Great summary and thanks for taking one for the team and reading this for us :-)

I was shocked after reading Dr. Atlas' book how large of a role Birx had played with regards to lockdowns, etc. While it was all playing out she struck me as more of a background figure than anything else. It was very illuminating to see how much she was steering policy.

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Agreed, that was a recent revelation for me as well. So many interesting sleights of hand in this story.

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Yes, Birx played a huge role in sending advice that she alone wrote to state Governors encouraging them to err on the side of continued lockdowns and social distancing. We need to include her name with Fauci's when we speak of who needs to be criminally prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Some women criminals do deserve the fullest prosecution under the law, and Birx is one of them.

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This is a great article and certainly explains a few things. I read Scott Atlas' book and knew she had made some bad calls, but this certainly sheds more light on her behavior. I love the commentary (all that is missing is the maniacal laugh) etc)! I've wanted so much to understand how this travesty of justice happened and how it was so well coordinated and executed by so many people. Now we at least know who wrote the blueprint for the ridiculous American lockdowns. And we have a lead on its possible connection to China. Maybe someday all of the puzzle pieces will be complete and America will learn the real history of this tragic takeover and how to avoid it in the future.

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Thank you Tessering! Agreed, the book is truly astonishing.

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Don't forget how Birx weaselled herself as lead health authority at the White House. According to Michael's account, nobody really knew who had employed her but was assumed that VP Pence's secretary Mark Short played a role. That seems like another angle to explore

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Yes, I too, have had this desire to understand who was behind it all and how they did so much so fast, getting every government everywhere to fall in line. I appreciate each piece of the puzzle that comes into place. It seems bizarre that someone like Birx would have so much influence.

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

I thought the “Scarf Queen” was more of a meely-mouthed, passive-aggressive nincompoop. I remember how wounded she acted when she proclaimed no one should gather for Thanksgiving & then got busted secretly whooping it up w/ her own family in CT or somewhere.

Who knew she is the Wicked Witch of the West behind the curtain??

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So true. Was that part of the act?

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Michael, these people are psychopaths & to many people they come off as nice or normal (Ted Bundy comes to mind) so it probably IS an act. You can’t be that devious & diabolical if you’re actually benign

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Reading this brings to mind the image of a stone mason who gets called back to re-point a crumbling stone wall they built only a sort time ago. If there is any secret to stone masonry, it's that the stones need to stand on their own; mortar simply fills the small gaps. Walls crumble due to ignorance of the most basic concept: the stones must balance on top of each other. Hubris is what sells poor walls to the client who is none the wiser. When it crumbles, the stone mason then blames "nature" as the cause of the failure, with shrugged shoulders.

It is as clear as the sunrise that these folks live in an echo chamber and can only relate to each other. They are blind to the workings of the natural order of basic human interaction. Basic human interaction is self organizing and self balancing. All 330 million of us work it out each and every day, for the most part. (sans crime) Govt does not "run us" and tells us how to do these basic things. But many of these folks have lived in the echo chamber for so long, they are completely blind to this.

I've not read it yet--and thanks for doing it, as I'm not sure I could--but I gather that she wrote this to herself as a way to re-point the cracks in her own wall of crumbling lies.

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"They are blind to the workings of the natural order of basic human interaction."

And that is why they think they can remove the cornerstones of society and somehow the whole thing will keep standing with them on top.

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

What a hateful woman. I sincerely hope she rots in hell. It never ceases to astound me how deluded and stupid those in high office can be. Smh.

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Jul 14, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Alex Berenson has been skewered by many for a recent Substack wherein he places significant responsibility for the disastrous American pandemic response at the feet of Donald J. Trump. Among other things Berenson states, "But even Trump, a master at avoiding responsibility, cannot dodge the fact that he and his administration are responsible for the mRNA vaccines. "

Your last paragraph implies that Michael Pottinger was primarily responsible for Birx's appointment as Trump's Coronavirus Response Coordinator. Jared Kushner, whose uselessness cannot be overstated, believed Birx to be "100% MAGA", which was 100% wrong, as you stated. Pottinger was brought into the Trump fold through his association with Michael Flynn.

The Trump Administration was a revolving door of RINOs and necocons as we witnessed by the appointment and quick departure of John Bolton, H.R. McMaster, among others. Trump was the one who appointed Christopher Wray and Mark Milley.

In the final analysis, is Alex Berenson wrong? Looking forward to the Pottinger article.

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Jul 14, 2022·edited Jul 14, 2022

Berenson tries to occasionally curry favor with the left even though they resent him deeply for all of his truth telling on the virus. I don't get why a guy like Berenson feels the need to give these leftist maniacs even a shred of meat. It's sorta literary stockholm syndrome.

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Berenson's difficult to pin down. He understood what was going on with Covid while other notables were queuing up for their shots. Yet, he was wrong about Dr. Malone and he has shamelessly parroted the MSM Ukraine and 1/6 narratives.

I don't expect Berenson to be an echo chamber and he will always be a NYT alum. My feeling as someone who voted for Trump is that he may be right about this one, for all the reasons illustrated by Mr. Senger's article.

