Highly recommend my latest interview discussing the Telegraph’s Lockdown Files, CCP influence on the response to COVID, and Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World on Ask Dr. Drew. Michael P Senger is an attorney and author of Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World. Want to support my work?
Hi Michael, I must say you probably hit the nail on the head. But to understand why xi the dictator did what he did, and from where he got his idea, one must realise that his generation and his father’s generation are probably very familiar with not just Sun Tzu’s art of war, but also the famed novel “ Romance of the 3 Kingdoms “. I will elaborate after this comment.
If you pick up that famed novel which is actually based on historical China dynasty history, pls go to the chapter : The Battle of Red Wall ". Its actually made into a cool movie sometime ago, albeit with some modifications. In this battle, the outnumbered so called allies, 2 kingdoms joining forces to try to repel a much stronger kingdom upcoming invasion, you know what they did ?
I'll try my best to summarise, they ask one of their old loyal general, a guy called Huang Gai, to pretend that he is defeatist. And after that they " pretend " to beat his up so badly as a punishment that his body is full of bloody injuries. Because they know the upcoming invaders have spies monitoring them. So they decide to FOOL the spies and make use of them.
Next thing Huang Gai " pretends " to wan to defect to the invaders, because of how he has been " unjustly " punished like that. And so he sneaks out in the middle of the night and face the invader top Warlord. That warlord is known to be ruthless, cunning, a master of strategy. And now he is bearing upon the 2 kingdoms with a huge naval army preparing for an invasion. Like independence day....
But in the end Huang gai gained the trust of the invading warlord, why ? Because his body is full of nasty wounds from the beating he got. And the spies already reported to the warlord. So those " nasty " wounds convinced the warlord that the defection is REAL....So this kind of strategy is what may inspire the CCP and xi to " pretend they are struck with a dangerous virus ". How unfortunate !!
Next Huang gai put the real game changer strategy into practice. Having gained the trust of the warlord, he convinced him with this " CURE ", that is, since the weather is getting worse, he should chain all his naval platforms together as a big group, to stabilise them among the river waves. Which the warlord did.
Then when the main invasion really begun, the defenders, who already know that the invaders have fallen for their " SNAKE OIL strategy ", instead make use of the changed favourable wind direction, and launch a massive fire arrow and artillery attack. And much like how the American fighters are parked as a group to prevent sabotage during Pearl Harbor, the invaders are quickly burned to death by the rapidly engulfing fire, aided by the winds....Because they are trapped as a big group chained together.
By then Huang gai already reverted and he turn on his new " master " and help slaughter the invaders...
In Chinese military strategy, this is called " Ku Rou Ji ", means the Bitter Meat strategy. Since I am an avid reader of Sun Tzu Art of War, and this famed Romance of the 3 Kingdoms, your analysis of how xi and the CCP uses snake oil tactics to fool the west to " self destruct " their economies, their society, is " OF COURSE !! " Its a cheap tactic, no need to take huge risks of real military warefare. Just inconvience the residents of the city of Wuhan of just a month or 2 and the JOB is DONE !!
And the west, aided by bill gates, fauci, big pharma, and his minions, finish the job....That is part of what I think is happening. As for whether bill, fauci and xi agreed before hand to do this " mutually beneficial " plandemic, is your guess Michael... Maybe you can uncover this in the near future.
And less one forgot, the US and the allies actually use a similar " Snake Oil " strategy against Adolf Hitler prior to D-Day 1944. Remember ? The PHANTOM ARMY trick to convince Hitler that General Patton and a massive army is preparing a massive invasion just across the English Channel at Dover Calais Area.
As a result most of Hitler's elite big panser armies are in the wrong position when in the end, the US and allies finally struck and landed at the Normandy beaches far away to the south west of calais.
History repeats itself sometimes. Snake Oil is indeed a devastating strategy at times, very effective if employed at the right time and place. And now the world's innocent citizens are paying the price of these huge clash of governments.
Thanks so much Li! Agreed completely. I've long been baffled by the broad unwillingness to believe that the CCP would engage in this kind of psychological warfare, when there are so many mountains of evidence to the contrary, often spelled out in the CCP's own texts.
I bought your snake oil book Michael, its now part of my library, I will read it in stages, and now I am chatting with the author ! Cool ! First thing like this..:)
As for xi's nonsense zero covid strategy, which now is no more due to the enraged Chinese people threatening his grip on power, I speculate that perhaps that's his way of " pretending " that he really "believe" in lockdown etc. So that the world will not realise that he tricked the whole world into self destruction. Which will make his name into MUD and many more nations will hate the ccp and China. And the innocent Chinese people will suffer even more due to their dictatorial leader's crazy antics.
