Musk needs to upgrade his security team, and hire two tasters.

The neo-communists will NOT allow their ability to mute patriots get defanged.

No doubt it's purely a coinky-dink, but Biden's main muscle, the DHS, announced yesterday they are forming a Ministry of Truth, calling it “Misinformation and Disinformation Governance Board”.

As if...

Evil abounds.

Pray for America.

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It's already happening in the UK, Bill going through Parliament as we speak which will make lawful speech unlawful if said online. Dystopian. And Musk won't change that.

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Michael, Twitter's crying employees are not busily processing appeals, they're covering their tracks before Musk takes over and releases the censorship algorithm, lest the left gives away too many trade secrets and face pressure to open up FB and Google.

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Great point.

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The lockdown left fear ….. a level playing field

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Let's hope someone in Twitter's engineering department is keeping copies of the source code for the censorship algorithms. I suspect outgoing management will try to hide the evidence of their crimes.

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I’m loving every minute of this. Cry baby, cry…..

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A fantastic well-reasoned post!

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Thanks Kelly!

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Hey Michael, what is your overall opinion on Elon? He says a lot of things that may appeal to the freedom movement, but I like to look at actions rather than words, hence why I remain very sceptical about him, due to the fact that he is pushing technology such as brain chips (neuralink), autonomous electric vehicles, and 5G satellites, all of which fit right in with the WEF agenda. I also can't help be notice that he has been rather silent about the Shanghai lockdown...

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The federal government has a lot of leverage on Elon if they ever want to use it—his businesses are all dependent on federal credits and support. And there’s no question he’s been periodically sycophantic toward China. So it’s accurate to say Elon is “controlled opposition” to some degree. But Elon is also an eccentric entrepreneur who prides himself on doing what he wants and pushing the limits of the feds and other elites, so he’s definitely pushing the narrative in the right direction with his Twitter announcement.

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Alex Berenson wrote a piece today about the death of San Francisco. Scott Wiener (“unvaccinated children are killing other children”) is Exhibit 1. So long as people like him remain in the political class, San Francisco will continue its death spiral. But don’t count on the ever progressives here to stop that slide. They will continue to enable it.

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Do not forget how Elon Musk has actively suppressed free speech of his critics, including trying to get people fired, and/or threatening them or suing them, etc. His idea is free speech without consequences for himself, and as long as you do not commit lèse majesté against Elon, or his companies, he does not care.

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The left still has the Scalia option to stop the sale...

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They're trying, shorting and investigating Tesla to undermine Musk's financing of the sale.

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Really? Can he weeds out 100% of the libs in the bird? He better check every character of the codes.

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