When history is written a statue should be erected for those who stood tall

The best argument continues to be does NOT STOP transmission or infection!

How can anyone conceivably justify anything when Countries like Denmark have banned the injections for those under 50?

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Agreed—I'm sure one day one will be built!

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Yes, the argument that the vax doesn't stop infection or transmission is the most effective, but it is so sad and frightening that the protections of our liberties, including the Nuremberg Code, turned out to be not worth the paper they were written on.

And that is one of the best arguments for why people should have guns.

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Hoorah!! Progress!

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There are judges in the US who know the law. And who read up on so called vaccines ! Wow. All is not lost yet !

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Based on this ruling, it's long past time for attorneys to step up and file suits against cities and companies who have imposed these unscientific and unconstitutional mandates on employees.

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this could be a booster shot of momentum... i'm eager to see what happens with the missouri AG's lawsuit ... is it possible we may hear actual testimony from those at the top of the federal government?

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I know it would be ignorant, vulgar, asinine, petty, infantile and vile but if I was a NY city employee who just got the ruling it would be so tempting to put this on a shirt and wear it when they go back to work.


And on a coffee mug, screen saver, emailed to everyone from a one-time-email account once I had all their work emails and maybe some more mischief.

Kudos to those 2000 who held out. You have the ability to question authority and the spine to stand up for yourself. Well done.

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Makes my soul smile that tiny miracles of justice still occur here and there. Michael Senger-- nice succinct summary.

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I don’t see where this can go on appeal. The judge proved that the law was not being applied equally. Also, the vaccine doesn’t do any of the things for which the basis for the mandate are derived.

We all know why they want to appeal it, because they want to push force people into submission. These weird ass public employees, and “officials” are like HOA people who want to tell you what color flowers to have in front of your house. They “get off” on telling people what to do. The only issue is, they are the perfect useful idiots for the leftists to flex their muscle. Little do the HOA nitwits know, they are puppets. Similarly, they too will be forced to comply with nonsense rules as well.

It has always amazed me how people can’t see these things coming!

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Here's a podcast about my new book, Cassandra's Memo: COVID and the Global Psychopaths, and a way to download the book free. This is germaine to your article and summarizes the whole situation.





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The beginning of what is hopefully a spectacular avalanche of legal & criminal repercussions.

It's just a shame that the courts didn't do their jobs properly to put a stop to all this two years ago, because everything done by global governments in the name of fighting covid very obviously violated all sorts of national constitutional laws & international human rights conventions.

For someone like me with no legal background to have been able to see this, there's no excuse for the judiciary not to.

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I have never understood the logic of forcing any jab, shot, or treatment on someone else in order to protect me from whatever biological danger they mention. I don’t believe in any vaccines let alone these things, but why do people that believe they work insist on everyone else to take them? Maybe they think if they risk their health by injecting a concoction then everyone must? I was told I should take it even though I am extremely healthy in order to protect some unknown person who can’t take it. But who could that be if everyone, especially the older with co-morbidities were the first and most recommended shot recipients? So at most I would only be protecting myself not the community. I am sure those forcing the mandate never intended to ever truly take the injections themselves. I think they might have hoped everyone else would take them so they would not have to. If politicians or CEOs did photo ops showing them getting the shots, they were staged.

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I didn’t realize ‘sanitation workers’ had filed the suit. Let’s hear it for the garbage men!

They always deserved more respect than they got, but now they’ve won my outright admiration.

Also, every official and lawyer involved in the appeals needs to be doxxed, their houses picketed, and pelted with rotten eggs etc every time they poke their noses out.

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This is GOOD news.

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We're waiting for the suit against the federal government over contractors. Hubby was working for Amtrak as a contractor and was fired for not getting the vaccine. It's been 10 months so far, that would make a nice windfall payout for us. We were very blessed to have saved diligently so he just retired rather than trying to find another job. Had he been a few years younger he would have been forced to get the shots.

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