Really great post, thanks. I am sensing that following Biden’s clearly Nazi-inspired speech and imagery last night people are in a sort of shock. Anyone who can observe such a display and refuse to understand has no sense of history and no self-respect. It isn’t surprising at all what you describe here. That there is a highly ordered functioning deep state with the means to control both information and thought is quite obvious. Details like this are fundamentally important to all of us.

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Happily, stacker bad cat (bourigato) is showing us the way forward from that "speech."

Mocking memes are already proliferating. The attempted walk back is underway. And for Nov, the ads just write themselves.

Luckily, these scumbags are incredibly incompetent, and now running scared & flailing.

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It was pretty clearly a desperation move.

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I suspect they’re also trying to incite violence… there’s smarter ways to rid the country of these treasonous implants.

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These kleptocratic cretins have no place in any society. Dangerous to children and other living things. Many ways ther than giving them the civil war they incite. Believe inciting war against one’s own people you’re sworn to protect and defend is known as treason.

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"Luckily, these scumbags are incredibly incompetent, and now running scared & flailing"

The problem is MPS that when enough useful idiots man the entire societal apparatus (controlling gatekeepers), which they do, we should be worried that the nation might slip back-door into a form of totalitarianism that might head towards the same results as China. This is exactly what international communism would want, by any means necessary. Let's cut it off at the root--still time. A lot of people will need to be put on trial for treason. I might add the trial needs to be done in public so the Fear of God descends on this nation.

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"Trump Just Destroyed Biden", from John Talks on YT.

Always uplifting content! 😁


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This isn't just in the US. Same or similar things happening all over the world. And it is supported by the vast majority. Just as Arendt describes it, totalitarianism isn't just about a tyrant ruling by terror, it is about the masses and the tyrant reinforcing each other in a a loop of escalating madness, which ends by total collapse.

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Very well said.

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022

Same here in the UK - govt terrorised the population with Covid and I mean really terrorised using over 40 behavioural scientists within their rotten SAGE group (scientific advisors to govt) which now govt hides behind 'we must follow the science' (having knighted the main mouthpieces Vallance, Witty and Van Tam). All norms are being dismantled including separate girls and boys toilets in schools so they are now 'non gender specific' (this done during lockdowns like that was a real priority when a so called deadly virus was circulating), allowing BLM to pull down statues, allowing the wringing of hands and constant apology for our history. Energy and food costs about to wipe out the middle class and we have Boris Johnson, the bin bag of custard, yesterday telling us all to buy a new kettle and save £10.00 a year!!! Utter purposeful, controlled chaos and madness with the intention of destroying all of our lives so from the rubble they can pick up their chant of 'build back better' from the WEF and no doubt introduce our digital ID's in order to get food hand outs . . . . I seethe with rage most days! Where did this all start? Covid. Funding from USA to Wuhan, in order to create a bioweapon to unleash on the world to kick start the chaos in order to hide the corruption within world govts and central banks - we see it, but we cannot stop it fast enough. Biden is a real danger as he is not in control - who is? FBI? Three things send me into orbit - lies, injustice and being taken for a complete and utter fool! The USA must kick out Biden and every liberal left twit in office - same for us here in the UK and we will end up with the pretence of a right wing candidate Liz Truss as PM, only marginally better than the slippery Sunak who has even stronger ties with WEF, which is a dangerous organisation and needs banning, together with WHO and the UN. Sorry for the rant - your comment just hit a nerve as very accurate!

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The rule of thumb I use is that anything the government and government "experts" tell you ... the opposite is most probably the real truth .. I live by that, and it was the foundation of my covid sceptisism .. (that and under logical disection only added up to a stich-up)

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Good "rant" mate. You expressed what a lot of us are feeling and frustrated about.

On your question 'when did it all start?'

A long time ago.

And the British elites I believe are the key - as the British Empire was essentially parasitic fascist capitalism, which enriched the City of London, and the all of the elites, while they corrupted elites in every nation to keep control and put their various wealth extraction methods to work.

E.g. Who invented the mandated vaccine warfare model and used it worldwide?

The British-it was extremely profitable for all involved during the smallpox mandate vaccine programs 1853-1900, while the critics screamed they were spreading disease and death. Sound familiar?

