It's tweeter, not real life. That said, wearing a mask over your eyes whilst reading twitter is probably a good idea mental health wise. Getting off it even better. Looking around me today, I don't see anybody masking so you're probably right about the trolling.

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Monoi that is an excellent idea. It seems to me very little sense is on Twitter. I went to the store today and noticed there is still about 1 in 3 or so, that wear masks, most black ladies. The store window still had the mask request up. One cashier had it on her chin, the other did not have one at all. If anyone had asked me to mask I would have left my cart and the store.

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The greatest concern is this tweet storm was instigated by an (alleged) MD, whose training should make her know better. Masking is a fetish driven by ignorance and the fear that derives from ignorance. Political opportunists have taken advantage of that ignorance to tighten population controls. We usually are able to suppress them, but societies still fall for socialist tyrants from time to time. We will either attack the ignorance, or the tyrants, or learn to tolerate tyranny.

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masks. you could put a ceramic pot over your head and seal it round the edges and a virus would still get in. A virus can, I learned, actually be defined as 'that which passes through a ceramic filter'. So how insane is unsealed cloth and paper etc? That's first principles there. Before you ever get anywhere near looking at the evidence globally of no differences made in disease trajectory masked places as against unmasked.

the actual ceramic filter that passed viruses through

Chamberland filter

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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doctors who ask to mask should loose their license. It was known before covid, that masks are useless for viruses.

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Michael Jackson deserves a little credit as an early masker.

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Twitter is 85% bots, 10% paid trolls, and 5% nincompoops.

So, like, ummm, who cares what they say?

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There's this great line from an episode of Seinfeld where Kramer's midget friend is wearing a shirt and gets complimented on it. He says "Thanks! Its 100% cotton....and some wool." Hilarious.

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Elon says he'll fix the bots.

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I agree. Bots 'o plenty. Yet another reason why Twitter is useless, Musk or Musk-less.

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it sometimes is good for a laugh. that is what i usually get to see !

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Hmm. That sums to 100%. So I wonder which one it is that I am....

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Every time I read “People in East Asia always wore masks,” I want to punch the wall. People is East Asia wore masks when they were ill. Healthy people hardly ever wore masks.

And even in late March 2020 after most of America and Europe had locked down, the majority of Japanese PMs still weren’t wearing masks.


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Masking was not widely accepted in the Asian countries I've been to several times for work (Thailand, China, Japan, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore). This is a disinfo campaign, preying on feebleminded covidiots who like hiding behind their masks and laptops while anointing themselves "heroes."

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Yep I can't remember seeing any masks in Tokyo or Osaka in November 2019.

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Ya! Don’t they ever!!

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Incoherence is the point of a lot of this. We have brainwashed people out of their inherent common sense. Or maybe if we used to use common sense as the basis of teaching, it has been eliminated? Either way, this chaos and mental instability is the result. With the intention of debilitating and enslaving society. Many clearly prefer safe slavery over risky freedom.

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The cardboard that blocked my big dog, whom we adopted a year ago, has fallen apart, my sweet dog won't cross this remaining hint of a barrier. He won't even cross the house threshold without his leash. The only difference between dog and maskholes is that I feel bad for the dog.

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That is fascinating. A while back I read a story about how collared deer in Germany won't cross a barrier in the forest between West and East Germany that was removed many years prior.

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Can’t brainwash something away they never had to start with

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You ask a very good question. This form of 'copypasta' is being used by some entities to 'nudge' (or should we say 'steamroller'?) public opinion. It doesn't just influence public opinion, it can be used to target individual politicians or decisionmakers.

This carpet-bombing copypasta approach featured in my March 2020 counterfactual where the Prime Minister declares: "What we hadn’t reckoned with was social media and the extent to which it had been infiltrated by, how shall I put it, state actors..." (see https://alexstarling77.substack.com/p/2029-retiring-prime-minister-boris).

"Is it naïve to assume that the Fourth Estate has a role in holding the leadership of this country to account? Or do newspapers and the broadcast media serve other masters?" (see https://reaction.life/errors-in-covid-reporting-tarnish-a-tame-and-toothless-press/).

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I think the people who claim pre-covid mask wearing are liars, too, unless they’re in the medical profession w/ easy access. If anyone remembers, in early 2020 there were no masks to be had, certainly not commercially. Couldn’t get construction ones @ hardware stores either. I had friends who sewed masks for the community. And of course the a$$#ole powers that be, including Faux-Xi, pretended the flip-flop “little white lie” about people not needing masks was to preserve masks for the medical community.

