA vaccine prevents transmission prior to its approval for emergency use.
For war crimes at all, much less of this size, there can be no forgiveness. Let them beg their god for forgiveness but they will pay for their advocacy and implementing war crimes.
Amen. I feel exactly the same. I will never forgive or forget.
I live in NY and I refuse to go to any restaurant that was requiring vax proof. Makes me even madder when I think of how I wholeheartedly supported them with regular take out orders during lockdown, when I didn’t have to. Now I wouldn’t care one bit if they went out of business.
Yup. I had a $100k/year job offer rescinded because I wouldn’t take it. I had a horrible reaction to a flu vaccine years ago, and wanted wait and see about this one. My sister recently asked me if I was going to try to rejoin the working world. Hell no! There are too few companies out there that didn’t stand up for us. I also outlined all the ways the unvaxed were discriminated against. She told me she was sorry I felt that way. I responded that feelings had nothing to do w it; that’s how it was. I’m still frosty about it.
I'm curious to know if your sister has an understanding of how the mRNA vaccines work and whether or not she has an awareness of the scope of harm it has caused to so many.
Mid 2021 she asked why I was against the vax (at that point we knew the dangers of it). I asked how much time she had cuz it would take an hour or so to outline my reasons. She said “maybe another time”. However, I put together a doc that outlined all my concerns, including links to articles supporting my position and emailed it to her. Her response? “We all have to do what’s best for ourselves”! Not a single probing question, or push back on anything I wrote. I actually don’t think she read it.
Thank you. I've had the same reaction from friends and family too. I wonder if it's that facing this so upsets people's fundamental assumptions of how the world works––the government is there to protect me; the mainstream media tells the truth---that they run from such questions for psychological survival. I believe they fundamentally know there is a huge problem and they just can't face it. So what can we do? How can we reach people if only to convince them of the need to have an open and honest conversation?
i too have the same question: what can we do to get them to see the other side or at least a glimpse of it, a crack,... a article I read says it's really no use trying to convince them. As you say, they are wrapped in fear and their need for security is relieved by the propaganda at all levels - media, med comm, social platforms, etc. It really is a PsyOp that some ppl managed to see through for whatever reason.
HEALTH ALERT: Top 13 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Causes
- Gardening, solar storms, sleeping positions, Putin, going to the beach, living under flight paths, sock lines, being a lonely Karen, climate change and the #1 cause of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
HEALTH ALERT: Top 10 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Causes
- Napping, having s*x, exercise, some new mysterious unknown element just "discovered" in the atmosphere, climate change (again) and the (still) #1 cause of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).
Before doing anything when you wake up, pray every morning for strength and thank the Lord you are alive another day on His great Creation. Praise His immortal and omnipotent power. Trust me, it helps.
Revisiting all this just makes me so grateful that I survived it as so many didn't who paid with their life or feel their life is over due to severe disability.
I'm still very caught up in my anger towards these people and find myself secretly (not a secret now) hoping they have health repercussions from the shots they wanted to force on me. Am trying hard to get beyond this as it is not good for my karma or my salvation. And it also just seems mean spirited on my part.
I know the feeling. While I still refuse to wish vile health on others as that's just bad karma like you say, I can't care anymore. Not even for family. I point them to and their "I-Recover: Post Vaccine Treatment Protocols" as an olive branch but am totally uncaring if they use it or not.
There is a point where mental, emotional, physical and spiritual exhaustion occurs and I passed that spot a long, long time ago. Just couldn't give a rat's arse. Hopefully this passes as I hate being this way but I've grown used it LOL.
lol same here ! so we can feel vindicated ? but i am starting to think that's exactly what THEY want us to do/have: hate and division.
But how do I stopped the incessant reading i do on how right we are and all those dying fr the V ? dont really know... maybe focus on my life and expend my energy on positive activity/stuff??
I lost all of my friends except one life long friend because of all of this. I was demonized by my neighbors, treated like a pariah, told I was a murderer, and I never, ever gave in, but damnit, I am still p.o.'d about how I was treated and I can never forgive these people.
Because none of us were “awake” all our lives, but we can thank God we have been awake through this nonsense and that many of those who spoke horribly to us were not yet awake.
Because we have the privilege of being on the noble side of history.
Because we will be proven correct.
Because the world needed a wake-up call and this was it.
Because we wouldn’t want anyone else to go through the hatred and such that we went through, even our undeserving families, friends and colleagues. (I’m not sure “forgive” is the word I’d use for those who did this to us - WHO, Gates, Fauci, Tam, Trudeau, companies who fired us, governments who wouldn’t let us travel, hospitals and nursing homes who either killed or loved ones and or didn’t let us be with them as they died... - but those who were the sheep that bought the narrative - were just blind and I’d forgive them in a heart beat and trust they’d see the world more clearly now.)
I never saw so much hate from people in my life. Wishing our death. Wanting to put us in "camps" or not being allowed to leave our house. I had someone say to me that I should be forced vaccinated.
I have no use for these people anymore. I prefer to ignore them.
Another part of this story is that most of us who didn't take the *experimental* gene therapy have *never* told someone they couldn't wear a face diaper and get a shot of their choice. We have also never advocated denying medical treatment for those who have been severely injured by taking this risky and sometimes deadly experimental soup. In fact, I believe most of us who chose not to participate in this experiment believe to this day that someone's health choice is a personal decision between them and their doctor regardless of the risk to them...that it's really none of our business. It's a shane we aren't offered the same courtesy.
