When I ran for Congress (1996) one of my primary planks was to stop the export of jobs and factories to China. Certainly everyone wishes they had listened to my advice some 27 years later. So basically our corporations and legislators sold us out to China. Now we are in peril. Washington, in his farewell address, counseled WE THE PEOPLE, to avoid foreign entanglements. Obviously our corporations and legislators ignored the advice.

It is also very concerning that Russia, and the rest of the world are now silently rolling out a digital currency (CBDC). Even a secularist, such as myself, can see this as the "Mark of the Beast." Early literalist religions -- Islam, Christianity, Judaism -- pushed the idea the "god is watching" in order to control the masses. Today the global surveillance state is actually watching all that we do.


We see the Russian rouble stronger than it has ever been in large part due to the competent leadership of Sergei Glazyev (see his speech on Sanctions and Sovereignty) who is in the process of organising a “new economic order…[which] will involve a creation of a new digital payment currency founded through an international agreement based on principles of transparency, fairness, goodwill, and efficiency” as he explained in an interview with Pepe Escobar for The Cradle.


I wrote, at length against the adoption of digital currency as few essays back. Thankfully humans, throughout the planet, now see the problem. But our globalist governments seem intent on adopting it anyway. We are in need of a peaceful anti-globalist revolution.

The Global Quickening: The Escalating Clusterfuck of humanity by the Globalists

Why our primary goal must be a worldwide movement against Digital Currency


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Very well said.

Its about pulling back the curtain so that even the most propagandized and sheepish people can begin to see how terribly exploited they are.

Michael and others (Brian, Naomi) have made their mission to get at all the corruption.

This is end of the beginning of a whole war we are enlisted to fight, or become enslaved...forever.

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Russia + China? This is a push by the RCC, see climate accords and honestly not that I knew any better back in 1998 either, but you missed the mark on exporting of jobs being critical that our Nation DC Inc. act of 1870 is a corporate fascist city state that controls the states is the problem in collusion with Big Industrial Capitalists*? not likely Elitist Cabalists more like, Dutch East India Company and British East India Company Shell Corps'

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Yep globalism has been with us for a very long time. The Dutch East India Company and British East India Company Shell Corps started around 1600 AD and continue a tradition: slavery, drug trafficking and much more. New names, same agenda.


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Interesting checking that out thx Bruce, You ever see the East India Company's Flag? Symbols and Heraldry do not lie.


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Not until now. Thanks. Of course the East Indies Tea Company (c. 1600) was perhaps an early globalist entity dealing in opium, slavery and much more. In 1776 George Washington was quite aware of the Illuminati. I covered that in one of my essays. So you got to wonder if the globalists were in charge with the forming of our nation. The similarity between their flag, and the of the US, is quite striking. Thanks for sharing that. My own sense is that the US Constitution represented freedom and inalienable rights, which was unprecedented at the time. It is also possible it was all a ruse. In any case we must continue to fight for freedom, the Bill of Rights and everything else that supports humanity.


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David Nikau Wilcoxson has some podcasts books. One thing he points out about our founding is, Virginia/Mary Land With the District of Columbia betwixt them. Charles Carrol of Carrolton, Maryland Bohemia Grove on the Potomac.The only catholic to sign the Declaration, Constitution and Bill o' Rights. The Potomac was originally named the Tiber. Looking at aerial view of Rome/City of London/Washington DC They all have distinctly similar features. Daniel Carrol was George Washingtons right hand man, and cousin John Carrol Designed Washington DC. Then there is Washington's 3 visions which reads to me like an illuminatti playbill to me. like most Jesuits instead of ruling just have the ear of the ruler.

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I'm a secularist but this is still of interest to me.


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They also tried to blame everybody for the subprime mortgage crisis. when they weren't specifically blaming poor black people for buying houses during the Clinton Administration.

They didn't really convince many people with that argument but why not BS the public again and again since the people actually involved never get punished and the people who should be punished still make out like bandits. I mean, wasn't TARP grand?

