The damage that lockdowns would cause was far too well known, far too uneven, and far too catastrophic to assume their chief instigators must have had good intentions.
I didn’t like it, but the Two Weeks to Flatten the least there was a promised, and quick, end to the nonsense. When the government didn’t have the courtesy to say “We Lied” when they extended and extended and extended the lockdowns and mandates, they lost me. My already shaky trust of Government, of Pharma, of Big Anything shattered and I will never believe them, follow their edicts or take their poison products. aIf it happens again I hope people will put up more of a fight, but when I see people thanking an official for “keeping us safe” I am not encouraged. I actually feel like barfing.
Speaking for myself, I will never, ever again comply with ANY of it. How I wish everyone felt this way. There is power in numbers, but so many people still don’t seem to get it.
Perhaps one of the bigger avalanches we've had to survive has been discovering how almost no one anywhere, in any field conferring even the slightest little crumb of power, acted for any reason other than the exquisite thrill of having acquired some purportedly unassailable power over anyone else they could reach. And then it just got worse, and worser, but I kind of feel a little uneasy we ain't yet got to worst.
the shepherds were power mad but the herd was led by panic and fear, esp the greatest fear of all: the fear of thinking for yourself, the fear of standing apart.
the last 2 years have been a global Skinner Box and we learned (in case we didnt know already) that 9 out of 10 humans will agree to do or say anything as long as the button keeps delivering pellets instead of jolts.
One of the best summaries of what went down that I have read. “The moral arc of the Universe is long but it bends toward justice.” I can't wait for THAT kind of social justice, when the instigators of "lock 'em all up!" get their just reward.
Great stuff Michael. Yes, the unprecedented corruption at every level of government, to this day, is still staggering. What is even more unbelievable; a majority of western citizens believe the lockdowns were necessary. Especially our youth between 20-30 years old. They have become government proponents, receiving all their news from .... you guessed it, tic tok, a CCP propaganda tool. The mass formation of this age group is so deep, they will carry these misconceptions to their grave. Which because of the corruption at the FDA and the poison that they sold as vaccines, could well be an early grave, and to think they were are at a statistical zero risk to begin with.
one of the great ironies of this is that these same Children of the Phone see themselves as radical political actors who are always fighting for Justice and Equity and are courageously battling our white-supremacy in their heads they're fighting a virtual revolution while at the same time begging their parents and teachers for more and more rules, more and more restrictions, plus more punishment for dissenters.
Yes, amazing how you can be a revolutionary fighting for equity (too lazy to work in many cases) while at the same time begging for more government restrictions. What an excellent point!
My high school History teacher had a subtle knack of showing that various societies and cultures have been duped by propaganda in the past. The unsaid challenge posed was whether we too would fall prey to contemporary lies and betrayals. Needless to say, all my adult life I’ve second guessed many corporate and societal policies. So, thank you Mrs Fraser of West Ridge High School, Johannesburg, South Africa circa 1982! You opened my eyes to the “Putsch” of the plandemic many years ago! Viva la resistance!
Wonderful writing; kudos! My personal story of "smelling the rats": Forty-three years ago, I read an incredible book, which was a huge -- and welcome -- help to me in seeing, early-on, this Covid debacle for the hair-raising, power-grab it was. "Slaughter of the Innocent," by the brilliant Hans Ruesch, opens with the story of how our modern, pharma-controlled society came into being, beginning with the Rockefeller dynasty, and their cold-blooded campaign to sabotage any alternatives to profitable, patentable drugs. Within this book, Ruesch also sagely points out that during their final trials, Nazi doctors unabashedly admitted that they were used to screams...they'd heard them for years from the laboratory animals they'd tortured with impunity. He went on to say (words which stayed with me since, and am paraphrasing): experimenters who start with animals aspire -- always -- to eventually work on humans. This book made such an impression on me that it leapt immediately to mind the first time I heard the intentionally hypnotic mantra, "this vaccine is safe and effective." In addition, Ruesch's work loomed particularly large in my memory when the expose about Fauci's horrific experiments on dogs was revealed to the public.
This is most likely your finest piece of writing. These questions need to be asked unmercifully for eternity. Unfortunately, I am pessimistic that a much needed reckoning will ever come.
Not until the great majority are able to see the destruction. Which, as you pointed out, will probably never come. Most people I know, embarrassingly, do not even want to know the origin of the virus ... or ... did it escape or was this intentional. Hint: The answer is in Michael's book "Snake Oil".
I hope someone - other than the TPTB - is creating a sub of substack, a new samizdat if you like, comprising all the heroes/heroines of the pushback including you, of course (and Yeadon, Malone, etc) and all the many brilliant commenters on your stack and others. Somehow, that wonderful band of brothers needs to harness its force and guide the masses into rebellion.
Every single motherf*cker voter who supported lockdowns and other mandates are the bastards that hired the hitmen to kill children and adults all over the world for the most diverse reasons.
So bad we can only identify the hitmen. Still, the hitmen must be hanged and serve as a warning for the future ones. Unfortunately, I don’t believe for a second that anyone will even go to prison for that.
The only real solution is absolute decentralization. Leave the union, then leave the states into even smaller free countries.
I didn’t like it, but the Two Weeks to Flatten the least there was a promised, and quick, end to the nonsense. When the government didn’t have the courtesy to say “We Lied” when they extended and extended and extended the lockdowns and mandates, they lost me. My already shaky trust of Government, of Pharma, of Big Anything shattered and I will never believe them, follow their edicts or take their poison products. aIf it happens again I hope people will put up more of a fight, but when I see people thanking an official for “keeping us safe” I am not encouraged. I actually feel like barfing.
