Do believe De Santis has so far promoted an increased understanding of what the American founding ancestors meant. "Dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery." Thomas Jefferson. So far his words and deeds ring true.

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Well said.

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Great analysis, Michael, thank you. I had the great fortune to see DeSantis in person when he came to Carlsbad, NM to stump for the repub gubernatorial nominee. I felt like I was in the presence of a rockstar, it was so exciting. I have seen recent articles of Trump’s criticism & threats to bring out “concerning” info about DeSantis. This from someone with more baggage than a Boeing. I do not want Trump as nom & don’t believe he can win now. DeSantis 2024!

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Awesome. Agreed!

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Respectfully Cindi, everyone has baggage. No one is perfect. There definitely is a ‘media campaign’, promoting Ron and ‘trashing’ President Trump.

It’s too bad people haven’t read all of President Trump’s Executive Orders that he wrote to Protect Americans. That they don’t know the USA is under Military Law. ( Shadow Presidency, Shadow Government, Insurgency, Irregular Warfare). Check out the President Guard-17th Operation Group.

A Rockstar? Hmm. Where would Ron be if President Trump hadn’t initially endorsed him? How much has he talked about the fraudulent 2020 election and what has he done about it. What has he done about Child Trafficking in Florida?

Read his vaccine law- I believe it’s between pages 45-50. ( There were two vaccines- Trump’s & the Deep States. He also didn’t mandate them. Like Biden/DeepState did.).

I’m not saying that Ron isn’t good. There are many good politicians. I know that Politics are a ‘dirty’ game. Myself, I don’t trash a President that has been continually standing up for Americans, surviving several assassination attempts, leading a Global Military Operation ( along with other countries), to take down the Deep State Cabal, Child Traffickers, people that have participated in the fraudulent election, etc. I’m very grateful for the President Guard-17th Operation Group and President Trump.

That’s my personal opinion. I also respect yours.

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It’s about winning and having the actual levers of power. Trump will not win and if he did win could not use the levers. DeSantis can have a Reagan like win and have dominat power for 8 years. Trump had his chance and he blew it with Covid. He tried to BS his way through it and did not realize that there are even better BS artist out there named Fauci and Birx. Time to move forward. Time to win.

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Reality, COMPLETELY agree

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All of Trump's idiotic covid edicts gave rise to what is happening now. He needs to go.

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I posted my comments. I respect yours. I am not going to argue with you.

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Operaton Warpspeed. Trump wears and boasts about it to this day. He is done.

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I don’t hear him bragging on it anymore, after getting regularly boo’d at his rallies. But that sure isn’t the same as admitting you were wrong & apologizing.

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Dee, w/ all respect, I was a Trump supporter X2 & I absolutely know he was America & Americans 1st. He started the border wall as best he could (stymied by congress), he made us energy independent, got us out of WHO, Iran nuc deal, Paris Climate Accord, moved Israeli capitol, Abraham accord, etc. I know all that & more. But he capitulated & abdicated to the worst of the worst on WuFlu & went along w/ the flatten the curve bullshit, granted immunity to Pharma for injury, death. unlike DeSantis who changed his mind & brought in rational experts to consult.

Trump extolled the jab after, exhorting us to take it AND be proud that he’d “saved millions of lives” & that it was one of his greatest achievements... when we are finding out NOW how much damage & death these are causing. He has never apologized or even said “oops” & backed off that.

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Well stated, Cindi.

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Thx Truth!

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With Respect, I have been hassled all day over with my initial comment. Did anyone read what I stated? The Presidents Guard- 17th Special Operation Group. Military Law. Shadow Presidency- Shadow Government- Insurgency- Irregular Warfare. There are two vaccines. Trump’s & Deep States. Trump’s has Hydroxchlorquine, Invermectin, Doxycycline & Zinc. What were the things he spoke about when he had Covid? He did not mandate these vaccines. We rarely see the Real Trump as he is insulated. You stated that he granted immunity to Pharma. Incorrect. Currently, there is a Global Military Operation underway ( with several countries) to take down the Deep State Cabal, arrest those involved with the 2020 Election Fraud, 2022 MidTerm Election Fraud, arrest child traffickers, etc. if you require more information: Research the President’s Guard- 17Th Special Operation. Read Trump’s Executives Orders. On Telegram follow John Durham, Read the attached document. There is approximately 500 pages.

