Leaked messages from December 13, 2020, show former UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock planning to “deploy the new variant” in Covid messaging to “frighten the pants out of everyone” in order to “get proper behaviour change” in the British public’s compliance with lockdown measures.
Yes it fits the meaning of terrorism which is an attack on peaceful citizens and non combative military. A propaganda fear campaign to terrorize citizens therefore a crime against humanity under the Rule 7n of the Geneva Convention.
How could you prove mens rea (guilty mind) in court in that situation? It would be impossible. The prosecution’s job would be difficult, if not impossible, in proving it.
Guilty mind. Let's see. Using fear to control people and force them to comply. Using media in lockstep to push the fear as the media pedaled every fear the government created. Examples galore on that. The government using fake propaganda online to justify restrictions and emergency orders easily proven fake by research. The data was in by April 2020. The military admitted they took advantage of this fear to test citizens. That is evil. It's an experiment then and a Nuremberg Code violation. The whistle blowers accounts indicating fear is unnecessary and hospitals not overwhelmed. Government paying more for covid positives ventilators and remdesivir and denial of early treatments with known proven drugs but off label drugs have been allowed even those that have killed or banned elsewhere. The EUA rushed vaccines are throttled by fraud and inconsistencies followed with adverse events reported immediately and skyrocketing yet the lies mount by politicians and doctors. Safety signals ignored. Cover up and an experiment that requires data like in Israel who is the lab experiment for the world of Pfizer MRNA yet no real life data. Why not and it's later revealed not until Dec, 2021 did they start. Failure. But it was already known. Pfizer knew. Crime of the mind. Of course it is. The vaccine mandates seals the crime of the mind. They knew it didn't stop transmission or infection. They went on a rampage using hate and division. Crime of the mind to subvert the moral ethical compass of people. It's only difficult to a dishonest prosecutor. Logic and common sense is indisputable. The vaccine mandates are violation of the security of a person. It inflicts mental anquish on those forced to get them to keep their jobs. Violation of their body autonomy and violation of the security of the person. It Infringes on fundamental human rights and hinges on genocide as it was pushed onto pregnant females with no studies whatsoever and used fear and public pressure even going so far as to fire them if they dont get it. By causing miscarriages and infertility to woman or death to mom and baby they have committed a genocide and violation of Bioethics and Human Rights using an experiment they called safe with no evidence. In fact Pfizer docs proved it unsafe. They have killed and harmed many and a genocide doesn't have a set number to call it that. Evil is evil with intent. Fraud under the legal term is intentional deceit or dishonest action to deny a right. Fraud in the vaccine medical trials is there and they knew before mass vaccination. Denial of health exemptions furthers this evil intent. Can't be about health if you force it on someone who suffers the very adverse events noted to come from these vaccines. I think we have the criminal mind down pat here with all the evidence. Rwanda media shared in war crimes and crimes against humanity and that is covered under Rule 7 of the Geneva Convention. Laws are just collecting dust if we have prosecutors without spines able to decipher criminal mind intent using real life events and data and harms created. Psychological warfare using fear is a crime and using public health officials and media to tell us how to think feel or choose is called control and violates human rights charters constitutions and moral ethics of Medical Acts to do no harm. We have tragedies of the past as precedents. We just lack many in our Justice system with courage and moral conviction. Too many bought people where money is a blindfold to crimes. It fits terrorism which is crime of the mind. But what do I know. I just don't have criminal conflicts of interest that blindfolds the eyes to see and to read rule of the law as it should be.
A "smoking gun" proving that promoting irrational fear was the SOP of governments. I hope this story gets a little mainstream attention in America ... where the exact same thing happened.
That even Trump allowed himself to be duped by Fauci & Co in this way is the main black mark against his tenure. He should have stuck to his instincts, like he did with nearly everything else.
Well Mr Hancock, you seem to have painted yourself in the corner royally. I don't think you need to worry about "justice", at least not the formal kind LOL. The informal justice you will probably face will come from one of two sources. Those who want you gone for what you've done to them and their families and those who want you gone because you know too much. Of the two I side with the latter. You'd make a smashing good martyr for the cause Matty. Either way it will probably be your security detail that does you in. It's almost always them. They have access. There will be a patsy, there always is.
The evidence of what Matt Hancock did to terrorize with fear into compliance as shown in black and white to everyone who reads his chat messages is proof that they knew they had to use fear to lockdown and get compliance for the vaccines.
Dr. Michael Yeadon: Every Single Thing We Were Told Is a LIE
'The “Vaccines”Have Killed Millions... Personally I No Longer Believe There Was Any Novel Respiratory Virus... If we can’t persuade people of that, humanity is going down'
As much as we know this is what they did, it's astounding to see them actually say it in their own words. What a despicable bunch. Still, as you say, the ultimate "whys" are still missing.
