I've been arguing this for over two and a half years, based on my own simple observations of what happened in the UK. Some people maintain that the public demanded the lockdowns which were implemented by governments, out of fear. It wasn't like that, in my experience. In February and March, there was no hysteria over Covid. Maybe 5% of people were wearing masks in supermarkets but the atmosphere was more or less normal. Following the publication of the Neil Ferguson Imperial College study, Boris Johnson announced VOLUNTARY measures to help stop the spread on March 16th. STILL life was fairly normal and people were gathering and socialising as normal, ignoring government advice, much to the annoyance of the press and certain other commentators. Then on March 23rd, Johnson announced strict mandatory measures and the masses complied, perhaps firstly out of fear of being prosecuted, but the mandatory measures and then the relentless and all-pervasive propaganda which followed them generated real fear and hysteria about the disease itself. Then in summer, when Covid had disappeared, and people were calming down slightly, Johnson announced the mask mandates and that was it, the final straw; the public were captured and controlled; the fear hardened into irreversible brainwashing. It was both intentional and malign on the part of the British government, deliberately engineered by the behaviourists at SAGE, and the objective was to soften people up for the mass vaccination campaign.
"A deliberate propaganda line" they used the media to propagate. Government says people are afraid, media reports people are afraid, people start talking about fear, people start believing there is something to fear.
Pure fear argument and the assertion that these were loosely enforced closures fall apart when we look at schools in many areas. Government has almost complete control over schools and they did keep them closed for extended periods of time even after we knew that children were not at risk, even after businesses were allowed to reopen, even after large sporting events were occurring. In my area schools remained fully online until Spring 2021, well after that initial fear had subsided and people were living as normal.
Officials acting out of fear or in response to fear but who wanted to navigate a reasonable approach might be expected to latch onto solid evidence that there was no reason to fear like the early mortality studies that showed dramatically lower rates than what was implied by reporting from Italy and NYC.
Instead, a vast censorship apparatus leaped into action to suppress and defame anyone who wasn't spreading fear. The CDC website in fall of 2020 made it nearly impossibly to attempt to calculate mortality rate on your own and made no attempt to do so themselves.
It is a pretty straightforward inference that they did not want to calm anyone's fears. The use of fear to short circuit the vaccine approval process was famously discussed by Fauci and likely rehearsed with various flu related hysterias that played out mainly in the media over the years.
The hunker down and wait for a vaccine was a part of many of the pandemic planning scenarios. So it is another straightforward inference that the fear and lockdowns were useful to pharma, government biosecurity interests, and whoever else had a vested interest in seeing novel vaccine technology enter billions of bodies. Where China may have seeded the idea, there were many others who would have wanted to see that idea seeded one way or another.
in my little province the Chief Medical officer of health made a big production about having to give the early jabs to "first responders" (As a nurse I wasnt going near that jab so they could have mine) -the implications were we will get the jab out to others but expect delays etc, etc, -the showmanship was undeniable.
The fact that we see a 1.2 million dollar fine being assessed now, 3 years in, tells me that much of our fear was not for Covid but for the arbitrary use of government power. When courts and police simply play follow the leader, it becomes difficult for the ordinary citizen to fight the gang of cut-throats that have the backing of everyone's taxes.
These people didn’t even google for twenty minutes to learn that there had never been a successful coronavirus vaccine and all previous had lead to ADE, if I can find that , so can anyone
The vast pop was so emotionally stressed from trumps on going shit that they were primed for a big scam. Like if you want to rob a bank, do it in the middle of a Revolution
I can't get past the fact that all it took was some wee bit of research to find information about vaccines during a pandemic, ADE, and early treatment of C19. I too looked, it didn't take much. Even the flippin CDC website showed, for my demographic, C19 mortality of 1%, and not much worse for the next older group. And the same website showed how key co-morbidities were to surviving-dying/bad-good outcome with an encounter of C19. If I could find it, yep, like you, so could anyone....including MDs, Nurses, PhDs - all of whom one would think should be sensitized to barely-tested vaccines. Especially for expectant mothers, whom they cautioned re: aspirin, kitty litter boxes, excess caffeine, alcohol, seafood etc etc etc This stands as the most incomprehensible part for me, the most inexcusable, and the most evidence of a personal level of critical-thinking strength or weakness.
