Nov 11, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Yeah, none of Callahan's heroic stories add up, do they? I'm more inclined to go with Malone's assessment that he's a CIA trained liar.

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And how about Mr. Malone, is he a trained liar as well? Seems to me that he worked with Callahan in the past and is now trying to distance himself! There has always been something about this guy that I just don't trust. Can't quite put my finger on it yet. It's like he's done a complete 180 from his past!!!!!

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Those are questions each person is free to ask and I'm not here to convince you of Malone's integrity or if he's a trained liar. Truth always comes out eventually.

Can someone ever do a 180 from their past? I am certainly hoping that many of the individuals that imposed/forced/coerced all the heinous covid policies from masking children to lockdowns to forced jabs to calling for unjabbed people to be put in internment camps or worse, WILL do a 180 and repent. Because, and I can only speak for myself, that there will be no amnesty or forgiveness without repentance, which is literally a 180 degree turn.

Jesus said you will know people by the fruit they produce. Is what Malone doing now producing fruit or death? That should be the question we are asking about everyone.

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"It's like he's done a complete 180 from his past"

Not really. And why would he. It's like asking the "inventor of the kitchen knife" to do a 180 after the first ones got stabbed to death with such a thing.

He wrote somewhat detailed blog posts about how his past went, what he was thinking when working on the initial proofs of concept for this sort of tech...

Nothing unusual seeming for anyone who ever worked anywhere to develop anything.

And then, there is quite a fat cut actually, between that part of his past, and the more recent developments by Moderna et al, digging out that tech that was no longer patented.

He has nothing to do with these recent developments, and much less all the fraud of pretending the safety problems had been eliminated.

How would any of you ever have known of his work with Callahan if he didn't tell you, btw...

And it also seems it was him in the first place who put the name Callahan out there.

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Not sure when Mr. Malone put Callahan's name out because I don't read much of his Substack or listen to his interviews because most of it is info that others have already reported on. If he has something of interest, I will post it however.

Callahan was mentioned along with Malone in the following article however from April 2020 - "New York clinical trial quietly tests heartburn remedy against coronavirus"


Whether Malone put info out on Callahan and put his name out there prior to that date, I can't say for sure. Perhaps you might give me more info on that point. Thanks...

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Agree full on with your assessment of Dr Malone. Something has NEVER sat well within my Soul regarding him. Can’t put my finger on it but something is very wrong here. He seems to have great “expertise” on MANY avenues besides his invention of MRNA and “vaccine “ technology.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

thank you so much for pointing that out - we'll never know for sure, that's how these things go, but Robert Malone sure looks like a plant to me. His whole career is wrapped in military work (incl. CIA) at the highest levels. Now suddenly he's a traveling propagandist, singing a new tune of medical freedom.

Where was he for the last 90 years, as the USA arrested 1.5 million people per year and built a gulag complex, to arrest and imprison all the people who took the natural medicinal plants which were the mainstay of human health care for the last 10,000 years? I'm talking about cannabis, opium, coca, and for mental health, the entheogenic plants such as psilocybin mushrooms.

Don't forget what J. Edgar Hoover, servant of the aristocrat families, said - divide and conquer is the strategy for managing the working classes:

“It is the function of mass agitation to exploit all the grievances, hopes, aspirations, prejudices, fears, and ideals of all the special groups that make up our society, social, religious, economic, racial, political. Stir them up. Set one against the other. Divide and conquer. That’s the way to soften up a democracy.”― J. Edgar Hoover, Masters of Deceit

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Just keep in mind the same can be said for every whistleblower who comes forward because at some point the weight of the truth makes everything they thought they were working for look different.

We see it a lot with National Security whistleblowers.. cases of NSA Chief Cryptographer & Tech Director for 2 decades Bill Binney & NSA surveillance guru Thomas Drake are classic examples but they are countless since most folks only hear about CIA plants like Congress' Trump/Ukraine whistleblower.. truth is never rewarded by the swamp.

Coming out from the dark side is trauma in its own right retribution is heavy, which is why so few whistleblowers step up while massive numbers witness the wrongs and stay silent which to me is far worse than a truth teller with a history on the dark side.


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Another possibility about Malone may be that he is totally fake - an actor basically - but represents a sort of "white hat" (ugh, the q-tards ruined this word) aspect of the military intelligence complex.

The government is not a monolith. It stands to reason that at least a few of the officers who devoted their careers to "national defense" would be interested in, you know, defending the nation. And as intelligence officers they might be expected to have much greater than average situational awareness, tho not necessarily the ability to _do_ anything about what they see.

In that situation, the best thing to do might be to pump out certain ideas and intelligence through alternative media. And indeed, in as much as this hypothetical faction of honorable officers are a dissident voice within the military intelligence complex, their public mouthpiece might well be considered an actual voice of dissent.

Again, I have zero evidence to back this up, it's just gut feelings plus wild speculation.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

I suspect Malone is a sort of "limited hangout". Pump out mostly-truth to gain public confidence; then steer public opinion through omission or the occasional well-placed falsehood.

But this is only a gut feeling - I cannot back it up with sufficient evidence.

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Yes, I know what you mean. There IS something about this man that smells off. I thought that when I watched his performance on the Joe Rogan show - he is arrogant for sure and I thought he seemed to be doing a bit of personal distancing between him and the untested technology he was part of developing. It is possible that the entire intention of the last 3 years was to implement mass testing of - or indeed, infecting with - this technology and now that job is done. Maybe it was just curiosity like Pandora with that box.