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it's b/c Berenson is mostly a centrist and he is also rational. I'm a lifelong lefty but I have found far more common ground with conservatives on pandemic policy b/c my fellow lefties were gripped with insane pandemania very early on, mainly from TDS.

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Interesting comment: I am a life-long "small government" conservative who hates the Mitt Romney/Kinzinger/McConnell slime-bags as well as the (frankly treasonous) Schumer/Blumenthal types, as well as the deep-state-affiliates larding the Swamp.

I have enormous gratitude & admiration for mostly Leftie journos (Caitlin Johnstone, Aaron Mata, Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, Jimmy Dore...) who were like dogs with a bone on the #RussiaHoax and related travesties, of which the COVID saga has been just one (exactly as Trump said and was roundly mocked for it). Greenwald wrote once that people kept asking him why he wrote so obsessively about Trump and Russia, and he said it was because the mainstream media's/Swamp's Phoney-Narrative pushing was "an assault on reason". Precisely so. I am not the only one to notice that a recent vote in the French parliament pushing back against the vaxx-pass jugernaut was a joint effort by Left (Melanchon) and Right (LePen) delegates. Please God let's see more of this as people with integrity (and of any political persuasion) speak up for truth.

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

TDS! Exactly! In that sense, I think Trump could be viewed as indirectly responsible for a lot of the bad actions that were taken.

He was more directly responsible for Operation Warp Speed; in that, I think he was a total puppet for Big Pharma.

I loathed Trump (still do) and admired Fauci for standing up to him. Boy was I dumb. These days, I loathe pretty much all politicians, regardless of so-called party.

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Same here. I find myself completely unmoored from politics. The same Dance With the Devil except it’s a 2 faced devil taking turns leading. A pox on both their houses.

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2 sides of tbe same corrupt coin!

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I admire that you are able to keep an open mind. That's something I have always aspired too.

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It would be wonderful if people of good will could come to some kind of agreement on what "right" and "left" actually mean before assigning those labels. I suspect that it would lead to less rigid identification with either of them.

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Even better is to stop using labels altogether. I realize this is impractical in the long term because humans tend to categorize things and that creates labels. But in the meantime, I'm paying attention to specific messages, and I don't care whether they come from a liberal or conservative or Martian.

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

That last line was a bombshell!! Oh my gosh. I knew who you were talking about as soon as you got to "Mandarin-fluent" but I was hoping it was not him.

I've read the Atlas book, but Gehenna will freeze over before I read Birx's. I will quibble with one comment. SHE is the abomination. I pray that book will be used against her at Nuremberg 2.0.

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Thanks Birdingmom! Agreed, I've been stunned about Pottinger.

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very interested as to what you have found out about him.

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He didn't seem to be pro-CCP in this Hoover Institution video:


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Most sleepers wouldn’t.

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Jul 14, 2022·edited Feb 7, 2023Liked by Michael P Senger

Great piece, as usual. You are right to focus on the question of asymptomatic spread and asymptomatic testing, because this issue is truly central to the perception of the pandemic. While many have written about the huge false positives that result from testing asymptomatic people in widespread screening programs, very few people, even professionals, understood exactly how big an impact this has on the perception of the pandemic. FDA wrote way back in Nov. 2020 how a 98% specific antigen test can in fact produce 96% false positives in the real world with 0.1% background prevalence of the disease at issue. And this is indeed around where we have been much of the time during the pandemic. The misperception that "Omicron" is everywhere or similar such statements is driven largely by this massive false positive rate based on asypmtomatic testing. It really is that big a part of what's happened and I urge you, Michael, to devote additional essays to this issue specifically. Here's an essay I and my colleagues wrote on this for BMJ back in June 2021: https://www.bmj.com/content/373/bmj.n1411/rr

And here's a more detailed article on the same issues: https://www.authorea.com/users/61793/articles/527660-the-false-positive-paradox-and-the-risks-of-testing-asymptomatic-people-for-covid-19

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Thank you Tam! Exactly.

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I wonder if you could answer a question for me that's been bugging me. While I understand there must have been far too many false positives with so much testing, my own family's experience was that until we truly and noticeably caught Covid in Dec. 2021, we never had a positive test all the various times when we were sick with something else and got tested. What conditions needed to be present to cause false positives with testing?

Because for my family and people I'm close to, the covid testing didn't seem to be finding Covid when the sickness was really something else. I was worried about it because one of my children had to be tested for school if she showed any signs of sickness just to be allowed to attend for a long while, but we never had a positive test for her.

After all the confusing things we've been told these past several years, I weight my own anecdotal experiences higher than I used to simply because I know for sure they are real. I am not sure any data handed down from authorities are accurate, so anecdotal experiences of friends and family I can observe become important sources. Bottom line: I am genuinely confused about why false positives didn't happen to more people I know. It may be they did happen (in fact, I assume they did), but there was so much testing in my area and so many Covid-negative tests. I'd love your insights into what conditions would lead to inaccurate testing.

