Big and Important story here. Really, this is a massive scandal. When we talk about "crimes against humanity," 30,000 unnecessary deaths qualifies. Thanks for your research. I actually think your findings tie into my research into "early spread." One argument often cited to debunk "early spread" is that it wasn't happening because we didn't see all the deaths in, say, January 2020, that we saw in April 2020. Well, your evidence strongly suggests that most of these spikes in deaths probably didn't have anything to do with a new virus. Instead, they had everything to do with mass-panic and massive use of awful and toxic medical protocols in hospitals. Keep up the good work!

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Indeed, the slow-burn of the already-spreading virus in January/February is a mystery of mysteries. A British serosurvey found that the virus was spreading before but didn't really take off until around February 25th, when it exploded exponentially but only briefly for no more than three weeks, then the curve already flattened itself and plummeted on it's own before any lockdowns would have had any effect at all. The lockdown enthusiasts basically did the equivalent of a sun dance at 5:30 am and then took credit when the sun came up.

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I just made a post somewhere else. I think as many as a million people in my state of Alabama (population 5 million) might have already been sick from Covid by the end of January. This is when the virus peaked (as all viruses usually peak in the cold and flu seasons). By April we were on the down hill slide. I know far fewer people were "sick" of anything in April 2020. Still, the deaths exploded in Alabama. Far fewer cases, far more deaths. How do we explain this?

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Covid is just the rebranded and repurposed flu. There were also thousands of cases of misdiagnosed bacterial pneumonia that were tossed into the "Covid" bucket. Antibiotics were withheld and replaced by Covid protocols which killed thousands that normally would have recovered.

There was no unique viral pathogen, no "Wuhan virus" and no bioweapon.

It's all a pack of lies catapulted by the largest propaganda and behavioral management program in the history of the world.

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yep, just a huge lie all the weaklings bought into ! too simple

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Indeed, the official narrative leaves us with far more questions than answers.

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There is no virus! We are being poisoned!

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Why can't both be true?

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Yep, straight up BS on all fronts. CV does not even exist but a phoney test does and plenty of liars

Only an idiot woud believe in any of it still. I never did and just fine

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all about how it was reporoted and tested , it is all 100% a lie and pure BS. Covid does not even exist , wake up maybe ?

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It's not a new scandal. Medical "errors" and other malpractice are roughly estimated to be third highest cause of death. The perps do the reporting, so there's little accountability. This disaster is just more of the same with a layer of mass formation attached.

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Good point. We have an endless list of scandals that simply haven't been identified as scandals yet. Good job, "Watchdog" press.

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Now iatrogenocide is referred to as "Standard of Care".

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and who allowed it all to continue and take place, the sheep of course !

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Oct 11, 2022
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good and accurate points

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And the 0.15% CFR with fever and PCR positive outside Hubei doesn’t seems to be that odd an result any more. (The virus wasn’t any different by sequence. What’s the difference?)

(see https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924857920305008)

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My SIL (over 60) barely survived the vent and remdisivir. Covid wouldn’t have killed her but the vent and run-death-is-near almost did.

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Oh I love that run-death-is-near! Clever

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Actually that’s what nurses in ICU called it. They knew what was happening.

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Amazing that they’ve been able to get away with all of that all while so many knew the truth. How does that even happen? I’ve been shouting that this was all wrong almost from the beginning but only have a few friends who will talk about it with me. I want to take the world by the neck and shake it!

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Corporate medicine. Nurses and doctors are no longer nurses and doctors but merely medical employees with no more allowed initiative than an assembly line worker. Rules are made from on high by lawyers, accountants, and non practicing doctors and employees follow them or get fired.

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Add insurance companies

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There are some I want to take by the neck and squeeze—real hard.

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...and they are murderers.

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Such an accurate description

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why did she even go there like a foool and who's fault is that ?

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The comment from the doctor was ominous. They used the vents to keep Covid patients from breathing out on other people including the healthcare providers. That was not medical treatment at all. Fear created the manslaughter. The WEF, Democrat opportunists, propaganda psychologists, and their media created the fear. They killed these people.

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Every death was highly profitable. Early treatment is not.

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The hospitals got at least $13,000 per "Covid" death from the FERAL government.

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Much more than that.

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Indeed, some states got over $100,000 I think. It varied by state.

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Up to $150,000 depending on your state.

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It seems that fear and profit came together to create manslaughter.

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It often does. Human nature.

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Doctors were literally cutting patients' throats and killing them.

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;( what a horrifying picture this paints, but I know it is true!

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BINGO. Why haven't they all been charged with murder, or at least manslaughter by now? Because money talks, that's why.

