Ok, great. So what now? How long before government and businesses stop mandating they damn thing? And when do they start hiring back the poor bastards who refused it?

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They will stop mandating the vax when we make them stop. The first step is just don't take it. The next step is prosecuting the criminals who coerced it. That will require we first change the government. Begins in November. Choose wisely.

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Longer term, start working out in your mind the best path to eliminate government.

That's where humanity is evolving to anyway... why not speed up the process?

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Most of humanity isn't ready for anarchy. Some are, but its not up to us. Somebody will rule us for the foreseeable future.

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

Agreed. however, though it may look like US govt is ruling us, it will really be int'l snakes in suits behind the scenes. calling the shots The great reset gang has full intention to take over everything.


So, from my POV, there's no point bothering to waste energy on conventional politics, when there won't be any in the near future.

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They intend to take over, and we intend to stop them. We'll see.

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I’ve studied the whole C-19 thing deeply from the start. I keep coming up with the same conclusion: the elites want to enslave and/or destroy us. All institutions and survival mechanisms are under extreme duress.

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Apr 24, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

And Pfizer and Moderna execs are laughing all the way to the bank. Now that there is shade being thrown on their "vaccines", they also, no doubt, are now cooking up new ways to shift more billions of $$ from our wallets into their bank accounts. All with the eager assistance of gov't officials. It's truly disgusting

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Michael- book reviews on Amazon- bad reviews of Xi scrubbed on orders from CCP https://twitter.com/seanmdav/status/1518739552327942147?s=20

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"Only a drug can cure, prevent, or treat a disease."

-only the FDA can approve a DRUG?

-‘only BigPharma can make a DRUG?

Might this be our real problem?

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I wish more people understood this.

The FDA believes only pharmaceutical interventions (which must be approved by their corrupted regulatory process) can be claimed to cure, treat, prevent a disease.

This is why they refuse to look into vitamins & natural supplements, like apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, raw honey, medicinal mushrooms, colloidal silver, black seed oil, apricot seeds/Vit 17 (look this up, it's mind blowing), etc.

These substances CAN treat and prevent disease, but there is no profit in them without patents.

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I see you love cats & truth, check out the "cat meme" site I created as a response to the insanity and nonsense we endured over the past few years.

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Will that be considered “misinformation” promulgated by a “fringe” scientist?

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Studied reviewed by none other than Martin Kulldorff and his colleagues. Wow! Wonder how busy Fauci's email server is at the moment. Maybe that was the covid lesson. Don't put anything into writing.

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Thanks, Michael. One question: Have any mRNA injections been officially approved for the US? I thought they were all still under emergency use authorization (in the utter absence of any emergency <caused by a virus>).

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More data to use in the court cases that are necessary to stop these mandates and get the vaxxes pulled from the market.

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This is consistent with prior research showing that attenuated virus vaccines have non-specific beneficial effects aside from the immunity they confer.

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This needs to be shared far and wide and shoved under as many govt official noses as possible (Sajid Javed, Boris Johnson, Nadim Zahawi....)

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