I'm sick of people defending Trump on this. Trump defenders are as clueless as democrats. I'm 72, and Trump was the best president in my lifetime. He did more right than any since Ike and JFK, I was too young to judge them. But he utterly failed on COVID. He's a friggin germaphobe for God's sake. It freaked him out, he chose Fauci and Birx over the honest scientists behind the Great Barington Declaration. TO THIS DAY he says the jabs were his greatest achievement. He's a pharma true believer. Get off the Trump worship - he failed us, badly. Yes he was in a tough spot, but that's not a valid excuse for a leader.
I'm not defending Trump. I didn't vote for Trump. I'm not the "Trumper" that, apparently, other people just have to believe that anyone is who says "not everything is Trump's fault."
I didn't even vote for the man. You're tired of people defending him. OK. I think it' just as reasonable for me to be tired of people saying "all his antics made people act this way." Is that OK, sir? May I?
Why, you might even find that you and I agree on a lot of things about Trump and this disaster.
Sure, that's reasonable. I wouldn't brag about not voting for Trump though, without saying you didn't vote for Biden either. Biden is infinitely worse, and it was obvious before the election that he would be. Most all our leaders, in politics and elsewhere suck, that's simply the nature of human societies. Usually the lesser evil is the best we can vote for. Democrats are destroying us as quickly as they can. For most Republicans, it's just your normal everyday corruption and incompetence.
Trump had the opportunity and the inclination to show true leadership and defy the terror-mongers in the executive branch. If he had the ability to deliver on his promises to defy the Deep State, the lockdowns would have been a golden opportunity to do so. Instead, he botched it--as he botched everything because he is an incompetent, self-centered, impulsive buffoon.
‘An overriding principle. Experience has shown that communities faced with epidemics or other adverse events respond best and with the least anxiety when the normal social functioning of the community is least disrupted.’
Donald Henderson, a heavyweight public health doctor and head of the WHO when serious people ran it, not vets hiding in Geneva from corruption charges at home. He wrote these words in the conclusion to the paper he wrote in 2006, with a bunch of other serious people when, aged 78, he came out of retirement upon learning about the deranged lockdown ideas being planned by DHS in the Bush admin in 2006. The paper goes through them all: masks; travel bans; quarantine; mass testing etc. and why they do not work. The covid response is unforgivable, because government knew better and did it anyway.
I know what they did, they know what they did, and that is what matters. It will drive reality forward at the quantum level. Truth is. il Fuce will end as they all will. Darkness.
Every time I happened upon some kind of fear propaganda, all I did was look out my window and notice that there weren't piles of bodies, birds were still singing, grass was still growing and life was still, well, life! There was no *evidence* to justify being afraid of anything even though I got sick with something that I suppose could have been called "covid" that year. I doctored myself like I have for any illness in my life and moved on. The fear that was experienced by most of the population was *irrational* fear. Thanks for all of your work Michael.
Gods honest truth Rob, it was completely irrational on many levels, but a tremendous amount of harm was done because of it! We have political prisoners in Canada, and truthfully politically Canada is in a dark place.
I agree, I wouldnt say they were loosly enforced in my area either. the news papers and tv constantly showed people being fined or arrested for "breaking the rules" walking in parks, walking on beaches, meeting in churches, We had the worse crime spree Nova Scotia has ever seen a man went beserk and killed 22 people. AND THEIR families could not even have a funeral!
"But ultimately, to win a political debate, one side must eventually overcome their opponents’ strongest argument." I wish this were true! History tells us it most definitely is not.
Straight to the point: if illegal immigrants in the US or Europe were treated with the same severity enforced during the lockdowns we would be hearing of new Nazi states, fascism, Etc...non vaccinated people were treated exactly as pariah or like blacks during the apartheid but few people stuck up for Se 3 years have to go down in history as a shame for the western world, a social experiment aimed at adopting Chinese practices.
p.s. The CCP are a tool of the British Empire as was Soviet Russia (read Richard Poe, Anthony Sutton, and Cynthia Chung) - it is the western elites that are in charge of everything.
