There’s such an overwhelming amount of theatre emerging from China, that I view anything released with suspicion… I’ll not forget all the footage of people supposedly dropping dead of COVID on the street…

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Reminds me of Stalin’s purge of one (of many) of the Old Bolsheviks, Yenukidze, former Secretary of the Central Executive Committee. He was accused of associating with “former princes” as well as “rotten liberalism.” Hu may find himself, like Yenukidze, under indefinite house arrest until an unexpected death, in Hu’s case, from Covid.

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I was thinking it looked a lot like that video we saw of Saddam Hussein calling names from the stage and then thugs standing beside people as they were escorted out of the auditorium, to what we presume was their death. Great luck China on your further descent into the toilet.

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

He looks like Winnie the Pooh.

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It appears that the most 'important' people don't have to wear masks. Is this another application of social credit. Haven't seen this before

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Those who live by the sword....

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"Also, curious that everyone is wearing a mask other than Hu, Xi, and the other leaders in the front row."

I notice that too. China is gonna have to explode.

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Shopping is more difficult when you won’t buy products made in that Evil Empire, but it is far more satisfying.

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Oct 23, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

China does things the way many, many bureaucrats in the West wish they could. Total control of everything and everyone. No back-talk, no debate; do as we tell you.

Terrifying and seemingly all too possible here after the last three years.

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Oct 23, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Well, the virus skips the front row but, will get the second!🙄

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Nothing to see here, just COVID zero policy in the CCP. If you don't feel well you are shot.

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Oct 23, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

A stomache churning thing to watch. To humiliate an old man, to make a point suggests, mr Xi is a very evil man. I feel sorry for the Chinese locked down in the millions, subjected to ongoing covid tests, unable to earn a living. There cannot be much hope in a country like this,

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Wow. Imagine something like that happening here, like the speaker of the house tearing up a copy of the state of the union address behind the president.

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Coming soon to the U.S. near you.

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I cannot tell you how happy I am to see the resurgence of Maoist Public Struggles! Awesome! Perhaps they'll take him to Tiananmen Square and execute him with a rocket, the way the fat little lunatic in Pyongyang murdered one of his uncles.

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I certainly am not an expert when it comes to "world affairs", but from a layman's perspective, it sure looks like the monsters in the world in many places have been scrambling over the last few years to cement their positions in an attempt to prop themselves up as the entire world begins its descent into dystopia. My gut says it's not going to save any of them. Things are so completely out of control that there won't be one speck of dust that won't be touched by the devastation that's coming at the hands of the despicable monsters that are gleefully engineering it all These "leaders" can keep trying to make themselves relevant, but I believe they will utterly fail and destroy themselves along with the world, and as terrible as things may get in the near future, I can't help but smile with satisfaction knowing that all of these evil people will be shivering in the cold with the rest of humanity in the end (or burning with a fervent heat).

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So will we follow China’s lead again (as we did with Covid) and try to indict Trump via the farcical January 6th committee?

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