I hold raging contempt for the mask wearers. I ain't gonna lie. If I see that the checkout person at the supermarket is wearing a mask, I will deliberately go out of my way to go through the line with the normal, unmasked person, even if that means waiting for much longer.
Same. It triggers my anger and frustration like nothing else. I don’t like feeling this way about people. I am a nurse. When I see other healthcare providers still wearing masks, I really want to smack them for being so stupid. I don’t say a word, though. I have never openly criticized someone for wearing a mask or getting the vaccine. I, however, have been treated like I’m dangerous, unworthy, and inferior because I chose not to get the vaccine. I know I was right not to get it and I feel sorry for the innocent people who did get it, trusting the people who were pushing it, and thinking they were doing the right thing. I don’t feel sorry for the self-righteous people that judged us for not getting it, though.
This was not only obviously appalling, but just so bizarre. Where did all this unreasonable and overtly venomous hatred for people making a different personal medical choice to themselves come from? I think a lot of people said this stuff because for some inexplicable reason this was considered some kind of progressive virtue signal, which I don't understand because wanting to create an underclass of second class citizens who get treated like vermin is like something a historical war criminal would want.
There’s a powerful allure to a “justified” hatred that allows one to satisfy the primal desire to vilify others while maintaining the illusion that you’re being virtuous.
to my mind, this lookback at the vitriol aimed at the unvaccinated-a reasonable person would conclude that this is a wooden stake through the heart of any single payer healthcare system where the government gets to dictate who is and is not eligible for healthcare. you really want a single entity to be able to dictate whether you are eligible to receive healthcare, and that if you are not up to date on your shots you might be excluded?
Alarming in particular for the left to have gone from advocating to universal healthcare to selective healthcare which would be denied to the unvaccinated, the same sort of statements the hard right used to make about denying NHS treatment to eg. the obese and smokers ie. the kind of "it's your own fault so don't expect us to pay for it" attitude
Please give era of widespread # of hard right making these statements. ( I don't believe government should have much involvement in health care, but once they do... I never would have dreamed of denying care to anyone eligible for a service based on race, religion, vax status. I might share views of "hard right" but am not one of them. It used to be called conservative democrat))
You may want to read The Psychology of Totalitarianism by Mattias Desmet. You’ll understand that the vast majority of the population is ACTUALLY HYPNOTIZED! Watch one of his most recent interviews with Tucker Carlson (on Rumble).
I, too, mourn the vanishing of my empathy and compassion towards the jabbed. I just cannot give a shit what happens to them now. And I know that my closed heart is actually not good FOR ME!! 😒
There needs to be a public acknowledgement and apology. This time last year, my husband and I were seriously considering leaving Canada. Biggest problem being no where to go that seemed much better (and of course family, property ties etc.) I remember having to listen to people go on about the horrible unvaccinated people whose fault everything was, while keeping my mouth shut that I was in fact one of those horrible people. Thankfully this particular period of hell seems to be coming to an end and while I wish no ill on anyone, I am wondering when the penny will drop for everyone I know that's jacked up on mRNA that perhaps they really made a big booboo when they didn't listen to my pleas for caution.
Yes, I felt the same, Irene. It was shocking here in Australia, too, where overnight it seemed people had transmogrified into vengeful, teeth-gnashing zombies. But there was nowhere to run. Unfortunately, we have nothing that remotely resembles Florida. If so, I would have hightailed it out of Melbourne like an over-caffeinated cheetah.
I have no way of proving this but I have to wonder if a couple of family members, who were vaccinated more than once with the Covid clotshot, got sick because of the "vaccinations".
They both got cancer (two different kinds) that seemed to occur very suddenly. One person was dead within a few months and the other is about to undergo treatment. They are/were elderly (eighties) so I suppose I have to take that into account. But I also know many people who were vaxxed and got covid anyways, sometimes more than once. Or they're always sick with something or other. No-one wants to see their loved ones suffer from this clotshot but after speaking out once against it and being scoffed at or ignored, there isn't much more that I can do. I feel resentful toward everyone who was quite willing to discriminate against those they deemed "unclean" . The PM of Canada was very quick to vilify Canadians who questioned the clotshot and didn't want to take it. It's tragic that many were coerced into doing it so that they could continue to work and feed their families. I feel we are owed an apology but I doubt that will happen.
ain't gonna happen Irene. There's not going to be a public apology ever. Just move on and remember those who were quick to go along with it, and those who didn't. those who didn't are people with integrity and individuals you can trust.
I couldn’t sleep. I felt the world was closing in on me. My world blew up when I realized even my sisters and political tribe had betrayed me. My library threw me out because I didn’t have a mask. A friend said she couldn’t be around me because I might kill her and her husband. I was shunned and shamed. I kept my mouth shut as I could. I felt like Jonah spit out on a foreign shore. I knew then this was evil led by Satan. From the very beginning. God picked me up. But I want to get into peoples faces. Wipe the smug off of them. But I feel it’s just the beginning for many that contributed to the evil unknowingly in fear. Their unexpected trip into danger may be coming. I can forgive. I save my condemnation for those who engineered this. All of them and wish them the punishments they so richly deserve by Gods justice. Those are eternally lasting. I won’t forget. Ever.