Do the research.

Did you know that the US Marshal’s were in Canada at the end of September? Or that the USS Gerald R. Ford Air Craft Carrier was in the Halifax Harbour last week? Yes, Canada has a corrupt Government and complicit in the 2020 US Fraudulent Election plus other crimes like trying to assassinate President Trump.

With respect, I’m finished commenting.


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Trump didn’t have a “vaccine” that was hydroxy, Iver, etc. He was treated w/ those meds, promoted them (which was great) but after which the world demonized those because he promoted them & no one would prescribe them except the brave. In all the time he’s flogged the vax, when ever did he say “his” vax vs. the “deep State” one? I missed the distinction.

Of course he never mandated anything & never would have but he still went along w/ all of the rest, including deeply damaging lockdowns & allowed governors to abuse (or not) their citizens. Yeah, I know that if he’d made the fed government the authority on it nationwide, he’d have been crucified but he was anyway. He should’ve gotten rid of Faux-Xi & all the rest & listened to the people DeSantis did.

You do the research. You had no counter to my observation that there is tons of truth now about the damage & death from the jabs he promoted in & out of office & has never admitted he was wrong & apologized.

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So DeSantis made the wrong call initially (pro lockdown, pro jab, and pro mask), but that can be forgiven? It is good he changed course, but like nearly everyone else, he joined the stampede to trample everyone's civil liberties and civil rights for "safety." He'll claim it was for the safety of the citizens, but I suspect it was more the safety of joining the herd and protecting his political career. His bad judgement leaves me unimpressed, whatever he did later on, just like Trump's.

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🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t blame Trump, DeSantis or anyone else for the initial reaction when so much was unknown. Who didnt “follow the herd” except Noem? At least DeSantis & others realized they were wrong & changed course, started listening to real experts. Trump has never admitted he was wrong about any of it, the warp speed jabs, the malevolent “task force” or anything else.

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Respectfully, Cindi. I said I was done.

I attached a link with 500 pages.

I’m not going to argue with you.

Now, leave me alone.

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Yes, not defending your position other than attaching “500 pages” is real heroism.

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I notice mysoginistic 'pussy grabber' doesn't feature in your list of Trumps attributes.

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Another Trump Trasher.

We are ALL SINNERS. That includes me, you, Ron and Trump. End of Conversation.

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Some sins are worse than others. The covid nonsense has not just ruined our society, but societies across the world, especially the developing world. Tragic.

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You are God?

You blame one man for a Global Pandemic?

If you are truly a ‘Truth Seeker’ like your name , you would look at ALL THE EVIDENCE.

Now, go and leave me alone.

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We blame him for the U.S. RESPONSE to a bad flu and the dominos that fell after it. Yes, he did some good, but there is overwhelming evidence that he and MANY others did bad. Name calling Sweden for staying open, chastising the governors of Georgia and South Carolina for going against his closures, and trying to bribe some Americans to stay home by using MY HARD EARNED taxpayer money, is unacceptable. Brandon's actions have clearly been bad too, but would not have been possible without Trump's edicts.

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I am successfully cancelled.

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We are in NM too, and every time we have visited a red state (including Florida) in the past 2 1/2 years (or even El Salvador or Mexico), we see a stark difference. Several friends have moved to Florida and say it was the best decision they have ever made. Definitely DeSantis 2024, which was clear 2 years ago.

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Your definitely entitled to your personal opinion. I respect it, as I have mine. I explained my reasons in a prior comment.

Have a nice day.