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I've mentioned numerous times, I was employed by an industry that required masks for certain functions for 30 years. Every year we had to have refresher training on what masks work for what environment, had to be fitted properly etc. We couldn't just slap a piece of cloth over our face and call it good. And then there's my 4 years in the military and the education I received about biological warfare. Masks with the proper filters would keep us safe for hours before we had to change them out. Masking the public post 2020 is purely psychological and political. And it worked like a charm for most people. As for me and my family, we *refused* to wear them and will continue to do so no matter what. They'll have to beat the hell out of us and literally force one on our faces. We know better.

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Yes. I like this. Thank you. The way I've tried to put it is that masking is a process not a thing. You don't just buy a mask and put it on You engage in a whole process and any screw ups along the way invalidate the process.

And for the masses screw ups are inevitable.

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My wife’s a surgeon, only ever wore in ER, in February 2020 she started leaving her mask on outside ER and was explicitly told by hospital administrators to remove it (they were following guidance from nearby cleveland clinic).

The premise anyone was wearing these prior to 2020 is ludicrous. If you Google “why do people wear masks in Japan before:2020” you only results of people mocking it as a strange Japanese thing. Even within Japan it was viewed as strange.

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And I think mainly ever had more to do w/ big city pollution than germs, altho I cannot say positively.

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Yes. Here’s video from 2017 where Japanese lady interviews on street why they wear masks. It’s a great watch.

“I know they don’t work”


“I didn’t want to put on makeup”

“My face gets cold”

“It makes my face look smaller”


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I wore an N 95 mask before Covid and I’m not a liar. We used to have these classes in the 60s and before called “shop”. There were many tasks during shop where you wore a mask. Different masks now but in home repair and remodeling, my shop teacher and my dad taught me to wear a mask. The masks were always available at my local hardware store, Home Depot, Lowe’s. When the Covid thing started, I looked at my mask packaging and it said N-95. No way that I was going to wear that thing all day. You could hardly breathe in it.

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And early on, not only were there no “masks for the masses” but you couldn’t find industrial masks like you’re talking about at the hardware stores like Home Depot, Lowes, etc. I mentioned that in my original comment

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In 2020 I was supportive of masking and I considered the East Asian habit of masking during cold and flu season, especially for people who commuted on extremely crowded public transport, to be a sensible courtesy.

On the other hand I'm always uneasy about over-admiring cultures whose highest virtue is conformity and compliance with authority.

Burn them fucking masks now. I mean, we believe in evolution, right? Our hard database has evolved too.

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Jesus fucking Christ I hate Twitter

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Twitter isn't the problem. It's the idiots who depend on Twitter to think.

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I have spoken to so many people about mask wearing. There are many opinions. One person told me she just started wearing a mask because she thinks Bill Gates will release a dangerous new virus soon. Many people said they wore masks when mandated, but now will never wear one again. Some people wear masks inside grocery stores if they hear someone sneezing close by. Some people wear masks for allergy reasons. Everyone has been through a lot of trauma and realizes that governments have lied. A few people want everyone to be forced to wear masks in public places. Interestingly, these people also think that vaccines prevent death from covid. Most people agree that they should be permitted to make decisions for themselves, and that all forms of government mandated alternations to our bodies should be abolished. As long as mandates by governments and institutions are ended and made illegal, I don’t care what anyone wears on any part of their body or what anyone takes into their body, as long as I am not forced to do the same.

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Obvious bots and trolls. China’s 50 cent army at work!

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I know people in Canada that plan to mask forever. Their reasons are as in the above tweets:

1. No flu in 2 years

2. Asia has been making for years.

Neither science nor facts resonate with these people. Every time I see someone walking alone with a mask on I weep in my heart at the public disgrace, and I moan that such a thing happened in a so called advanced society rooted in science. I blame it on a lying and corrupt media.

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It's a strange twilight zone, a place where millions want to remain masked....very strange. Very scary indeed.

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Seems more and more likely the CCP is practicing some breathtaking new global warfare - doing things our effete side would never have thought of.

Manipulating us easily by preying on those weaknesses they always said we had. Proving themselves to have been right all along.

Even the Shanghai thing might be part of the whole strategy. 10% of the world's shipping now at anchor in Shanghai waiting to be unloaded. Or perhaps also to get in and load. I don't know. But 10% of the world's shipping stuck stationary has an inevitable effect on the flow of goods and it is not a good effect.

For the maskers let them have their masks, right? Welcome to them. Flag themselves for what they are, that's all to the good. But resist fiercely with fire and sword if necessary any mandating of them. Is all.

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