Xi Jinping is no more than another Hitler - bought, paid for, and puppetted to attack the west.
The True communists are the British elites.
They want to smash and destroy the middle classes, which is what Marxism was designed to do, while ignoring the true fascist power of the Monarchies, the Roman Empire families, and the Central Bankers - and American patriots have always been a thorn in the side of global fascism.
The CCP is a threat - but they are not the senior partner in the global fascism project - that is the Roman Catholic Church, the monarchies of Britain and Europe, along with their partners in Central Banking, the International banking and finance cartel, and their multinationals. All organized into the WEF.
I lived in Quintana Roo, Mexico and the streets were barricaded; only food and fuel stores were allowed to be open and police in tactical gear stood at the entrance of each one, making sure only one person at a time entered, masked, hands sanitized, and walked through a tray of disinfectant after having their temperature taken. Streets were barricaded and if you were lucky enough to be on a main highway where you could drive, there were roadblocks every kilometer. Police in tactical gear
with rifles, shotguns, and sidearms cruised the streets in armored pickup trucks and stopped people to ask them their destination; only food purchases and medical care were valid reasons and everyone else was ordered to go home.
Without the words and actions of our public serpents, it would have been just another nasty flu season.
Here are EU's official Excess mortality stats. If you expand the year range to 2017-23, many countries look ordinary during Q1 and Q2 2020.
absolute truth!
I've been arguing this for over two and a half years, based on my own simple observations of what happened in the UK. Some people maintain that the public demanded the lockdowns which were implemented by governments, out of fear. It wasn't like that, in my experience. In February and March, there was no hysteria over Covid. Maybe 5% of people were wearing masks in supermarkets but the atmosphere was more or less normal. Following the publication of the Neil Ferguson Imperial College study, Boris Johnson announced VOLUNTARY measures to help stop the spread on March 16th. STILL life was fairly normal and people were gathering and socialising as normal, ignoring government advice, much to the annoyance of the press and certain other commentators. Then on March 23rd, Johnson announced strict mandatory measures and the masses complied, perhaps firstly out of fear of being prosecuted, but the mandatory measures and then the relentless and all-pervasive propaganda which followed them generated real fear and hysteria about the disease itself. Then in summer, when Covid had disappeared, and people were calming down slightly, Johnson announced the mask mandates and that was it, the final straw; the public were captured and controlled; the fear hardened into irreversible brainwashing. It was both intentional and malign on the part of the British government, deliberately engineered by the behaviourists at SAGE, and the objective was to soften people up for the mass vaccination campaign.
Well said Jaime, agreed. The “bottom-up” theory of lockdown simply doesn’t add up, and even seems to be a deliberate propaganda line.
"A deliberate propaganda line" they used the media to propagate. Government says people are afraid, media reports people are afraid, people start talking about fear, people start believing there is something to fear.
Indeed, except perhaps that people stuck their heads in the sand like the ostrich with their bottoms up to be soundly beaten!
And then jabbed with the vaccines.
If it wasn't spreading bogus fears, what purpose would government have?
Pure fear argument and the assertion that these were loosely enforced closures fall apart when we look at schools in many areas. Government has almost complete control over schools and they did keep them closed for extended periods of time even after we knew that children were not at risk, even after businesses were allowed to reopen, even after large sporting events were occurring. In my area schools remained fully online until Spring 2021, well after that initial fear had subsided and people were living as normal.
Officials acting out of fear or in response to fear but who wanted to navigate a reasonable approach might be expected to latch onto solid evidence that there was no reason to fear like the early mortality studies that showed dramatically lower rates than what was implied by reporting from Italy and NYC.
Instead, a vast censorship apparatus leaped into action to suppress and defame anyone who wasn't spreading fear. The CDC website in fall of 2020 made it nearly impossibly to attempt to calculate mortality rate on your own and made no attempt to do so themselves.
It is a pretty straightforward inference that they did not want to calm anyone's fears. The use of fear to short circuit the vaccine approval process was famously discussed by Fauci and likely rehearsed with various flu related hysterias that played out mainly in the media over the years.
