Aug 1, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Very telling that parents prioritizing the well being of their children above all else horrifies the left.

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especially now that They're pushing bioengineered injections for the kids

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Yes, and let's not forget their support of late-term abortions and the infant formula shortage. And calling parents who speak up at PTA meetings as 'domestic t*rrorists' if they voice concerns about CRT or drag queens visiting elementary schools or encouraging young children to question their gender.

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The left hates our kids. Don’t take it from me, they’re telling us themselves.

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They're all just shocked that we don't wish we had aborted all of them.

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I'm not sure why anyone persists in describing the NYT as ever "striving for excellence." My sixth grade teacher thought so too, and she was wrong then.

I was of course too young to have read the Walter Duranty masterpieces, but I first noticed something stinky during the Iran-Iraq war, which dragged on for almost eight years. Depending on American politics during that time, Saddam Hussein was either a noble leader of his people or a vile monster. Began to make my head spin, and vaporized my trust in any narrative ever after.

It's doing its propaganda work diligently now, mostly staffed by and entirely aimed at a certain set of the Democratic party elite. The self-referential circle of life.

But yes, I'll agree, it's certainly a sort of extreme deviancy to be willing to risk losing one's social set just to protect the lives and happiness of one's children. This is the horror of our time.

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Remember how Assad was a reformer and moderate before he was so bad that we had to arm and fund terrorists just to spite him? Which led to the enslavement and rape of an entire ethnic group (Yazidis)? But hey at least we got to occupy some oil wells in Syria I guess...

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And a timely reminder that the Yazidis were no better than any other Middle Eastern group of tribal fanatics.

There are no golden groups. Just individuals.

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I knew some of them personally, having worked in the area while deployed. They didn't deserve to get run over just because we wanted to play regime change in Syria. That was just the first consequence of our covert arms program in Syria that came to mind because of my personal familiarity with it. There were numerous other horrible repercussions such as the 'refugee' wave into Europe.

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No one deserves to get run over anywhere. That we pick and choose the ones we wish to cry over, and let all the others rot, is a monstrous shame and disgrace.

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Government ruins everything that it touches.


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maybe it's a propagandistic sloganeering term, like CNN's "most trusted name in news"

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Well no, Michael used the phrase seriously, which is both kind on his part and unfactual history. It's important these days to lose a little of the natural courtesy so many good people have and be a little more blunt.

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true, I thought nyt's branded themselves like that sort of like how cnn branded itself as the "most trusted name in news", I agree that he should be blunt and not say they are "striving for excellence" cause that's clearly false

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Even liars can strive for excellence in their craft.

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Yes, a good villain makes an interesting adversary. Unfortunately they are lousy liars, too.

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AHHHH. Word to yo mutha. I might have to tap out after reading this.

Fuck ‘em all.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Like many other epithets hurled ceaselessly in our modern political diatribes, the anti-vaxxer label no longer bothers me. I'd rather be anti-vaccines than a supporter of the biosecurity surveillance state.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Wear "anti vaxxer" as a point of pride. It tells you everything you need to know about the illiberal twats that are willing to hurl that "slur."

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“I'd rather be anti-vaccines than a supporter of the biosecurity surveillance state.”

I’d say that pretty much sums it up.

“What we got to say…

Power to the people, no delay”

— Chuck D

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

It is shocking that large number of parents is ready to give up on CRT, future where their children will own nothing and be happy, where they will be protecting the planet while eating synthetic beef and bugs just so that their children can go to real school, breathe and not get injected with genetic therapy with more side effects than all the other vaccines combined during 30 years. You really can’t count on those parents! Experts should investigate how did these parents get indoctrinated by far-right.

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By fear and lies of course by programming from birth we program people from birth from the injections from birth on

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Things must really be going badly for the Democrats for the NYT to target parents in Orinda of all places.

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Yes, having grown up in Berkeley, SF Bay area Orinda is the epitome (or was before) a bastion of suburban privilege. The NYT is a perfect example of why forums like SubStack are breaking the internet.

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Has nothing to do with Democrats and Republicans they're both scumbags on both sides this has to do with getting back to humanity and caring about the children and stop murdering them and causing genocide from things that don't work and they're not even vaccines. This is gotten so out of control that people have to start admitting to themselves that they made the wrong choice by injected and their children the doctors have committed treason and medical rape their held accountable for war crimes against humanity

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The Fourth Estate is the Fifth Column working on behalf of the globalists to destroy our nations.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

The New York Times is appropriately called the New York Slimes by Mark Levin. Ever since they hid the fact the Holocaust was happening for upwards of a year they’ve been pushing nothing but garbage journalism. If I had birds I wouldn’t even line my bird cages with them

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The garbage started up in March, 2011, when sources and data vanished from the news. That was the time, when the ominous six corporations bought up 94% of the US media.

By 2014, th NYT was a total disgrace to journalism (about the time, when the TIME Magazine had also reached never-before-imaginable lows).