Here's a good start to the smallpox vaccine model - which was the genesis of the 'vaccine wealth extraction model for 20th and 21st century.


Regarding global fascism - the British have dreamed of world government for literally hundreds of years - And I suspect they tried to achieve it with brute force and the British Empire, but the rise of America got in their way, and they reached the limits of their military power in the early 20th century.

But they didn't quit.

They created the League of Nations to keep pursing the dream of the new world order. Which is what the book Brave New World (Aldous Huxley) is really all about.

The League failed as WW2 arrived.

But WW2 allowed the British to whisper in the US president's ear and make it look like it was his idea to create the United Nations. And their agenda has continued on ever since.

And became a global coalition of traitors and corrupted actors all working to build the global infrastructure of institutions, policies, control mechanisms etc., to seize control over nations. These are communists, Marxists, and Nazis all working together as a global coalition. I call them the GFA-the global fascist alliance.

And here we are 76 years later and the UN and its swamp of globalist institutions, and their partner in the World Economic Forum, are driving dystopia and destruction on every front, interferring in every thing, and creating mayhem.

Why are they attacking western citizens and America in particular?

Because we, the western citizens who grew up with freedoms, democracy and the rule of law, are the greatest obstacles to the globalists world government program. We stand in their way. They think the rest of the world, especially their partner in China, are all ready to fall in line, so the last group they had to attack was their own citizens in western countries.

And they have been attacking us in multiple ways since WW2 - But Covid-19 just ramped it up into a full blown all out hybrid attack on humanity, and an attack on all freedoms, to try and seize control. Lockdowns, genocide, killing policies like facemask mandates, killing policies like mandated C19 injections, destroying the public health and public services sector with their policies - all the while transferring trillions of dollars to their partners in big business. Britain alone spend 500 billion pounds on Covid. And no early treatment.

From where I sit, I see that the CCP, Biden & the Democrats, the EU, the G20, and even Putin are all playing their part to destroy civilization as we know it. Which helps them do exactly what they did post WW2 - after World War 3 they will say that for the sake of peace we need global institutions to run everything - global government. And all nations must give up sovereignty. Enslavement on a global scale - slavery is the most profitable enterprise.

The ugly truth is that it is the elites that are the ones creating the chaos, conflicts and catastrophes.

And I believe the beating heart of the Global Fascist Alliance is right there is the City of London, the heart of the British Empire.

But that's just my opinion.

Ivan M. Paton

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Communism seems to be at the heart of this - listened to an interesting interview yesterday (bit long winded) Lord Monckton speaking to Tom Nelson.

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It's a combination of communism and Nazi Germany's tactics that Hitler's crowd used. And in fact there are a lo of elements from the British Empire's fascist colonial project. I just tweeted about this on Twitter today


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well said and well researched

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Chuck. Him. Overboard. You’ve seen the clip where ol’ Charlie talks about how “he” (referring to a third-person ofc) will need … https://www.nbcnews.com/video/u-k-s-prince-charles-addresses-u-n-cop26-climate-conference-in-glasgow-125089861646

You have some interesting points …

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Is he not just a useful idiot though? The men in that family seem particularly intellectually challenged!

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I'm just like that! I'm enraged that I'm helpless to stop people from getting on the cattle cars, devastated by what's happening to kids, but being taken for a fool also makes me absolutely nuts! I'm at an age where I'm in some algorithmic commodity category that the corporate forces think they can scam me. I can't resist just going fullbore polysyllabic on them! You're not tricking me mother#!*&^s lol. I understand the need to rant too! ("bin bag of custard" is quite evocative---makes me think of the blanc mange that won Wimbledon on Monty Python)

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I'm going to steal your phrase 'full bore polysyllabic'! Classic! Keep being angry, it shows fighting spirit!

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Here is the way I see it. Everything B England just said is 100% true. I feel like he feels about the whole situation, perhaps even more upset and pissed off by all of this. Because of the anger and they way we (those that think like B England) communicate for most people who don't understand what's happening, our message falls on deaf ears. All the sheep in the world look at someone like B England or myself and think, “you are just a conspiracy theorist” or “why are you so angry.” Therefore our message gets lost. We in the know need to re-think how we communicate to the sheep.

