In response to some comments below, I'd like to clarify my points about the Wuhan lab. From the very beginning of 2020, the idea that the coronavirus might have come from the lab has served the CCP’s interests in sowing fear and exporting its totalitarian measures, and as discussed in my book and elsewhere, the CCP has used a variety of clandestine means to promote the idea that the virus came from the lab.

We know that the coronavirus was never a supervirus, that it resulted in very little increase in mortality even in places like Africa that did nothing to mitigate it, and that it was spreading undetected globally by November 2019 at the latest. Thus, even if we were 100% sure the virus was engineered at and came from the Wuhan lab, that fact bears no relation to the question of why western officials imported China’s totalitarian policies in March 2020.

Even though some of those officials imported China’s totalitarian policies in part because they believed the virus might have come from the Wuhan lab, the question of whether the virus actually came from the lab has no bearing on what they believed at the time they imported those measures.

Likewise, even if some of those officials and the CCP have lied and continue to lie about their knowledge of the virus’s origins, the question of whether the virus actually came from the lab has no bearing on whether they are lying about what they know.

Thus, the national security community’s preoccupation with the Wuhan lab serves just one purpose: To protect officials, like Matt Pottinger himself, who advocated importing China’s totalitarian measures.

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Interesting piece albeit I think you give the Chinese govt too much credit - they are not much smarter than the idiots in our own government! Either way, adding links to it, your substack, and your book on my "Community + Links to Alternative COVID & Russia Resources..." page at: https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/community-covid-resources/comments

For COVID + Great Reset humor and satire:

- https://covidsteria.substack.com/

- https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/covidsteria-table-of-contents

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This article has a lot of interesting points for sure. I'm personally 100% convinced from the beginning all the way till now that a gain and function research experiment got out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology laboratory. The Furin Cleavage Site found in COVID genetics proves that it's from a lab...

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Did it really never occur to you that the equivocating in the national security community statements/reports had something to do with the collusion of U.S. govt agency heads and researchers (like Fauci and Collins and their collaborators in academia and the private sector) with the Wuhan lab in producing this engineered virus with funding support from these U.S. agencies? That this was an engineered virus specifically developed to be highly contagious in humans is now well supported by a number of studies. There is also the fact pattern that the national security and intelligence communities had to be aware of: an engineered virus that had been purposely spread to the U.S. (and other countries) as revealed in the CCP's differing controls on domestic vs international travel makes this a bio-terror attack and an act of war. These agencies would rather equivocate and deny the reality than to face the hard choices they would have to deal with in acknowledging this act of war. There is also the consideration that this collusion between U.S. agencies and researchers with the Wuhan Lab, which supports the bioweapons program of the CCP, in the development of an engineered virus that triggered a global pandemic resulting in the deaths of several million people (from both direct and indirect effects including the draconian lockdowns) makes them complicit in crimes against humanity. Nuremberg 2.0 would be only a small first step in accountability, but that prospect seems nonexistent with a permanent bureaucracy and political regime in DC that have been captured by the CCP.

I would recommend to readers three sources in particular to get some historical perspective on the actors and events that are central to this assault and its continuing destruction: 1) "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert Kennedy Jr, 2) "A Plague Upon Our House" by Scott Atlas, and 3) "The CCP is at War with America" by the Team B committee, available at www.ccpatwar.com for free via the link to the pdf.

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You couldn't be more wrong about everything and I appreciate Pottingers efforts tbh

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I appreciate your dedication to high-quality journalism, and the way you keep opinion and fact separate (or at least separable) in this article. There are a few points you've made me wonder about. But I don't see any evidence that Matt Pottinger did anything maliciously. He might have been tragically wrong, or even an unwitting dupe of the CCP, but I really didn't see any evidence* that he knowingly said anything he didn't believe was at least probably true, or did anything he thought was against the best interests of the country.

