In a ghastly new crime against America’s children, particularly those in Democratic states and cities, the CDC today voted to add Covid mRNA vaccines to the childhood immunization schedule, paving the way for mandates by left-wing school districts.
Here in the deep blue hellhole of California, many parents are celebrating this. I think the CDC thought it was scoring political points and giving the masses what it was demanding. But these unthinking people are already unquestionably loyal to Democrats.
The CDC is driving a large fraction of parents to withdraw their kids from public schools. On the other hand, I guess the big national teacher's unions LOVE the CDC more than ever.
“Thus, the circular logic goes, because their governments would not have caused so much harm to children if they weren’t trying to protect them from something extremely dangerous, Covid must be extremely dangerous.” 🎯
the Scandinavian countries have stopped jabbing some time ago, first young men, than anyone under 50. Florida just stopped jabbing young men. On the other side, several countries like Belgium and Italy are at their fifth jab and seem to plan on continuing into eternity. Why don't the jab happy people move to one place so we can live in peace? Let them all move to the blue states or design a special territory for them!
Only the most vulnerable over 50s and pregnant women (shudder) are being offered the booster here. I know a handful of people who have taken it, but most stopped at 3 of the folks I know. Uptake has been disappointing this time round.
Hereabouts they first had a set up in a park, then in a shopping center empty store, then in a small storefront, and more than a year ago, they diminished to 2 half days a month. So I guess it is pretty quiet here, too. Less than half of our county has been jabbed. That is why they are all healthy I guess. Only had a lot of deaths in Summer of 21. Probably jab deaths.
Ingrid, that’s how we in the States feel about the America-haters (DEMONcrat party). Go to a communist-socialist- fascist country, HAVE FUN & don’t let the door hit you on the ass as you go. And don’t come back
Hehe Bromumsy ! At first I did not get it either LOL. But I lived in Europe for part of my life and still keep up with what is going on there. Leads to lot of misunderstandings ! (and my family is there too)
O no, not at all; I simply thought she is European & lived there. I was simply saying we have the same problem here, not realizing she’s also in the States
In USA? The brain dead here in Illinois rural go to Walgreens or Walmart. Even tho it’s red out here. The test centers closed up tho. I hang with seniors. They are ALL getting their rodent jab snd flu at the same time. I just remain silent. One is very immunocompromised because of the autoimmune hepatitis she got right after the first clot shot Hardly ever see her Out in public now. Sad.
Call to all parents to totally stop vaxxing their children. Watch the vaxxed documentary, it is still online. Unvaxxed children are way healthier than jabbed ones. They do not have allergies, asthma, or other vaxx caused diseases. If schools mandate them, homeschool the children. Hire a teacher if need be, and break down this demonish government.
I totally regret getting my kids all the vaccines. The only ones I ever refused were the series Gardisil (I'm sure I spelled that wrong). Now I wish I had refused all of them.
WTH? I don't even know what to say. Heaven help us and our poor innocent children. There's so much data out there now, even in the "mainstream" that shows this shot is the most deadly in history. Parents, can you please say no to this one? Aren't 54 shots (with more in the pipeline) before the age of 18 enough?
Congressional action is necessary to constrain CDC to their valid functions. Whatever restrictions the new congress imposes will, of course, be vetoed by the most corrupt president in history. That will become a major campaign issue for 2024, and will assure pub victories. It's crucial that we inform everyone, not just the substack choir.
Spot on. We already have evidence that governments don't give one shit about any of us really including our children based on the fact that poverty is rife, with children being the the innocent sufferers at the bottom of the pile. They don't care if children starve or have poor housing conditions, how are they going to care about the effects of illegal medication?
this provides an opportunity to conduct a natural experiment: all parents who are relieved and grateful to the State for "protecting" their children from the big bad covid will keep their children in public schools where they will get bad food, lousy education and lots of vaccines. all parents who have had enough can withdraw their children from public school and form clusters of home schooling groups where a community of parents share the load or hire a teacher.
this cuts attendance in public schools way down and reduces their funding. in a few years, we should see differences between public school educated children (poor scores, obese, sick) and "home schooled" children (bright, curious, smart, healthy).
we've been asking for a vaxxed vs unvaxxed study for years and the CDC, FDA, NIH won't do one. this will at least provide real world data, not on the entire vaccine schedule but on the added covid vs non-added covid schedule.
most parents are ignorant both of the lack of studies justifying the schedule and the liability protection handed to vaccine makers. they're about to learn
And don’t expect Republicans to do a single thing about it. I included a pic of their commitment to America “healthcare task force” plan in my post. These psychopaths want to let every pharmaceutical company use the Covid shortcuts on all their future drugs.
