You cannot vote them out. The entire system itself is corrupted to the core. It will corrupt, threaten or eliminate those who do not conform to the agenda. This battle cannot be won with reliance on voting or prosecutions under the law. The sooner the people understand that, the better. Mark my words. Those who will solely and blindly rely on the idea of voting or on the law will perish and will ultimately bring everyone to ruin.

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

I think Biden's admonishment against election "denial" (formerly, transparency) isn't a message directed towards Democrats who may be unwilling to accept the legitimacy of the red wave, but rather towards Republicans, as he knows things are not going to go as they expect. He is attempting, in advance, to inoculate Secretaries of State and election officials against any questioning of suspicious outcomes. At this point, the Dems are in desperate survival mode and are all in on any level of fraud that keeps them in power. They know the 2020 election cannot withstand real scrutiny and have no choice but to continue the grift at any cost.

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"he knows things are not going to go as they expect"

Definitely a strong possibility.

But another possibility is that threats are the only response he knows. His knee jerk reaction.

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I think you're probably right. I don't even think we will get any substantive Congressional Hearings, much less any kind of Nuremberg Tribunal. I listed some of my reasons in this recent article:


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This whole thing is much bigger than politicians, heads of state, and office-holders, thus, no voting will fix anything.

"In the course of my life I have developed five little democratic questions. If one meets a powerful person--Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin or Bill Gates--ask them five questions: 'What power have you got? Where did you get it from? In whose interests do you exercise it? To whom are you accountable? And how can we get rid of you?' If you cannot get rid of the people who govern you, you do not live in a democratic system." - Tony Benn

As for Nuremberg type of trials, this is all a farce and smoke screen. You cannot successfully prosecute anyone while the war is ongoing and hasn't been won. Nuremberg happened after the war was won. No backers, funders, or silent supporters of the Nazis were ever held accountable. Only a tiny number of Nazis were actually trialed and punished. Thus, no prosecutions for crimes against humanity during the "pandemic" will yield desired results as long as those responsible remain in positions of power, control, and influence. Any trials that will happen will serve as a soft landing attempt and a slap on the wrist for the perpetrators. If anyone goes to jail, it will be expendable scapegoats and useful idiots who will take the blame, while the grand thieves, criminals, and enemies of humanity will walk away free and unscathed. No amount of money will fix the damage that occurred. If anything, it will serve as a bribe to the oppressed, so they will accept and allow for it to happen again, as long as there is an apology, fake trials, and "bribes" (job reinstatements, money, etc.) attached to it in the end.

Therefore, you cannot put your trust in any politician, lawyer, doctor, scientist, or journalist to come up with solutions to what is happening. They simply don't have the right tools to understand what is happening. They all suffer from cognitive bias that involves an over-reliance on a familiar tool, what they know best.

"If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail." - Abraham Maslow

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I'm afraid the last couple of years has made me so cynical that your comment resonates with me. I think Homo sapiens, rather than being so self-congratulatory about it its vaunted intelligence, should instead be wondering how to overcome its counter-survival traits. At least if we want to continue coexisting in such large numbers.

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An interesting comment. I might add, that before the Industrial Revolution we had a means of countering anti-survival traits—it was called “Darwinian Selection”. If you were weak, either mentally or physically, you failed to reproduce. Pretty simple concept and effective. Indeed, it can be argued that as a species we became smarter and in time that *caused* the IR.

After the IR, we failed to appreciate the process of its creation—of how we got to where we now are—and we allowed such folk to increase without Darwinian penalty. And here we are today.

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That's definitely a factor — the kind of selection that goes on today is different from before.

In the bigger picture, my view is that Homo sapiens is not evolutionarily equipped, neurologically speaking, to deal with living in larger groups peacefully. As in more than 50 people. If we could apply our intelligence toward overcoming those limitations, we might have a chance.

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But that’s precisely the point of my first comment. There are those who adapt to such living conditions and those who do not adapt. In regard to your concern, those who do *not* adapt are misfits who do not live “peacefully”. I can accept that broad definition for the point of my reply. The point being, what do we do with these “misfits”. And the answer is we get rid of them. Any number of ways to do that, as long as these misfits do not reproduce and expand their numbers. There is a basis for this proposal, again related to the concept of Darwinian Selection—with a bit of human aid. See Steven Pinker’s, “The Better Angels of our Nature, Why Violence has Declined”. He basically states the above, but add’s in statistics as to how we eliminated the most violent using public records and referred to documented public policy over the centuries. The elimination of such selective pressures has produced/exasperated the problem you decry. And it’s not just violence, but also inability to simply live in a communal environment due to weak genetics. Michael Woodley of Menie has coined a term for these people: “Spiteful Mutants”. Again using the concept of accumulation of genetic mutation increasing through lack of natural “culling”.