I got through it and came out much stronger. I found out I really have this courage in me. A conscience that allows me to sleep at night. That informs my life now. Like so many here who encourage me and allow me to know I am not alone. I hope I do the same for others.
I took the first two Pfizer jabs because I caved to pressure from almost everyone I know. I wouldn’t have felt good about lying and pretending I got “vaxxed” when I didn’t. The Killing Grandma propaganda got to me. That’s on me. Trusting fool.
But I will never take another shot, I will never wear a mask again, I will not carry a card with my health information on it, I will not stay home because a bureaucrat tells me to. Being on pages like this one is so heartening. We are not alone. People here Get It.
Me too.. Deeply regret getting 2 clotshots. 2nd one gave a bad reaction including onset of AFIB.
I fear there will be another round of this madness but resistance will be much stronger I hope.
Covid experts here in NZ are back after a well earned holiday and cranking up the fear around a new "wave". Only place I really see masks is in the rubbish and on the sidewalks but I am sure they are stockpiled somewhere. Meanwhile we have moved on to climate emergency and taxing farmers with a new "cow fart tax".
I’m sorry you developed from the shot. The only lingering effect I have is tinnitus that started within hours of #2. There will be more rounds but I agree that resistance will be much stronger next time. There will always be obedient lemmings but I hope that some of them will wise up.
Where is all the concern for The Environment when they toss their masks on the ground? I will pick up litter but I won’t pick up someone’s filthy mask.
The cow fart tax is one of the more ridiculous “climate initiatives” Here in the States it seems to be more focused on electric cars. The earth-destroying strip mining required to get the metals fir the batteries and the child and/or slave labor utilized in China and Africa seem to trouble them not a bit.
I see very few masks around these days. Even the teens show their faces now. I think it will be much harder to get obedient zombies in the future. But try they will so we must remain vigilant and get that mindset that “I will not obey”.
Try to move on. Live your best life. You are stronger now . They won’t be able to pull that on you again so Good for you. Just get healthy. Try the protocols. Do what makes you happy. I’m old. Retired. I didn’t have those horrible choices to make. I feel deeply for them. Im the granny in the family and luckily my daughter snd her family didn’t isolate me. Other family members did—because of unjabbed. But they took the jabs. I pray for them. They don’t tell me if they booster. Im more worried about that as my grandson was surely vax damaged by the HPV. Mentally. I have warned them. You are strong. And not alone. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
There is a detox protocol, though I don't know how well it works after the vaccine has been allowed to circulate in your system. Do you want me to share it? Also, I think it depends greatly on WHERE you got the shots. Most of the damage seems to have come from specific lots, at least here in the US.
I checked my lot. It had a relatively low % of injury and even lower of death but the numbers only reject what was reported (on VAERS?) so I’ve no idea how accurate the numbers on this site are.
Same. I was treated like a leper after friends/neighbors found out I was unvaxxed. I've never felt that before. It was profound. Uninvited from events, weddings, gatherings, ostracized... I literally had people who would not come near me bc of my status. Always 20 feet away trying to scream a conversation. Totally bizarre.
I feel for you. It was the worst time in my life bar none. And I’m 74. Frightening and so ominous as well. Now people who were afraid of me chatter on about their 2nd infections and friends with Covid. Blah blah with no thought or real thinking going on. I just sit there. I’d just get blank stares anyway. But I may start dropping a few 💣 soon.
It really was bad and surreal at the same time. I was like, what happened to all these people who I thought were smarter than this? Amazing how quickly "friends" will turn on you. I had to drop them when I realized they would be the first ones to send me to a Covid camp for the unvaccinated. I lost trust is so many people. Will never get it back.
I think they were, possibly still are, so deeply afraid of Covid that their brains can’t function properly. The fake vaccines may have some effect there, too, either creating a paranoia or reinforcing existing fears. Just a Conspiracy Theory™️ of mine...
To attempt to understood how they did this--and thus to try to understand why so many act the way they do in these times, I hope to read "They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45" by Milton Mayer.
Some Pfizer person said that on TV before the roll out. I immediately knew then that the shots were useless, and a conspiracy theory formed in my mind, because if they force a useless shot on people, what is it for? It does not serve any health purposes, especially coming from a criminal organization (pfizer) and a company who never made a working med (moderna).. When I saw the disclosed ingredients of Johnson's jab, there was the same bad stuff. No way was I going to get that jab!
It's hard to believe we are now looking at this in the rearview mirror. It was so frightening at the time and seemed like it might never end and just continue getting worse.
Oh this is a long way from over. Think "eye of the hurricane". This fall in the northern hemisphere with the majority having damaged or no immune system it's going to get real ugly. Of course they will blame the unvaxxed again. What else can they do? Admit they murdered millions?
Justin Trudeau: "If you don't want to get vaccinated, that’s your choice, but don’t think you can get on a train or plane beside vaccinated people and put them at risk"
Me: "Uh, you just admitted your vaccines don't work"
And yet the clown got re-elected. Sigh. I'm beginning to think that the majority of the injected will go to their deaths proudly proclaiming "It's NOT the vax". Similar to those Stalin executed who still proclaimed the glory of the revolution as they were lead to the gallows. Stalin had an accurate term for them, "Useful Idiots".