Even if his real reason is to fight against the pressure on the ccp from the US and the west, his snake oil also hurts many other countries not even involved in the China vs west rivalry, economic trade war... So its a really risky strategy, if one day the whole world finds out he and his ccp ruined the lives of the earth population.
And before you even publish your book, earlier on I already have suspicions that ccp did this snake oil thing, why ? If they really think covid 19 is dangerous, why are there totally no news that xi and his henchmen got vaccinated ? They, unlike some world leaders, including biden, don't even BOTHER to pretend to get jabbed in front of the Chinese people. Maybe xi is scared that his enemies might even find a way to put something strange in the fake jab meant for him, if he decides to do so. And he never even bothered.
And not long after the first year, xi himself don't even bother to wear a mask anymore. And recently, during the ccp congress, xi and his top henchmen do not wear mask, but the vast majority of the ccp congress members HAVE to wear mask. I call it mouth underwear now. Haha. So its just a power play to remind all that he is the BOSS, the others are just his slaves. And of course he knows the vaccines, example the Sinovac inactivated virus vaccine, or western mrna jabs, all are useless.
And I have contacts in China who testify that the brutal zero covid measures are not snake oil this time. Its true. It makes Chinese citizens lives very miserable. Some even commit suicide because they ran out of money and cannot do anything more. This convinced me that xi is like emperor palpatine of China, hope in the future more Chinese citizens realise, like what Obi Wan said, their loyalty is to the nation but NOT to its LEADER, who has stayed in power much longer than the original " constitution ". The similarities of xi and palpatine is striking !
xi has a calm face, unlike Hitler, Stalin, but now without doubt, he is just another brutal dictator. Any leader who is willing to CRUSH his own people to achieve his aims and held on to power CANNOT BE TRUSTED. If a leader is willing to sacrifice his own people, what else he cannot do in the future ?
Back in the US, I hope one day bill, fauci and gang also needs to be put on trial and given the DEATH penalty. xi is a big liar, but bill, fauci, and gang are murderers...
They met at the Brownstone Institute conference & gala in Miami in December (I was there, too). Lots of heavy hitters like Jeffrey Tucker, Joseph Ladapo, Justin Hart, Jay Battacharya, Harvey Risch were there as well. We need more of that. The COVID legal conference coming up in Atlanta also looks great.
What I’ve learned in six months as a Substack writer. A few lessons: Substack writers support one another; Substack itself is the biggest media story in years; people in “blue” states have been some my biggest supporters and I've become on-line "friends" with smart and important writers like Michael Senger!
Have you guys watch the videos inside this website ? Trust me, if xi really is the one ordering the WIV to let the cat out of the bag, he will be laughing till his belly hurts after seeing what the biden government and bill gates, big pharma did to Americans like this :
Check this out guys, Michael maybe you may want to look into this. The pieces of the puzzle are scattered far and wide, and not easy to put together. But now, more than 3 years later, more people are starting to have parts of the puzzle, this may be a good piece one ? :
Absolute nonsense that Xi Jinping shut down the world.
Your latest tweet here is also absolute nonsense for which there is zero evidence:
"I have no doubt that COVID is biologically different from past seasonal flus. But I also have no doubt that if it weren’t for the lockdowns, mass testing and propaganda, we simply would have considered it another bad seasonal flu and no one would’ve known the difference."
You "have no doubt?" Well then provide some evidence.
It's "biologically different" yet would have essentially had an "impact" that no one would have noticed?
You aren't making sense within your own narrative.
Your entire "thesis" on China is dangerous jingoism and devoid of context. I don't believe you have been following these things for very long and have shoe horned your "beliefs" and conflations to fit your predetermined "hypothesis."
I understand that its difficult to believe xi can do such a thing, after all its a risky strategy for himself if discovered. BUT look, remember the Dec / Jan 2020 videos and images of wuhan people dying en masse in the streets with nurses wearing astronaut like suits standing beside them ? That itself is ridiculous, what are they doing standing beside the dead people ? For selfies ??? Of course, with the benefit of hindsight, they are doing selfies and meant to be broadcasted to the world, especially the west !
And now we know covid is hardly that dangerous to cause that kind of thing. After 3 years I never even saw a single human falling to the ground and died on the spot on the streets, anywhere. Have you ? So its clear those earlier wuhan videos and images are just bs propaganda !