* Okay, he's never pictured wearing the very masks he's advocating for all of us. There are several reasons why this isn't really evidence: (1) lack of evidence isn't evidence of lack; (2) he was a DC insider, and they are notorious for not following their own rules; (3) he probably didn't expect that he was well-known enough that anyone would care to follow his example; and (4) one person wearing a mask in a pandemic won't accomplish anything, and he was in the demographic least likely to suffer badly from the disease, and he probably didn't want to look like a kook.

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Great article.

I just want to mention one idea that rarely gets discussed.....

In 2018 Putin tried to increase the retirement age and was challenged by many protests about this. When you research many countries have underfunded retirement pensions.

Protests in 2018 and then voila a virus that hits the elderly shows up in 2019. Coincidence? The virus release was used to meet many objectives perhaps? It was used for many purposes. Is Russia role being missed anywhere? Just ideas to think about now that we know more about bio labs etc.

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"..we know more about bio labs.." The story about "bioweapons labs in Ukraine" was a false narrative circulated by Putin's propagandists. This has been addressed by multiple sources and clearly part of Putin's propaganda war to justify his invasion and attempt at erasure of Ukraine as a sovereign state along with any claim to citizenship by Ukrainians. Try some better sources. Here's one for example: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/blog-post/moscow-bioweapons-and-ukraine-cold-war-active-measures-putins-war-propaganda

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Enjoyed your book, but have to respectfully disagree regarding the origins of the Covid virus. There is substantial evidence the virus was heavily engineered: everything from the human codons used in the furin cleavage site (non existent in other bat corona viruses) to AIDs inserts. Dr. Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan lab published SARS/ HIV chimera virus research in 2008 Journal of Virology: “In this study, we investigated the receptor usage of the SL-CoV S by combining a human immunodeficiency virus-based pseudovirus system with cell lines expressing the ACE2 molecules of human…”

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Rfks book goes into great detail about the labs. The vent system seemed designed to fail. The designer is now ceo of moderna. Rand Paul’s exchange with fauci is instructive too. As it is clear fauci is lying. He funded and was pursuing gain of function research in china to evade US law. This was in collaboration with china. In canada prior, samples were stolen from a level 4 lab by ccp agents who had been employed as researchers. But whatever the source, there was knowledge that was not shared. As china was saying the virus could not spread to humans it was instructing front groups to buy all masks in canada, send to embassies to ship home. They may have mistakenly believed they were needed-or it was a wider info op. Global news reported it and is consistent with its promotion of deep state agendas.

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At this point, no serious person should be saying there's a virus that came from a bat. There is no reason to believe this. Even saying it was developed in China is by now misleading.

This is a bioweapon that was developed over 2 decades in the US. Anyone who denies this is promoting confusion and hides an agenda that helps a few, at the expense of the many.

This is plainly documented in Robert F. Kennedy Jr's book, The Real Anthony Fauci. It's supported by over 2,000 references. But you don't even have to read the book to know this. It is enough to have just paid attention to the information that came out over the past 2 years.

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Everything Senger's article points out seems very credible, except about the origin of the virus, which KurtOverly states very credible evidence of why it came from the Wuhan Lab, and the bioengineering involved that leads to suspicion of motives on the part of the CCP and many of our own government officials and other globalist interests

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Jul 20, 2022Edited
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I have to agree with Kurt. There is patent evidence supplied by Dr. David Martin that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was created in Ralph Baric's lab at UNC Chapel Hill and then transferred to the WIV. I no longer believe anything official coming from any of our government agencies with regard to this virus or any others. Dr. Ryan Cole has said very early in 2020 when he looked at the genetic sequence that this virus was engineered. Whether it was intentionally released is another matter. I'm more likely to go with Victor Davis Hanson's suggestion that once the virus was out, the CCP used it to its advantage.

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You find the American Intelligence Community to be a reliable source?

