I was wondering when this would come out. This amounts to a de facto "deputizing" of Twitter execs by the government (FBI and other agencies) for the government's purposes. This SHOULD end any debate about the notion that Twitter was acting as a "private company" in suppressing information it didn't like. This is where we are, kids, your government wantonly pissing on the 1A rights of its citizens to ensure that "the Narrative" stayed exactly as the FBI wished it to be. And this is just one company - we know they were doing this across all platforms and that they lied about it to Congress, too. Now let's see what happens.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Add to this the news that the FBI paid $3.4 million for Twitters staff time--categorically makes Twitter an agent of USG.

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America is now a fascist oligarchy banana republic.

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It is. NObummer promised to “fundamentally transform” & while I know that what is happening now was decades (or more) in the making, that mf’er put it on steroids

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No. He was fully 'the bummer', or do you think big mike is the passive one?

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I think “Big Mike” will be the Dum nominee in 2024. She’s kept an awfully low profile, was not stumping for the midterms like NObummer & all the rest were

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I clearly recall Obama making promises in his campaign speeches to END LOBBYING, and to NEVER HIRE LOBBYISTS into the government. Yeah, right.

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yes but diverse! ;)

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Not to mention what governmental entities, social media & lame street media have done to protect the entire scamdemic narrative

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

It was stated many years ago that the communists would overtake America from within; we are watching it unfold.

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'30 days out from the elections we get you temporary clearances. You get to pick who they would be.'

If these are Top Secret clearances, they take 6-9 months. They require background investigations, credit and criminal history checks, citizenship checks for the applicant and his/her family members, birth, education, employment and military history checks, residence verifications, interviews of affiliates, friends and neighbors, public records queries, and personal interviews of each applicant.

As of July 2022, when Chan is proposing this, none of this apparently had been started. Any wager on whether they did some or any of this? Or, did they just pass out clearances to anyone Twitter put on a list without any regard for the above requirements, which are supposed to be unwaiveable?

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Yep. Should be. And usually would require a much higher level involvement if there is a pretense at a waiver. Need to find out who signed those clearances or more likely temporary allowances under some highest national security pretext. Under what legal authority?

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DR Grindr wouldn't pass a background check the way they used to be done. Now they just check your voter registration and donation history.

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Hm, Top Secret clearances aren't usually handed out like candy. And really--Twitter can pick whomever they choose? This is absolutely rotten to the core.

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Someone’s guilty of treason against the United States of America!

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Not only that, but the FBI personnel involved have also violated their sworn oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

What is the penalty for that???

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See the revelations today also about the Seth Rich laptop and the 171 spooks who were working for Facebook. One can only imagine what was happening at Google/You Tube.

Ron Paul is calling for abolishing the FBI and CIA. That would be a start.

If we take as a given that we are in a state of infiltration after a coup against a president with fixed elections, an elimination of the 1st Amendment, the 4th Amendment, a weaponizing of the IRS and the DHS, FDA, and CDC, an FBI domestic terror campaign against the citizenry, what are a people to do?

The Brunson case at the Supreme Court could be pivotal. It would set the stage for a new U.S. House of Representatives to excise the criminals and rebuild a country. I would put Ron Paul in charge of the task force from Government Oversight. A four-pronged media team of Bannon, Carlson, Twitter, and the Substack Army would need to be deputized to disseminate the truth. This is a counter-revolution. How do we make it peaceful?

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I haven’t seen the revelations that you refer to. Any particular place I should look?

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The 51 nation security hacks that spun the lie that the laptop was Russian disinformation

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Every damn one of them should be forced to testify under oath before Congress.

Who got them to lie?

They either answer the question, take the 5th, or go to jail for contempt of Congress....

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Unfortunately they’d be testifying in front of their bosses.

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Elvis looks total CCP to me!

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free speech has left the building!

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

One thing that often gets overlooked is that when the state censors somebody it not only violates the 1A rights of the entity censored but the 1A rights of everyone else too.

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

WOW, just WOW 🤬🤬

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Dec 19, 2022·edited Dec 19, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Because the FBI had the laptop for almost a year before the NY Post expose, what reason did they have to condition Twitter execs against a then upcoming Hunter Biden "disinformation campaign" other than to affect the 2020 Presidential election? Isn't this evidence of a conspiracy between an intelligence agency and a major political party, similar to what happens in totalitarian countries?

