Psychologists are going to be busy for decades treating the Stockholm Syndrome, learned helplessness, OCD, and other assorted DSM-5 conditions induced in the populace over the past two years. Oh wait, strike that. I forgot the lunatics are now running the asylum, so it is the sane amongst us who will be put in the madhouse gulags for refusing to play along with their mass delusion.

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you got that right: the lunatics are running the asylum. unfortunately that points out the grim fact behind it: democratic citizens are by and large disinterested in running their democracy, taking their part in it.

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Don't underestimate people's ability to brainwash themselves so they won't be ostracized from their tribe...

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

And as I always say...if someone wants to wear a mask because they think it helps them, then more power to them. But they don't have the right to tell healthy people to wear an oxygen restricting medical device out of their own irrational fear. Period. They only want to feel better about their insanity by demanding the entire world be as insane as they are. Personally, I've had it with these cult members. Mind your own business, take responsibility for your own health and protection and leave the rest of society alone.

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Apr 21, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

What an astounding collection of maskvidiots, totally incomprehensible 'logic' of ALL of them. The ex-surgeon general is just delusional, like where has he been for the last 2 years of mandates, mandates, mandates. Ok what a drongo (aussie-speak for dickhead). Where I am geographically, people love the mask and oh boy! that bloody awful gel that you put on your hands. From the tiniest of children (appalling) to adults -all use both like it's going to save their lives! It's pure 21st century witchcraft - here's the logic -"I escaped getting the virus because I wore the mask all day inside and outside, except when I sit in restaurants and all masks are off, I used that hand 'sanitizer ' like 100 times and that saved my life from that deadly virus". This is where the majority are triple jabbed! Witchcraft, plain and simple. On a final note, yesterday, under a small white canopy l, there were nurses in white outfits and people rolling up their sleeves for the astra zeneca jab. Needle in, band-aid on and off they went. Saved from the virus. This is blind obedience aka mass formation psychosis.

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

It is almost certain that the mask forever tweet is Chinese malinformation and the likes are virtually all bots or slave labor. It worked well for them with people dying radically on the street at the beginning...why not do more of it. No way there are that number of likes. And the comments are every bit as stupid. I have watched experts make Twatter do whatever they wanted while I watched (for commercial purposes)...and these are experts.

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Wow I shouldn’t have read this one! I’m so pissed off!!! Just was at a couple of stores here in BC Canada and was one of TWO people In Total NOT masked. Is this the kind of BS they’re all thinking?!!!

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

For now at least. The govt has kept the vaccine passport infrastructure in place with veiled threats to "bring it back if conditions worsen" but with 19.2m unjabbed and 12m who are only single or double jabbed, I think they'd find it difficult to get support. Still, sword of damocles and all that....

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

English people are watching this and shaking their heads. But then we had some lunacy too.

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Yep. The UK seems to have started off worse but corrected itself more swiftly.

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It's a bit like "what if they have a pregnant teacher?" if you don't want them starting on Queer Theory in kindergarten. (Basic biology was handled pretty well for the K-3 set by having a breeding pair of hamsters in the classroom, by the way...)

We lost too much ground by presenting well-researched facts. Bring back simplicity. Just say no. With implacable courtesy. That stark little word works wonders.

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They finally dropped forced masks here in Hawaii last month, but Hawaii BOE still keeps forcing our schoolchildren. Activists have found the documents that show how much ARP ESSER federal funding the schools get to force masks on our kids. We managed to get an in person school board meeting through public outcry...but BOE refused to add the forced mask issue to the agenda.🤡 I don’t think that will go well for the BOE. The meeting is today. #unmaskourkeiki

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Maybe they should start every flight by showing a 20 second video clip of someone blowing smoke out through their mask.

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

So, so sad that those people are filled with so much fear. There are many things they can do to help themselves such as sunlight and vitamin d and losing weight and eating properly, these are all things that will help them oh so much more than a mask. And allow some much needed oxygen to the brain.

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JW - If 'authorities' say to do it, these people will do it. If not, not.

It's fear + authority worship gone loco.

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

During this scamdemic what side was imposing their beliefs on the others, yes these same cry baby Marxists were the ones removing people from their places of worship, jailing/shutting down business owners and many others that did not comply with their new religion. We on the other side do not care if you still wear your masks, we all need a good joke now and then and your virtue signaling is just that.

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

I have to laugh at the ones wearing the structured N95 type masks that make them look like they have a snout like a pig! Reminds me of that Twilight Zone episode where all the pig faced people are repelled by the pretty faced lady. Edit: https://youtu.be/g4qXGByp8DY

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It is my opinion this information showing viruses were defined in the beginning as 'that which passes through a ceramic filter' should put an end to all their insanity, surely?

the actual ceramic filter that passed viruses through

Chamberland filter

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


after that what price a cloth/paper etc. filter?

viruses are ubiquitous, constantly with us, we live in a cloud of them and our very DNA incorporates some.

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger


Great conversation between Michael and Nick Hudson.

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