Oct 31, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Dear Emily,

There will be NO forgiving and NO forgetting what you and others have done. You will get yours soon enough. At this point I don't really care if it is legal or not. I won't feel the slightest bit sorry for you.

The only thing you have to be happy about is that in my country the 14% who remain un-jabbed are the least of your concerns. You didn't get us and our immediate family. What do you think the other 86% are going to do to you when they put 2 + 2 = 4?

Some will be like Stalin's "Useful Idiots" and go to their graves saying "It wasn't the vaccine" or "It would have been worse without the vaccine" but a lot will want a pound of flesh. YOUR FLESH and every other LOSER who forced/coerced them into it.

Right now us un-jabbed are the least of your worries. We just start a dead pool to amuse ourselves and wait to see which of you true believers drop dead next from the experimental gene therapy injections.

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My letter would just say:


Go F yourself.


Moms across the country

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LOL. Short and to the point directly. I really do hope they have some sleepless nights wondering if someone they lied to is stalking them. Being on edge and wondering if this is the day they get payback for their war crimes for the rest of their life is part of the payment they will make for what they have done.

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Dig your style. Reminds me of

Raymond Chandler knock off short story...

Rough Justice is sometimes best...

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We live in hope.. but the stalkers will probably make quite a racket, there'll be so many of them..

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Good except I don't use niceties.

But ill give it a like. You're solid..

Contact prof Emily oster and you can tell her...

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Damn, I don't edit..

You can search "contact... " and I got her email

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Great. Except no "Dear"

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Replace the r with a d and call it an error.

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She is a babe, though.

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On a larger pic , I don't see it...

Don't know if she advocated vax, but if she did 50s movies had good looking gals go to electric chair...

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"Don't know if she advocated vax,"

She is 100% full-on with the official lies/lines. Proof? She writes for The Atlantic!


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I don't need proof from u , Barry.. You're solid, from way back... But ty...

I just don't want to hang innocent...

I never heard of her

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Watch this guy's reactions just for the droll entertainment.


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Tick, tock for her.

Will we see "died suddenly" soon?

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from the link: "... Her goal: creating a world of more relaxed pregnant women...."

(Of course she was BIG vax pusher) - and the result: MILLIONS of women facing extremely painful menstrual cycles - perhaps for the rest of their lives (Naomi Wolf is speculating) - TENS of THOUSANDS (minimal) excess still births. Fertility/Birth rates in deep decline in 2022.... ... pretty disgusting, nasty piece of work - and up there in the Ivy league - they all probably got the saline shots!

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I've since researced her... She's a Nuremberg code violator and should face charges. Death penalty offense.

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I've emailed her my thoughts.

We aint BFF😎😎😎😎

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As you know, a pic is NOT the same as in life. Some look better off-camera than on; and vice versa. And these days with make-up and filters, I don't believe what I see. Commenting on what I see in front of me is different from believing it.

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She would look better with a bag over her head.

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Big nose, bad teeth.

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You're the greatest! I've seen your posts

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Make an appointment for an eye exam.

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Leftists are disgusting subhumans.

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Subhumans, a great word. I've been using it MUCHO in last30 mo

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Amnesty = Amnesia. Yet, we need severe punishment to prevent it from ever happening again and to start reparations: they should lose all their assets to pay for treatments. Start punishing the pro-digi-tatorship by voting against them!

How many lives can still be spared? some are still suicide vaxxing!

How many teen lives have been ruined with myocarditis when they knew in advance it would be widespread?








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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

They would do all again in a heartbeat. They have no remorse. Los Angeles is still in a state of emergency. Vax & mask mandates are not dead & gone. People have not been rehired. So, no. No I will not be giving them amnesty. Enraging to say the least.

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Exactly, they will do it all again. When someone can't own the responsibility of their actions, instead cloaking it in the kind of covert gaslighting that this Atlantic article contains, they are telling us they don't think they did anything wrong and therefore we can count on them doing it again.

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Update... They are still pulling shit.

It's like Ted Bundy kills a prison guatf, is killing one in courtroom AND BEGS FOR LENIENCY.

hey bundy, stop strangling guard

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Saying "I did not know" cannot be an excuse for a person who shouted down, ridiculed, and suppressed truthful voices. This person did not want to know the truth. This person did not want *anyone* to know the truth.

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Your comment reminds me of what I learned when I visited the Sachsenhausen-Oranienburg Concentration Camp which remains nestled in a quaint suburb north of Berlin as it was between 1936 and 1945 when it was in operation. Some horrific things happened there such as mass executions of Soviet POWs and the operation of a crematorium.

Because of the camp's proximity to a residential area, the tour guides were asked repeatedly if local residents knew what was going on there. The answer was that they either knew and would/could not say anything or did not want to know.

