Michael thank you for your incredible work. here is my Dan Andrew's story: It was completely avoidable re: CCP style authoritarian lockdowns. Recap for those that may not know. Victoria became literally a police state and these are some 'health' policies implemented that went on for months and months: curfew 9-5, not allowed more than 5 kilometres from home, special permission as emergency worker to go further. 'Ring of steel' for Melbournians to prevent travel to regional Victoria. Police checkpoints everywhere. Don't forget to wear a mask and get tested...... My son left Melbourne in March 2020 to go to more 'saner' NSW (kind of) and not be stuck in a small over expensive apartment near the Shrine as it would have been unliveable to stay in the most 'Livable City in the world' category. Victoria had really become a police state using the virus as the pretext for 'lockdown'. His dad remained in Frankston, an outer suburb of Melbourne. My son wanted his dad to stay with him in NSW but dad was afraid of catching the virus. Context here. By March 2020, there was known treatments for covid, re: Dr Zelenko. But the fear porn overrode any common sense or human rights. A couple of months later in May or June 2020, there were border closures to stop that deadly virus from travelling. Any chance of dad leaving Victoria was not possible. (Just like unvaxxed Canadians who cant leave Canada). By July, my son was frantic about his father's mental well-being. His dad NEVER indicated that he would suicide but he did at the beginning of August 2020. These people that you have identified are all culpable for the unnecessary death of my son's father and suffering and harm to everyone else who went through this. They need to answer to all of us as to why they supported lockdowns despite the peer pressure that may have swayed their opinions to do so. I also call out Dr Allen Cheng who supported these draconian measures that led to the impossibility that father and son could have been reunited and the suicide avoided altogether. https://lens.monash.edu/@medicine-health/2020/12/21/1382645/allen-cheng-the-professor-who-put-himself-in-the-public-firing-line-of-victorias-covid-19-health-response
Wish there was something I could do. Well there is. I can do what i can to get the truth out there I suppose. Pull my finger out. Do something.
No one will willingly listen. They still willingly walk around with masks on. They are oblivious to $1 trillion debt, to loss of democracy, to everything.... So what to do?
Best thing I've been able to think of is to make QR codes of good links - like to this page for instance and other telling a dramatically important pages, videos, and put them on little 'business cards' and just leave them around everywhere. And put them on A4 paper, print them out, post them on walls, windows, telephone poles, whatever, whenever, wherever.
And I'll try put up a web page that has a sort of 'demo' page like that which people can download and use.
We have done nothing. We, the few - and we are such a small percentage it seems - that bothered to find out what's true behind all this. We have arrived at the truth, I'm sure:
. Covid never was so bad.
. The vaccine never was so good.
. Hospital treatment was often deadly.
. Every govt measure was counter productive.
. Masks/lockdowns actually showed increased harm on the charts often.
But we've done nothing really to get it out there.
We are not organised, funded, systemised like the government and MSM.
But we are right and we are capable if only we'll do it.
I will start doing it.
I have had a site for a couple of years: covidhonesty.com where I've compiled links the the truth and I've posted up - more than 6 month ago now - a few chart posters and a few QR code posters.
But I gave up.
I feel a bit ashamed. I promise myself (the only person I really keep my word to) that I will do it all again, do more and keep going forever if necessary..
Greetings, Simone, from a fellow Melburnian. What an unmitigated nightmare the last two years have been in a city I once loved. And it is nowhere near over. Our sadistic lunatic of a premier is still promoting division and making life hard for those who ignore his incessant exhortations to get vaccinated. He needs to be removed but I fear he will be re-elected in November. If so, what will it say about the millions of people in Victoria that he viciously and recklessly traumatised with his stupid, barbarous lockdowns?