Elections of the highest leaders around the world have been completely rigged by the elites. Biden was not elected dogcatcher in 2020. Newsome was totally recalled in California. More evidence of how widespread the election stealing has been for decades now has been emerging.
As an unvaxxed teacher amongst vaccinated teachers who supported the vax passports, i asked how could they support their vaxxed passport 'freedom' based on my segregation? Guess what? They didnt care! Why? Coz they saw me as unclean and a threat to them. Isnt that how it started for the Jews in Germany?
Many folks who lived through the rise of nazism - both Jewish and not - say that yes, this is the exact same slope we are on. Plz read and/or watch Mattias Desmet on totalitarianism. It’s fascinating , as a phenomenon. Apart from being dreadful!!!
And this study was used to manipulate those people, to make them angry towards the unvaccinated and to guilt them into getting a jab against their will.
Millions of people have been coerced into taking an unsafe, ineffective vaccine produced by an unholy alliance of the US Government, Big Pharma, and Ivy League lawyers. They bent us all over and rogered us good and hard. And there's literally nothing we can do. It's all legal, and Pfizer is indemnified.
I'm disgusted at the arrogance of our ruling managerial class of attention seeking frauds, and those who enable them.
I’m disgusted by all the MDs and healthcare administration that gel for it. I’m even more disgusted by healthcare providers who don’t acknowledge vaccine injuries.
Remember when Pfizer CEO says people who spread misinformation on Covid vaccines are 'criminals' ? Yet they knew their vaccines didn’t stop transmission, they never corrected any Gov or health Authorities that said they did & some of the elderly or at risk believing this likely put themselves in a position to catch Covid when they may not have if they knew the truth. How many of those people died because they were lied to ? This FACT should not be ignored.
The purchasing agreement in the EU even said that they basically knew it would not stop transmission. A 2 line sentence at the bottom of the forms a few pages in.
And still people are rolling up their sleeves for a 5th.....and in denial of any harms caused. The comforting lies people tell themselves never cease to amaze me. I'm still struggling to come to terms with what has happened in the past 2 odd years, I've got ptsd and there are some friends I just don't feel the same way about anymore. They fell hook line and sinker for the jab narrative and can't understand why others declined. Worse, they forced their healthy young adult children to have it too. Unnecessary. Dangerous. Who knows what damage they've done.
Still waiting for apologies from so many politicians, people who call themselves journalists, leaders of big corporations, friends, family, etc., who demonized us for not taking an experimental drug. Thank you, Michael, for keeping an archive of all the nastiness people spewed. In the future these same people will say they never said or wrote such things. That is my main reason for keeping my social media account: it's a record of what I never dreamed people would say to me and others.
There will be no apologies. Just as no one ever admitted they were wrong about masks or about the efficacy of the shots, lockdowns, any of 5”their dangerous policies. The CDC website was changed quietly and nothing was said of it. They rewrote history on the fly. Anyone who calls them on it is accused of spreading our age’s great demon, Misinformation.
Don't hold your breath LOL. Feel free to rub it in their faces with some sick and twisted humour. I love to send these out to people. I think I'm on a lot of block lists now for some reason.
Yes the world is full of ignorant gobshites, as we say in the UK. We have their card well marked. Those in public office need Biology lessons - whilst they are serving time in jail.
The other chinless wonders have earned our total contempt.
Revisiting all this just makes my blood boil.
Amen. I will never forget...ever
Never forget what they did to us.
Never Forget & Never Forgive.
For war crimes at all, much less of this size, there can be no forgiveness. Let them beg their god for forgiveness but they will pay for their advocacy and implementing war crimes.
Amen. I feel exactly the same. I will never forgive or forget.
I live in NY and I refuse to go to any restaurant that was requiring vax proof. Makes me even madder when I think of how I wholeheartedly supported them with regular take out orders during lockdown, when I didn’t have to. Now I wouldn’t care one bit if they went out of business.
The vaccinated-s blood is *actually boiling*.
Yup. I had a $100k/year job offer rescinded because I wouldn’t take it. I had a horrible reaction to a flu vaccine years ago, and wanted wait and see about this one. My sister recently asked me if I was going to try to rejoin the working world. Hell no! There are too few companies out there that didn’t stand up for us. I also outlined all the ways the unvaxed were discriminated against. She told me she was sorry I felt that way. I responded that feelings had nothing to do w it; that’s how it was. I’m still frosty about it.
I'm curious to know if your sister has an understanding of how the mRNA vaccines work and whether or not she has an awareness of the scope of harm it has caused to so many.
Mid 2021 she asked why I was against the vax (at that point we knew the dangers of it). I asked how much time she had cuz it would take an hour or so to outline my reasons. She said “maybe another time”. However, I put together a doc that outlined all my concerns, including links to articles supporting my position and emailed it to her. Her response? “We all have to do what’s best for ourselves”! Not a single probing question, or push back on anything I wrote. I actually don’t think she read it.
Thank you. I've had the same reaction from friends and family too. I wonder if it's that facing this so upsets people's fundamental assumptions of how the world works––the government is there to protect me; the mainstream media tells the truth---that they run from such questions for psychological survival. I believe they fundamentally know there is a huge problem and they just can't face it. So what can we do? How can we reach people if only to convince them of the need to have an open and honest conversation?
i too have the same question: what can we do to get them to see the other side or at least a glimpse of it, a crack,... a article I read says it's really no use trying to convince them. As you say, they are wrapped in fear and their need for security is relieved by the propaganda at all levels - media, med comm, social platforms, etc. It really is a PsyOp that some ppl managed to see through for whatever reason.