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Michael, you do not need to rely on assessments from the IC or politicians - just read the papers coming out of UNC and Wuhan. Ralph Baric and Shi Zhengli were absolutely working on gain of function viral engineering (e.g. 2015 A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence:

“… we generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone. The results indicate that group 2b

viruses encoding the SHC014 spike in a wild-type backbone can efficiently use multiple orthologs of the SARS receptor human angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE2), replicate

efficiently in primary human airway cells…”

This is dual use technology, which arguably helps develop vaccines against possible future threats (while simultaneously providing a deadly bio weapon). There is no way bat coronaviruses spontaneously create a furin cleavage site with human codons. Also, several research teams have identified HIV inserts in the spike protein (eg 2020 Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag from Prashant et al), which is gain of function that Zhengli worked on as early as 2008.

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Matt Pottinger was literally bred to be influential.

Dad was high up in the DOJ. Son studies Chinese, works as a journalist in China, and then gets an age waiver to serve in the Marines in intelligence. Matt builds his CV through an association with people like Michael Flynn where he obtains an important role in the Trump administration. Covid arrives, Trump is clueless, and Trump looks to Matt for guidance. Based upon his experience in China and his connections there, Matt pushes extreme containment policies that ultimately lead to the Birx appointment.

I can buy all of this. However, what drove literally every western government - particularly the 'five eyes' - to adopt similar draconian containment measures? Was there a "Matt Pottinger" in a similar advisory role to Ardern, Trudeau, Johnson, and Morrison?

Personally, I have never accepted the Wuhan leak theory and I still believe that Covid is just a mechanism for the introduction of a global system of digital identification and tracking. The program's origins are very close to home, not in Beijing.

If you read Glenn Greenwald's book, No Place to Hide, part of the Snowden revelations included the NSAs work to exploit personal data on a global level. This was the genesis of the CLOUD Act and why the EU introduced GDPR to shield EU data subjects from attempts by the U.S. government to collect their personal information.

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The answer is yes. Who and Gavi are global. Most governments donated millions to them and both pushed ccp policy.

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In my opinion the purpose of gdpr is much more insidious than that. The EU and the US are in the same boat on this. I doubt the gdpr law has anything to do with protecting European citizens. On the contrary, I am almost certain that its main purpose is to hide from the engineers developing the digital infrastructure for tracking the actual data flowing through the testing and production environments. I witnessed this first hand in 2 different places, gdpr being used as an excuse to restrict engineers access to actual content. As an engineer you can't see who uses your product, how they are using it, what they are tracking, how they are tracking it etc. I could go in more details but it is beside the point.

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Great comment, Joe. I'll admit that you have to view GDPR, CCPA, PIPEDA, and other privacy frameworks through a larger lens and ask what the real purpose is. The timing of the introduction in congress of the American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA) supports your position.

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So Matt Pottinger was influenced by Chinese social media. Instead of being skeptical he embraced a CCP psy op. Quarantine didn't stop the spread of covid on the Diamond Princess Cruise ship in 2020. And masks didn't stop the spread of the 1918 flu

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Yep, that sums it up.

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Excellent journalistic work. I hadn't even heard of the guy before this. Looks like some threads are starting to unravel. Thanks for this.

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So true. Thank you Susanna!

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Pulitzer prize Michael!!

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Thanks SN!

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Keep those bastards honest Michael! 🙏🎯

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Is this guy the world's most arrogant but gullible stooge,or a treasonous traitor? I'm curious as to what Birx brought to the table for him. Did his personal relationship with her provide the reassurance that she hated Trump and worshipped the CCP's totalitarian approach? He's a dangerous man, and outmaneuvered never Trumper Mick Mulvaney. Trump sure could pick 'em.

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Excellent questions. Agreed 100%.

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Who was Pottinger's wife?

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DING DING. This dingbat at home influenced him. She worked for Birx.

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Yen Duong - sounds Chinese to me.

