Apr 11, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

The Communist Chinese lie; that's what they do. What's new is having our political, media, and cultural 'elites' seemingly verify those lies. The Chinese haven't changed; the so-called 'elites' have. Ironically, their deception will have been for naught for they will be the first ones the CCP line up against the wall.

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Very true. Effectively, by pretending to believe the party line of the Chinese Communist Party, they've become CCP members for all intents and purposes. Really, pretending to believe the party line is all the CCP asks of its members.

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Apr 13, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Michael take a look at Australian State Premiers: Despot Dan Andrews and Mark McGowan both have CCP handlers who hold their (short) leashes that are tied to the dog collars that these Premiers are wearing.

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That's what they do?

Hate to say it, but our government is hardly a paragon of transparency and honesty.

It's more like a 'who can lie the worst with the straight face' contest. And get the rubes to believe it.

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Apr 12, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

I don't think Western institutions/elites are actually being loyal to China, infact most likely quite the opposite. China's data was just a convenient excuse for the West to unleash their own totalitarian regime. In my opinion, Western elites are not so much colluding with the CCP to unleash havoc onto the populous, but rather it's a situation where there's an overlapping interest between the CCP and the "Western" elites to act in an authoritarian fashion amongst their own people. What's the end goal of both parties for acting in this way? Ultimately we don't know. I suspect it's economic supremacy. Which is why I think this is a situation where we have two influential special interest with common interests rather than collusion or an act of loyalty. I'm sure both parties are ready to throw one another under the bus at the right moment, but at this moment in time, it seems that they are both using whatever emergency measures they can get away with against their "own" people, to further their own ends, (of which I suspect is economic and geopolitical supremacy) and they simple don't care about what collateral damage they cause.

What we seem to have here is power struggle, a world war amongst elitist special interest groups, who are using the regular people as pawns on a chess board.

There are so many moving parts within this power struggle, therefore, it's hard to tell who is loyal to who, who has good intentions, and who has bad intentions, but it is definitely us the people who are the patsy on this big geopolitical poker table.

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Apr 11, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Do you actually believe the CCP is doing this to stop an outbreak? That doesn't even make senses. If they were then why take people outside for testing and to quarantine why not keep them locked up? The 1st lockdown was fake and for show why would this one be any different? So what is the true motive then; is this a continued covert warfare designed to cripple strategic supply lines to the west? Or is this another psy-op for western puppets during the next wave to be able to say "look what Chine did that worked so well, that's what we need to do here"?

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

No rational person would believe anything coming from or involving China without independent corroborations.

Apparently some have forgotten the Wuhan scams back in 2019/20.

Dr Jerome Adams is trying very hard to please his potential masters. Obviously he was appointed by Trump because of his skin colour.

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Michael, thank you for showing us the 'facts' re: that flatlined graph of zero covid deaths. What else has been flatlined in this catastrophe of Zero Covid policy? The appeasement by belly grovelling authorities who have remained postrated and flat-lined in their deference to the monstrous CCP? Their view of reality is flat-lined too. All they see is the cement on the ground as the CCP trample over their bodies as 'welcome' mats. Flatlined is dignity and independence from CCP coercion and ultimately, CCP control. Those lying authorities want to make our hearts/mind/body flatlined so that we become inept and accept this bs. Sorry to be so blunt.

We must 100% decouple from China

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Apr 13, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Your voice on Twitter is greatly missed. So glad you are here. Are you on any other platforms for short form comments? Also, what is happening in Shanghai? Why does Xi want this excessive cruelty broadcast to the world? The first time, he wanted (and got) the world to lock down. What does he want this time? Clearly another massive propganda campaign by CCP - what can you tell us?

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Thanks BG! I'm exclusively on Substack for the time being. Shanghai is a real curveball—but suffice to say it's all still propaganda and theatre, using human beings as props. Will write more about that in the coming days.

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Apr 13, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Thanks Michael. Missing your contributions on Twitter. The closer you get to inconvenient truths, the harsher the social media censorship

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Very true. Thanks Slats!

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Imagine the same line of reasoning being used for Russia that is being used for China. Yea, let’s trust what’s coming from the Kremlin...

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Apr 14, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Public health officials, like bond traders and celebrity chefs and unionized teachers and cops, turn “incompetent” and venal when there is no cost/penalty for incompetence, or a perverse incentive for it (as seems globally to be the case with routinized epidemic panics now). Everyone wants to be an aristocrat until the tumbril carts start rolling

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Great piece! Here’s my latest post on the Shanghai lockdown: “Shanghai’s Orwellian Nightmare Is A Stark Reminder of the Inhumanity of Absolutist Approaches to Disease Control”


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Excellent David! Great to connect!

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Indeed, great to see you on Substack! I wonder if Elon will make any headway with Twitter..

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Hes alive! Now get on Telegram and Gettr. Cuz fuck Twitter.

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Thanks Kenneth! For the time being, I'm doing Substack exclusively.

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The issue is that Covid is just the start of something much bigger.

1. Dec 2019. Covid - a very odd virus that likely came from a lab and which has asymmetrical attributes targeting western demographics (elderly), western comorbidities (diabetes, obesity) and western culture (autonomy rather than authoritarian)

2. May 20 China announced dual circulation strategy to prioritise domestic (internal) consumption

3. Nov 20. US election - Covid likely changed outcome

4. 2021 increasing inflation - stimulus and supply shocks

5. Oct 21 China dramatically cuts shipments of phosphate (fertilizer to Ukraine) putting pressure on food prices

6. Feb 22. Russia invades Ukraine. Evidence that China had prior knowledge. Further pressure on food supplies and inflation

7. April 22. Covid outbreak In Shanghai. Record cases but zero deaths!!! Ongoing lockdown. More supply shock and inflation

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Maybe the Chinese have access to Ivermectin.

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I believe you have this one wrong, Michael. These numbers are actually quite understandable when we look at the necessary outcome of massive Covid screening programs of 26 million people, which is what they've done in Shanghai. When they test everyone regardless of symptoms, even accurate tests will yield a vast majority of false positives. So these 130,000 "cases" are vast majority false positives. It's based on the basic Positive Predictive Value maths explained well in this piece by Harvard Med prof. Branch-Elliman:


And we explain it in more detail in this BMJ essay:


And in this longer essay:


And we show how this false positives issue is reflected in not just cases but also in hospitalization and death data in this essay:


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Both numbers "130,000" PCR kit labels and 0 deaths are false... OPERATION COVIDIUS greatest success is using the PCR kit tool in order to deploy tools that otherwise the herds of MMS/3i's would oppose and fight against.



This silly idea that China is a solitary player is only valid in the brains of innocent and distracted MMS/3i's

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