As for speculation that ccp opposition did those to discredit the ccp and to show they have lost control of the situation, I find that also unlikely, Because knowing ccp's huge network of the GREAT FIREWALL of China, and sensorship of media, how can those kind of videos get through their sensorship ?? And I know american social media websites have difficulty operating in China. Now why are so many ghastly videos like that get through and broadcasted so easily and massively to the world in Dec 2019 and Jan 2020 ? This is a crucial clue.
Its just fearmongering to trick western leaders into lockdowns and ruin their own economy. Simple. Cheap. But if someone have other evidence, and arguments otherwise, I welcome them. I will like to know the truth too.
As for bill gate's event 20xx whatever, as for evidence that big pharma already know this is coming with all the patents and vaccines already in hand long before Dec 2019, that is the mystery left unsolved. Did they gang up with the ccp to do this upon the world, how can the timing be so uncannily accurate ?
Hope Michael can solve this later. If indeed fauci, bill, and gang really co-ordinate with the ccp for their own goals of money and de-population, then all deserves the death penalty, and bill's hundreds of billions in stock should be confiscated and sold to compensate the many deaths and jab injured families.
There is another theory, that the US spread covid to wuhan during the military games there earlier. But that again does not cancel the fact that those wuhan videos images are bs. Solving the puzzle of WHO spread those videos and images from wuhan in the early days are KEY to solving the main ring leaders of who did this plandemic.
Michael if you can find solid evidence that the ccp are the ones spreading those early wuhan videos and images, then your case is really rested without any more doubt.
Maybe, maybe, could it be that the people who staged and spread the early wuhan videos and images are from BIG MEDIA ? controlled by the globalist pigs ? Using Chinese actors ? Maybe. But again how easy it is to go through ccp sensors is also worth thinking about. Is it really that easy ? The ccp should know that those are bs. Why allow them to go through ?
Once again, solving the mystery of WHO really spread those wuhan stuff is key to unlocking the identities of the masterminds. Michael maybe you may want to try digging deeper to find more evidence of who spread those wuhan stuff, which makes global citizens piss in their pants, and I must admit makes my nerves chill too in Jan 2020. Shit ! Now, DAMN ! Fooled for a while.
Mike - you have to talk to Paul Alexander. You have the angle on China and he has the angle inside the Trump WH. He;'s a good guy. Discuss.
This is a really insightful and important interview. Thanks!
Thank you Susan!
Hi Michael, I must say you probably hit the nail on the head. But to understand why xi the dictator did what he did, and from where he got his idea, one must realise that his generation and his father’s generation are probably very familiar with not just Sun Tzu’s art of war, but also the famed novel “ Romance of the 3 Kingdoms “. I will elaborate after this comment.
If you pick up that famed novel which is actually based on historical China dynasty history, pls go to the chapter : The Battle of Red Wall ". Its actually made into a cool movie sometime ago, albeit with some modifications. In this battle, the outnumbered so called allies, 2 kingdoms joining forces to try to repel a much stronger kingdom upcoming invasion, you know what they did ?
I'll try my best to summarise, they ask one of their old loyal general, a guy called Huang Gai, to pretend that he is defeatist. And after that they " pretend " to beat his up so badly as a punishment that his body is full of bloody injuries. Because they know the upcoming invaders have spies monitoring them. So they decide to FOOL the spies and make use of them.
Next thing Huang Gai " pretends " to wan to defect to the invaders, because of how he has been " unjustly " punished like that. And so he sneaks out in the middle of the night and face the invader top Warlord. That warlord is known to be ruthless, cunning, a master of strategy. And now he is bearing upon the 2 kingdoms with a huge naval army preparing for an invasion. Like independence day....
But in the end Huang gai gained the trust of the invading warlord, why ? Because his body is full of nasty wounds from the beating he got. And the spies already reported to the warlord. So those " nasty " wounds convinced the warlord that the defection is REAL....So this kind of strategy is what may inspire the CCP and xi to " pretend they are struck with a dangerous virus ". How unfortunate !!
Next Huang gai put the real game changer strategy into practice. Having gained the trust of the warlord, he convinced him with this " CURE ", that is, since the weather is getting worse, he should chain all his naval platforms together as a big group, to stabilise them among the river waves. Which the warlord did.
Then when the main invasion really begun, the defenders, who already know that the invaders have fallen for their " SNAKE OIL strategy ", instead make use of the changed favourable wind direction, and launch a massive fire arrow and artillery attack. And much like how the American fighters are parked as a group to prevent sabotage during Pearl Harbor, the invaders are quickly burned to death by the rapidly engulfing fire, aided by the winds....Because they are trapped as a big group chained together.