I recall we tried to convince skeptics to sit through the grueling five-hour Event 201. The discussion never touched on any treatments, but centered on gaining control and pile driving the narrative.
There’s no data to support “scare👖off everyone” scenario. Nor is there a timely mechanism to break shackles of bureaucratic malfeasance. It’s a slow motion car wreck, by design.
“how the initial lockdown decision was made in spring 2020 remains the most important question of the entire Covid story,” EXACTLY!
Debbie Lerman has written some fascinating pieces (as have you, Michael) on Birx, Pottinger and their connection to the US security state that I feel is the closest to understanding why the lockdowns happened in Spring 2020. But I still want to know WHY they wanted lockdowns in the first place.
That’s the only thing I want answered because everything else is superfluous.
The way I understand it: Brix was tasked with going to see (or calling) every state governor and convince them that they should follow the lockdown recommendations.
I’m thinking she would have to make a pretty compelling case (with some very catastrophic information as to number of dead if her advice was not followed) for the governors to even think of complying. I’m imaging she (or someone more believable, like a high placed official in the security state apparatus) had a similar conversation with Trump.
“This is a virus that escaped from a lab/wet market and has the potential to kill millions of Americans.” Is a version of what might have been advanced in order scare the President and governors enough into complying. But this leaves me with the questions: 1. Did Birx believe this catastrophic pronouncement, or was her desire for lock downs something else? (Since she was fired for breaking the rules she advocated, I’m thinking her rationale lay elsewhere.) And 2. Why did all of public health go against decades of knowledge and experience to follow along? That the politicians and bureaucrats are dumb is one thing, that working scientists and researchers are dumb, on that scale, is highly improbable.
That politicians would eventually go along and help stoke the hysteria the public was writhing for is not surprising to me. But that ALL of public health did, well, that’s a different story.
I don’t care where COVID came from. All I want to know is WHY the idea of locking down entire populations in virtually all Western democracies was successfully put forward. Who came up with it and why? That’s it.
Great post. I'll take a stab at your question. I start with this question: What was "the most important thing" for our rulers? My answer: Rolling out the new mRNA vaccines and getting virtually everyone vaccinated. If this was the most important thing, the lockdowns created the requisite fear to make sure the "most important thing" actually happened. The ultimate solution to stop the pandemic and "save the world" was of course .... getting everyone vaccinated. Absent the lockdowns and hyping the panic, this initiative might not have been as successful.
Personally, I DO want to know where Covid came from. If this virus was produced by "mad scientists" (for whatever governments were involved), this is the greatest crime against humanity of my lifetime. So how could you not want the perpetrators of such a massive and evil crime exposed and convicted?
Lockdowns were a massive error on a global scale. Well, that's my take. I still to this day believe it was a mistake taken on the spur of the moment in a state of panic. But I knew it was wrong from Day 1. I knew it intuitively. I just knew!!
I hope this information wakes a few more people up to the reality of what tyrants have done. A while back Pandata did a great video called, "Breaking the Chains, a Guide to Nudging You." It was a frame by frame anyalysis of how a UK propaganda commercial was using fear (and other techniques) to push people to get the vax. Thanks again Michael for your excellent journalism.
“the threat of Covid was their own government’s decision to impose strict lockdowns. The measures thus created a feedback loop in which the lockdowns themselves sowed the fear that made citizens believe their risk of dying from Covid was hundreds of times greater than it really was, in turn causing them to support more lockdowns, mandates, and restrictions.” ~ 🎯
I just finished your piece How Did All this Madness Happen? this morning on Brownstone and then proceeded to subscribe to your newsletter. Looking through my emails a bit later I see I have a welcome email from signing up to your Substack, but also that you’ve commented on my comment to Michael’s piece. Weird. Or, as Jung (and The Police) would have put it: synchronicity.
Okay, now to your reply.
If “the most important thing” was to get everyone “vaccinated,” (which seems almost definitely probable) COVID and all the hysteria was planned and executed by the US military/security state as a war game unleashed on the civilian populations of most every Western democracy. The level of audacity that entails would give Mao pause.
And yet, learning recently about Robert Kadlec, CISA (cyber infrastructure security administration) and a June 2020 contract signed between Pfizer and the DOD on the manufacture of vaccines, leads me to the only conclusion possible: that COVID occurred naturally and came from a wet market in Wuhan.
Just kidding.
The entire COVID hysteria felt like a giant, military-grade psychological propaganda campaign…because it was.
