So glad to see your audience reach expand, big time thanks for the research & reporting!! <3

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Thank you Pamela—and best holiday wishes!

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Great interview! Thank you.

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Dec 23, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Michael, listened to your interview. The argument against the lab leak is so important and I absolutely see the logic to your argument. The use of lab leak facilitated the justification for hard lock downs in the West which was code for the decimation of human rights and Western liberal thought. Brand, is in my opinion is both savvy and articulate, and both synthesised your points and asked great questions with really fine responses from you. Michael thank you so much for the incredible investigation and excellent articles as reading them is always food for thought and a highlight in my reading. I want to wish you a really HAPPY CHRISTMAS and an excellent NEW YEAR 2023.

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Thank you SN, Merry Christmas to you as well!

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Just watched it & it's great! Way to point out the folly of the lab leak AND the wet market theories. Russell also seems wetted to the Unipolar vs Multipolar world, which seems to be playing out to a certain extent via BRICS, etc., but you stood your ground arguing how Xi's influence became global rather rapidly, and with deceit, fake videos, and bots.

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Thank you Doug! Exactly.

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He's a great guy.

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This is the big time! Superb!

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Nailed it dead to rights in your closing summary! Truth is the petard that holds power accountable.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Well done, Michael. This goes on my short list to pass along to anyone willing to have their eyes opened.

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I wish to impress upon you some hope.

On page 222 of David C. Korten's book, "Agenda for a New Economy (2010)," there's a quote by Howard Zinn (read it carefully, because it matters greatly): "There's a tendency to think that what we see in the present will continue. We forget how often we have been astonished by the sudden crumbling of institutions, extraordinary changes in people's thoughts, 'unexpected eruptions of rebellion against tyrannies' (emphasis added), and the quick collapse of systems of power that seemed invincible."

May I insist that you grab a copy of this invaluable book soon? And for that matter, especially read Chapter 16: WHEN THE PEOPLE LEAD, THE LEADERS WILL FOLLOW, from pages 222 to 232.

See, now. There's hope!

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I hope you guys addressed how Russell and Yuval Harai are well acquainted, it makes me so suspicious of Russell. Now that I know that I cannot stand to watch him. No one seems to think it is relevant, but I do. Yuval could not be more evil.

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I know this is old but I also can’t Russell Brand. He sets off too many alarm bells for me.

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Lots of alarm bells. Miles Mathis exposed his genealogy back in 2014. I believe RB is a grenade tossed into our camp. Anyone embracing him worries me.

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Also a Miles Mathis reader here! Found him a little over a decade ago and have finally taken more time to look into his physics discoveries.

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Michael, Happy New Year!!

I found something really interesting related to

africa, health and factcheckers. 2015 &2016 Bill and Melinda Gates funded this:


and this


This is just a WILD question. Could the 'fact-checkers' affect election outcomes, health policies etc?

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Demonizing the CCP while ignoring that the ACP is the major threat to the future of the planet.

The Enemy of Nature - Joel Kovel


ACP = American Capitalist Party

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This was a great interview. Thank you for sharing. Is there more information in your book about the deaths from COVID? I understand we did some things that exacerbated the illness in some people, which inadvertently caused their deaths. I’m curious about the healthier people who succumbed - and about relatively healthy people who are suffering from what has been labeled “long covid.” Do you think these people were vulnerable and would have been struck in the same way had the lockdown not occurred - and that they should have isolated themselves - or is there some evidence that we would have physiologically reacted differently without a lockdown. Would it have been more like today with covid or is there any evidence that the mutation we see today would have developed in the same way. Basically I am asking if all those people would have died regardless of a lockdown and if so, how could we have more effectively reacted.

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Michael, sorry to have to read the Red Book to you, but you have it all wrong about Xi, the CCP, and Mao. Clearly, you are a mouthpiece lackey for Capitalism and the U.S. Imperialist Government, accusing the SAVIOUR of the current world of doing evil! Just view dear Jeff Brown’s latest hagiography of Mao: “MERRY MAOMAS! MAO ZEDONG WAS BORN 129 YEARS AGO TODAY. WHETHER YOU REALIZE IT OR NOT, HE CHANGED YOUR LIFE FOREVER, FOR THE BETTER.” China Rising Radio Sinoland 221226


Perhaps you can interview him for his take on your “Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World”? Jeff’s a prime time “Political Pilgrim” Aka, fellow traveler, see Paul Hollander’s books, especially Political Pilgrims: Western Intellectuals in Search of the Good Society, Aka, a Useful Idiot.

Keep safe and free.

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This was a fantastic interview. What you said, made so much sense. I hope this wakes many more up. Miss you on Twitter.

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