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God you people are fucking stupid—the Housing Bubble happened under Bush and he promoted it and he shipped jobs to China! The economy boomed under Clinton!

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Who's fucking stupid? How old are you? This nonsense was all over the television.

"We're hearing Republicans in the presidential primary blame the housing crisis on the Clinton-era push to lend more to poor people. In your view, what caused the mortgage crisis and subsequently the financial crash?"


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You are a fucking idiot!! Bush sent East Palestinian men to kill innocent Muslims on the other side of the world!! You got your jollies from young American men risking their lives to slaughter Muslims!!

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Go watch a Fox News documentary about Shock and Awe and masturbate to it, sicko!!

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Amen to that. The corrupt shifting the onus onto the average person is nothing new, and is a sleight of hand (or mouth) that people fall for all the time.

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Well said.

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We need to become more matter of fact about corruption.

Corruption is similar to water - money always seeks the lowest level, the trick is to stop it early, so it does not destroy your building.

We act too much like we had a right to expect there would be no corruption. Instead we should recognize that whenever there is money involved, corruption is almost inevitable, you simply need to build in the safeguards to protect the house..

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Excellent point.

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Here in Danistan, where I live, the Premier has never apologised for shutting down churches or his continual abuse of the public during the fakedemic. He doesn't need to, because the people actually believed that they needed to be abused to stay safe. They recently re-elected him with a larger majority. The Premier of Danistan is a socialist with known links to China.

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Awful. As you can tell, I’m no fan of Chairman Dan.

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I continue to be shocked and dismayed at my fellow human beings..I always know there were followers but to this extent is just shocking to me.

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A well written article. My feeling is that most Western governments are so corrupt and so indebted to BIG CORP. AND PHARMA that the only solution is to burn down the house and restart with community based leadership and government. For example take the recent resignation of Jacinta Adhern, departure of Angela Merkel and ousting of Scott Morrison. Replaced by different faces but following the same agendas of BIG CORP AND PHARMA.

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When you think about it, it is a brilliant method: Convince the majority that if you look at this or that, and it doesn't jive 110% with your messaged/implanted/propagandized point of view, the other part is fascist/communist/etc., even though most don't even know what these words mean.

Take "Anarchy": How many know, that it simply means "No Ruler" and not "Chaos". Words are very important, and we need to re-educate our fellow humans of their real meaning.

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Very interesting! Thanks for pulling back the curtain on this tactic.

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Thanks Susanna!

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Thanks Susanna!

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I’m convinced the root of the problem is firmly embedded in our original decision to let the government manage our money supply. That we allow the government to debase our wealth at their whims has lead to generational human abuse by elected charlatans and common criminals. The evidence? Look to see how many elected officials increase their net worth far faster than market investments could do for them.

Sadly, by listen to someone speak one cannot detect a different between honest people or slick con artists. It is only by their actions that we can find the truth..

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That fateful decision is responsible for the vast majority of intractable problems. Consider the parabolic growth of technology and endless wars relative to the speed at which bankers with monopolies can create "money" out of thin air. Unlimited funds for every possible psychopathy, demon, vice, and noble intention. Might humankind have advanced faster than it could adequately digest and adapt philosophically, intellectually, and psychologically? Could a civilization artificially supercharged in such a manner be the cause of its very demise? https://youtu.be/gA1sNLL6yg4

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I believe it is what's been happening to us.

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I chased down your site and see that you are a fiat currency critic. I share that view. I consider money to have an ownership characteristic. It is our means of storing past surplus productivity, to defer spending until we need it. That fiat money is counterfeit IOU's on the productive system, false claims to goods and services.

A short letter from years ago ... https://gseine.com/2009/07/01/to-edit/

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With all that advancement in AI, I suppose it would be silly/naive to expect them to come up with an application that could help with that (?) Just having a laugh, imagine the app that can "diagnose" honesty in person by analysing their speech lol.

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You’re right to laugh ... cynically ... or cry. As Mr Senger points out, we’ve got plenty of problems.