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Sounds like extremely sour grapes from Trump who must surely now know he has 0 chance of winning in 2024? He's tainted. He was before tbf but even more so now.

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Think about the people and organizations that did criticize the mandates, etc. DeSantis - who was a political unknown to most Americans and is probably going to be the next president. In the media, you have websites like Zero Hedge, Citizen Free Press, the Brownstone Institute and The Daily Sceptic. All are setting traffic records. Look at Substack. It's growing like a mushroom - largely because this is where the Covid skeptics realized they could actually practice free speech. Tucker Carlson was late to the criticism game, but he's making up for his tardiness in his monologues of recent months. He is the most visible Covid skeptic on TV and he has, by far, the highest-rated talk show on primetime network TV.

Here's the lesson: You don't have to be afraid of stating the truth, or challenging the narrative. In fact, if you do this, you are going to become even more popular. Of course, none of the national advertisers will support these people and websites (despite their huge audiences) ... but that's a "tell" about the true colors of these companies.

I don't get why more politicians don't get what the above people and organizations get.

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So true.

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... Or I DO get why most politicians (even most Republican politicians) don't won't to make Covid "crimes against humanity" a big issue. That would irritate their friends in Big Pharma and probably their friends in every organization that funds their political coffers. They also know if they allowed any real fact-finding hearings/tribunals, the "facts" that would emerge would implicate .... all levels and agencies of the government. It would show that the people in Congress that approve the budges for these agencies and are supposed to provide oversight of their activities ... took a pass on this Constitutional requirement.

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The first time I paid close attention to DeSantis was when he hosted those panel discussions with the Great Barrington Declaration scientists. The fact he even did that was noteworthy. But if you watch the video, it is clear that he had done his homework and was already an expert on myriad Covid issues. Just like Steve Kirsch, he could debate (and win) against any "official" scientist who was supporting all the NPIs. Sen. Johnson also knows his Covid stuff. They aren't going to back down. Indeed, I think they would relish any debate with the "settled science" crowd and journalists. That's why those people won't debate people like DeSantis or Johnson (or Kirsch) ... or me or Michael for that matter. I also live 70 miles north of Florida in South Alabama. Everyone in my town goes to the beaches of the Florida panhande all the time. Early in the pandemic, you could tell DeSantis was already a political rock star in that state. "That's our next president," I thought early on. I still think that. He delivers great speeches as well. He no doubt has excellent speech writers, but I bet he writes a good bit of his own material.

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I too noticed Gov. DeSantis during those meetings with the wonderful GBD authors and Scott Atlas. But I was far away in Western Canada. The courage he has shown in the face of incredible outside pressure is remarkable. We need more leaders like Ron DeSantis. People who have the guts to stand up and say NO! Florida's Surgeon General is also someone I greatly admire. Meanwhile in Canada the madness continues under the tyrant Justin Trudeau. HELP!! 🇨🇦

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

DeSantis made Florida a true sanctuary state - for those Americans seeking genuine refuge from the persecution of their own government. He stood up for the constitutional rights of American citizens, when so many leaders did not, and he fearlessly faced down the people who believed they could just abolish those rights during a so-called state of 'emergency'. Americans thanked him for offering refuge from the madness but most of all they thanked him for his outspoken bravery in confronting that madness and doing so with ruthless and clinical efficiency.

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022

This is so true, DeSantis was a safe santuary for the persecuted unvaxxed. What did Trump say about the persecution via vaccine mandates, people losing jobs, establishing the EU at the expense of suspending civil liberties etc? For a long time he insisted on his vaccine manufacturing Warp Speed operation as a HUGE success. Ironically, it was extremely warped and utterly destructive. Trump is still silent on this horrible period of time.

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I've supported Trump because he did great things for America as President and I firmly believe he was cheated out of a second term, but I've always been uncomfortable with his approach to Covid and the vaccines. Now he's sniping at DeSantis for being the only Republican candidate who delivered the promised Red Wave.