By then Huang gai already reverted and he turn on his new " master " and help slaughter the invaders...
In Chinese military strategy, this is called " Ku Rou Ji ", means the Bitter Meat strategy. Since I am an avid reader of Sun Tzu Art of War, and this famed Romance of the 3 Kingdoms, your analysis of how xi and the CCP uses snake oil tactics to fool the west to " self destruct " their economies, their society, is " OF COURSE !! " Its a cheap tactic, no need to take huge risks of real military warefare. Just inconvience the residents of the city of Wuhan of just a month or 2 and the JOB is DONE !!
And the west, aided by bill gates, fauci, big pharma, and his minions, finish the job....That is part of what I think is happening. As for whether bill, fauci and xi agreed before hand to do this " mutually beneficial " plandemic, is your guess Michael... Maybe you can uncover this in the near future.
And less one forgot, the US and the allies actually use a similar " Snake Oil " strategy against Adolf Hitler prior to D-Day 1944. Remember ? The PHANTOM ARMY trick to convince Hitler that General Patton and a massive army is preparing a massive invasion just across the English Channel at Dover Calais Area.
As a result most of Hitler's elite big panser armies are in the wrong position when in the end, the US and allies finally struck and landed at the Normandy beaches far away to the south west of calais.
History repeats itself sometimes. Snake Oil is indeed a devastating strategy at times, very effective if employed at the right time and place. And now the world's innocent citizens are paying the price of these huge clash of governments.
Thanks so much Li! Agreed completely. I've long been baffled by the broad unwillingness to believe that the CCP would engage in this kind of psychological warfare, when there are so many mountains of evidence to the contrary, often spelled out in the CCP's own texts.
I bought your snake oil book Michael, its now part of my library, I will read it in stages, and now I am chatting with the author ! Cool ! First thing like this..:)
As for xi's nonsense zero covid strategy, which now is no more due to the enraged Chinese people threatening his grip on power, I speculate that perhaps that's his way of " pretending " that he really "believe" in lockdown etc. So that the world will not realise that he tricked the whole world into self destruction. Which will make his name into MUD and many more nations will hate the ccp and China. And the innocent Chinese people will suffer even more due to their dictatorial leader's crazy antics.
Even if his real reason is to fight against the pressure on the ccp from the US and the west, his snake oil also hurts many other countries not even involved in the China vs west rivalry, economic trade war... So its a really risky strategy, if one day the whole world finds out he and his ccp ruined the lives of the earth population.
And before you even publish your book, earlier on I already have suspicions that ccp did this snake oil thing, why ? If they really think covid 19 is dangerous, why are there totally no news that xi and his henchmen got vaccinated ? They, unlike some world leaders, including biden, don't even BOTHER to pretend to get jabbed in front of the Chinese people. Maybe xi is scared that his enemies might even find a way to put something strange in the fake jab meant for him, if he decides to do so. And he never even bothered.
And not long after the first year, xi himself don't even bother to wear a mask anymore. And recently, during the ccp congress, xi and his top henchmen do not wear mask, but the vast majority of the ccp congress members HAVE to wear mask. I call it mouth underwear now. Haha. So its just a power play to remind all that he is the BOSS, the others are just his slaves. And of course he knows the vaccines, example the Sinovac inactivated virus vaccine, or western mrna jabs, all are useless.
And I have contacts in China who testify that the brutal zero covid measures are not snake oil this time. Its true. It makes Chinese citizens lives very miserable. Some even commit suicide because they ran out of money and cannot do anything more. This convinced me that xi is like emperor palpatine of China, hope in the future more Chinese citizens realise, like what Obi Wan said, their loyalty is to the nation but NOT to its LEADER, who has stayed in power much longer than the original " constitution ". The similarities of xi and palpatine is striking !
xi has a calm face, unlike Hitler, Stalin, but now without doubt, he is just another brutal dictator. Any leader who is willing to CRUSH his own people to achieve his aims and held on to power CANNOT BE TRUSTED. If a leader is willing to sacrifice his own people, what else he cannot do in the future ?
Back in the US, I hope one day bill, fauci and gang also needs to be put on trial and given the DEATH penalty. xi is a big liar, but bill, fauci, and gang are murderers...
They met at the Brownstone Institute conference & gala in Miami in December (I was there, too). Lots of heavy hitters like Jeffrey Tucker, Joseph Ladapo, Justin Hart, Jay Battacharya, Harvey Risch were there as well. We need more of that. The COVID legal conference coming up in Atlanta also looks great.