My reason for feeling lab leak vs. natural origin is of secondary importance to WHY unprecedented/never-before-attempted/contrary to decades of established experience measures were taken for a respiratory virus with a greater than 99% recovery rate (know very, very early in the hysteria) should cause the shuttering of society and the suspension of basic civil liberties across Western democracies?
Michael’s theory that Xi Xingping played an outsized role, while well researched and plausible, does not satisfy me due to two issues: 1. how would the inevitable economic hit from lock downs benefit Xi’s rule? 2. It was either Xi and the CCP who unleashed this bio weapon (and Xi has not been in power long enough to have developed such a massive-scale plan), or it was the US military. It could not have been that these two entities were collaborating.
So the fact that the Department of Energy (it took that behemoth of a bureaucracy three years to write a five page report that COVID leaked from a lab?!) and the FBI are pushing a lab leak theory makes me distrust that information. Whereas two plus years ago the lab leak theory was racist and debunked, today it’s the most likely source of COVID. As Walter Kirn said of the FBI’s disclosure: why should we believe you now?
My biggest issue with making the lab leak theory so prominent is precisely due to the Feds being okay with discussing it now that they want to pick a fight with China over some balloon, or supplying weapons to Russia. It’s not truth that they’re after, it’s rationale to change the narrative.
Investigating EXACTLY who and why orders were given to trample civil liberties under foot as though we were North Korea would be far more illuminating than whether COVID came from a lab. Because everyone knows…it did.
Unfortunately, as you laid out in your piece COVID Narratives ‘By the Numbers,’ statistically I have a better chance of winning the lottery (I never play) than seeing justice done for the hysteria and damage that was unleashed over the last three years.
I would love to see heads roll, but they won’t.
And the true culprits are we the people. Everyone has their reasons to have followed along with the theater, but ultimately more people could have said no.
I remember reading that less than 3% of the US population was for breaking with England and gaining independence—it would not have taken very many people to not comply with truly un-American and anti-human mandates for the whole edifice to come crashing to the ground.
That’s the most painful part for me: so many people went along feeling that the narcissist in power and petty tyrant neighbors would soon be satiated and stop demanding more.
Meets all the criteria for terrorism under the terrorism act 2000.
So true
Yes it fits the meaning of terrorism which is an attack on peaceful citizens and non combative military. A propaganda fear campaign to terrorize citizens therefore a crime against humanity under the Rule 7n of the Geneva Convention.
How could you prove mens rea (guilty mind) in court in that situation? It would be impossible. The prosecution’s job would be difficult, if not impossible, in proving it.
Guilty mind. Let's see. Using fear to control people and force them to comply. Using media in lockstep to push the fear as the media pedaled every fear the government created. Examples galore on that. The government using fake propaganda online to justify restrictions and emergency orders easily proven fake by research. The data was in by April 2020. The military admitted they took advantage of this fear to test citizens. That is evil. It's an experiment then and a Nuremberg Code violation. The whistle blowers accounts indicating fear is unnecessary and hospitals not overwhelmed. Government paying more for covid positives ventilators and remdesivir and denial of early treatments with known proven drugs but off label drugs have been allowed even those that have killed or banned elsewhere. The EUA rushed vaccines are throttled by fraud and inconsistencies followed with adverse events reported immediately and skyrocketing yet the lies mount by politicians and doctors. Safety signals ignored. Cover up and an experiment that requires data like in Israel who is the lab experiment for the world of Pfizer MRNA yet no real life data. Why not and it's later revealed not until Dec, 2021 did they start. Failure. But it was already known. Pfizer knew. Crime of the mind. Of course it is. The vaccine mandates seals the crime of the mind. They knew it didn't stop transmission or infection. They went on a rampage using hate and division. Crime of the mind to subvert the moral ethical compass of people. It's only difficult to a dishonest prosecutor. Logic and common sense is indisputable. The vaccine mandates are violation of the security of a person. It inflicts mental anquish on those forced to get them to keep their jobs. Violation of their body autonomy and violation of the security of the person. It Infringes on fundamental human rights and hinges on genocide as it was pushed onto pregnant females with no studies whatsoever and used fear and public pressure even going so far as to fire them if they dont get it. By causing miscarriages and infertility to woman or death to mom and baby they have committed a genocide and violation of Bioethics and Human Rights using an experiment they called safe with no evidence. In fact Pfizer docs proved it unsafe. They have killed and harmed many and a genocide doesn't have a set number to call it that. Evil is evil with intent. Fraud under the legal term is intentional deceit or dishonest action to deny a right. Fraud in the vaccine medical trials is there and they knew before mass vaccination. Denial of health exemptions furthers this evil intent. Can't be about health if you force it on someone who suffers the very adverse events noted to come from these vaccines. I think we have the criminal mind down pat here with all the evidence. Rwanda media shared in war crimes and crimes against humanity and that is covered under Rule 7 of the Geneva Convention. Laws are just collecting dust if we have prosecutors without spines able to decipher criminal mind intent using real life events and data and harms created. Psychological warfare using fear is a crime and using public health officials and media to tell us how to think feel or choose is called control and violates human rights charters constitutions and moral ethics of Medical Acts to do no harm. We have tragedies of the past as precedents. We just lack many in our Justice system with courage and moral conviction. Too many bought people where money is a blindfold to crimes. It fits terrorism which is crime of the mind. But what do I know. I just don't have criminal conflicts of interest that blindfolds the eyes to see and to read rule of the law as it should be.
