May 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

to be fair; in RFK's book details how CCP and Bill Gates and WHO have practiced the outbreak scenario for at least 20 years prior to Covid. That's a lot of indoctrination on lockdowns. That is why it was so easily adopted. What strikes me is the independent thought and action of Sweden to not follow. I would guess that the Italian actors were at one or more of these "scenarios"

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Yes great point. I’ve seen some reporting on how a small but growing cadre of western public health officials has been pushing for lockdowns during war gaming pandemics for some time now.

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I wonder what is the Chinese rationale for lockdowns. They are doing it again in Shanghai.

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Lockdowns destroy the economy, society and people. Education lockdowns destroy kids psychologically and educationally.

Lockdowns destroy China’s enemies without China lifting a finger.

The results speak for themselves. China is both brilliant and evil.

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So it was psychological warfare and our leaders fell for it.

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They didn't fall for it. They are traitors and they joined in. We fell for it.

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Practice runs to see what the populace will withstand for their future endeavors, perhaps.

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Agree re the rationale for lockdowns. The only thing I can come up with is it is another method of population control through fear or downright power. The US is already headed that way with the template provided by China. Social Capital monitoring, GPS tracking of citizen movement and finally drone surveillance, coming to America.

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Insanity driven by highly top-down power structures and a new cult of personality even more dangerous than that created by Mao.

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It has also been argued that since Sweden was already very much into the socialist model with digitalisation already well advanced in several areas, they did not need to be subjected to the humility of lockdowns. They are already pretty much a cashless society I believe.

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Interesting- and makes perfect sense. They’ve definitely been ahead of the game in digitalization.

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Fantastic historical overview that puts so much of what happened in those early days into perspective. Thank you!

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Thanks Karen!

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May 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Writing from Italy, I can say that what has been even more shocking than the measures our 'governments' have made Law is the compliance on the part of most of the people I know. They're all for it, almost gagging to have the 2nd booster shot, and are completely in favour of lockdowns. Now that the mask mandate has been lifted, most people I see are still wearing them. I would very much like to see where the digital id that we're being forced to get (at our own expense, I might add) will slot into this series of actions. A social credit system linked to carbon credits (do good, get a prize, do bad, be singled out as a bad citizen) is being introduced in 'red' Bologna (referring to the fact that it's always been governed by the left, to put it mildly). Not encouraging.

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Yes, my son is completely indoctrinated.

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H beat I’d love to talk offline. I love Italy having visited many times. It breaks my heart to see what happened to Italy. Please email me at hs4265@protonmail.com. What town or city are you in ? What % of population is vaxxed ? What % are fighting back ???

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May 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Amazing work and highly disturbing. I’d love to see more on the genesis of the decision to test asymptomatics, which is in itself an massive part of how the pandemic got blown out of proportion. Widespread testing of asymptomatics will necessarily lead to a vast majority of false positives with low background prevalence.

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Thanks Tam! Agreed, that's a big question: Who the heck made the decision to start testing asymptomatic people for Covid, and why?

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May 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Why didn't the WHO debunk this?

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The WHO are the leaders of the Covid-19 misinformation campaign. Why would they debunk it.

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Check out in this brochure, the Swiss Philanthropic org that has seriously close ties to WEF AND works for WHO -Swiss Philanthropic Fund https://www.swissphilanthropy.ch/en/covid19fund/

Please note that the Chairman of the Swiss Foundation Etienne Eichenberger, has a company WISE, that works with Schwab Foundation



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More links in the jigsaw puzzle. Thanks mate

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Simon - I followed up on those links - and got some great details on the funding of the Covid plan. Very valuable insights. Thanks.

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Thank you and yes, the grift is well networked

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Hi Michael, may I attempt to answer your question.

Firstly the whole concept of 'transmission' is the red herring that the Covid cartel has used to distort the public discussion, weaponize PCR testing, and to deceive the public.

The transmission obsession was set by the start by the WHO in their 3.2.20 document on the preparedness plan for the SARS-CoV2 virus. They told the world to ramp up PCR testing. Which they had already approved in late January 2020 with the approval of the Corman-Drosten PCR paper....

The claim that asymptomatic people - previously for thousands of years call healthy people - were capable of being a disease vector added to the entire scam - the PCR false positives at an astronomically high level gave the World Health Organization and its public health partners worldwide the ammunition to 'justify' their Covid19 tyranny - it is what all the restrictions are based on 'cases' - also redefined by the WHO - they redefined a case from being a sick person to being a 'positive PCR test' - and redefined pandemics to refer to positive PCR tests as well, and not sick or hospitalized people. More psuedoscience.

Perhaps one of the best papers, and most recent, regarding the history and fake science of the asymptomatics is this one:

'The “false positive paradox” and the risks of testing asymptomatic people for COVID-19'


While the authors are kind to the World Health Organization - I myself cannot bring myself to be kind to an organization that has been corrupted and hijacked by an alliance of the CCP, Bill Gates, and Big Pharma - and acting as bio-warfare and biochemical terrorists.