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In 2014, Pottinger married Dr. Yen Duong, a virologist who immigrated to the United States as a child after she and her family fled Vietnam following the Vietnam War.

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Wow. I can’t believe I never heard of this guy until today. More dragons to slay…

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Michael, Dr Malone has given a huge shout-out for your book.

In regards to your Debbie Birx artivle, he writes this: ', I think that there needs to be serious consideration of the possibility that, if there were others behind the scenes pushing her to uncritically accepting CCP propaganda, that there may have been a double agent somewhere in the Executive branch during that period.' 🤔 https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/send-in-the-hhs-clowns/comments

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Thanks so much SN! I saw that shoutout, that was so nice of him! Agreed 100% re Birx and the double agent. It was always bound to be most difficult to siphon out the moles in the National Security community, but it's starting to come out.

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Pottinger's wife?

Crazy how every bad or questionable actor has a wife like that... Jack Smith, Anthony Fauci, DC AUSA Matt Graves...

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I read Dr Malone's substack yesterday. Excellent and infuriating. Mr. Senger's article certainly leads one to conclude Pottinger could very well be the "double agent" (allegedly/personal opinion).

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Great. great post. "Enjoyed" might possibly be an inappropriate word, considering all the carnage done and likely to continue, but you get my meaning.

And really--a live actual fruit-growing pumpkin patch? That anecdote alone made this for me.

And Nixon--if that man hadn't been the Crawling Eye of neurosis made manifest he might have been a truly great leader. Reminds me of someone.

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Thank you SCA! Agreed.

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You really should read “Witness”. The microfilm really was hidden in a pumpkin patch at his farmhouse. The story is incredible. Nixon, like anyone, had many weaknesses and blind spots, but he was a patriot that loved America. Unlike many that celebrated his downfall.

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And yet look at the evil that grew from the remarkable act of Nixon going to China. That was the one thing I admired him for and it was both wise and fatal. Life's tricky like that...

The death of a really sensible civics education in schools has been one of our tragedies. "Patriot" often just boils down, in the common imagination of many, to fanatical Christianity claiming to be the true America.

I stopped saying the Pledge of Allegiance when I was in HS, both because it seemed extremely hypocritical to me, and because I don't believe in performative gestures of loyalty. And I don't believe in nonsense like "greatest country..." because countries are made up of ordinary human beings and people are the same all over.

It's our foundational ideals, though, that make us truly unique as a nation-state created as the fruit of the European Enlightenment, and it took me a lifetime to understand their value.

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Your last paragraph is very true. Your entire post describes my thoughts to a T.

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"And yet look at the evil that grew from the remarkable act of Nixon going to China. That was the one thing I admired him for and it was both wise and fatal. Life's tricky like that..."

While it's all 20/20 hindsight, you have to wonder how things would have turned out if Watergate had not happened. North Vietnam would not have started its invasion of South Vietnam in late-1974 and South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos wouldn't have fallen. Soviet/Cuban inroads in Africa and Central America were in response to American weakness following the defeat in Vietnam. Would Somoza have fallen in '79? The fall of the Shah in '78 and the Soviet invasion of the Afghanistan in '79? All of this had an effect on domestic issues.

The situation with China would probably be remarkably different and Nixon would be regarded as a visionary (which he was). Like you said, life's tricky like that.

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Cursory glance at his dad's profile:

-only DOJ official to know identity of Deep Throat from Watergate

-Had a 9 year relationship with Gloria Steinem yet claims to be a republican lol

-Fumbled cases for Epstein victims

Highly luminescent; birds of feather.

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Thank you Michael. I was looking forward to this after the bombshell last paragraph in the last post about the Birx book. BTW, thank you for reading that and the other 3 pro-lockdown books in order to research this article. I don't think I could stomach those 3 and Satan will put drinking fountains in hell before I'd read the BIrx book. Besides, there are so many other truthful things to read.