What I’ve learned in six months as a Substack writer. A few lessons: Substack writers support one another; Substack itself is the biggest media story in years; people in “blue” states have been some my biggest supporters and I've become on-line "friends" with smart and important writers like Michael Senger!
Fabulous interview.
Look ahead to CBDC's re: your relationships
Have you guys watch the videos inside this website ? Trust me, if xi really is the one ordering the WIV to let the cat out of the bag, he will be laughing till his belly hurts after seeing what the biden government and bill gates, big pharma did to Americans like this :
Check this out guys, Michael maybe you may want to look into this. The pieces of the puzzle are scattered far and wide, and not easy to put together. But now, more than 3 years later, more people are starting to have parts of the puzzle, this may be a good piece one ? :
Absolute nonsense that Xi Jinping shut down the world.
Your latest tweet here is also absolute nonsense for which there is zero evidence:
"I have no doubt that COVID is biologically different from past seasonal flus. But I also have no doubt that if it weren’t for the lockdowns, mass testing and propaganda, we simply would have considered it another bad seasonal flu and no one would’ve known the difference."
You "have no doubt?" Well then provide some evidence.
It's "biologically different" yet would have essentially had an "impact" that no one would have noticed?
You aren't making sense within your own narrative.
Your entire "thesis" on China is dangerous jingoism and devoid of context. I don't believe you have been following these things for very long and have shoe horned your "beliefs" and conflations to fit your predetermined "hypothesis."
I understand that its difficult to believe xi can do such a thing, after all its a risky strategy for himself if discovered. BUT look, remember the Dec / Jan 2020 videos and images of wuhan people dying en masse in the streets with nurses wearing astronaut like suits standing beside them ? That itself is ridiculous, what are they doing standing beside the dead people ? For selfies ??? Of course, with the benefit of hindsight, they are doing selfies and meant to be broadcasted to the world, especially the west !
And now we know covid is hardly that dangerous to cause that kind of thing. After 3 years I never even saw a single human falling to the ground and died on the spot on the streets, anywhere. Have you ? So its clear those earlier wuhan videos and images are just bs propaganda !
As for speculation that ccp opposition did those to discredit the ccp and to show they have lost control of the situation, I find that also unlikely, Because knowing ccp's huge network of the GREAT FIREWALL of China, and sensorship of media, how can those kind of videos get through their sensorship ?? And I know american social media websites have difficulty operating in China. Now why are so many ghastly videos like that get through and broadcasted so easily and massively to the world in Dec 2019 and Jan 2020 ? This is a crucial clue.
Its just fearmongering to trick western leaders into lockdowns and ruin their own economy. Simple. Cheap. But if someone have other evidence, and arguments otherwise, I welcome them. I will like to know the truth too.
As for bill gate's event 20xx whatever, as for evidence that big pharma already know this is coming with all the patents and vaccines already in hand long before Dec 2019, that is the mystery left unsolved. Did they gang up with the ccp to do this upon the world, how can the timing be so uncannily accurate ?
Hope Michael can solve this later. If indeed fauci, bill, and gang really co-ordinate with the ccp for their own goals of money and de-population, then all deserves the death penalty, and bill's hundreds of billions in stock should be confiscated and sold to compensate the many deaths and jab injured families.
There is another theory, that the US spread covid to wuhan during the military games there earlier. But that again does not cancel the fact that those wuhan videos images are bs. Solving the puzzle of WHO spread those videos and images from wuhan in the early days are KEY to solving the main ring leaders of who did this plandemic.
Michael if you can find solid evidence that the ccp are the ones spreading those early wuhan videos and images, then your case is really rested without any more doubt.
Maybe, maybe, could it be that the people who staged and spread the early wuhan videos and images are from BIG MEDIA ? controlled by the globalist pigs ? Using Chinese actors ? Maybe. But again how easy it is to go through ccp sensors is also worth thinking about. Is it really that easy ? The ccp should know that those are bs. Why allow them to go through ?
Once again, solving the mystery of WHO really spread those wuhan stuff is key to unlocking the identities of the masterminds. Michael maybe you may want to try digging deeper to find more evidence of who spread those wuhan stuff, which makes global citizens piss in their pants, and I must admit makes my nerves chill too in Jan 2020. Shit ! Now, DAMN ! Fooled for a while.
Mandating COVID patients into nursing homes
Locking down the entire healthy population to keep COVID as far away from the elderly as possible...
Violates the law of non-contradiction.
I'm pretty sure that's the thermal exhaust port in the Death Star. But if you could take five minutes to check my math, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Stay in your own movie,
Bob Stone