Speaking for myself, I will never, ever again comply with ANY of it. How I wish everyone felt this way. There is power in numbers, but so many people still don’t seem to get it.
2 weeks to flatten the curve went against science.
But it definitely was for the science instead.
2 weeks to flatten the curve turned into 2 years of house arrest.
Perhaps one of the bigger avalanches we've had to survive has been discovering how almost no one anywhere, in any field conferring even the slightest little crumb of power, acted for any reason other than the exquisite thrill of having acquired some purportedly unassailable power over anyone else they could reach. And then it just got worse, and worser, but I kind of feel a little uneasy we ain't yet got to worst.
the shepherds were power mad but the herd was led by panic and fear, esp the greatest fear of all: the fear of thinking for yourself, the fear of standing apart.
the last 2 years have been a global Skinner Box and we learned (in case we didnt know already) that 9 out of 10 humans will agree to do or say anything as long as the button keeps delivering pellets instead of jolts.
I will never ever believe that they had good intentions and were oblivious to the damage. Totally intentional.
All dictators and tyrants throughout history had good intentions. I can't think of any exceptions, including Hitler and Stalin.
The other common denominator was that they all believed "how we succeed is not relevant as long as we succeed".
They knew exactly what they were doing. They belong in prison. All if them.
One of the best summaries of what went down that I have read. “The moral arc of the Universe is long but it bends toward justice.” I can't wait for THAT kind of social justice, when the instigators of "lock 'em all up!" get their just reward.
We likely won’t see it. But I’m alright with that now. Unlike them, I ultimately get no joy from the suffering of others.
Great stuff Michael. Yes, the unprecedented corruption at every level of government, to this day, is still staggering. What is even more unbelievable; a majority of western citizens believe the lockdowns were necessary. Especially our youth between 20-30 years old. They have become government proponents, receiving all their news from .... you guessed it, tic tok, a CCP propaganda tool. The mass formation of this age group is so deep, they will carry these misconceptions to their grave. Which because of the corruption at the FDA and the poison that they sold as vaccines, could well be an early grave, and to think they were are at a statistical zero risk to begin with.
one of the great ironies of this is that these same Children of the Phone see themselves as radical political actors who are always fighting for Justice and Equity and are courageously battling our white-supremacy in their heads they're fighting a virtual revolution while at the same time begging their parents and teachers for more and more rules, more and more restrictions, plus more punishment for dissenters.
they truly are computer programmed.
Yes, amazing how you can be a revolutionary fighting for equity (too lazy to work in many cases) while at the same time begging for more government restrictions. What an excellent point!
AP is a CCP front too, now. Everyone is getting their daily dose.
That is correct.
My high school History teacher had a subtle knack of showing that various societies and cultures have been duped by propaganda in the past. The unsaid challenge posed was whether we too would fall prey to contemporary lies and betrayals. Needless to say, all my adult life I’ve second guessed many corporate and societal policies. So, thank you Mrs Fraser of West Ridge High School, Johannesburg, South Africa circa 1982! You opened my eyes to the “Putsch” of the plandemic many years ago! Viva la resistance!
Wonderful writing; kudos! My personal story of "smelling the rats": Forty-three years ago, I read an incredible book, which was a huge -- and welcome -- help to me in seeing, early-on, this Covid debacle for the hair-raising, power-grab it was. "Slaughter of the Innocent," by the brilliant Hans Ruesch, opens with the story of how our modern, pharma-controlled society came into being, beginning with the Rockefeller dynasty, and their cold-blooded campaign to sabotage any alternatives to profitable, patentable drugs. Within this book, Ruesch also sagely points out that during their final trials, Nazi doctors unabashedly admitted that they were used to screams...they'd heard them for years from the laboratory animals they'd tortured with impunity. He went on to say (words which stayed with me since, and am paraphrasing): experimenters who start with animals aspire -- always -- to eventually work on humans. This book made such an impression on me that it leapt immediately to mind the first time I heard the intentionally hypnotic mantra, "this vaccine is safe and effective." In addition, Ruesch's work loomed particularly large in my memory when the expose about Fauci's horrific experiments on dogs was revealed to the public.
Well said. After the Diamond Princess data came out, the whole thing ought to have been over.
Tour de Force, Michael.
Unfortunately, i fear we've only reached the end of chapter one of the Pandemic Wars.
This is most likely your finest piece of writing. These questions need to be asked unmercifully for eternity. Unfortunately, I am pessimistic that a much needed reckoning will ever come.
Not until the great majority are able to see the destruction. Which, as you pointed out, will probably never come. Most people I know, embarrassingly, do not even want to know the origin of the virus ... or ... did it escape or was this intentional. Hint: The answer is in Michael's book "Snake Oil".
Take notes, collect evidence, compile an archive and then unleash it
I hope someone - other than the TPTB - is creating a sub of substack, a new samizdat if you like, comprising all the heroes/heroines of the pushback including you, of course (and Yeadon, Malone, etc) and all the many brilliant commenters on your stack and others. Somehow, that wonderful band of brothers needs to harness its force and guide the masses into rebellion.
Every single motherf*cker voter who supported lockdowns and other mandates are the bastards that hired the hitmen to kill children and adults all over the world for the most diverse reasons.
So bad we can only identify the hitmen. Still, the hitmen must be hanged and serve as a warning for the future ones. Unfortunately, I don’t believe for a second that anyone will even go to prison for that.
The only real solution is absolute decentralization. Leave the union, then leave the states into even smaller free countries.
Well said... well stated actually. Thank you.