Ivan M. Paton

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In your article you refer to Covid 19 - shouldn’t that be clarified as SARS CoV -2 the virus - not the disease?

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Brilliant paper. I just quoted it above and only just read it in the last 48 hours.

You are too kind to the W.H.O. but I understand the politics of why you must be.

I have no such constrictions. I think we need to abolish the WHO. They are a clear and present danger to humanity.

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Simple answer - the CCP - it shows up in the WHO-China joint mission trip report 16th-24th Feb 2020 - just read it. Every single policy foisted on us by the WHO started in China. This document shows it all.


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The false positives are the objective of PCR testing. It is not for health. Asymptomatic people are not sick. The PCR tests are a weapon, used to create the red herring of transmission - You can't stop a virus transmitting - the only way would be to put every human being in a Hazmut suit. And healthy people don't spread disease. The WHO redefined 'cases' which used to mean sick people, to be a positive PCR test. It is all meaningless. If you look at countries that had little or no testing - they had little or no Covid!!!! The only genuine Covid19 death is someone who died with pneumonia in the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, as proved by a lab sequencing test, not a PCR 'positive.' That's the definition in China and it is how it disappeared in mid 2020.

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May 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

I love your work. Smart, terse, informed. Please keep it up until every one of these idiots pays some price. Somehow, the world needs to be put back into balance. Exposing evil so it cannot be avoided seems to be the necessary first step. Many thanks.

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Thank you Dr. K! Agreed.

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May 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Back in the seventies I had libertarian ideas and remember how Italy had a 10% support for communism; but I thought let it go because people will see it for what it is and it won't go anywhere. Now it's totally a large part of Italy and they are practically China West.

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The takeover of Italy began when the Chinese moved into the north and literally took over the textile industry with imported illegal Chinese labor

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Hi Michael -

I just watched your interview with the British GB news. And I wanted to offer you a couple of thoughts to reflect on - that allows us to look at who was behind Covid and who is benefiting.

First it is very clear that you are dead right with regards to the CCP exporting lockdowns.

But I think they are only 50% of the global influence operation. The crisis in Italy was staged, it has been debunked on the numbers by many writers, and fake images were used there - it was the same playbook used in many locations.

The influence operation was massive and driven by most of the neo-liberal woke swamp. Did you ever come across Tomas Pueyo? - you can find him on Medium.com - He had a major influence on lockdowns in the beginning with 2 articles that went viral globally, which when you research his background and history and look at the date the first lockdown article appeared 10.3.20 a day before the WHO called the pandemic - you realize he is a complete fraud - someone's been feeding him for 2 years.

I believe that the Covid attack on humanity and nations is essentially an east-west alliance between the CCP, the traitors throughout the world from Australia to Zambia that are working with the CCP, the Neo-Liberals alliance with the World Economic Forum, and its 1,000 companies, foundations, and investment funds, that are clearly working towards global totalitarianism and work hand in hand with China -

And the WEF has been running its own global influence operation for decades, particularly with its Young Global Leaders program-most of the western Covid totalitarians today, and many leaders in key positions during Covid are YGL graduates.

The Covid war is an East-West alliance of the worlds most powerful political leaders, corporations, billionaires, foundations, NGOs and global institutions.

And part of that is Bill Gates and his global network and control of public health - And Gates wanted the lockdowns from the start - and was majorly instrumental in getting the governors in the American states to lockdown - America was important - because if the USA did not lockdown nobody would - or few.

What are they trying to achieve?

The end goal is global totalitarianism under a mass surveillance state just like the CCP with the help of its western partners has created in China.

They want it to be run through a public-private partnership under the umbrella of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum - a world central bank, a central bank digital currency, the elimination of all cash, the collapsing of the US dollar, the impoverishment of humanity 'you'll own nothing and be happy', the majority of all assets in the hands of multinational corporations and investment funds, all citizens with a digital ID, all citizens to be controlled through digital surveillance and control mechanisms masquerading as public health goods. etc.


The twin objectives are for the communist-fascist alliance between the east and the west to seize power at a global level, both for their benefit of controlling power but also to maintain their wealth and privileges and not suffer from the collapse of the credit based system that is imploding. If the existing economic paradigm played out and collapsed as it once did in 1929, and nearly happened in 2008, then many of the existing elites fortunes will be wiped out, and so too will their position and privilege.

Covid-19 is a war on the 99% of humanity by the 1% - they have raped, pillaged, and plundered the world - by enriching the global partners and corporations in the public health and vaccine industrial complex, and also plundering the tax dollars of almost every nation on earth.

China has been the biggest winner of the Covid policies - manufacturing PPE, facemasks (25% of the world's supply), hand sanitzer, ventilators etc., and vaccines to all the developing countries - along with little interruption to its economy until the 2022 lockdowns.

Ever wonder why during the last 2 years that real estate prices have not collapsed? Because all the elites, especially companies like Blackrock and Vanguard, are buying up distressed assets like crazy with virtually free money. "You'll own nothing and be happy."