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you are so right and every country where they installed leaders are all WEF plants

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“A bin bag of custard” lol I love your humour even if it’s mid-rant. 💜

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It is happening all over the world, true. The 1st-Amendment is unique and a massive foundational cornerstone that allowed us to speak our minds without fear or trepidation.

These Marxists monsters have destroyed our once sacred Freedom of Speech. They must control the narrative in order to control the people.

Don't let them control the narrative then!

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022

I think Biden is a major league f*** up, but, on the other hand, if we elect Trump in '24, isn't it going to recreate the same basic problem we have now with Biden? (i.e. "the masses and the tyrant reinforcing each other in a a loop of escalating madness")

Is there really room for optimism?

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deletedSep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022
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Yes, trusting in the refined schemes of the deep state such as voting right now is insanity. They don’t even remember how or why to hold a “free” election and they certainly don’t want to do such a thing. Is there a reason for optimism - yes, but it lies in time honored traditions of making our vast displeasure clear through civil disobedience. It lies in getting better at free speech, in accepting the inconvenience of it.

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TS, can you provide a list of countries that this is happening in? thank you.

If your analysis is correct, we are within a short space of being in the territory that the Bible refers to as the Great Tribulation which will likely spawn a system of dividing the world into 10 regions and 1 world leader of a global government which will not hesitate to kill those who dont worship the fuhrer. And it will feature a global marking system which you dont want to take if you value your eternal soul. God bless you.

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Such a good comment. Thanks. The track we are on is indeed a one way street, complete with insane feedback loops.

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This will be historic at the Supreme Court. I hope I live to see the day when it all collapses, I really do. I am so mentally exhausted at this point keeping up with everything- it’s mind boggling to say the least. God speed everyone. Hold the pole!

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#holdthehockeystick 🇨🇦

#honkhonk 🚛

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Stephanie, we will be in need of a very public trial and not done in secret. All the useful idiots paraded out and all the ways they promoted the totalitarian lies that spawned from both us and then brought into the world through China. We all need to hear people say these things--this is the only way we ever learn when judgment comes. We need to remember what the Romanian people did by throwing off their totalitarian dictatorship.

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Havel's 'greengrocer' nods approvingly...

"Let us take note: if the greengrocer had been instructed to display the slogan 'I am afraid and therefore unquestioningly obedient;' he would not be nearly as indifferent to its semantics, even though the statement would reflect the truth. The greengrocer would be embarrassed and ashamed to put such an unequivocal statement of his own degradation in the shop window, and quite naturally so, for he is a human being and thus has a sense of his own dignity. To overcome this complication, his expression of loyalty must take the form of a sign which, at least on its textual surface, indicates a level of disinterested conviction. It must allow the greengrocer to say, "What's wrong with the workers of the world uniting?" Thus the sign helps the greengrocer to conceal from himself the low foundations of his obedience, at the same time concealing the low foundations of power. It hides them behind the facade of something high. And that something is ideology."

- Vaclav Havel, "The Power of the Powerless"

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" ...policies from China which—let’s be honest—were never really that popular to begin with?"

It's not that policies were unpopular. It was widely known in healthcare that their policies would fail on every level. Destructive to economies, destructive to society and destructive to health.

Eg, masks:

1. Fauci is listed as co-author of a 2009 study of the 1918 Spanish Flu" pandemic that concluded most deaths were caused by secondary bacterial infections, caused, in turn, by *masks*, which trap & force you to rebreath bacteria that your innate immune system is trying to expel

2. Health care workers know that even properly fitted N95 masks do not stop aerosolized viruses. Just ask any seasoned nurse if a cloth mask will stop measles from spreading. Or read the packaging insert with N95 masks!

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Read also today’s post by Joel Smalley (Metatron) for efforts to take on the UK government.

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is this why so many went along mindlessly? disowned family members? cheered when people died? proudly wore the emblems of their obedience? tossed aside their lifelong friends? still, no excuse

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Let’s never forget who those people are and how they behaved. They need to be reminded and shunned, not forgiven.