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They knew. They couldn't openly question the Socialist Nazi govt narrative due to the Reich press law. The Socialist Nazi state monitored & censored the news & controlled the people.

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Sounds kinda like the USA presently.

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"So it turned out that Jews and Gypsies weren't rootless cosmopolites trying to destroy German *Kultur*. But in the heat of the moment, we *just didn't know*. And while Lebensraum was a laudable policy goal, I fought back against the official opinion that Slavs were subhuman. We should all be forgiven for decisions we made under circumstances of great uncertainty." -- Emili Öster, Nuremberg 1946

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Burning things smell burning bodies, more so.

But working from home, I smell even more. I look, smell homeless.

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It was as relevant in April 2020 as 1791 “You may choose to look the other way but you can never again say you did not know.”

She was told the truth. The truth was known. She looked away and then tried to destroy all of us who wouldn’t, who couldn’t, destroy a generation of kids with faux claims and mean spirited fear mongering.

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Damn, what great people ya got Michael

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When the unpaid lawyer's point out the gaping holes, please start looking into competent counsel. And NO...No Amnesty; a full investigation.

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Great point.

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I suggested to her on Twitter that instead of amnesty, we deserve REPARATIONS. Screw her.

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Dig your tone

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I'm...so...done with all the b.s.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Here in the UK some politicians and celebrities have apologised. A few. And we will have an inquiry. It will take years, and who knows if the truth will ever come out (unlikely is my guess) but it will happen. The public is not in the mood for forgiveness. There will be none. Families have been destroyed by the divisive and destructive policies brought in during covid. And she wants it all swept under the carpet "let's just move on"? No chance. Accountability. That's required first.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

"Second, “amnesty,” being an act of forgiveness for past offenses, first requires an apology or act of repentance on the part of those who committed the offense. Not only has no such act of repentance been forthcoming, but in most cases, establishment voices like Oster’s have yet to stop advocating these same policies, much less admit they were wrong. With no accompanying act of contrition, these calls for “amnesty” in light of rapidly-shifting public opinion have a real ring of fascist leaders calling for “amnesty” after losing the War."

Absolutely, and as you point out, the offenses are not all past, they are present and ongoing. People are still being cancelled for questioning vaccine safety and efficacy. Doctors are losing their licences for doing so even as we speak. Dr Peter McCullough faces having his licence to practice medicine revoked simply because he presented, comprehensively and factually, the evidence which points definitively to the huge harms being done by the Covid 'vaccines'. Mask mandates are still in place, e.g. Germany. Many countries are still plugging the bivalent 'boosters'. So it's not over. They are still committing crimes against humanity and against science. In such circumstances, talk of an amnesty is itself a crime - to be added to a long list of past, present and no doubt future crimes.

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Beautifully, beautifully, BEAUTIFULLY expressed. They’re trying to switch jerseys. NEVER allow them to do it. These crimes against humanity deserve prosecution. Amnesty? NEVER.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

The degree of arrogance, difference, and ethical whitewashing of these covidian cowards is as jaw-dropping as it is infuriating! Build the scaffolds! You first Fauci! step-up on up you diabolical scrawny twerp! oh look gosh! Look at you Dr Science, you pissed your pants! Step up idiot!

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Willie Mays post...

I'd say Hank Aaron, but he allowed himself to be murdered

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

The only answer these monsters should be given is “Fuck you, I’ll meet you at the nearest convenient lamppost.”

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

If they claim ignorance and good intentions now of their recently past positions, why, in their ignorance and good will were they advocates of changing standards and definitions, such as the meaning of what a vaccine is, demanding censorship and throwing around charged words like misinformation, conspiracists, and extremists? Let us not forget their indignant demand that nonvaxxed should not have access to medical treatments in addition to many aspects of public life.

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I know I’ll never forget.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Were they still in the dark when they were fabricating all those news stories about hospitals being like a war zone?

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Brilliant article!!! Thank you for "showing the receipts" on the useful idiot Emily. She and many others should be deeply ashamed of their cowardice, ignorance and malfeasance towards their fellow man.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

how about instead of amnesty we convene a nuremberg II trial and get these people to bear themselves. WHoever is guilty gets fined and imprisoned. some people might be sentenced to judicial execution.

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I could not agree more with this. There need to be real world, life-changing consequences - I am thinking incarceration, lifetime bans from positions of public responsibility, fines after public enquiries and determination of culpability - for all of those involved in the brutal violation of constitutional rights in pretty much every country which has (had) one deserving of the name. The fact that Dr McCullough and others are still being vilified and hounded from their positions of authority makes me doubt that my wish will be realised, but hope dies last. Well-argued succinct piece: thank you for it.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

As I wrote in another comment, when the symbolic Train of Outrage runs over this gal - and many others such as Fauci, Gates, et. al. - I will not feel sorry for any of them.

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Train of Outrage! Love that phrase!

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