The orange buffoon claimed the magic shots saved 10 million lives and is one of the greatest accomplishment in the history mankind. The fake media agreed with him, and i suspect a lot of republicans do too. 💰 💰 💰
While we all likely know that FB is a psy op of certain sorts, the following group is very useful for (attempting) to red pill others, and the goal of the founder of the group, Tiano, who lost a close friend to "death by this "vaccine", and is a sort of computer/math wizard living in Newfoundland, Canada, is to move the group off FB. The name of the group is "Died Suddenly News". First "cycle" on FB reached 300,000 group members, then FB of course without providing any reason, simply removed it. Tiano simply started it again. Now it is at 160,000 and again growing rapidly. "Code words" are used so that FB cannot find a viable reason to censor (that is the goal) while also drawing in larger numbers of people for when the group is transitioned to another site. Tiano is now paired up with Steve Kirsch who is helping in various ways... here is the link:
Thank you for this - I thought this group had disappeared. I just read some of the posts. The need to write in code words is a horrific indication of how American big tech have turned into cyber terrorists. Truly evil.
Amoral bastards!
Here in the deep blue hellhole of California, many parents are celebrating this. I think the CDC thought it was scoring political points and giving the masses what it was demanding. But these unthinking people are already unquestionably loyal to Democrats.
Why celebrate this? That’s cult behavior. I’m sure they never got this excited about giving their kids a tetanus shot.
Grape Soda, look how deliriously excited they get about abortion generally & up to birth specifically
The CDC is driving a large fraction of parents to withdraw their kids from public schools. On the other hand, I guess the big national teacher's unions LOVE the CDC more than ever.
A very sad day for America.
“Thus, the circular logic goes, because their governments would not have caused so much harm to children if they weren’t trying to protect them from something extremely dangerous, Covid must be extremely dangerous.” 🎯
More chance the kiddos will get hit by lightning.
This is just awful, awful news. It's been withdrawn here for under 12s. They know. They know its harming people.
the Scandinavian countries have stopped jabbing some time ago, first young men, than anyone under 50. Florida just stopped jabbing young men. On the other side, several countries like Belgium and Italy are at their fifth jab and seem to plan on continuing into eternity. Why don't the jab happy people move to one place so we can live in peace? Let them all move to the blue states or design a special territory for them!
Only the most vulnerable over 50s and pregnant women (shudder) are being offered the booster here. I know a handful of people who have taken it, but most stopped at 3 of the folks I know. Uptake has been disappointing this time round.
Hereabouts they first had a set up in a park, then in a shopping center empty store, then in a small storefront, and more than a year ago, they diminished to 2 half days a month. So I guess it is pretty quiet here, too. Less than half of our county has been jabbed. That is why they are all healthy I guess. Only had a lot of deaths in Summer of 21. Probably jab deaths.
Ingrid, that’s how we in the States feel about the America-haters (DEMONcrat party). Go to a communist-socialist- fascist country, HAVE FUN & don’t let the door hit you on the ass as you go. And don’t come back
Hi Cindi, I think you and Ingrid might be on the 'same side' - did you misread her first comment?
Hehe Bromumsy ! At first I did not get it either LOL. But I lived in Europe for part of my life and still keep up with what is going on there. Leads to lot of misunderstandings ! (and my family is there too)
O no, not at all; I simply thought she is European & lived there. I was simply saying we have the same problem here, not realizing she’s also in the States
Where do you think I live?
I thought somewhere in Europe, based on past comments?
US citizen
In USA? The brain dead here in Illinois rural go to Walgreens or Walmart. Even tho it’s red out here. The test centers closed up tho. I hang with seniors. They are ALL getting their rodent jab snd flu at the same time. I just remain silent. One is very immunocompromised because of the autoimmune hepatitis she got right after the first clot shot Hardly ever see her Out in public now. Sad.