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It started way before that let's go back to the 60s and let's get the real history of how this all came to be shall we

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Thank you for your call for accuracy!

Indeed, Operation Mockingbird was satisfied by planting articles. "Only" the full ownership of the MSM by the same parties that direct the alphabet-soup agencies and are running the worldwide show about "pandemics" was completed in 2011, and must have started no later than 9/11.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Anti-vaccine? Anti-mask? Maybe these parents are looking out for their children’s interests. Besides the fact that the mandated injection has failed in every way, and masks are proven ineffective most of the time, all this b.s. is overkill for a virus that will be harmless to healthy children. But you all know that.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

I’m a mom. An independent. I vote based solely on who is going to enact policies to screw their generation (my husband as well). The less harmful candidate gets our vote. The pro-individual freedom candidates also gets some of our money - voluntarily.

You know who doesn’t get our money, or even any of our time? You guessed it, the child hating lunatics at The New York Times.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

It's toilet paper. And if I could wipe my butt digitally, I would open an incog window, type in a given NY Times article, and then take it with my virtual hand and wipe my virtual butt with it.

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You are being too kind.

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Every American with a brain, with a grain of human dignity left, or with the common sense realizing that they cannot breathe in it, opposes the muzzle.

The criminal narrative of "saving lives" cannot be sustained much longer, if at all:


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Exactly wearing a breathing barrier suffocate your oxygen causes brain damage creates respiratory problems with microplastics in your lungs and so much more including death

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Also, at least two carcinogens and graphene oxide have been found in the muzzles...

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

it seems that, in Frenkel's view, it's *bad* if parents politically prioritize a single issue, but *good* if government policy prioritizes a single issue

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

The real psyop is convincing people that being against injecting toxic substances into a healthy baby is a radical proposition. Vaccines are a scam, read Dissolving Illusions or The Poisoned Needle for proof.

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Yep that's correct they started injecting cancer into the polio vaccine way back in 1967 they've been harming people with the injections for a long time. And the kicker is there's more people that have died from the recent injections than all the rest of them in the last 30 years put together

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Commies gonna feign ignorance and gaslight. Whatchagonnado?🤷🏼‍♂️

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Said 7 billion people.

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There's a lot less on the planet than 7 billion especially after these bio weaponized injections!!!

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Michael, 👍🙏 Excellent report. And timely. ICYMI, I recently penned and published on my ‘Stack newsletter a deep and meaningful analysis of the New York Times (👀⬇️). Amongst other broader frames of reference this two part indictment examined the Old Gray Lady’s deplorable response to the Covid “pandemic” and the clot shot rollout. Such a response epitomised this overrated marque’s long standing history of unstinting endorsement of establishment narratives at the expense of the public’s right to be informed without fear of favour about the most important issues of our time. See below for further information. Feel free to share as you see fit.


ALL the NEWS THAT’S Fit to FAKE and HIDE: New York Times Latest Briefing on Covid — More Misinformation and Propaganda

https://tinyurl.com/yck72mtp *

— A Blood Poisoning of our Body Politic

Despite mounting evidence to the contrary, in its latest briefing on the Covid “pandemic” (see the link above*), the venerable New York Times continues to ‘spruik’ more propaganda and misinformation about the “pandemic” fraud/psy-op and the safety and efficacy of the so-called “vaccines”. In doing so they are blithely placing ever more people’s health and well-being and the very lives of our nearest and dearest at risk. This includes the most vulnerable amongst us, our children from ages 6 months through to 5 years of age. When will this crime against humanity stop?

Of course the NYT is not the only establishment media outlet engaging in this propaganda, but it is arguably the most influential of all. That they continue to push this narrative now well into the third year of the declared global emergency is criminally reprehensible. Yet its persistence in this regard is only the most obvious, contemporary example of this massively overrated masthead’s reputation for ethical, balanced and responsible reportage in the public interest. The Times has a dark history going back decades—well before the emergence of Covid—that belies its brand image and status.

With all this in mind, and in case you have missed it, please👀 ⬇️my feature length article on the New York Times, in two parts.

ARTICLE: All the News that’s Fit to Fake & Hide — Part Two: In the Citadel of Truth & Certitude, by Greg Maybury.

https://tinyurl.com/bdebjfxn (👈Link to Part Two)

ARTICLE: All the News that’s Fit to Fake & Hide — Part One: The Slander & Lies of an Old Gray Lady, by Greg Maybury

https://tinyurl.com/4x7ezp8j (👈Link to Part One)

#NewYorkTimes #Covid #Propaganda #Censorship #FakeNews #MSM

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No NYT is not alone - it is planetary. There aren't many (if any ) corporate media entities who are not in the pocket of the WEF, Bilderberg, and al the puppet governments, corporations, institutions.

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No disagreement from me there KW. 👍

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“All The News That’s Fit To Fake”

I’d say that just about sums it up.

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Erik, Got that right! Feel free to share mon ami. 👍

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

As the Gipper said, "The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."

- which is what dooms them to remain ignorant, of course.

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