What I find most disturbing is that, when he had the power to do so, he could have pulled the plug on the 2020 election fraud by invoking his OWN executive order dealing with foreign interference in elections, but he failed to do so, instead relying upon the courts to deliver 'justice' which he must have known they would never do. The world might be a very different place now if he had invoked that executive order.

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Thanks for this excellent synthesis, Michael. The proof of DeSantis's leadership qualities is not that he opposed lockdowns. It is the fact that he had the strength to openly admit his initial error and change his policy. This is something very few politicians are able to do, but at the same time it is the core quality a true leader must have.

This is the reason voters feel they can trust him; he is honest, also when it comes to admitting failure.

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I'm in the UK. I wish Ron DeSantis was English. Then he could be the British Prime Minister. We need a man of convinction and morality with the ability to inspire and to get things done. Mr DeSantis seems to me to be such a man. The only politician anywhere in the world who stood firm against the waves of Covid madness.

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I've been watching your esteemed cardiologist, Dr Aseem Malhotra, from long before COVID and the way he consistently challenged the status quo in the medical arena! With COVID he also woke up to his error in supporting the jabs and has apologised; and now actively campaigns against same! I think he'd make a great politician and would really lead from the front! Not certain he'd be interested though.

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Yes, I'm a big fan of his too. He's certainly making waves now that his research has shown the dangers of the jabs. I doubt any political party would be to his liking though - too much independent thought going on in his head!

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Loved this article. For me personally Ron Desantos stand out more for his use of COMMON SENSE regarding COVID LOCKDOWNS AND THE VACCINES ETC rather than being an anti vaxxer. Applying common sense rather than panic has allowed him to see through the COVID Scam thereby enhancing his decision making.


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Trump must step aside, admit that his edicts (2 weeks to flatten the curve, warp speed, forcing GE to make ventilators, the never ending ppp/stimulus/bonus unemployment $) made it possible for the current administration to do further damage. Grateful he nominated 3 constitutional judges, but he must retire from politics if we want to improve our country. Sycophants who continue to say "Trump didn't know..Fauci fooled him, etc." would never accept that defense from Trump's opponents.

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Funny that behind every Covid curtain, CHINA is behind it.

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Yep, funny that...

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

It is great reading this after I just read Trump's statement full of accusations of DeSantis "playing games". I have voted for Trump twice, both times hesitantly. I cannot wait to vote for DeSantis!


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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Thor, it was a great article!

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Thank you Michael, great readings -again 😊

I found this interchange of ideas very interesting too:


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Is Kristi Noem also being talked about as a possible Presidential candidate? She's done extremely well, hasn't she? Just asking as a puzzled Englishwoman.

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She waffled badly on trannies in womens’ sports. Lost respect after that

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This is an interesting quote from DeSantis:

"And we will protect the rights of individuals to live their lives free from the yoke of restrictions and mandates."

Republicans almost never reference the rights of individuals, because while a pregnant woman is still an individual the fetus inside her is not.

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Other than Paul & Johnson, there were few Republicans decrying ANY of what was being done to freedom & the individual. In fact, most were completely silent & some like that dope, McConnell, admonished us to vax.

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If the Republicans can't even get rid of McConnel as senate leader, there's no hope for them.

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022

or when it comes to taking medicinal plants like cannabis and psilocybin mushrooms - he'll cheat the law and send thugs to attack you for touching these plants that God gave us all on the first page of the Bible.....all on behalf of Pharma and the oligarch investors behind the TV ads and glossy logos

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

As a woman and mother, I can't disagree more. At some point, a "clump of cells" becomes human being, and wherever that point is, it is long before the birth. What pro-unlimited-abortion-till-birth crowd does not want to recognize is that anti-abortion crowd sees abortion as murder.

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When it is shown that De Santis has a deep abiding fear of the Lord then one can be confident De Santis is who he appears to be.

Been burnt too many times to feel otherwise despite what appearances may indicate.

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