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The more that is revealed, the more horrific it becomes. And yet, as we have seen over and over throughout this COVID nightmare, and indeed throughout history, instead of being prosecuted, these doctors and scientists maim and kill humans the way they do lab rats and then are rewarded for it.

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Thank you Michael Senger. You consistently produce incredibly important and in-depth articles, and this one is no exception. I hopped over to You Tube and watched the video from the ICU doctor from NY in the early days (I can't believe I've forgotten his name already)! ! It was absolutely chilling. What I clearly remember, is that very early on, I had a discussion about ventilators with my husband. I told him that in no uncertain terms, I was NOT TO BE INTUBATED/VENTILATED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. I knew instinctively, probably as a long-time registered nurse, that the outcome of ventilating people under these conditions was going to be bad.

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So true. Thank you Louise!

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Follow the $$$ in Callaghan’s bank accounts

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Another name to add to the "no amnesty" list.

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Great research! I find it incredible that Malone claims to have been one of the first, if not the first, Americans contacted by Callahan in late 2019, to work on “repurposed drugs.” Oddly, neither Malone or Callahan considered HCQ or ivermectin.

Despite the known harm from mechanical ventilation in March 2020, hospitals in Texas continued using them through 2021!

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Any doctor or hospital who used mechanical ventilation on Covid patients later than Spring 2020 is guilty of murder.

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My sis in law was ventilated and remdisivir used in September 2021. She barely survived and is not over the effects yet. In Illinois.

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Ah ventilators. When I saw they were being used so much so that there were screams for all of the nation’s stockpile by Cuomo, I asked myself “how can this be”?

For years ventilators had been used with caution in “normal” circumstances and only as a last resort and for as brief a period as could be. The great problem being that after a certain period of use, the patient can no longer breath on his own and coming “off” is really a death sentence. This phenomena is worse with older patients to boot.

I’ll bet there are any number of folk reading this who had or know someone who had an elderly relative pass in this manner. Of course, there is not much pushback because of the heavy sedation used in treatment—unless there is an educated advocate for the ventilated person. The reason for the heavy sedation is that the procedure is unenduringly painful, no other reason. Imagine your lungs being filled under pressure to bursting several times a minute! In any event, the process itself impairs lung function.

That Callahan could blithely recommend this procedure tells much about his competency as a physician. Is he a physician? No doctor I know of is anything but cautious wrt ventilation and rightfully so.

And now we are asked to “forgive and forget”. No. These people must be held accountable. They must be exposed and their reputations ruined.

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The connection to Brix is very interesting. I always wondered how she was selected. She was touted as someone who could build bridges. Now it makes sense. Two corrupt medical professionals were in charge of public health.

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Birx was recommended to VP Pence to head effort by Pottinger

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It just gets darker and darker. That Brix was pitched as someone who went to the Vatican over AIDS gave a sliver of hope in the beginning but even she made my skin crawl.

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Pence. Whatever happened to him?

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Scott Atlas wrote that it was never clear about how Birx got put into position, you sure it was Pence?

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My recollection is Trump turned Corona over to Pence, Pence brought in Fauci, Fauci brought in Birx, with whom he had worked before on AIDS. Her thing was models--her models were crap. I can completely understand why Fauci and Birx would be allies in their utterly perverted career disease deathscapades and vaccinicides.

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No need for additional vents anywhere until lockdowns. Amazing, right? Even though SARS-CoV-2 had been circulating for many months.

Also makes you wonder about the number of wrongful/human intervention deaths Covid positivity is covering.

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Amazing indeed..

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So many stories from the height of the hospital panic but this one is particularly horrifying. Don't think I've ever cried so hard for complete strangers as when I first read it.


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It’s unreal. Ivermectin administered at home within days of encountering the spike protein and these children would still have their mama. I just can’t even…

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Two people warned me early on to stay out of hospitals in New York in March 2020: my polish housekeeper and my downstairs neighbor. Polish housekeeper’s SIL was a nurse and reported they were killing people in the hospital. Downstairs neighbor was emergency room pediatrician. She was more vague but sent out email to our building insisting we avoid the hospital at all costs. Most of us left the city. Heading toward nature seemed like the most logical course of action. Pretty sure our family of four had a bad case of covid in March 2020. Whenever I felt breathless I went outside and messed around in the garden. Immediately felt better. Heartbreaking the number of people who could have been saved.

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One aspect of the scamdemic that has not received much attention is the ventilation scam. Massive $ were transferred to a few companies.

Then we had the building and equipping of unused facilities.

The mask and other PPE contracts.

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Incredible find! Thank you for your important work.

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Good article. Linking it today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

Sage Hana had an interesting article on him a month ago as well - https://sagehana.substack.com/p/the-expose-us-dod-issued-a-contract

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Brilliant—thanks Watchman!

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Nuremberg 2.0 needs to be said loudly & often.

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Nov 12, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

This is chilling.

I remember sitting through webinars in April 20 with Chinese clinicians urging us to “go hard go early” with intubation. It was necessary for patients and necessary to protect staff. That was what we were told.

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Wow, that is chilling indeed..

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Great research, I never knew about this guy and the connections to the beginning of this are very importsnt.

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Thank you Jon!

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