Yes i have heard from my traumatised unvaxxed friends. Im sorry to say but Danwu is loved by many. It's unfathomable. Danwu needs some kung fu to straighten him out. I knew in my gut that my son had to get out of Vic. Sydney is better, but no,
How come they still have us under constant surveillance by copters and planes from dawn until late at night? Last week we had TWO MILITARY copters flew over where I live. I was in the front yard shirtless as they flew over my head - literally. I gave them "what are you doing?" gesture with my outstretched arms. They took a picture of me! I saw a flash of white light from an open door at my 9 o'clock.
Yes. I emailed that ching Cheng in 2020 and 2021. Of course, he was not game to respond.
He is 'Co-Chair of the Australian Technical Group on Immunisation (ATAGI)'. He is Chair of the Advisory Committee for Vaccines and has written a blue print for vaccine rollout which i have a copy of but cannot share the link here. How did he get such a meteoritic head start when he is such an ardent supporter of ccp Harsh lockdowns? https://research.monash.edu/en/persons/allen-cheng
I would love to see what you wrote to him. I will do the same and let him know what happened to us. Take care Aussie brother
Absolutely Dr Allen Cheng - strange how a Chinese National can be placed to coordinate an Australian Covid response ( ATAGI)- don’t ever imagine the CCP would allow the same. Michael’s list of the Covid criminals will no doubt grow 100 - 1000 over time. In my mind Senger is the stand out legend of our time. Makes me smile.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this. ALL people responsible for fomenting and perpetuating this monumental disaster - top to bottom, left to right, provocateur and sycophant - MUST be held fully accountable. A Nuremburg-styled public accounting is a good starting point.
I have a very strong feeling that The Powers That Be have a 'hit list' quite like your list... except theirs is much more extensive. Their hit list is entitled, "Who We Need To Bribe And Threaten."
What a valuable scholarly work! Thank you very much. It could be topped off, I think, with something like a selected set of charts showing the total uselessness of lockdowns and masks to alter the course of the disease. Perhaps from, for instance, the set in the recent book 'Unmasked' - they're all public domain charts I believe, coming from places like CDC.
And perhaps a clear reference to the fact that the quickest way to 'get over it' and to 'eradicate' covid would always have been to 'let it run', so to speak, but with much judicious use of appropriate medicines and preparatory actions - i.e. HCQ and IVM medicines, say (there are others) and building up Vit D levels, etc.
AND some kind of watchdog thing that would prevent the murdering of people with invasive intubation, lack of postural treatment, use of Remdesivir and so on...
But it is brilliant. Thank you.
I will forward to every politician I can get an email address or fax number for..
LOL. That Eric Finkle Dinkle....the United Front's favorite expat, that's for sure. He is very grateful that he is vaccinated and boostered because it is safe and effective against Covid-19. Get vaccinated everyone. Be like the 100 others here on this list. Itll save the millions of lives that were supposed to be dead by now but didnt because their shit ass predictions never come true.
Hey, Michael, there's a Gab account that claims to be yours but, for a number of reasons, I'm skeptical. Just in case I'm right and it isn't really you, thought you'd wanna know.
Thanks Michael. Yep, that’s a fake, but Gab doesn’t seem to have a reporting system so can’t do much about it. I’m on Substack exclusively for the time being. Great to reconnect—as I’m sure you’re aware, your research on Li Wenliang was extraordinarily valuable to my book!
Yes, great to reconnect. Since you're Tablet piece is what made me realize Wenliang needed looking into it, happy to return the favor. I was completely off Twitter for almost a year and discovered you'd been nuked when I came back. A huge blow. Stumbled upon that fake Gab account in a tweet by @MamaTatiana_ claiming it was yours. No idea if that account is also fake or if she was genuinely deceived. But did a quote-tweet reply alerting people that it's fake with a screenshot of your above reply. On another note, I just did a piece on the story South Korea'a alleged public health viictory through mass testing. It was endlessly repeated in April 2020 to create the impression that the U.S. needed to massively increase testing. I knew it had to be a load of BS, but even I wasn't prepared for the magnitude of the lies involved. https://michaelthau.substack.com/p/smoke-and-mirrors-the-linguistic?s=w
I would appreciate if you do the same type article for all those that condemned the unvaxx, wished us death, denied medical care…so many editorials (specifically name writers), entertainers (cramer, stern, damon, colbert, milano, etc..), politicians, news commentators, etc. These people need to be called-out/exposed for their words and actions. We can never allow their actions to be forgotten. Forgive - ok, maybe; but never, ever, forget.