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FBI is Democrats Gestapo

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Agreed. And they are starting to use Gestapo and NKVD tactics.

They need to be brought under control before they get good at it....

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Does he have any connection to the CCP? Inquiring minds would like to know

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Michael, deeply troubling but not surprising information. The laptop conclusively shows Hunter Biden's deep connections to China. Then I remembered that Twitter had employed members of the CCP. Did they receive clearances? What influence would they have had in determining twitter policy re: censorship? Getting orders from CCP hierarchy to protect Biden so that an election could be won and Biden's China interests kept under the lid? The whole thing stinks of a hidden hand deep state actors. They are all complicit in turning democracy into a dictatorship, where vested interests are protected. Is Elvis Chan originally a Chinese national? https://qz.com/664004/twitters-new-china-head-is-a-communist-party-ex-engineer-who-worked-on-military-security

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

I wonder if there’s a way to check backgrounds of any of those executives to see if any shouldn’t have qualifies for TS? Because they probably didn’t put them through the proper processes.

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this is all circus sideshow to distract from the main event, the so-called ‘c19 vaccines’ which are not pharmaceuticals at all but DOD contracted ‘prototypes/countermeasures’ not subject to the laws and regulations meant to ensure safety and efficacy. the contents of vials are US Government property up to the point of injection. Katherine Watt (Baliwick News Substack) has done some outstanding investigative reporting on the decades of intentional PREParation:


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I disagree. The 1A and fascism is NOT a circus sideshow for the purposes to distract at all. The lawsuits and release of the "twitter files" exposing FBLie Stasi are also central to the suppression of information and medical freedom and FDA/CDC/NIH/DOD/HHS and unelected (and elected) officials going Overthrow.

We the People have to fight on several fronts to flank the CCP/globohomopedo satanist cabal in this war for America and American souls. I am grateful Michael Senger is litigating; it is very hard work and costly (I am a retired former prosecutor for my county, with trial lawyer, criminal defense, admin experience, etc., so I have some familiarity with the stamina needed). If we can't talk about the culling, the killing, the suffering, the ongoing Overthrow it's all the harder to put a stop to the injections.

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Agreed. I am in several different fights on different fronts too. It seems like one giant treasonous episode in the United States with allegiance to the global masters.

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hope & pray you’re right, am a little less optimistic. grateful for everyone working to right the wrongs.

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Dec 20, 2022·edited Dec 20, 2022

You're not wrong.

I hope I am correct on some things, too; I wish I wasn't correct on characterizing the Overthrow, its strategy, tactics and participants. I work to cultivate a focused angrier to deflect the terror.

I hope a lot, pray and try to do what I can. It's not a lot. I'm disabled due to chronic illness, so I can't put my body out there. Wish I could. Bodies are needed. So, I'm a keyboard/telephone/email warrior pretty much. I can give some guidance legal wise, I do research every day, forward cases, science papers, attempt to persuade. I persuaded one fried to not get jabbed, however 2 decades long friends did, and they died within 48 hours.

Yes, Katherine Watt does excellent work! Pulling the statutes, Acts, regulatory schemes, and showing us the interwoven, moving parts makes us more informed than (most of) the Congress. Because of her work, we can see if/how we can disrupt and exploit the loopholes/deficiencies, coordinate against what authorized, not authorized, out the operations of the Overthrow, while getting the truth out about the shots, treatments, lies.

Enjoy your posts on substack, they make a difference.

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The same clearances were used to justify the strict enforcement of the MRNA narratives.

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If it wasn’t obvious after the Democrats/Deep State J-6 successful coup, it is blindingly obvious now that the FBI is among a slew of federal government agencies acting as the Democrats’ personal Gestapo. And that this country is no longer a constitutional democratic republic, but is a fascist oligarchy banana republic. So. Since vote fraud apparently can’t be challenged in the court system, what exactly is to be done about that?

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Wow, what is the opposite of the word Patriot? These scumbags must be jailed and if the republican party were not so feckless, they would do it.

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The opposite of Patriot is Traitor.

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Elvis Chan should be considered a traitor and treated as such.

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