Jun 28, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

What an analogy, it's an obvious contender for "Analogy of the Year." I'm not vaxxed & haven't eaten beef or pork since 1982. However, given the choice, I'd eat a big pile of the sausage before I would get vaxxed. I received your book yesterday & can't wait to start it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts & keep them coming.

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Thank you Karloff!

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

🏆 You deserve this shiny award for the best metaphorical comparison during a global pandemic.

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Lol that’s high praise, thank you!

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Jun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Michael, thank you again for putting pieces of the puzzle together, layer by layer. I was struck by the timing of the bogus '20 million saved lives' rhetoric, authored by Bill Gates and disseminated via MSM -amazingly all at the same time, just a week ago and today the FDA are meeting and using the same bogus 'methodology' of projected deaths IF these magical 'vaccines' hadn't been there to save the world. Why? Because FDA want to permanently suspend any further research on any new 'vaccine' product. Are the FDA the manifestation of the sausage makers from not so long ago? I believe so.

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Very true.

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Thank you Michael. There were so many great sentences I would love to cut and paste in a response to leftist friends who are utterly convinced that millions, I tell you MILLIONS were saved by the covid injections. But it would bounce right off them, be a waste of my time and I don't want to throw your words down like pearls before swine.

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Well, look. Almost everyone these days believes something irrational. We should stop asking why so many people continue to have faith in our "public health" authorities. People hysterical with rage about the COVID lies will simultaneously declare themselves, via comments, believers in other sorts of cults, and a hearty percentage of people lining up for booster number infinity have pronouns in their bios and get lumps in their throats talking about "trans girls" and how "green energy" will save us.

So how do we get out of this mess now? Not just vent our emotions, but get out of this mess?

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It took us decades to reach this stage. If we proceed peacefully, it might take decades more to recover, if recovery is still possible. More efficient, and therefore more likely, that resolution won't be peaceful. Diplomats should continue their efforts, but we should all prepare for worse.

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Brilliant comment SCA. I've been amazed at the amount of people who seem to have some kind of blurry line when it comes to "vaccines", but that's the only blurry line they have. With everything else, they tow the line of whatever seems to be popular to them at the time and won't make them, or anyone else, feel "uncomfortable". I'm not sure how we get out of the mess, but knowing there's a lot of others that see the mess and want out of it as well gives me a glimmer of hope that even if we don't get out of it ourselves, I truly believe we'll get a good start on the upward climb for future generations.

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SCA, will introduce a bible passage here, the book of Romans chapter 1 describes in linear fashion how as man embraces various degrees of idolatry and immorality, that God "gives them or a nation that agrees with this over to their sin". it describes in graphic details that the behaviour progresses from one sin to the next as it leads to more and more deception and depravity of thinking and specifically sexually wrong behaviour. Our cultural open embrace of authoritarian level idolatry of science as the only salvation of man, the idolatry of creating unlimited money out of fiat combined with coercive immorality of this sexually immoral agenda being forced down our throats are happening at the same time. The end of this is going to lead to death of the Western nations that have spawned this unless there is a massive turning back to God in repentance. Its not impossible but it starts with each of us as individuals like what occured when Ninevah repented...one by one.

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

At least Mr Sinclair actually could identify the ingredients being put into the sausage. If he was writing the same book today using the "super safe and miraculously effective" "vaccines" as his subject, he'd run into a brick wall. As far as I know we *still* don't know what's in this "gene altering sausage". Great post.

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

"The Ding" - proud member of the World Health Network, don't believe a word from any of them. (But, oh, do they love the attention!)


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Jun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

"all models are wrong; some are useful."

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Great point about the fraud of employing failed prediction models to establish a fake baseline to “measure” vaccine lives saved! However, be cautious of comparisons to Upton Sinclair and the Meatpacking Industry. Contrary to mythological progressive history, the meatpacking industry had embraced federal meat inspection for decades prior to the passage of Meat Inspection Act of 1906, primarily to penetrate import barriers deployed by Europe and to build a regulatory moat against competition from smaller companies (see Murray Rothbard, “The Progressive Era” Chapter 8).

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"failed prediction models" have also been deployed to shore up the religion of "Global Climate cooling...er...warming....er...'CHANGE'".

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Yes, mathematical modeling based on no historical data is nothing more than somebodies opinion. Those somebodies are always paid to arrive at their pseudo scientific conclusions. A perfect example of this is the climate models. They were so bad that they had to be fudged (See Climategate). What had taken hundreds of thousands of years, these models predicted in a mere decade. Of course that decade came and went but were the assholes held responsible for their fraudulent models? No, of course not. They just cranked out some more phony numbers. The only way to save the world ... vote for and give money to these establishment politicians. They did the exact same thing with COVID. But if you read in Michael's incredibly revealing book, they were listened to by the Germans and soon to follow all the other governments in the western world including our own. Snake Oil should be required reading, by far the best book to come out of this phony pandemic.

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So true. Thank you so much PDG!

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Sad to see the Economist has fallen so low . . . "greater than the population of Chile". I stopped reading at that line.

Unfortunately for many Bloomberg and the Economist, etc. are still respected and honest news sources. At least there's The Stackers who understand than none are honest now, if they ever have been. I send Stack lists to as many people as possible to try and open more eyes.

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Always follow the money is a good rule for life. Cui bono?

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That great description of the sausage factory is not far off something I read recently about how vaccines are made, or were made over a century ago. (I'm sure it's all much more palatable now.)

“Calves, often kept in squalid conditions, had their flanks shaved and inoculated with lymph from whichever source. After ten days, the blisters were cut open and the fluid allowed to run into a vessel pressed against the animal's skin.” (Gareth Williams, Angel of Death, p. 270.)

This is what eradicated smallpox apparently!

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The process was so contaminated that many vaccines were not safe to inject.

That's why many were administered as a "scratch".

I remember those and the giant divot that many people ended up with.

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Great article explains the COVID madness

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Michael - I just love the fact that day after day, week after week, month after month, and now year after year, you continue to faithfully turn up and call out the pseudoscience, corruption and the corrupt fascists behind this perversion of all things, Covid and otherwise. Well done mate!


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Much appreciated, thank you Ivan!

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Senger, you are good.

This reader does not deserve your praise.

Sinclair was an outspoken socialist."

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