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So when FDA warns about 96% false positives they mean that of those tests that are positive, 96% of them will be false positives in the 0.1% disease prevalence scenario described.

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Most tests will be negative even under very high false positive scenarios. The issue is that the vast majority of test positives that do occur are false positives under screening testing that don't consider symptoms as a precondition for testing. So to be clear: most test results will still be negative but most of those that are positive will be false positives. And of course when tens of millions of tests were taking place each day in the US alone even a low rate of overall test positives will still result in a large number of false "cases," "hospitalizations" and "deaths." Does that make sense?

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And still today most headlines and dashboards and whatnot focus on "cases". In order to keep the idea of the pandemic alive.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Wonderful article! Thank you! Especially in light of this lowlife's sworn testimony to Jim Jordan and the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, 23 June 2022:

Jordan: Dr. Birx, can vaccinated people get COVID?

Birx: Yes.

Jordan: Have vaccinated people been hospitalized with COVID?

Birx: Yes.

Jordan: When the government told us that the vaccinated could not transmit the disease, was that a lie or was that a guess?

Birx: I think it was hope that the vaccine would work in that way..


And then this gem from this corrupt lowlife: "'When people start to realize that 99% of us are going to be fine, it becomes more and more difficult' to get people to comply, she said." https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2020/aug/18/birx-notes-harm-of-virus-fatigue/

This crime and the scum who ran it and those who aided and abetted -- truly boggle the mind.

P.S. Apologies for the vulgar language, name-calling...

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So true. Thank you!

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and what was she doing flying all over the country possibly spreading the virus?

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I wholly concur with Underground Rssistance’s comment about taking one for the team. Thank you for doing it for us. I read this piece with mounting revulsion but after about half way through could no longer bring myself to ingest the quotes from this not only appallingly written but unbearably smug, sociopathic and self-glorifying witch. To think that people like this have such ability to direct the lives and fortunes of millions.

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Thank you Steven—so true!

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Fantastic journalism & scholarship as usual Michael, well done.

What a terrible human being this Deborah Birx is

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Thanks GeroDoc!

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Jul 14, 2022·edited Jul 14, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Thank you for putting this together. It httas always bothered me that there is so much ire directed towards Fauci and so little towards Birx when it has been obvious to me that Birx was to blame for much of what happened these last two years. She was the effective lockdown politician behind all this. She flew to my red state and convinced my republican governor to shut down my church. It makes me sick to relive this and know that she was dishonestly presenting her intentions from the very beginning to manipulate our leaders.

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Agreed—to be honest, even I wasn't aware of Birx's outside role until recently. I think it's a deliberate diversion tactic.

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger


I was drinking with family, sympathetic family that all agree covid mitigations are complete bullshit, and I proclaimed to them that the biggest dope in covid history was Deborah Birx. They were confused, because they couldn't really remember who she was.

I bet that's a common response. And I bet that's the way the power elite want it.

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Agreed. A planned disappearing act..

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"Hit & run" is a favourite tactic in the transition to neo-tyranny; for more evidence see the work of Dr Robert Epstein on Google-search-related manipulation. (Jan Jekielek has done three valuable interviews with Epstein, following the latter's Senate testimony to Sen Ted Cruz.) Epstein studies search-results and how the ordering of them manipulates the searcher. That search results are ephemeral --they appear, then disappear without a trace -- is highly relevant to their effectiveness & people's inability to appreciate how much they are being brainwashed.

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Jul 14, 2022·edited Jul 14, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

These monsters can write all the books they want. I still won't ever trust a word that comes out of their mouths. Their books should be used as a written confession of their crimes and as evidence to prosecute them to the full extent of the law before putting them in lockdown at a supermaxx prison for the rest of their lives

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Just one glaring example of the unelected administrative state that truly believes they answer to no one.

Great read, as always.

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Thank you Bess! So true.

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Jul 15, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

I just read Dr Atlas' book this week and he does describe Dr Birx as one among many large egos in the White House. My take is that she is definitely responsible for encouraging the lockdowns (with the high culpability of the VP Pence), but she was the public face of what I heard repeatedly in 2020 from democrat officials, commentators, and journalists: they incessantly complained of the inefficiency of our federal system and argued for central control out of Washington. My impression at the beginning of the scamdemic is that this was in fact the whole point of the emergency and I was glad President Trump held firm and did not allow that to happen. He wisely and calmly stood his ground, and the governors showed their true colors by their own pandemic responses.

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I agree that the governors must be held to account, as well. All of what those scumbags did -- including DeSantis whom I do like -- broke the law, violated their oaths, and cost the lives and livelihoods of millions of Americans. They truly just suck. All of them. Again, except maybe DeSantis whom I think caught on to the fact that he fell for abject bullsh*t and violated his oath. He caught on to what some of us saw immediately, knew immediately was a global crime against humanity. G-damn, it was so 𝒐𝒃𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔.

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but encouraged lockdowns particularly in the beginning and allow Fauxci and Scarf Queen to pander fear daily. They worked for him.

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