There is a great deal of evidence that Remdesivir is toxic to major organ systems (like kidneys and liver) and most certainly killed more people than it saved. In the Ebola trial, it killed 50% of the participants. RFK Jr. goes into great detail in his book about Fauci how this next pet drug of Fauci's is just same song, second verse to many of the AIDS drugs which killed thousands. There's a reason nurses refer to Remdesivir as "run!deathisnear."

I was also looking forward to reading the comments too. What do people think about the evidence presented? I'm not sure what to think about Matt Pottinger. Because I was anti-mask (we've known for 100 years they don't work) and lockdowns (never done in history) from almost the beginning, him pushing the things I hate makes me instantly suspicious of his motives. Either he's a useful idiot or his actions were nefarious.

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Thank you Birdingmom! Agreed.

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Yes. Great points.

The American military and China knew HCQ was helpful treating covid. If pottinger was an honest broker then why didn’t he know this from his China contacts? Trump said Xi told him.

Why didn’t pottinger help trump promote the HCQ idea for the American people? My vote so far is that his intentions were leaning towards nefarious.

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Pottingers brother is an infectious disease specialist. There was a big article in early 2020 about them.

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Guess no one in Trump's Administration heard of Reagan's "trust but verify" rule. Sheesh. I don't know what's more alarming, that a guy with Pottinger's CV was so close to the power of the White House with no questions asked, or Trump did not try to 2nd track verify information he was given to support such disastrous policies such as lockdown, universal masking, etc.

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Hi Michael - thanks for another great essay on the American traitors that are key insiders for the global fascist alliance, which are waging war on humanity for world government, power, politics, and profits.

It is mind boggling how far they have penetrated every aspect of human society, and every country from Australia to Zambia.

My personal theory is that this global fascism project is the hangover of the British and European Empires, along with the Nazis 3rd Reich. Early in the 20th century they transformed the League of Nations, used to divide up the world during European-British colonialism, and made it into the United Nations - They have been hiding in plain sight for over a hundred years. And post WW2 they've been busy building countless global institutions and intersecting networks of NGOs, activist organizations, think tanks, etc. And along the way they've grabbed control of a large chunk of capitalism's assets, both public and private, which helps them to fund it all.

And the glue that holds the global fascist alliance together is simple - it is an adherence to the philosophy of one world government, the arrogant and insane dreams of global fascists families and institutions that go back generations, like the British monarchy, and the dedication to this project, with the strategy that the 'end justifies the means' - which gives them carte blanche to lie, to cheat, to steal, to destroy nations from within and without - along with the massive opportunities to use corruption, both private and public as a tool - well these are the aspects of the glue that holds it all together. And if anyone steps out of line - they attack them relentlessly.

it is truly breathtaking.

And how to we stop it?

By continuing to shine a light on its actors and instruments - which is what you are doing so well.

Well done mate.


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Very interesting article. I had never heard of Pottinger before but will definitely be keeping an eye on him from here on out. Thanks for sharing. Will be linking tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Thank you Watchman!

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Extremely interesting read & certainly should be amplified by any media that has a ounce of credibility left, if for nothing else to get people thinking & to draw out more clues of the puzzle that we all know exist. As far as Covid & the lab theory I’m get to be convinced that there is even minuscule evidence this was a natural spill over. Every thing points to a lab, & somewhere along the line I think the USA has a finger in that too. I’d love for a further investigation into some reports that China now will be making a portion of the vaccines

( which they supplied the sequencing for but no actual samples) that are coming up both Pfizer & Moderna . the CCP is an equity investor in BioNTech: “As part of the strategic alliance with Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd & Fosun acquired almost half of Sinopharm: who is also owned by the CCP. Fosun Pharmaceuticals does not just partner with Pfizer/BioNTech to make the COVID-19 vaccines: they make, as noted, the PCR tests. Lots of crumbs of information around & clearly they need to be collected & put in the right order. The world population deserves to know the truth & who played what role.

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