On the brighter side ;)
HEALTH ALERT: Top 13 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Causes
- Gardening, solar storms, sleeping positions, Putin, going to the beach, living under flight paths, sock lines, being a lonely Karen, climate change and the #1 cause of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
HEALTH ALERT: Top 10 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Causes
- Napping, having s*x, exercise, some new mysterious unknown element just "discovered" in the atmosphere, climate change (again) and the (still) #1 cause of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).
😅 I love it.... "On the brighter side".
Breathing is a cause of SADS - everyone that gets it was breathing
Me too, I don’t even know how to handle it honestly.
Before doing anything when you wake up, pray every morning for strength and thank the Lord you are alive another day on His great Creation. Praise His immortal and omnipotent power. Trust me, it helps.
Me too. I don’t even know how to handle it honestly.
Same here. But I can’t stop reading about it.
Dear Mr. Sutton,
Revisiting all this just makes me so grateful that I survived it as so many didn't who paid with their life or feel their life is over due to severe disability.
I'm still very caught up in my anger towards these people and find myself secretly (not a secret now) hoping they have health repercussions from the shots they wanted to force on me. Am trying hard to get beyond this as it is not good for my karma or my salvation. And it also just seems mean spirited on my part.
I know the feeling. While I still refuse to wish vile health on others as that's just bad karma like you say, I can't care anymore. Not even for family. I point them to and their "I-Recover: Post Vaccine Treatment Protocols" as an olive branch but am totally uncaring if they use it or not.
There is a point where mental, emotional, physical and spiritual exhaustion occurs and I passed that spot a long, long time ago. Just couldn't give a rat's arse. Hopefully this passes as I hate being this way but I've grown used it LOL.
Good luck everyone, we're all going to need it.
I think most of us can definitely relate to what you are struggling with Judith. It's not easy.
similar reactions. Don't want to hate.
Can't stop hating.
I just want them to fucking die.
I wish I didn't want that, but I do.
And, the do deserve it. Evil fucking psycopaths.
But I ONLY wish it on the ones pushing mandates.
lol same here ! so we can feel vindicated ? but i am starting to think that's exactly what THEY want us to do/have: hate and division.
But how do I stopped the incessant reading i do on how right we are and all those dying fr the V ? dont really know... maybe focus on my life and expend my energy on positive activity/stuff??
I lost all of my friends except one life long friend because of all of this. I was demonized by my neighbors, treated like a pariah, told I was a murderer, and I never, ever gave in, but damnit, I am still p.o.'d about how I was treated and I can never forgive these people.
Unfortunately, you may have to forgive. At least some of them.
If they apologize, then... probably best to forgive.
Why? They ruined people's lives.
People were fired from their jobs.
People were disowned from their families.
People were prevented from traveling.
People were prevented from attending school.
People were traumatized.
Why forgive?
Because you are the bigger person.
Because none of us were “awake” all our lives, but we can thank God we have been awake through this nonsense and that many of those who spoke horribly to us were not yet awake.
Because we have the privilege of being on the noble side of history.
Because we will be proven correct.
Because the world needed a wake-up call and this was it.
Because we wouldn’t want anyone else to go through the hatred and such that we went through, even our undeserving families, friends and colleagues. (I’m not sure “forgive” is the word I’d use for those who did this to us - WHO, Gates, Fauci, Tam, Trudeau, companies who fired us, governments who wouldn’t let us travel, hospitals and nursing homes who either killed or loved ones and or didn’t let us be with them as they died... - but those who were the sheep that bought the narrative - were just blind and I’d forgive them in a heart beat and trust they’d see the world more clearly now.)
"Forgive" is not the appropriate word.
I never saw so much hate from people in my life. Wishing our death. Wanting to put us in "camps" or not being allowed to leave our house. I had someone say to me that I should be forced vaccinated.
I have no use for these people anymore. I prefer to ignore them.
I will eventually but it's going to take some time.
Their intentions towards you and other non-compliant people continue to be far worse than anything we can come up with. We are angry; they are evil.
I feel the same.
I'm right there with you. Many people I know who took it, though, were coerced into doing so.
They were shot exempt and had prophylactics. Eviil humans
I completely understand, Judith. I struggle with this every single day, too.
Another part of this story is that most of us who didn't take the *experimental* gene therapy have *never* told someone they couldn't wear a face diaper and get a shot of their choice. We have also never advocated denying medical treatment for those who have been severely injured by taking this risky and sometimes deadly experimental soup. In fact, I believe most of us who chose not to participate in this experiment believe to this day that someone's health choice is a personal decision between them and their doctor regardless of the risk to them...that it's really none of our business. It's a shane we aren't offered the same courtesy.
I hold raging contempt for the mask wearers. I ain't gonna lie. If I see that the checkout person at the supermarket is wearing a mask, I will deliberately go out of my way to go through the line with the normal, unmasked person, even if that means waiting for much longer.