The hunker down and wait for a vaccine was a part of many of the pandemic planning scenarios. So it is another straightforward inference that the fear and lockdowns were useful to pharma, government biosecurity interests, and whoever else had a vested interest in seeing novel vaccine technology enter billions of bodies. Where China may have seeded the idea, there were many others who would have wanted to see that idea seeded one way or another.
in my little province the Chief Medical officer of health made a big production about having to give the early jabs to "first responders" (As a nurse I wasnt going near that jab so they could have mine) -the implications were we will get the jab out to others but expect delays etc, etc, -the showmanship was undeniable.
Indeed so.
The fact that we see a 1.2 million dollar fine being assessed now, 3 years in, tells me that much of our fear was not for Covid but for the arbitrary use of government power. When courts and police simply play follow the leader, it becomes difficult for the ordinary citizen to fight the gang of cut-throats that have the backing of everyone's taxes.
These people didn’t even google for twenty minutes to learn that there had never been a successful coronavirus vaccine and all previous had lead to ADE, if I can find that , so can anyone
The vast pop was so emotionally stressed from trumps on going shit that they were primed for a big scam. Like if you want to rob a bank, do it in the middle of a Revolution
I can't get past the fact that all it took was some wee bit of research to find information about vaccines during a pandemic, ADE, and early treatment of C19. I too looked, it didn't take much. Even the flippin CDC website showed, for my demographic, C19 mortality of 1%, and not much worse for the next older group. And the same website showed how key co-morbidities were to surviving-dying/bad-good outcome with an encounter of C19. If I could find it, yep, like you, so could anyone....including MDs, Nurses, PhDs - all of whom one would think should be sensitized to barely-tested vaccines. Especially for expectant mothers, whom they cautioned re: aspirin, kitty litter boxes, excess caffeine, alcohol, seafood etc etc etc This stands as the most incomprehensible part for me, the most inexcusable, and the most evidence of a personal level of critical-thinking strength or weakness.
I couldn’t agree more.
I spent all of 15 minutes online researching the “virus” and came to the conclusion that it was a flu and it no way a threat.
Once the “vaccine” was released, I spent maybe 15 minutes online doing some research and found conclusive evidence that it was a bio-weapon.
Any person who claims they “did their own research”, yet still got the “shot”, is a liar as far as I’m concerned.
I watched in complete shock when a nurse spoke to pregnant moms, suggesting the jab, it made me ashamed of a profession I have loved!
My god. Still. After all this time. Still. "Trump made em skeert! Trump done it!"
You're lost to reason.
I'm sick of people defending Trump on this. Trump defenders are as clueless as democrats. I'm 72, and Trump was the best president in my lifetime. He did more right than any since Ike and JFK, I was too young to judge them. But he utterly failed on COVID. He's a friggin germaphobe for God's sake. It freaked him out, he chose Fauci and Birx over the honest scientists behind the Great Barington Declaration. TO THIS DAY he says the jabs were his greatest achievement. He's a pharma true believer. Get off the Trump worship - he failed us, badly. Yes he was in a tough spot, but that's not a valid excuse for a leader.
Steel, ⬆️🎯 on the good & bad. Voted for him twice, never again because he won’t disavow the jab of which he remains so proud
I'm not defending Trump. I didn't vote for Trump. I'm not the "Trumper" that, apparently, other people just have to believe that anyone is who says "not everything is Trump's fault."
I didn't even vote for the man. You're tired of people defending him. OK. I think it' just as reasonable for me to be tired of people saying "all his antics made people act this way." Is that OK, sir? May I?
Why, you might even find that you and I agree on a lot of things about Trump and this disaster.
Sure, that's reasonable. I wouldn't brag about not voting for Trump though, without saying you didn't vote for Biden either. Biden is infinitely worse, and it was obvious before the election that he would be. Most all our leaders, in politics and elsewhere suck, that's simply the nature of human societies. Usually the lesser evil is the best we can vote for. Democrats are destroying us as quickly as they can. For most Republicans, it's just your normal everyday corruption and incompetence.
The internet should never have happened. Have a good evening sir.
Do you really think he’s not in on the joke ? They’re all the same freemasonry club . Any opposition is controlled .