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There are never any coincidences… the “hysteria” over ventilators was tied to the financial reimbursement systems that the medical establishments in those states were receiving…. Then you can look into the topic of importing ventilators from China that weren’t even functioning! It is a crime that beggars the imagination: bioengineer a virus that targets the sick & elderly, incentivize hospitals to use deadly therapies (ventilators & remdesivir), suppress effective therapies, all while making a fortune & transferring even more wealth into the hands of a select few. The blood of millions is on the hands of these apex parasites.

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I believe my research into "early spread" ties into the subject Michael focusses on today. My conclusion is that early spread was definitely happening. Skeptics of my conclusion respond with this question: "Well, why weren't we seeing all the deaths we saw in April months earlier?" I think Michael's story today gives us a big part of that answer. It wasn't the virus suddenly exploding in certain cities that explains the spike in deaths. The virus hadn't changed. What changed was the protocols in the hospitals - and the mass panic that ensued after the lockdowns.

Here's my Substack article from today that gives even more evidence that "early spread" was happening - across America, going back to September 2019 if not even earlier. This story summarizes the responses of 150 Americans who contacted me, telling me why they think they DID have Covid some time in 2019. Significantly, six of these citizens later got positive antibody results which I believe would "confirm" they did have this virus ... if CDC virus sleuths would just "investigate" their claims ... which they won't do ... which is a giant "tell" to me.


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In some ways, "early spread" is a misnomer.

The question is, "When did SARS-CoV-2 enter/release in the U.S. and begin to spread? What evidence do we have?"

Off-season rises in ACM among age 75+ (https://woodhouse.substack.com/p/off-season), the EVALI cases & deaths, nursing home outbreaks in Virginia and elsewhere, and *random* Red Blood blood samples from various states Dec 2019 suggest spring 2019 (and sooner) should be explored further.

Covid can't simultaneously be a fast-spreading and slow-spreading virus. It's also unlikely that a virus that was already circulating in spring 2019 (or fall 2019, if you prefer) would "wait" until a lockdown order to create excess death.

NYC is the "exception" that proves a hard-to-stomach rule: covid-19 isn't inherently much more deadly than flu, if it is at all. https://woodhouse.substack.com/p/where-was-covid

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I'm going to steal these great sentences from you: Covid can't simultaneously be a fast-spreading and slow-spreading virus. It's also unlikely that a virus that was already circulating in spring 2019 (or fall 2019, if you prefer) would "wait" until a lockdown order to create excess death.

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Lockdowns and antisocial distancing also may have temporary snuffed out the competition, namely common cold rhinoviruses and coronaviruses that would otherwise have booted the Covid virus out of our cells. That is the exact opposite of victory over Covid, of course. Yet another way the lockdowns were iatrogenic.

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That's my new word - iatrogenic.

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Far as I know, surveillance data show rhino didn’t go away with lockdowns

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You are correct. Flu supposedly did, but rhino stuck around albeit at a lower level than usual. Even in New Zealand, rhino stuck around apparently.

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We find what we seek, perhaps?

I understand, but am not wholly convinced or satisfied by, the viral interference theory as an explanation for the disappearance of flu.

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Be my guest :)

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Well-said. Of course, that does not preclude the notion that the virus started out mild and/or less contagious, but mutated to become nastier. But even then, the lockdowns would have only enhanced that possibility by putting selective pressure in the virus. Just like the lockdown-like conditions in the trenches of WWI were thought to have enabled a relatively mild flu virus to mutate into the deadliest flu in history, which only ended after 1) the second wave when Johnny came marching home, and 2) the third wave after lockdown-lite "mitigations" were finally lifted.

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I don't think the virus became nastier. If you read my Substack story today, I've got lots of testimonials from people who swear they had it in November 2019. Many have antibody evidence to back this up. They describe sicknesses in November that were tough/bad.

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You are probably correct. I personally think I may have had it in October 2019. A stubborn cough that lasted two months, well beyond the initial "cold" of a few days.

Also, I briefly lost my sense of smell for a day (but no other symptoms) in early February 2020 after my sister got a nasty "flu-like illness" but tested negative for the flu (covid tests were unavailable then) and I was exposed to her repeatedly. Immunity from the initial bout a few months earlier probably protected me from getting it for real then.

I didn't get significantly sick again at all since then for nearly two years, until late January of this year when I had what felt like a cross between a cold and flu for a few days. Most likely Omicron. And nothing since then either.

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My eldest daughter, had something October-November 2019. She got tested for flu, mono, strep and all came out negative. She did not feel well for weeks. I would find her lying on the sofa after work and all weekend. It was brutal on her.

In 2020 when she had a relapse and tested negative for the same diseases she was tested for in 2019, I told her to get tested for Covid at a nearby hospital. They refused to test her, because she had not been to China!