That's asking a lot Rich. How about you do it, or make a start and encourage others to contribute?
Sadly I think it would be a very large wall of text... but still worth doing, so the scum cannot deny it later, when even the mainstream have to admit the injections have done more harm than good
Keep these receipts so these lunatics are forever held accountable.
They are also the first ones to tell you that free speech has consequences.
Addresses, please...you know, for Christmas cards.
ROTFLMAO. Yea that's the ticket. Christmas cards, yea.
Michael thank you for your incredible work. here is my Dan Andrew's story: It was completely avoidable re: CCP style authoritarian lockdowns. Recap for those that may not know. Victoria became literally a police state and these are some 'health' policies implemented that went on for months and months: curfew 9-5, not allowed more than 5 kilometres from home, special permission as emergency worker to go further. 'Ring of steel' for Melbournians to prevent travel to regional Victoria. Police checkpoints everywhere. Don't forget to wear a mask and get tested...... My son left Melbourne in March 2020 to go to more 'saner' NSW (kind of) and not be stuck in a small over expensive apartment near the Shrine as it would have been unliveable to stay in the most 'Livable City in the world' category. Victoria had really become a police state using the virus as the pretext for 'lockdown'. His dad remained in Frankston, an outer suburb of Melbourne. My son wanted his dad to stay with him in NSW but dad was afraid of catching the virus. Context here. By March 2020, there was known treatments for covid, re: Dr Zelenko. But the fear porn overrode any common sense or human rights. A couple of months later in May or June 2020, there were border closures to stop that deadly virus from travelling. Any chance of dad leaving Victoria was not possible. (Just like unvaxxed Canadians who cant leave Canada). By July, my son was frantic about his father's mental well-being. His dad NEVER indicated that he would suicide but he did at the beginning of August 2020. These people that you have identified are all culpable for the unnecessary death of my son's father and suffering and harm to everyone else who went through this. They need to answer to all of us as to why they supported lockdowns despite the peer pressure that may have swayed their opinions to do so. I also call out Dr Allen Cheng who supported these draconian measures that led to the impossibility that father and son could have been reunited and the suicide avoided altogether. https://lens.monash.edu/@medicine-health/2020/12/21/1382645/allen-cheng-the-professor-who-put-himself-in-the-public-firing-line-of-victorias-covid-19-health-response
Wish there was something I could do. Well there is. I can do what i can to get the truth out there I suppose. Pull my finger out. Do something.
No one will willingly listen. They still willingly walk around with masks on. They are oblivious to $1 trillion debt, to loss of democracy, to everything.... So what to do?
Best thing I've been able to think of is to make QR codes of good links - like to this page for instance and other telling a dramatically important pages, videos, and put them on little 'business cards' and just leave them around everywhere. And put them on A4 paper, print them out, post them on walls, windows, telephone poles, whatever, whenever, wherever.
And I'll try put up a web page that has a sort of 'demo' page like that which people can download and use.
We have done nothing. We, the few - and we are such a small percentage it seems - that bothered to find out what's true behind all this. We have arrived at the truth, I'm sure:
. Covid never was so bad.
. The vaccine never was so good.
. Hospital treatment was often deadly.
. Every govt measure was counter productive.
. Masks/lockdowns actually showed increased harm on the charts often.
But we've done nothing really to get it out there.
We are not organised, funded, systemised like the government and MSM.
But we are right and we are capable if only we'll do it.
I will start doing it.
I have had a site for a couple of years: covidhonesty.com where I've compiled links the the truth and I've posted up - more than 6 month ago now - a few chart posters and a few QR code posters.
But I gave up.