So you, too, are blaming Trump. Is Trump behind the scam, then?
Trump had the opportunity and the inclination to show true leadership and defy the terror-mongers in the executive branch. If he had the ability to deliver on his promises to defy the Deep State, the lockdowns would have been a golden opportunity to do so. Instead, he botched it--as he botched everything because he is an incompetent, self-centered, impulsive buffoon.
googling the massive legal suit paid by pfizer should have done it, OR how about keeping the data hidden for 75 years,
‘An overriding principle. Experience has shown that communities faced with epidemics or other adverse events respond best and with the least anxiety when the normal social functioning of the community is least disrupted.’
Donald Henderson, a heavyweight public health doctor and head of the WHO when serious people ran it, not vets hiding in Geneva from corruption charges at home. He wrote these words in the conclusion to the paper he wrote in 2006, with a bunch of other serious people when, aged 78, he came out of retirement upon learning about the deranged lockdown ideas being planned by DHS in the Bush admin in 2006. The paper goes through them all: masks; travel bans; quarantine; mass testing etc. and why they do not work. The covid response is unforgivable, because government knew better and did it anyway.
Paper for anyone who wants to read it:
I know what they did, they know what they did, and that is what matters. It will drive reality forward at the quantum level. Truth is. il Fuce will end as they all will. Darkness.
Every time I happened upon some kind of fear propaganda, all I did was look out my window and notice that there weren't piles of bodies, birds were still singing, grass was still growing and life was still, well, life! There was no *evidence* to justify being afraid of anything even though I got sick with something that I suppose could have been called "covid" that year. I doctored myself like I have for any illness in my life and moved on. The fear that was experienced by most of the population was *irrational* fear. Thanks for all of your work Michael.
Gods honest truth Rob, it was completely irrational on many levels, but a tremendous amount of harm was done because of it! We have political prisoners in Canada, and truthfully politically Canada is in a dark place.
The laws weren't "loosely enforced" where I live. Maybe you're lucky enough to live in one of the few sane areas.
I agree, I wouldnt say they were loosly enforced in my area either. the news papers and tv constantly showed people being fined or arrested for "breaking the rules" walking in parks, walking on beaches, meeting in churches, We had the worse crime spree Nova Scotia has ever seen a man went beserk and killed 22 people. AND THEIR families could not even have a funeral!
"But ultimately, to win a political debate, one side must eventually overcome their opponents’ strongest argument." I wish this were true! History tells us it most definitely is not.
Straight to the point: if illegal immigrants in the US or Europe were treated with the same severity enforced during the lockdowns we would be hearing of new Nazi states, fascism, Etc...non vaccinated people were treated exactly as pariah or like blacks during the apartheid but few people stuck up for Se 3 years have to go down in history as a shame for the western world, a social experiment aimed at adopting Chinese practices.
p.s. The CCP are a tool of the British Empire as was Soviet Russia (read Richard Poe, Anthony Sutton, and Cynthia Chung) - it is the western elites that are in charge of everything.
Xi Jinping is no more than another Hitler - bought, paid for, and puppetted to attack the west.
The True communists are the British elites.
They want to smash and destroy the middle classes, which is what Marxism was designed to do, while ignoring the true fascist power of the Monarchies, the Roman Empire families, and the Central Bankers - and American patriots have always been a thorn in the side of global fascism.
The CCP is a threat - but they are not the senior partner in the global fascism project - that is the Roman Catholic Church, the monarchies of Britain and Europe, along with their partners in Central Banking, the International banking and finance cartel, and their multinationals. All organized into the WEF.
I lived in Quintana Roo, Mexico and the streets were barricaded; only food and fuel stores were allowed to be open and police in tactical gear stood at the entrance of each one, making sure only one person at a time entered, masked, hands sanitized, and walked through a tray of disinfectant after having their temperature taken. Streets were barricaded and if you were lucky enough to be on a main highway where you could drive, there were roadblocks every kilometer. Police in tactical gear
with rifles, shotguns, and sidearms cruised the streets in armored pickup trucks and stopped people to ask them their destination; only food purchases and medical care were valid reasons and everyone else was ordered to go home.
Rest in peace! Chinese proverbe.