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i tend to agree with you. i know folks who talk about forgiveness but really, these people have shown themselves for who they really are under pressure. the next time something like this happens (and you can bet on that) will they behave honorably or fall back on the same fear driven name calling, hate fueled demands for abrogation of rights, etc?

i have had to evaluate all my relationships. you are always being told that you have to cut toxic people out of your life- well, what could be more toxic than forcing people to give up bodily autonomy, wishing people dead, etc?

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Well said. A silver lining is that we learned who to distrust in one fell swoop.

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

And Trump is the biggest threat to "democracy" somehow? I am not a Trump fan, but these clowns in the WH are worse and a bigger threat.

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I'm not a Biden or a Trump fan. I fear what we have now and I fear what we will have when Trump is reelected in '24. Biden and Trump are a couple of jokes. America's in the garbage can. On substacks like this, we spend a lot of time trying to explain why people can possibly still believe the Covid 19 jabs are "safe and effective." And yet, people still believe Trump is going to come to the rescue in '24. They'll elect him and then what? Biden is a disaster, and Trump is a narcissistic blowhard pussygrabber who does not trust his own hand picked advisers and refuses to learn from them. This is supposed to make us hopeful?

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As I said in 2016, "Trump is not Hillary", and today he is not Biden. All this means is that he has no ambition to create a tyranny or suppress speech or dissent (the opposite of how he is portrayed by the left, of course.) If he would be Pres. today and do nothing at all, the U.S. would be infinitely better off than it is.

That said, I don't want to see a 78-yr-old Trump running in 2024 (if the U.S. and the world still exist, of course).

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The Obama-Nuland-Biden Ukraine proxy war was on track for 2017; Trump put the brakes on that, for awhile. So there's that.

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interesting point. by "do nothing at all" I think what Trump would do is more or less undo all of the things Biden did (or undid) and then try to go back to where the US was in 2019.

I suppose voters would support anyone who could get inflation back under control. but, Trump is not a fiscal conservative. he loves debt. he doesn't fear taking the US deep into debt. he'd love to approve some massive budget overruns. he'd probably outdo Biden's spending, but with different priorities. and if I hear Trump in '26 say something like "I've accomplished more in two years than any other president in history", I'll know the country is basically standing still in the face of mounting problems.

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God bless the lawyers. For all their defects, they hold the keys to reversing our decline, correcting our problems, and punishing the crimes. The biggest question is whether enough of the population has the stomach to see it through. It took a world war and millions dead to support the first Nuremberg trials. We're not there yet. Maybe soon.

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Even if a tyrant had erased all history, culture and memory, the fundamental rules of logic do not change. These laws bind us on the existential level, and are therefore the ultimate defensive weapon that no tyrant can defeat. The harder they fight against the fundamental laws of meaning (non-contradiction, excluded middle, identity), the sooner they perish.

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Well said.

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So true. Those who operate against common sense become victims of their own insane logic. They will fall. Just a matter of time. The question is whether we will even know about it while it happens. The Revolution will not be televised.

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Terrific work, Michael.

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

While the discovery is happening, the mass psychosis is continuing and becoming the norm for the minds of the youth. Testing, injecting and “raising” obedient little slaves are the goals of the biomedical state.

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Oh, but this time they're going to do communism right. Remember, the only reason it's never worked the numerous times it's been tried before is because the despots of old didn't know what they were doing. (Sarcasm) Or so we're led to believe by the frothing groups who are advocating for all of this madness. I wonder if they'll be disappointed when they find out that they've been manipulated and end up in the same prison as the people they so valiantly thought they were "fighting" against? Heaven help us.

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the officials at the top will believe it's been a great success. the losers at the bottom will always believe the revolution must continue, no matter their personal experience ("I'm grateful to be vaccinated and boosted", "mostly peaceful protests", "inflation only hurts people with white privilege", "electric cars don't pollute", "a women with a penis can be a lesbian", etc)

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

The Wokes revealed themselves with this Hitlerian display. They have no sense of history so didn’t realize how their theatre piece looked to everyone with even a little knowledge about history and propaganda. Great work here Michael!

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

swamp creatures...

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger


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