A "smoking gun" proving that promoting irrational fear was the SOP of governments. I hope this story gets a little mainstream attention in America ... where the exact same thing happened.
See my explanation how a prosecutor can prove crime of the mind.
That even Trump allowed himself to be duped by Fauci & Co in this way is the main black mark against his tenure. He should have stuck to his instincts, like he did with nearly everything else.
As he might say, .... Sad!
Well Mr Hancock, you seem to have painted yourself in the corner royally. I don't think you need to worry about "justice", at least not the formal kind LOL. The informal justice you will probably face will come from one of two sources. Those who want you gone for what you've done to them and their families and those who want you gone because you know too much. Of the two I side with the latter. You'd make a smashing good martyr for the cause Matty. Either way it will probably be your security detail that does you in. It's almost always them. They have access. There will be a patsy, there always is.
Sleep well there Matty ol'boy.
The evidence of what Matt Hancock did to terrorize with fear into compliance as shown in black and white to everyone who reads his chat messages is proof that they knew they had to use fear to lockdown and get compliance for the vaccines.
Dr. Michael Yeadon: Every Single Thing We Were Told Is a LIE
'The “Vaccines”Have Killed Millions... Personally I No Longer Believe There Was Any Novel Respiratory Virus... If we can’t persuade people of that, humanity is going down'
As much as we know this is what they did, it's astounding to see them actually say it in their own words. What a despicable bunch. Still, as you say, the ultimate "whys" are still missing.
These people are embarrassing.
I recall we tried to convince skeptics to sit through the grueling five-hour Event 201. The discussion never touched on any treatments, but centered on gaining control and pile driving the narrative.
You nailed it.
There’s no data to support “scare👖off everyone” scenario. Nor is there a timely mechanism to break shackles of bureaucratic malfeasance. It’s a slow motion car wreck, by design.
Walking around without any pants....chilly!
“how the initial lockdown decision was made in spring 2020 remains the most important question of the entire Covid story,” EXACTLY!
Debbie Lerman has written some fascinating pieces (as have you, Michael) on Birx, Pottinger and their connection to the US security state that I feel is the closest to understanding why the lockdowns happened in Spring 2020. But I still want to know WHY they wanted lockdowns in the first place.
That’s the only thing I want answered because everything else is superfluous.
The way I understand it: Brix was tasked with going to see (or calling) every state governor and convince them that they should follow the lockdown recommendations.
I’m thinking she would have to make a pretty compelling case (with some very catastrophic information as to number of dead if her advice was not followed) for the governors to even think of complying. I’m imaging she (or someone more believable, like a high placed official in the security state apparatus) had a similar conversation with Trump.
“This is a virus that escaped from a lab/wet market and has the potential to kill millions of Americans.” Is a version of what might have been advanced in order scare the President and governors enough into complying. But this leaves me with the questions: 1. Did Birx believe this catastrophic pronouncement, or was her desire for lock downs something else? (Since she was fired for breaking the rules she advocated, I’m thinking her rationale lay elsewhere.) And 2. Why did all of public health go against decades of knowledge and experience to follow along? That the politicians and bureaucrats are dumb is one thing, that working scientists and researchers are dumb, on that scale, is highly improbable.
That politicians would eventually go along and help stoke the hysteria the public was writhing for is not surprising to me. But that ALL of public health did, well, that’s a different story.
I don’t care where COVID came from. All I want to know is WHY the idea of locking down entire populations in virtually all Western democracies was successfully put forward. Who came up with it and why? That’s it.
Great post. I'll take a stab at your question. I start with this question: What was "the most important thing" for our rulers? My answer: Rolling out the new mRNA vaccines and getting virtually everyone vaccinated. If this was the most important thing, the lockdowns created the requisite fear to make sure the "most important thing" actually happened. The ultimate solution to stop the pandemic and "save the world" was of course .... getting everyone vaccinated. Absent the lockdowns and hyping the panic, this initiative might not have been as successful.