I feel a bit ashamed. I promise myself (the only person I really keep my word to) that I will do it all again, do more and keep going forever if necessary..
Of course, everyone can do something. For starters:
1. Be informed
2. Inform others
3. Engage in a calm, informed and rational debate with your opponents.
4. Be strong. Never give in. Never give up!
Greetings, Simone, from a fellow Melburnian. What an unmitigated nightmare the last two years have been in a city I once loved. And it is nowhere near over. Our sadistic lunatic of a premier is still promoting division and making life hard for those who ignore his incessant exhortations to get vaccinated. He needs to be removed but I fear he will be re-elected in November. If so, what will it say about the millions of people in Victoria that he viciously and recklessly traumatised with his stupid, barbarous lockdowns?
Yes i have heard from my traumatised unvaxxed friends. Im sorry to say but Danwu is loved by many. It's unfathomable. Danwu needs some kung fu to straighten him out. I knew in my gut that my son had to get out of Vic. Sydney is better, but no,
Australia is not at all out of the woods. 😢🥺
Danwu is loved by the left and most immigrants. There is a large pop of chings down there - being locked down reminded them of home....
Oi from SW Sydney fibro! Spit on the pic of your Danwu Andrews for me - and Sutton!
Danwu that's another good one. Danwu has his best mate United Front Marty Mei attached at the hip
United Front for China?
"Mei"? That is a ching! It means "beautiful". It is a common female name. Ching husbands also call their wives that.
I am conscious of defamation laws here.
Oi Simone from a SW Sydney fibro!
How come they still have us under constant surveillance by copters and planes from dawn until late at night? Last week we had TWO MILITARY copters flew over where I live. I was in the front yard shirtless as they flew over my head - literally. I gave them "what are you doing?" gesture with my outstretched arms. They took a picture of me! I saw a flash of white light from an open door at my 9 o'clock.
Yes. I emailed that ching Cheng in 2020 and 2021. Of course, he was not game to respond.
Ching Cheng has a very obscure history. Apparently from Singapore, so newly immigrated to Australia and then in full CCP style becomes our lord and master. Here he is again praising these disgusting lockdowns. What a commie https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-07-21/victoria-former-dcho-allen-cheng-on-covid-lockdowns/100310158
He is 'Co-Chair of the Australian Technical Group on Immunisation (ATAGI)'. He is Chair of the Advisory Committee for Vaccines and has written a blue print for vaccine rollout which i have a copy of but cannot share the link here. How did he get such a meteoritic head start when he is such an ardent supporter of ccp Harsh lockdowns? https://research.monash.edu/en/persons/allen-cheng
I would love to see what you wrote to him. I will do the same and let him know what happened to us. Take care Aussie brother
Let's discuss ching cheng and other feral aussies in private:
I have a bit to share with you, or anyone:
Absolutely Dr Allen Cheng - strange how a Chinese National can be placed to coordinate an Australian Covid response ( ATAGI)- don’t ever imagine the CCP would allow the same. Michael’s list of the Covid criminals will no doubt grow 100 - 1000 over time. In my mind Senger is the stand out legend of our time. Makes me smile.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this. ALL people responsible for fomenting and perpetuating this monumental disaster - top to bottom, left to right, provocateur and sycophant - MUST be held fully accountable. A Nuremburg-styled public accounting is a good starting point.
I have a very strong feeling that The Powers That Be have a 'hit list' quite like your list... except theirs is much more extensive. Their hit list is entitled, "Who We Need To Bribe And Threaten."
You forgot to put “GRIFTER” after Eric Feigle-Ding
Feigle-Ding in Mandarin literally means "one who grifts shamelessly."
He is the only girly-man that I know who incorporated his wife' surname into his own.
Wow, I didn't know that. Very revealing.
Shouldn't that be grifts shamelessly?
Indeed! Edit underway...
Please include on that list of Control freaks the “Premier” of Western Australia - Mark McGowan!