Same. It triggers my anger and frustration like nothing else. I don’t like feeling this way about people. I am a nurse. When I see other healthcare providers still wearing masks, I really want to smack them for being so stupid. I don’t say a word, though. I have never openly criticized someone for wearing a mask or getting the vaccine. I, however, have been treated like I’m dangerous, unworthy, and inferior because I chose not to get the vaccine. I know I was right not to get it and I feel sorry for the innocent people who did get it, trusting the people who were pushing it, and thinking they were doing the right thing. I don’t feel sorry for the self-righteous people that judged us for not getting it, though.
Well said. Well said. Hear hear.
I strongly said not to take shot, not to kill my nephews, nieces.
It aint approved and should not be given.
Beautifully stated.
Thank you.
Oh, that is for someone else.
My 4th grader couldn't resist. Best 3 yrs of my life
This was not only obviously appalling, but just so bizarre. Where did all this unreasonable and overtly venomous hatred for people making a different personal medical choice to themselves come from? I think a lot of people said this stuff because for some inexplicable reason this was considered some kind of progressive virtue signal, which I don't understand because wanting to create an underclass of second class citizens who get treated like vermin is like something a historical war criminal would want.
There’s a powerful allure to a “justified” hatred that allows one to satisfy the primal desire to vilify others while maintaining the illusion that you’re being virtuous.
to my mind, this lookback at the vitriol aimed at the unvaccinated-a reasonable person would conclude that this is a wooden stake through the heart of any single payer healthcare system where the government gets to dictate who is and is not eligible for healthcare. you really want a single entity to be able to dictate whether you are eligible to receive healthcare, and that if you are not up to date on your shots you might be excluded?
Alarming in particular for the left to have gone from advocating to universal healthcare to selective healthcare which would be denied to the unvaccinated, the same sort of statements the hard right used to make about denying NHS treatment to eg. the obese and smokers ie. the kind of "it's your own fault so don't expect us to pay for it" attitude
Please give era of widespread # of hard right making these statements. ( I don't believe government should have much involvement in health care, but once they do... I never would have dreamed of denying care to anyone eligible for a service based on race, religion, vax status. I might share views of "hard right" but am not one of them. It used to be called conservative democrat))
When you centralized control, look for evil intent
Bizarre. Bingo.
Those who went along were terrified of Covid and terrified of being in the out group.
You may want to read The Psychology of Totalitarianism by Mattias Desmet. You’ll understand that the vast majority of the population is ACTUALLY HYPNOTIZED! Watch one of his most recent interviews with Tucker Carlson (on Rumble).
I, too, mourn the vanishing of my empathy and compassion towards the jabbed. I just cannot give a shit what happens to them now. And I know that my closed heart is actually not good FOR ME!! 😒
I've read these theories are to give cover to perpetrators. I'm not arguing it... I have not studied it much. Just bringing it up
Spot on!
There needs to be a public acknowledgement and apology. This time last year, my husband and I were seriously considering leaving Canada. Biggest problem being no where to go that seemed much better (and of course family, property ties etc.) I remember having to listen to people go on about the horrible unvaccinated people whose fault everything was, while keeping my mouth shut that I was in fact one of those horrible people. Thankfully this particular period of hell seems to be coming to an end and while I wish no ill on anyone, I am wondering when the penny will drop for everyone I know that's jacked up on mRNA that perhaps they really made a big booboo when they didn't listen to my pleas for caution.
Yes, I felt the same, Irene. It was shocking here in Australia, too, where overnight it seemed people had transmogrified into vengeful, teeth-gnashing zombies. But there was nowhere to run. Unfortunately, we have nothing that remotely resembles Florida. If so, I would have hightailed it out of Melbourne like an over-caffeinated cheetah.
I have no way of proving this but I have to wonder if a couple of family members, who were vaccinated more than once with the Covid clotshot, got sick because of the "vaccinations".
They both got cancer (two different kinds) that seemed to occur very suddenly. One person was dead within a few months and the other is about to undergo treatment. They are/were elderly (eighties) so I suppose I have to take that into account. But I also know many people who were vaxxed and got covid anyways, sometimes more than once. Or they're always sick with something or other. No-one wants to see their loved ones suffer from this clotshot but after speaking out once against it and being scoffed at or ignored, there isn't much more that I can do. I feel resentful toward everyone who was quite willing to discriminate against those they deemed "unclean" . The PM of Canada was very quick to vilify Canadians who questioned the clotshot and didn't want to take it. It's tragic that many were coerced into doing it so that they could continue to work and feed their families. I feel we are owed an apology but I doubt that will happen.
I can attest to this as well. The most heavily vaccinated people I know have all had quite a number of health issues too.
ain't gonna happen Irene. There's not going to be a public apology ever. Just move on and remember those who were quick to go along with it, and those who didn't. those who didn't are people with integrity and individuals you can trust.
I couldn’t sleep. I felt the world was closing in on me. My world blew up when I realized even my sisters and political tribe had betrayed me. My library threw me out because I didn’t have a mask. A friend said she couldn’t be around me because I might kill her and her husband. I was shunned and shamed. I kept my mouth shut as I could. I felt like Jonah spit out on a foreign shore. I knew then this was evil led by Satan. From the very beginning. God picked me up. But I want to get into peoples faces. Wipe the smug off of them. But I feel it’s just the beginning for many that contributed to the evil unknowingly in fear. Their unexpected trip into danger may be coming. I can forgive. I save my condemnation for those who engineered this. All of them and wish them the punishments they so richly deserve by Gods justice. Those are eternally lasting. I won’t forget. Ever.
