I was sick with a mystery illness in Nov of 2019, for almost 3 months I felt badly. I drank only Burdock root tea, a pint a day, and had no appetite, lost 10% body weight. I had been working and travelling with a (sick) person who works with people who travel back and forth from China (Acupuncture school). (They were moving houses and had a firm move out date). It felt like a cross between whooping cough and mono. Many in Portland Oregon were ill within the same period, I found out subsequently. So, my personal experience lines up with your information. I am almost glad I got sick before there was any hub-bub about it and drank the Burdock root tea to heal, found out it has quercitin and inulin (helps blood sugar) along with a hundred other constituents that work to clean the blood. Miracle.

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I (and half my town) was sick with all these symptoms in January 2020.

Thank you for this important article, Michael. Your conclusion is identical to my own: The public should NOT trust its trusted “intelligence” officials. Nor should we trust our trusted public health officials.

I wrote an article that summarized 27 (!) mechanisms I believe were likely used to CONCEAL evidence of early spread - in China and elsewhere. I hope more people will read this article:



“Based on more than two years of research and my own original journalism, I have identified at least 27 mechanisms I believe were used to conceal evidence of early spread ... If officials were interested in concealing evidence of early spread, all of these tactics would - and did - advance this goal …”

“… (13) In my opinion, CDC officials were not being truthful to the public (and committed “lies of omission”) when they said in a May 29, 2020 press briefing that there were no “indications” of even “isolated” spread in America before January 19, 2020. As I have documented in several articles, numerous “indications” of early spread existed … and this evidence was or should have been known by the time officials made these comments at this May 29, 2020 press conference. Officials concealed evidence of early spread by explicitly stating that this had not happened, when these same officials had copious “indications” to know otherwise …”

Here’s a link to an NBC News story about that May 29, 2020 CDC press briefing. I would add that then CDC director Robert Redfield, quoted in the story, has (for some reason) now done a 180 on this question. He now says there is evidence of virus spread dating back to July or August 2019.


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Yes, I know two people in western Europe who experienced something similar in December 2019.

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My GF had something which required back to back trips to the hospital in Nov 2019.

She was diagnosed with a mysterious viral infection, in talking to the doc, he said "This isn't noro-virus, I don't know what it is, I'm sorry I have to go, we've got a lot of it showing up."

It seemed to be SARS-CoV-19 before (thank goodness) the protocols were instituted.

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this spring someone posted a timeline of the covid cases. I thought it was Katherine Watt on Bailiwick news, but cannot find it anymore. There it stated that the earliest cases were either late August or early September 2019, that the military games had kinda spread it out over the world, in October, and that it was all over the place unrecognized. Several cases were documented in December in France. Lots of military were sick in October. If someone finds the timeline could you please post it again?

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It was reported some time ago that it was detected in Italy in Sept 2019. 🤔 I have a friend in the southeastern US, who says she got COVID in November, 2019.

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I am convinced that my neighbors daughter had in in October 2019. She was hospitalized and the doctors kept insinuating that she had been vaping (remember that mysterious vaping illness hitting the younger population) but she hadn't.

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Wait a moment! Our intel community lies to us?! I am shocked, shocked I say!

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If you happen to be around my age, 70, you may recall the late Mike Wallace's coverage (enclosed) of the corrupt intelligence community on CBS' 60 Minutes. It is crucial to investigate and confirm whether the judiciary is as evil as it seems.



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Wow, that is a must-watch!

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Glad to help. - Luc

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Thanks for sharing! The https://www.youtube.com/@HezakyaNewz channel looks like a treasure trove of historically significant Sound and Vision, like the documentary below. Still quite relevant, in this day and age:

*** 1972 Special Report: Tuskegee Experiment ***

The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male was an ethically abusive study conducted between 1932 and 1972 by the United States Public Health Service and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The purpose of this study was to observe the natural history of untreated syphilis."


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Yes, it also covers a significant amount of information regarding the late MLK and the civil rights movement in the 1960s. - Luc

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Just finished this book. A deal with the devil was made. We’re seeing the results in real time: https://www.audible.ca/pd/B071F6TFMG?source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=player_overflow

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What I have found so baffling is the apparent need for COMPLETE KNOWELDGE CONTROL by the Wuhan Hysterists. I was basically thrown off Linkedin in mid-2021 for casually mentioning that we had a mysterious flu-like disease sweep through our schools in Oct and Nov 2019. We just happen to live next door to an Air Force base that had frequent flights between Wuhan and here... That seemed like a fairly anodyne observation, mainly of possible anecdotal historical curiosity. NOPE! I was - you know - "spreading misinformation." I mean, who could possibly care whether someone noted the likely existence of the Wuhan Virus on American soil a few months prior? Really? How was this piece of possibly easy to prove or disprove chat a "danger" to anyone, like, say, urging people to drink bleach would be? The totalitarians lost their minds so utterly that they sicced their Big Tech attack dogs on something so boring that it had the opposite effect. If the Idiots in Charge are so threatened by something to obvious, what are they really hiding? This whole thing has been exhausting, but they want us to be exhausted and give up and just accept their lies. I am glad Michael has been such a stalwart pillar of logic and reason this whole time. Keep on fighting for truth, everyone.

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Thanks so much Christopher! Couldn’t agree more.

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This fight is unending. They want to shove their horrid actions down a big, deep hole of forgetfulness.