So the why - is power, profits, and politics.

Totalitarianism is the end goal - Agenda 2030 is what the United Nations calls it, the World Economic Forum calls it the Great Reset or life under this scheme 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution' which sounds suspiciously like the Fourth Reich and is very similar.

It is a combination of the communists and the fascists.

The global corporations under the umbrella of the World Economic Forum, all woke, all in bed with the CCP - and subverting their home countries, and nations across the globe.

Just look at the censorship-all driven by woke American big tech - all in bed with China, or their shareholders are, and all part of the WEF.

Public-private - the essence of fascism.

Neo-Liberal Fascism.

The Ukraine war by the way is Act 2.

I hope you see this.

Ivan M. Paton

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May 6, 2022·edited May 6, 2022Author

Thanks Ivan. Yes my book actually contains a lot of info on both Pueyo and Gates. My view is the CCP has effectively co-opted many non-profits, corporations, and international organizations like the WEF and the WHO and is effectively using them as front organizations; in many cases this may involve various forms of coercion, but it's also a very gradual cultivation process, and there are some strange individuals like Schwab and Gates who simply have a weird, voluntary affinity for the kind of totalitarian control the CCP can offer. I encourage you to check out my book for a lot more info.

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Hi Michael, thanks for writing back. I'll have to get a copy of your book asap. I recall you writing about the lockdowns in late 2020 I think it was. And I thought it should have been a huge story-but nothing. Did you ever work out who is behind Pueyo? I suspect it is the British part of the Covid-cartel. Because he did an article on the 18.1.22 saying Covid can be over and the next day Boris Johnson announced that it was over in Britain.

I think you are right that the CCP has co-opted, or corrupted, all the main players, but it seems to be a cooperative alliance between the many organizations you mentioned in the west and the CCP. And it also appears that the Covid-cartel has been breaking apart as well in terms of the Covid policies at least. One thing is for certain though is that all of the American players, especially the companies that make up the World Economic Forum cabal, are all in business in China. CNN for example - its parent company is AT&T, and have been doing business in China for the last 40 years.

I think that rather than democratize China and creating more freedom as so many Neo-Liberals chanted, what we have seen is the reverse, the wholesale corruption of the western world, the corruption of our corporations and the very reverse has happened - they are now trying to force Marxism down the throats of western citizens, impose totalitarianism under the guise of public health, all while they rape, pillage, and plunder with climate change, Covid-19, and the Ukraine war.

How do we stop them?

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China and Xi are still just minions of the East India Company.

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I personally think that they are in alliance with the Anglo-American empire (which is the spawn of the British empire) through the World Economic Forum - but while the CCP has been cooperating for decades, they are also competing for influence and power and secretly want it all for themselves.

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Thank you for the research and for speaking out! I haven't seen anyone else delve into China's role in this like you have.

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May 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

This an absolutely riveting account of how the bodies started to be buried.

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May 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Enlightening reporting, thank you.

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May 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

The closer you followed the CCP policies, the worse you did.

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May 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

The cushy aka compromised relationship with the CCP, the harder the lockdowns - many examples such as Dan Andrews-all compromised because entire economies via business and government elites were deeply entangled with the CCP believing that trading with totalitarians was the new El Dorado

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May 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

so it was an op, clearly. was it solely perpetrated by the CCP is the question. or by an "uber-mafia" of elites?

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It seems the CCP is trying to build a kind of international criminal alliance.

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‘Trying’ hmm me thinks the job is done. Mission complete. Now how to get out of this hellhole. Back to 2019 😉🇦🇺

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May 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

It's also possible that Italy received intel from the U.S. (via NATO, CDC, etc) suggesting a lockdown was the appropriate course of action. NATO leadership, based in Naples and elsewhere in Europe, went right along with this. Military also provided feedback on its own cases to Italy and CDC. When Navy/NATO saw this was coming in December 2019, they already had forces on alert and were prepared to support shutdowns.

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Taiwan had advanced warning of what was going on with COVID from all the Taiwanese living-working on the mainland... They no doubt passed this info on to their so-called "allies" - the USA etc etc

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May 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

I'm sorry for.may english.... i hope everyone in the world can read your words, and the great awakening to be as quick as possible. In Italy more citizens are normies, and this is torture for me!! I pray that one day, soon, Italy too will have a president as great and as strong as Donald John Trump, and the justice,make.it possible to put in jail lifetime, the guilty of the distuction of the cointry. I pray that God deems our nation worth saving. 🇺🇲❤🇮🇹💪💪

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WHO = China Health Organization/Wuhan Health Organization... They were fully in on it... Speaking of WHO:

COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: Best World Health Organization (WHO)'s Tedros is a China Lapdog Puppet Memes

- Best Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the China Health Organization, I mean Wuhan Health Organization, I mean World Health Organization (WHO) is a China lapdog puppet memes! ;)


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