A true tyrant, in the mold of Daniel Andrews - the premier of Victoria
In my world every one of these people would be publicly interrogated. Those found to be psychopathic would do hard prison time
What a valuable scholarly work! Thank you very much. It could be topped off, I think, with something like a selected set of charts showing the total uselessness of lockdowns and masks to alter the course of the disease. Perhaps from, for instance, the set in the recent book 'Unmasked' - they're all public domain charts I believe, coming from places like CDC.
And perhaps a clear reference to the fact that the quickest way to 'get over it' and to 'eradicate' covid would always have been to 'let it run', so to speak, but with much judicious use of appropriate medicines and preparatory actions - i.e. HCQ and IVM medicines, say (there are others) and building up Vit D levels, etc.
AND some kind of watchdog thing that would prevent the murdering of people with invasive intubation, lack of postural treatment, use of Remdesivir and so on...
But it is brilliant. Thank you.
I will forward to every politician I can get an email address or fax number for..
We need to compile a list of names: I Justin Trudeau, Christia Freeland, Theresa Tam, Francois Legault, Christian Dube to name a few https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/regions-see-hospitalizations-cases-increase-christian-dub%C3%A9-says-stay-home-1.5752329
Can't believe we have been going through this insanity
LOL. That Eric Finkle Dinkle....the United Front's favorite expat, that's for sure. He is very grateful that he is vaccinated and boostered because it is safe and effective against Covid-19. Get vaccinated everyone. Be like the 100 others here on this list. Itll save the millions of lives that were supposed to be dead by now but didnt because their shit ass predictions never come true.
Hey, Michael, there's a Gab account that claims to be yours but, for a number of reasons, I'm skeptical. Just in case I'm right and it isn't really you, thought you'd wanna know.
Thanks Michael. Yep, that’s a fake, but Gab doesn’t seem to have a reporting system so can’t do much about it. I’m on Substack exclusively for the time being. Great to reconnect—as I’m sure you’re aware, your research on Li Wenliang was extraordinarily valuable to my book!
Yes, great to reconnect. Since you're Tablet piece is what made me realize Wenliang needed looking into it, happy to return the favor. I was completely off Twitter for almost a year and discovered you'd been nuked when I came back. A huge blow. Stumbled upon that fake Gab account in a tweet by @MamaTatiana_ claiming it was yours. No idea if that account is also fake or if she was genuinely deceived. But did a quote-tweet reply alerting people that it's fake with a screenshot of your above reply. On another note, I just did a piece on the story South Korea'a alleged public health viictory through mass testing. It was endlessly repeated in April 2020 to create the impression that the U.S. needed to massively increase testing. I knew it had to be a load of BS, but even I wasn't prepared for the magnitude of the lies involved. https://michaelthau.substack.com/p/smoke-and-mirrors-the-linguistic?s=w
Fascinating.. Thanks Michael!
Michael, sorry to keep sending you links: but two items have come to my attention that warrants disclosure far and wide
incredible and surreal to read…
I would appreciate if you do the same type article for all those that condemned the unvaxx, wished us death, denied medical care…so many editorials (specifically name writers), entertainers (cramer, stern, damon, colbert, milano, etc..), politicians, news commentators, etc. These people need to be called-out/exposed for their words and actions. We can never allow their actions to be forgotten. Forgive - ok, maybe; but never, ever, forget.
That's asking a lot Rich. How about you do it, or make a start and encourage others to contribute?
Sadly I think it would be a very large wall of text... but still worth doing, so the scum cannot deny it later, when even the mainstream have to admit the injections have done more harm than good
Still going on and here's an example https://www.klfy.com/national/court-order-dad-others-in-home-must-be-vaccinated-for-him-to-see-son/ and this goobly-goo from CNN Leana Wen https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/10/health/grandparents-visits-covid-19-vaccine-wellnesss/index.html
Michael! You are mentioned! https://palexander.substack.com/p/chinas-global-lockdown-propaganda/comments?s=r
Great work!