This may be the crack in the dam we are waiting for. If the courts nor the legislature can do their jobs, we will be left with civil insurrection, which is ugly and dangerous.

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I'm not sure about the ugly part my friend..

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

This is good news. Are we able to feel just a little bit more optimistic or is it still too soon? My own country, UK has been taken over by overarching globalist decision, against the people’s vote, to install their globalist puppet Rishi Sunak.

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The British people will need to hit the streets en masse to show their deep disapproval of the coup by Sunak and his WEF globalist henchmen

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A British protest by 2 million did not stop us entering the war against Iraq. We have had endless protests which have failed to change anything in this country.

WEF is a Royal family construct. Schwab is their stooge.

Sunak is one of their tea boys.

We have demockery not democracy in UK.

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What about the massive protests against vaccine mandates? I understand what you are saying about power and throwing crumbs to the great unwashed when they get a little bit restless, to make it look like concessions. It's is about who has the power but it should never make us little people give in. Be that thorn that is with The Rose.

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“The Revolution Will Not Be Televised”. Famous protest song. Fits today. Covid and war protests are dishonestly reported. Or buried. Almost 100% by MSM aren’t they? But a tipping point will come and all eyes will see. 🙏🏻🙏🏻.

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Who said anything about 'giving in'? I certainly did not.

I am saying that gathering on the streets is ineffective. We have to find other ways of showing our defiance, even during these times of cancel culture.

I have seen graffiti, stickering, sabotage and disruption via direct action such as traffic stopping and locking onto offensive machinery. All are feasible and justifiable ways in which to protest.

I am saying that aiming at the puppet political class is futile because they merely obey orders from the totalitarians who really rule this world.

We would be far more effective if we boycotted their industries, their ceremonies and their celebrities. Remember we stopped the wearing of fur? How? By throwing red paint at the celebrities who wore it. By painting blood pouring from the coats in their advertising billboards. By daubing shop fronts with bloody words like 'murder' and 'death'.

We need to do the same to the places which deliver vaccines. We should be making the ruling class aware that we see their totalitarian coup by strongly criticising their propaganda division, ie., the media. Why not write murder and death on the walls of the BBC? The Daily Mail? Why not attack the liars by daubing THEIR walls with accusations and fake blood?

There is weakness in walking around carrying a sign once a week and usually on a Saturday. There is power in humiliating the machine.

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he's hilarious isn't he. just saw an interview clip of him saying all his friends are from winchester and eaton and how he once met someone from a state school or something along those lines

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I’m cautiously optimistic… Nonetheless, as someone whose entire family escaped from the eastern bloc, I know you can’t finesse your way out of communism… perhaps this will create the necessary cracks in the dam to open the floodgates of truth. Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

I hope this is the start of monumental, unstoppable truth & that severe punishment follows. Not just for the censorship but every bit of the scam. I hope they all start turning on each other - that will be great entertainment.

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The first arrest will shock everyone.

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I’ll predict there will not be one arrest of consequence.

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Great news. This was all practiced in October 2019 at Event 201 as preparation for a Coronavirus pandemic. (interesting timing) They stressed that a key component of managing a pandemic was to control the narrative instead of engaging in healthy dialogue and debate about effective courses of action. Scary.

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This has not gotten enough attention—especially the focus in that dry run on "trusted sources" controlling the narrative

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RFK Jr details it nicely in the Fauci book.

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Thanks for this comprehensive summary. F is a glib psychopath. See this to understand why: https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/149-testing-for-psychopathsthe-stuff#details

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Good. Next go after Wikipedia. Look at Dr Mercola’s and Dr Kory’s pages. Or look up functional medicine. The censorship editors are busy at work. It’s a worthless, highly biased site.

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Ironic how much in high school (I graduated in 08) we were told NOT to use Wikipedia as a source for anything.

Who knew my teachers would be right? Lets hope they practice what they preach. It's good on *some* topics. But definitely not all of them.

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You see, the problem is that judicial proceedings have hardly ever, if ever, protected the people from tyranny.

George Carlin said, "America has been sold and paid for a long time ago." He was wrong. While the country was stolen in the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, the private bank that has been usurping the issuance of the USD to the US "government" at the taxpayer's expense with an interest. US citizens are still liable for their "government's" spending with their assets, properties, and lives. If you find this unbelievable, look up state contracts for "loans" from the branches of the private central bank.

America has been gone for a long time:


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You may be right, but I for one welcome this development.

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It doesn't matter what I think. What matters is what my readers think! :)

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

More power to your elbow, Michael. Thank you for taking a stand. The truth will out.

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Thank you Michael for clearly explaining how important this case is. Bringing Fauci et al to court is DEFINITELY in the public interest.

Time Fauci fess's up!

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One might expect such revelations would cause a mass exodus of irate customers from these propaganda outlets, especially the prominent ones like twit, face and goog. One would be wrong to expect that. Most users of the offending "social" media platforms don't care about trivia like the Constitution or morals. They congregate there to avoid such encumberances. Probably more rational platforms (like substack) would see their users evaporate with similar allegations.

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Fauci is an easy target in a dep. Load up and fire away for several days..

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Michael, I am trying to bring real people together. Not in an official way, but starting to support each other's Substacks/sites. We could never be a defining power, because we would be eliminated above 10k "subscibers," but together, we might make a difference. And no, we don't have to agree on the details (e.g. whether "viruses" exist or not).

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Two and a half years ago, Fauci went along with the ChiCom-directed WHO, and purposefully conflated Covid’s CFR of 3% with its IFR, which everyone knew, even then, was likely a couple orders of magnitude lower … and which since has been confirmed.

It was blatant fear-mongering, obvious even at the time, even to a dumb ER guy like me. Under the doctrine regarding ‘yelling “Fire!” in a crowded theater,’ Fauci should promptly have been fired and faced investigation and criminal charges. Yet that was just the beginning of his epic spree of disinformation and policy outrages.

He’s still got his job? And ONLY NOW has to testify under oath? Ever hear the expression ‘Justice delayed is justice denied?’

A cursory review of the news, 2010-2022, yields a long list of similar high profile instances (mostly unrelated to the ‘pandemic response’ hoax) of justice denied. Anyone remember Lois Lerner and the weaponization of IRS?

I agree with Dr Yoho that insurrection is ugly and dangerous. I share his hope it can be avoided. Sadly, mine is a very faint hope. At this point, I would bet good money that the failure of the justice system has rendered civil insurrection pretty much inevitable. (Possibly accompanied by currency collapse, hyperinflation and a nuclear exchange with Russia.)

So I’m getting ready for all that. If I’m wrong - and I sure hope I am - well, no harm done. When peace breaks out, I can eat or sell all the survival rations and shoot or sell all the ammo.

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Should be fun to watch "Dr. Science" weasel his way out of this one.

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

can't wait to hear the world class tap dancing

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