It's antisocial to dislike propaganda...

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She has Team Halo written all over her.

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"Physician influencer" clearly has a disingenuous vibe... These charlatans have sprouted like weeds in the fertile gardens of Twitter and Insta.

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Certainly not an isolated or unique occurrence. There are undoubtedly many who have pushed the fear-based narratives. I keep calling out Monica Gandhi for posting only rose-tinted facts and figures. It never occurred to me to check on her actual employment and background. You are missed on Twitter. Many have returned in the last couple of days, hoping that you can come back if you wish to.

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1 down.

100 to go.

Brandolinis Law reigns.

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Love to see it

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Con artists come in many varieties, most MSM isn't much different than Hoshino, likes and ad dollars (greed versus truth) their motivation. It takes diligence for a consumer to sort through all the bullshit to get to the facts. I am grateful for journalists like you, thanks for the linkup to Sarah Beth Burwick.

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well,... at least she didn't stab anyone for asking about the stupid pronouns on her name tag!

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this is what comes of creating me oriented society by giving them trophies for participating and teaching them anything is true if it makes you feel good when you say it. this is also why i wont see a doctor who is younger than FIFTY!

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Dear Michael P Senger,

This sort of groupie behaviour is to be expected sadly, The fact that she has actively lied makes me suspect that she has been offered a well paying post or something to sell her soul to the devil.

I have a speculation and a proposal (two actually) for you. Please offer suggestions or disseminate, we need to work on actual tools that can replace the status quo, communicating/complaining is fun and we make friends but I have not found it to help much in the two+ years I have tried my best.

I speculate that the elite are thinking as follows. We are rich, we wield a lot of power, we want for nothing money can buy, we want for very little else that is available on the black markets, we have an irrational infantile desire to live forever, we will settle for living for as long as possible, we have been sold the idea that this can be achieved with gene based therapies by opportunistic snake oil pedlars, we want to do everything to help them develop their snake oil, they bemoan the fact that humanity is loath to experiment with gene therapies in humans on a large scale, we can help manipulate humanity into normalising gene therapy experiments so life extension therapies can be developed for the elite. The rest is just means to an end.

I would like to propose that you raise the following idea with as many resistance fighters/activists as you can, perhaps you can write here on substack, no need to mention me and you can even claim it is your idea if you are the first to gain traction. There should be at least one totally independent funding site for research. It should have a place where unconflicted (but in some way accredited) researchers can share their credentials, fields of specialisation and research goals. It would have a place where lay folk like me can propose ideas for studies, such as how much does lanolin need to be irradiated to be useful as a topical Vitamin-D3 source with application, or what sort of technical challenges need to be overcome to develop a home based 25(OH)D3 test system, as easy as to use as an Insulin test. It would need a peer based and interested party group that would see if a research proposal is possible to answer public research goals and try and match them up with accredited researchers who could register a research proposal. Then it would also have a crowd financing portal where ANYONE can sponsor money into a common pool, into a topic of their interest, for a researchers they trust, a specific public proposal or a registered trial proposal. At such time as enough funds are collected to cover the needs of a trial the researchers would be contracted to proceed with the trial and they only conflict of interest would be the funders who would be the "Global Citizens Research Foundation" which could be a not for profit. This would allow for people to get research that is of value to the people and cannot be tainted by pharma money. The researchers would not get paid but their sponsoring institution would have the study costs covered on condition that all raw data is published as soon as the preprint is published. That release of raw data would be the paid deliverable and all publications free to read. If the study is well done the institution and the researchers would gain credit. Everything in the organisation would be open source with as few leaders (that can be subverted) as possible driven by best practice and consensus with no outside interference and strict term limits. This could form an alternative structure that could grow fast and reliably to replace the existing mess as it gains in trust and reputation.

Here is my collection of selected reading on the Vitamin-D3 topic.


PS. The news syndicates Reuters and Associated Press are the means that propaganda is disseminated. The hundreds of global news outlets have lost the skill to do journalism so now simply repeat the narrative obediently. Tracking news that is flashed everywhere simultaneously should automatically be given a propaganda warning perhaps with a browser plug-in. I have suggested someone write a plug-in for the main browsers that would strike-through or redact the names of propaganda sources while we are browsing the net so we know that when something is attributed to them we know that it is not attributed to a factual source but in fact a propaganda narrative. I believe two similar products were developed a long time ago, one would add a Finnish profanity to a news headline from a certain media outlet and another would simply add a question mark "?" to the end of every mainstream media headline so people can be prepared to be critical when they read something. A small amount of money to pay a handful of coders a few weeks and then a tool for crowd tagging of sources based on good science to provide data. The system must be tracking free, collect NO DATA and leak as little to the competition (do not use downloaded fonts, free SSL certificates, google analytics or links or ping/trackbacks) and offer user selected program and data upgrades from the client side with a calendar reminder.

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Michael here is another fraud -Disaster Dan: https://gettr.com/post/p17gf8zc74c

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