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No, it's not laughing matter at all, I was, in a very twisted way, trying to say that, on one hand, thank goodness that can not be done, on the other hand to acknowledge how much of our governance is relying on personal honesty. I have very "twisted" mind and probably should refrain from commenting at least sometimes. That was excellent post. As I see it it all boils down to our human nature, even if some people seems to be devoid of humanity. :-))

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Marta, you give me food for an essay,:-)

Thankfully there are people with 'twisted minds' as they have the ability to see around the corner of an idea. Free, independent thinkers will fight mandates.

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Thanks Allen!

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Thank you for this discussion of what we can expect to do to counter the corruption of the last few years.

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Thank you Susan!

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There is plenty of blame/responsibility to go around, and many levels/types of causality at play. The causal chains run deep and wide and interact in many ways.

The lockdowns and all the rest didn’t emerge whole cloth from Zeus’s head. The conditions that made it possible to implement them for a compliant populace didn’t miraculously materialize in one crystalline moment.


There is no either/or here. From individuals, to organizations, to national governments, the context that enabled these evils has been long established.

We should identify what is RIGHT and what SHOULD be done about this situation and these criminals, even if it’s not practical to jail them for the specific transgressions they committed. I’ll take the Al Capone tactic if that’s all that is available...

There SHOULD be Nuremberg-style trials and prosecutions. But those who would be responsible for them are generally the same ones who perpetrated the offenses, in the first place.

I’d be mightily surprised if much of anyone even loses his job, let alone spends time behind bars or dangles from a rope.

But that’s the world as it presently is. Maybe someday...

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Spot on

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Killing corruption is easy. It starts in the home.

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I LOL'd at "Fortunately for those of us in the developed world, while there are important exceptions, most of our officials tend to conduct themselves in a decent and honest manner."

I can't say I agree here. Its certainly true that most of our officials would be considered "good people" if one were to take cursory glance at their daily conduct. Unfortunately, within almost all of these officials lies a mini-tyrant who believes themeself superior to those that they serve and cravenly clings to whatever power that they hold over their fellow man. This is true from your neighborhood HOA all the way to the puppet master elites. Its a mass failing of character that is rooted in fear and hate rather than understanding and love.

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Corruption is in the West is negligent, according to the non-corrupted Western NGOs supposedly created to oversee the matter.

Thank goodness our billionaires are philanthropists and not oligarchs, like in the rest of the world...

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So many claims being bandied about, that the cast of villains behind this “so obviously planned and orchestrated global health crisis” are all jumping ship and running scared and are soon to be brought to justice and made fully answerable for the crimes they’ve committed against us!

It all sounds so very positive doesn’t it?! Trudeau, Fauci and Co… the whole damn lot of them! All going to be tried for mass murder and atrocious crimes against humanity!

Forget about it! Ain’t gonna happen!

They’ve got all their bases covered. All they have to do…. is continue on with blaming everything on the totally fictitious “long after effects of Covid”…i.e., “Long Covid”.. “SADS” and whatever else they’ve been selling the sheep… and have their fully bought and sold and totally compromised worldwide mainstream media not report on a single bit of anything discussed in the many online videos and articles such as this one. It will all just endlessly bounce back and forth forever and a day… until their fully compromised legal system throws every single law suit attempt out of the courtroom one by one… until there’s no more law suits left to throw out!

There’s no stopping this now.

The jabbed up sheep are fully asleep.. fully worn down and operating under the heavy weight of three full years of highly targeted and concentrated hypnosis. They’re still lining up for boosters on the trusted advice of their much loved experts. We (the truth and justice league) are an incredibly small island in a massive ocean of lies and cunningly controlled deception. This machine of global criminality controls all the various means towards silencing opposition that there’s not a single ghost’s hope in hell of stopping this. We have to start facing reality. The people have made their decision! They’re not listening to us… they never were listening to us… they think everything we present is fictitious tinfoil tomfoolery (because that’s what they’ve been programmed to believe!)

Nope… all we can realistically do… is sit back, and watch it all turn to hell. But most importantly… we must whether the storm and fight to keep our sanity.

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Spot on John, spot on!

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