Of course the PCR tests were misused and fraudulent, so who knows what was really going on.

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But what about later "waves" in other places? Well, one could argue that the lockdowns themselves put selective pressure on the virus favoring more contagious AND deadlier strains that might otherwise not have evolved on their own. The lockdowns were iatrogenic in more ways than one. And that's BEFORE we get into the effects of the jabs that came later.

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One way to reduce crime is to let the criminals describe the crimes. Nothing to see here folks. Move along. Iatrogenesis is always underestimated because it's under reported, and never by the perpetrators. We need to rely on litigation to drag it out of them. Medical practice needs independent monitoring of outcomes, or auditors, to get more honest analysis. If every adverse outcome got an automatic discount, the medics would be much more honest, and more careful.

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Amen to that!

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Then add midazolam to the mix.



It has become clear that the early medical protocol that was put forth for C19 made the condition worse. As stated here the protocol came from the WHO. Why? How? To fight back I think our only hope is to sue for malpractice? Civil courts are the way forward in my view. We can't have this global clusterf*ck again. We need people with cool heads who are trained and we cannot rely on one either compromised or incompetent organization setting health policies for the entire world.

Your work here investigating the months of March and April 2020 are very important. Thanks for the effort.

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I wish he would please continue to study what they have done to old people. I lost my mother, father and aunt in less than six months last year because of the administration of these lethal substances. And no treatment other than that.

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Brutal intubation; hospitalisation was the one thing that seemed to be out of control in UK...

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Yes - at least that many. Given the known pathophysiology of this disease, use of ventilators was irrational. This was well known and well documented. It was basically a death sentence. Those who survived the ventilator 'treatment' aka torture did so more by good luck than good management.

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There was a young ER MD, Dr. Cameron Kyle Sidel, who made a YouTube video April 2020 about how the hospitals were treating patients incorrectly by intubating them. He said what he was seeing in patients was similar to cyanide poisoning in the blood, nothing like ARDS.


The young MD was sounding an alarm to the world. I don't know what happened to him after that. Never heard of him again. Will have to see if I can find anything.

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Only 30,000? I would've thought there'd have been more. Honestly, didn't people like Ferguson predict millions due to overcrowded hospitals? Oh wait, the hospitals weren't overcrowded... Probably still a conservative estimate :(

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Good post, Michael. I'll come back to it with more comments later today, but first, a reminder to all:

"Hospitals and doctors do get paid more for Medicare patients diagnosed with COVID-19 or if it's considered presumed they have COVID-19 absent a laboratory-confirmed test, and THREE TIMES MORE IF THE PATIENTS ARE PLACED ON A VENTILATOR [emphasis mine] to cover the cost of care and loss of business resulting from a shift in focus to treat COVID-19 cases."


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thank you Michael !

it would be also worth checking how many people were silently euthanized at home and in care homes

in France this is quite striking as most of excess deaths come from 2 regions, where Paris region is the sinister champion of spring 2020

poeple were sent to hospitals to basically get killed, but notice also the excess deaths in deaths at home and in care homes

see evolution of daily deaths from all causes by region and by place of death


IDF is the great paris region, hospice ou ehpad = care homes, logement = home

you can further see here that it was mostly the elders, 60 and above who got "targeted"...


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We think we're so scientifically advanced and yet in our state-of-the-art hospitals we're still treating people with things that kill them just like in medieval times.

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Brilliant. Can you try to get this published in the Boston Globe, NY Post, Newark Star Ledger, and Hartford Courant? You can at least try. Or perhaps a billboard campaign?

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As they say, "You've already got 'no' in your pocket." Can't hurt to ask ... or to submit it. They won't run this, but we'll have another example of all the important stories the gatekeepers of the news block from the public.

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An interesting statistic would be to look at how many people died of covid in the hospital versus died of covid at home. I only heard of one story where someone with covid died alone (pre-vax) - and the press made a huge deal of it because it was someone who was in denial that covid was "real". Of course, how many died who could have been kept alive with early treatment - gee, there's only 40 treatments being studied and the only two that are currently approved in the US are both toxic and ineffective. c19early.com

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The lack of reliable numbers for every bit of the scamdemic - not just for vents - is very deliberate. However, as the truth is pouring out now, it is impossible to hide.

But given our 2-tiered system of justice & the fact that the worst of the worst are not just walking the streets but still in front of the cameras doesn’t give me much hope.

I am defiantly jab-free but came down w/ WuFlu pneumonia in Dec 2021. Was pretty sick for a month, had to be on portable home O2 24/7 & inhaled steroids for 2 weeks & I’ve never been so scared - that I would wind up in the hospital where they would kill me for sure w/ vent, Remisdevir or both. I managed to stay out, thank God.

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