Call to all parents to totally stop vaxxing their children. Watch the vaxxed documentary, it is still online. Unvaxxed children are way healthier than jabbed ones. They do not have allergies, asthma, or other vaxx caused diseases. If schools mandate them, homeschool the children. Hire a teacher if need be, and break down this demonish government.
I totally regret getting my kids all the vaccines. The only ones I ever refused were the series Gardisil (I'm sure I spelled that wrong). Now I wish I had refused all of them.
Don’t beat yourself up.... you know now.
Dr. Henry Ealy: "And this despite the original clinical trials for all C-shots still being in progress according to the NIH. And of course this gives the pathological liars at Pfizer & Moderna even more protections, on top of the PREP Act, from civil litigation when their products injure or kills someone you love. (See USC 300aa-11 and -22)
You're a lawyer. Doesn't fraud (pfraud) vitiate any claim of protection from liability?
I would think it does, if proven. But the powers that be are in on the whole racket, unfortunately.
WTH? I don't even know what to say. Heaven help us and our poor innocent children. There's so much data out there now, even in the "mainstream" that shows this shot is the most deadly in history. Parents, can you please say no to this one? Aren't 54 shots (with more in the pipeline) before the age of 18 enough?
Liability protection is one of several things this is about - but the most important to the approvers.
Congressional action is necessary to constrain CDC to their valid functions. Whatever restrictions the new congress imposes will, of course, be vetoed by the most corrupt president in history. That will become a major campaign issue for 2024, and will assure pub victories. It's crucial that we inform everyone, not just the substack choir.
And the 1986 Act needs to be 86'd, yesterday!
Powerful forces support it, including the present US administration.
Spot on. We already have evidence that governments don't give one shit about any of us really including our children based on the fact that poverty is rife, with children being the the innocent sufferers at the bottom of the pile. They don't care if children starve or have poor housing conditions, how are they going to care about the effects of illegal medication?
BINGO. The government gives them empty lip service at best.
If my child wasn't already in a Catholic school, he would be tomorrow. I would have started making phone calls as soon as this was announced today.
this provides an opportunity to conduct a natural experiment: all parents who are relieved and grateful to the State for "protecting" their children from the big bad covid will keep their children in public schools where they will get bad food, lousy education and lots of vaccines. all parents who have had enough can withdraw their children from public school and form clusters of home schooling groups where a community of parents share the load or hire a teacher.
this cuts attendance in public schools way down and reduces their funding. in a few years, we should see differences between public school educated children (poor scores, obese, sick) and "home schooled" children (bright, curious, smart, healthy).
we've been asking for a vaxxed vs unvaxxed study for years and the CDC, FDA, NIH won't do one. this will at least provide real world data, not on the entire vaccine schedule but on the added covid vs non-added covid schedule.
most parents are ignorant both of the lack of studies justifying the schedule and the liability protection handed to vaccine makers. they're about to learn
And don’t expect Republicans to do a single thing about it. I included a pic of their commitment to America “healthcare task force” plan in my post. These psychopaths want to let every pharmaceutical company use the Covid shortcuts on all their future drugs.
The orange buffoon claimed the magic shots saved 10 million lives and is one of the greatest accomplishment in the history mankind. The fake media agreed with him, and i suspect a lot of republicans do too. 💰 💰 💰
While we all likely know that FB is a psy op of certain sorts, the following group is very useful for (attempting) to red pill others, and the goal of the founder of the group, Tiano, who lost a close friend to "death by this "vaccine", and is a sort of computer/math wizard living in Newfoundland, Canada, is to move the group off FB. The name of the group is "Died Suddenly News". First "cycle" on FB reached 300,000 group members, then FB of course without providing any reason, simply removed it. Tiano simply started it again. Now it is at 160,000 and again growing rapidly. "Code words" are used so that FB cannot find a viable reason to censor (that is the goal) while also drawing in larger numbers of people for when the group is transitioned to another site. Tiano is now paired up with Steve Kirsch who is helping in various ways... here is the link:
Thank you for this - I thought this group had disappeared. I just read some of the posts. The need to write in code words is a horrific indication of how American big tech have turned into cyber terrorists. Truly evil.