This is awful to hear—I'm so sorry Janet!
I got through it and came out much stronger. I found out I really have this courage in me. A conscience that allows me to sleep at night. That informs my life now. Like so many here who encourage me and allow me to know I am not alone. I hope I do the same for others.
I took the first two Pfizer jabs because I caved to pressure from almost everyone I know. I wouldn’t have felt good about lying and pretending I got “vaxxed” when I didn’t. The Killing Grandma propaganda got to me. That’s on me. Trusting fool.
But I will never take another shot, I will never wear a mask again, I will not carry a card with my health information on it, I will not stay home because a bureaucrat tells me to. Being on pages like this one is so heartening. We are not alone. People here Get It.
Me too.. Deeply regret getting 2 clotshots. 2nd one gave a bad reaction including onset of AFIB.
I fear there will be another round of this madness but resistance will be much stronger I hope.
Covid experts here in NZ are back after a well earned holiday and cranking up the fear around a new "wave". Only place I really see masks is in the rubbish and on the sidewalks but I am sure they are stockpiled somewhere. Meanwhile we have moved on to climate emergency and taxing farmers with a new "cow fart tax".
I’m sorry you developed from the shot. The only lingering effect I have is tinnitus that started within hours of #2. There will be more rounds but I agree that resistance will be much stronger next time. There will always be obedient lemmings but I hope that some of them will wise up.
Where is all the concern for The Environment when they toss their masks on the ground? I will pick up litter but I won’t pick up someone’s filthy mask.
The cow fart tax is one of the more ridiculous “climate initiatives” Here in the States it seems to be more focused on electric cars. The earth-destroying strip mining required to get the metals fir the batteries and the child and/or slave labor utilized in China and Africa seem to trouble them not a bit.
Nor the slave labour in China producing solar panels
I see very few masks around these days. Even the teens show their faces now. I think it will be much harder to get obedient zombies in the future. But try they will so we must remain vigilant and get that mindset that “I will not obey”.
Do you even realise what you’ve done?
Do you even realise what you are?
Try to move on. Live your best life. You are stronger now . They won’t be able to pull that on you again so Good for you. Just get healthy. Try the protocols. Do what makes you happy. I’m old. Retired. I didn’t have those horrible choices to make. I feel deeply for them. Im the granny in the family and luckily my daughter snd her family didn’t isolate me. Other family members did—because of unjabbed. But they took the jabs. I pray for them. They don’t tell me if they booster. Im more worried about that as my grandson was surely vax damaged by the HPV. Mentally. I have warned them. You are strong. And not alone. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Do you even realise what you’ve done?
Do you even realise what you are?
There is a detox protocol, though I don't know how well it works after the vaccine has been allowed to circulate in your system. Do you want me to share it? Also, I think it depends greatly on WHERE you got the shots. Most of the damage seems to have come from specific lots, at least here in the US.
I checked my lot. It had a relatively low % of injury and even lower of death but the numbers only reject what was reported (on VAERS?) so I’ve no idea how accurate the numbers on this site are.
Same. I was treated like a leper after friends/neighbors found out I was unvaxxed. I've never felt that before. It was profound. Uninvited from events, weddings, gatherings, ostracized... I literally had people who would not come near me bc of my status. Always 20 feet away trying to scream a conversation. Totally bizarre.
I feel for you. It was the worst time in my life bar none. And I’m 74. Frightening and so ominous as well. Now people who were afraid of me chatter on about their 2nd infections and friends with Covid. Blah blah with no thought or real thinking going on. I just sit there. I’d just get blank stares anyway. But I may start dropping a few 💣 soon.
It really was bad and surreal at the same time. I was like, what happened to all these people who I thought were smarter than this? Amazing how quickly "friends" will turn on you. I had to drop them when I realized they would be the first ones to send me to a Covid camp for the unvaccinated. I lost trust is so many people. Will never get it back.
I think they were, possibly still are, so deeply afraid of Covid that their brains can’t function properly. The fake vaccines may have some effect there, too, either creating a paranoia or reinforcing existing fears. Just a Conspiracy Theory™️ of mine...
That's dreadful. I'm so sorry. We've really seen the darkest side of people we thought we knew.
Covid ended up being the great reveal didn't it?
No kidding. The people I knew for years turned into shot Nazis.
They say what they did now to us reveals what they would have done in Germany.
I never understood how people could let the holocaust happen. Now I understand.
Perfect comment.
I never could understand how the "good" Germans stood by, and even supported, the atrocities.
Now, I get it.
To attempt to understood how they did this--and thus to try to understand why so many act the way they do in these times, I hope to read "They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45" by Milton Mayer.
Yeah, I believe that.
I'm so sorry to read this Janet.
Amen! 🙌
Some Pfizer person said that on TV before the roll out. I immediately knew then that the shots were useless, and a conspiracy theory formed in my mind, because if they force a useless shot on people, what is it for? It does not serve any health purposes, especially coming from a criminal organization (pfizer) and a company who never made a working med (moderna).. When I saw the disclosed ingredients of Johnson's jab, there was the same bad stuff. No way was I going to get that jab!