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Who urged people to drink bleach?

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No one that I am aware of. Did you bother to read what I wrote?

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Then there are those invoices and packing lists that surfaced awhile back. They were dated 2017, but they were for shipments of enormous numbers of "COVID -19 test kits."

Of course, elites' control experiment had to be planned, because so much of their efforts were so synchronous, figureheads chanting "Build back better" in unison, lockdowns implemented in unison worldwide, although those were long understood to be counterproductive by epidemiologists, etc., etc

There is abundant evidence of such patterns.

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Remember that a flyer about the jab or social distancing that was found on a fence or pole in France had a print date at the bottom of 2019?

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The bigger problem with dismissing the idea of central planning - as everyone seems eager to do - is that extant crucial evidence of it grows cold and disappears.

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We are paying these people to lie and lievto us?

We are stupidly to blame.

Look ets see then try another lockdown,?eh?

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"Given the broad complicity we’ve seen among members of the mainstream media and political class, we may need a change in political leadership for this cover-up to get the kind of high-level attention it deserves; but for the sake of our democracy, it’s vital that it does." It is MANDATORY that we change leadership. No one from Nov 2019 to the present who supported lockdowns and has not apologized and made amends should ever hold any kind of power anywhere.

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There has been a lot of chatter that the whole thing was a DOD bioweapon experiment. If so, a “mystery illness” swept through a nursing home in June or July near Ft Dietrich. If it was, of course the “intelligence” agencies surely knew...way back then?


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Excellent note.

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It’s actually pretty horrific when you think about it: if this was here in Summer 2019 or earlier, it had ripped around the world probably more than once in the 8 months it took for the diabolics to institute lockdowns, masks, distancing, quackzines, etc. Most people not even knowing they’d had something, or for symptomatic others, maybe thinking they’d had a mild or bad bout of a “mystery illness” & then recovered. But the DOD, “intelligence” agencies, governments & the Davos set knew & did everything in their power to kill or damage people, crater economies & attempt (& probably in many cases succeed) to psychologically destroy those of us who saw through it. And it’s still happening or about to happen over & over. They’re not done

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“but three of America’s most objective and middle-of-the-road news outlets each made the exact same mistake as to the date in which intelligence on the new coronavirus began to appear,” You’re joking! “Most objective”??!! lol

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I was about to make the same comment.

You beat me to it :)

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I think that this is more a case of the intelligence agencies knowing about the planned covid fakeout than any foreknowledge of a (obviously fake) killer plague virus. You're cutting everyone involved in the fraud too much slack by stipulating the existence of the imaginary virus which was used as a pretext for destroying the US domestic economy.

The "covid pandemic" wasn't an actual pandemic. The definition of "pandemic" was changed so that the WHO could declare a pandemic. The same kind of definition change was used for the "covid vaccine".

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Hmmm. The iFR of all the people who claim they had Covid before Coronamania is exactly . . . 0!

Nothing from China can be trusted. They faked a lab leak and faked the success of their draconian lockdowns to get their seditious minions in the US Intel community and government to fool the rest of the world.

"since no quantified isolates were available". The tests are abject fraud. They needed the world shackled with digital IDs. They planned that their charade would scare enough people, even those who survived their retrospectively diagnosed brushes with that years flu to take an untested experimental product that just so happened to make the very antigen that was being blamed for a pandemic.

All of Saenger's work I have read, along with mountains of other info and intel, continue to support that the same constellation of seasonal respiratory distress, were rebranded to "blow the whole system up" to bludgeon vaccine hesitancy out of the world.

Pottinger and his wife guilty

Callahan - guilty, Malone and his spun up team??

Swallwell and Bang Bang - guilty

Nancy Chinatown Pelosi - guilty

Bug-eyed Adam Schiff - guilty

Redfield, Dunce Birx, Flip Flop Fauci, Fancy Collins, Ralph the hype will flow Baric, Dingleberry,

Topol, Dingbat Leana Wen, ALL GUILTY.

Some flus kick your ass. Some don't. Thats it.

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Michael; plans for the audiobook? If so, please narrate it yourself. 😎

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COVID-19 is a DoD program funded by the Globalist Overlords. They’ve been working on the program for decades. Did you think Event 201 on Oct. 2019 was a coincidence. Oh an follow the patents. The totalitarian takeover & eugenics program is rolling along as planned (for centuries)


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Hi Michael,

I first read about this, in particular the ABC News Story, in an article by Ron Unz. Ron makes the argument that SarsCov2 was a US bio-warfare attack: https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-our-coronavirus-catastrophe-as-biowarfare-blowback/

Unz is particularly interested in claims that it appears Covid first appeared in both Iran and China, nearly simultaneously. It is interesting that initially the mainstream message was that SarsCov2 was naturally occurring, and only lately the narrative has changed that it was a probable lab leak. What doesn't get any attention is the third plausible case, that it was intentionally released by our own country.

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There were also mystery outbreaks in Italian nursing homes in 2019 in areas that I believe are heavily trafficked by tourists from China among other places.

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I work in clinical research. We had case reports from clinical trial sites in Wuhan unable to see patients as early as October 2019 due to procedures instituted (essentially shutting down all but urgent care) to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Yes, it already had its name then.

My own first infection was in late January 2020, a time I was regularly traveling between Europe and New York.

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