Personally, I DO want to know where Covid came from. If this virus was produced by "mad scientists" (for whatever governments were involved), this is the greatest crime against humanity of my lifetime. So how could you not want the perpetrators of such a massive and evil crime exposed and convicted?
Lockdowns were a massive error on a global scale. Well, that's my take. I still to this day believe it was a mistake taken on the spur of the moment in a state of panic. But I knew it was wrong from Day 1. I knew it intuitively. I just knew!!
Obvious controlled narrative release telling us stuff we already know - just like dumb twitter files.
I have been waiting for “the someone” to be thrown under the bus.....congratulations Hancock, you threw yourself.
I hope this information wakes a few more people up to the reality of what tyrants have done. A while back Pandata did a great video called, "Breaking the Chains, a Guide to Nudging You." It was a frame by frame anyalysis of how a UK propaganda commercial was using fear (and other techniques) to push people to get the vax. Thanks again Michael for your excellent journalism.
“the threat of Covid was their own government’s decision to impose strict lockdowns. The measures thus created a feedback loop in which the lockdowns themselves sowed the fear that made citizens believe their risk of dying from Covid was hundreds of times greater than it really was, in turn causing them to support more lockdowns, mandates, and restrictions.” ~ 🎯
Hi Bill,
Ain’t this a coincidence?!
I just finished your piece How Did All this Madness Happen? this morning on Brownstone and then proceeded to subscribe to your newsletter. Looking through my emails a bit later I see I have a welcome email from signing up to your Substack, but also that you’ve commented on my comment to Michael’s piece. Weird. Or, as Jung (and The Police) would have put it: synchronicity.
Okay, now to your reply.
If “the most important thing” was to get everyone “vaccinated,” (which seems almost definitely probable) COVID and all the hysteria was planned and executed by the US military/security state as a war game unleashed on the civilian populations of most every Western democracy. The level of audacity that entails would give Mao pause.
And yet, learning recently about Robert Kadlec, CISA (cyber infrastructure security administration) and a June 2020 contract signed between Pfizer and the DOD on the manufacture of vaccines, leads me to the only conclusion possible: that COVID occurred naturally and came from a wet market in Wuhan.
Just kidding.
The entire COVID hysteria felt like a giant, military-grade psychological propaganda campaign…because it was.
My reason for feeling lab leak vs. natural origin is of secondary importance to WHY unprecedented/never-before-attempted/contrary to decades of established experience measures were taken for a respiratory virus with a greater than 99% recovery rate (know very, very early in the hysteria) should cause the shuttering of society and the suspension of basic civil liberties across Western democracies?
Michael’s theory that Xi Xingping played an outsized role, while well researched and plausible, does not satisfy me due to two issues: 1. how would the inevitable economic hit from lock downs benefit Xi’s rule? 2. It was either Xi and the CCP who unleashed this bio weapon (and Xi has not been in power long enough to have developed such a massive-scale plan), or it was the US military. It could not have been that these two entities were collaborating.
So the fact that the Department of Energy (it took that behemoth of a bureaucracy three years to write a five page report that COVID leaked from a lab?!) and the FBI are pushing a lab leak theory makes me distrust that information. Whereas two plus years ago the lab leak theory was racist and debunked, today it’s the most likely source of COVID. As Walter Kirn said of the FBI’s disclosure: why should we believe you now?
My biggest issue with making the lab leak theory so prominent is precisely due to the Feds being okay with discussing it now that they want to pick a fight with China over some balloon, or supplying weapons to Russia. It’s not truth that they’re after, it’s rationale to change the narrative.
Investigating EXACTLY who and why orders were given to trample civil liberties under foot as though we were North Korea would be far more illuminating than whether COVID came from a lab. Because everyone knows…it did.
Unfortunately, as you laid out in your piece COVID Narratives ‘By the Numbers,’ statistically I have a better chance of winning the lottery (I never play) than seeing justice done for the hysteria and damage that was unleashed over the last three years.
I would love to see heads roll, but they won’t.
And the true culprits are we the people. Everyone has their reasons to have followed along with the theater, but ultimately more people could have said no.
I remember reading that less than 3% of the US population was for breaking with England and gaining independence—it would not have taken very many people to not comply with truly un-American and anti-human mandates for the whole edifice to come crashing to the ground.
That’s the most painful part for me: so many people went along feeling that the narcissist in power and petty tyrant neighbors would soon be satiated and stop demanding more.
That’s not how narcissist and tyrants operate.