It's hard to believe we are now looking at this in the rearview mirror. It was so frightening at the time and seemed like it might never end and just continue getting worse.
I hate to say it... They aint finished with us. Stay nimble
And... We have just made tiny steps on them.
Icke has great quote... They've entered the room, the door has closed behind them.... And that door aint opening up again
Oh this is a long way from over. Think "eye of the hurricane". This fall in the northern hemisphere with the majority having damaged or no immune system it's going to get real ugly. Of course they will blame the unvaxxed again. What else can they do? Admit they murdered millions?
In Germany they are still trying to pressure into getting the jab.
We haven't yet discovered the long-term effects of this experiment on humanity.
Injury and death.
She might be referring to shedding
We must thank our lucky stars the jabs don't actually work. Imagine if they did, how much worse it would be by now.
Winter Is Coming
Justin Trudeau: "If you don't want to get vaccinated, that’s your choice, but don’t think you can get on a train or plane beside vaccinated people and put them at risk"
Me: "Uh, you just admitted your vaccines don't work"
And yet the clown got re-elected. Sigh. I'm beginning to think that the majority of the injected will go to their deaths proudly proclaiming "It's NOT the vax". Similar to those Stalin executed who still proclaimed the glory of the revolution as they were lead to the gallows. Stalin had an accurate term for them, "Useful Idiots".
Elections of the highest leaders around the world have been completely rigged by the elites. Biden was not elected dogcatcher in 2020. Newsome was totally recalled in California. More evidence of how widespread the election stealing has been for decades now has been emerging.
As an unvaxxed teacher amongst vaccinated teachers who supported the vax passports, i asked how could they support their vaxxed passport 'freedom' based on my segregation? Guess what? They didnt care! Why? Coz they saw me as unclean and a threat to them. Isnt that how it started for the Jews in Germany?
Many folks who lived through the rise of nazism - both Jewish and not - say that yes, this is the exact same slope we are on. Plz read and/or watch Mattias Desmet on totalitarianism. It’s fascinating , as a phenomenon. Apart from being dreadful!!!
And this study was used to manipulate those people, to make them angry towards the unvaccinated and to guilt them into getting a jab against their will.
The vaccine doesn't work and everybody knows it.
Millions of people have been coerced into taking an unsafe, ineffective vaccine produced by an unholy alliance of the US Government, Big Pharma, and Ivy League lawyers. They bent us all over and rogered us good and hard. And there's literally nothing we can do. It's all legal, and Pfizer is indemnified.
I'm disgusted at the arrogance of our ruling managerial class of attention seeking frauds, and those who enable them.
The Media is a big part of the alliance.
I’m disgusted by all the MDs and healthcare administration that gel for it. I’m even more disgusted by healthcare providers who don’t acknowledge vaccine injuries.
Remember when Pfizer CEO says people who spread misinformation on Covid vaccines are 'criminals' ? Yet they knew their vaccines didn’t stop transmission, they never corrected any Gov or health Authorities that said they did & some of the elderly or at risk believing this likely put themselves in a position to catch Covid when they may not have if they knew the truth. How many of those people died because they were lied to ? This FACT should not be ignored.
The purchasing agreement in the EU even said that they basically knew it would not stop transmission. A 2 line sentence at the bottom of the forms a few pages in.
People who proclaimed these things are “safe and effective” are the criminals.
And if the EU contract noted transmission, every contract would have as well.
The only difference in contracts might have been price.
And still people are rolling up their sleeves for a 5th.....and in denial of any harms caused. The comforting lies people tell themselves never cease to amaze me. I'm still struggling to come to terms with what has happened in the past 2 odd years, I've got ptsd and there are some friends I just don't feel the same way about anymore. They fell hook line and sinker for the jab narrative and can't understand why others declined. Worse, they forced their healthy young adult children to have it too. Unnecessary. Dangerous. Who knows what damage they've done.
I have the same situation with friends. Their blindness to what is going on is too much to take.
Still waiting for apologies from so many politicians, people who call themselves journalists, leaders of big corporations, friends, family, etc., who demonized us for not taking an experimental drug. Thank you, Michael, for keeping an archive of all the nastiness people spewed. In the future these same people will say they never said or wrote such things. That is my main reason for keeping my social media account: it's a record of what I never dreamed people would say to me and others.
There will be no apologies. Just as no one ever admitted they were wrong about masks or about the efficacy of the shots, lockdowns, any of 5”their dangerous policies. The CDC website was changed quietly and nothing was said of it. They rewrote history on the fly. Anyone who calls them on it is accused of spreading our age’s great demon, Misinformation.
Don't hold your breath LOL. Feel free to rub it in their faces with some sick and twisted humour. I love to send these out to people. I think I'm on a lot of block lists now for some reason.
the beer one is excellent
An apology won’t cut it.
It would be an insult, even. This was not an “oopsie” moment of trifling consequence.
90%+ of the world population subjected us to years of torture, and we came to the edge of being dealt with in Pol Pot style.
I don’t even see how we could be indemnified, there is nothing that would satisfy what they’ve done.
There is nothing that can correct the impossibility of a future that includes them. Only the Apocalypse.
Yes the world is full of ignorant gobshites, as we say in the UK. We have their card well marked. Those in public office need Biology lessons - whilst they are serving time in jail.
The other chinless wonders have earned our total contempt.
It's death penalty