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"At least if we want to continue coexisting in such large numbers"

I don't expect such large numbers to *exist* a whole lot longer, never mind co-exist.

Myocarditis kills. It takes time, sometimes a a few years, but ultimately kills. And live births are already significantly down.

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I think we're on a number of paths to accidentally reduce our population. This is aside from any speculative intentional genocides.

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Excellent post - please define what you'll perceive as the end of the war! It seems to me the war has not yet begun! Once the deaths become so massive and indefensible that's when the Revolution will commence

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I agree. Great post. I'm going to copy and paste it and put in the Reader Comments Section after my article. Full credit to the author of course.

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Nevertheless, try.

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I empathise with your gloom but, as Winston Churchill said, “Democracy is the worst form of government, apart from all the others”. There are many problems with Western Democracy and the WEF elites would agree with you, which is why they want to restore Feudalism, a blend of corporate and aristocratic feudalism. If you don’t want to remake and renew freedoms and democracy then your only other options are Feudalist Totalitarianism or Marxist Totalitarianism or anarchy. Or you could work to restoring freedom and democracy and ensuring people take their responsibility for this seriously. People in the West today, especially the radical youth, do not know what it was like to face Totalitarianism. They are complacent and nihilistic. And that is reflected in the politics. People should be voting for the best (or least worst) candidate regardless of party affiliations. The fact that someone like John Fetterman can even be in the race at this point, after American elected a senile old man to be President, is telling of what the system has become BUT also what the people themselves have become. If government is of the people, by the people, then ultimately it is the people who are at fault. So maybe past time to stop blaming others and start looking in the mirror and talking with your friends and neighbours as fellow countrymen. For example, far more people should be at their school board meetings to oust the Marxists in charge there. Hoed did it come to this? The people got complacent and took their eye off the ball. I know that is simplified but the truth is there. Start by contacting your candidates and current representatives and tell the, what you want the, to publicly commit to if they want your vote. As Michael suggests, right now, an immediate halt to all Covid policy, stop the WHO power grab, separate from the WEF and investigation of the past 3 years fiasco.

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You must have seen the 2006 documentary Hacking Democracy. I don’t know what we do when most people still believe that our voting system is anything BUT hacked.

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there are 4 boxes of liberty. it’s safe to say that substack substantively gives us the soap box, the ballot box let’s us down time and again and we never seem to actually make it to the jury box....which one is left?

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..-. ..- -.-. -.- / .--- --- . / -... .. -.. . -.

[Fuck Joe Biden] in morse code.

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.- -- . .-. .. -.-. .- / ..-. .. .-. ... -

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-... .-. .- ...- ---


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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Imagine how much different the last almost 3 years would have been if even a minority of our elected "officials" would have done a bit of research and been brave enough to stand up for their constituents! I have as much trust in any of these despicable politicians as I do in "the science" ("Dr" Anthony Fauci). Looks to me like they are *all* bought off and since they are not, and have not, spoken out about any of it they must be in on it and agree with it. What other conclusion can a thinking person come to?

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I think credit should be given to Ron DeSantis and Kristi Noem for studying the problem and, reasonably early (give everyone 90 days to figure it out) stopping all the harm they could. Hard to find too many others (there is a second tier) but Florida has been a shining beacon in a morass of horribleness to show that there ARE still some decent leaders out there.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Great article, as always. My only quibble - & Repubs are about as bad in using that term - is that we’re not a democracy but a constitutional republic. When DEMONcRATS bleat about “saving our democracy” they mean preserving mob/thug/cancel culture rule. If that’s what “democracy” is, it has GOT to go.

But I well remember lots of so-called Repubs like McConnell, Trump, et al admonishing people to get vax’d. To this day, Paul & Johnson are the only ones who really seem interested in challenging the “narrative” & flogging Faux-Xi. All during the worst of it, most were mute or were covertly for the totalitarian tactics. It seems like it’s only been in the past few weeks that candidates around the country are talking about what was done to us & our country the past 3 years. It should have been a very easy ad for all of them, to show the misery of empty streets, shuttered shops & restaurants, playgrounds taped off or piled w/ sand, people sick or dying alone, “zoom” weddings/funerals/ graduations, the ridiculousness of distancing measures & masks.

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Thank you, Michael. This is excellent. I've tried to make the same points, but you made them better. I keep saying we really must "drain the swamp" ... if our civilization is going to have a chance to survive and prosper going forward.

Your readers might be interested in this piece as well. I wish Elon Musk good luck, but some of us haven't forgotten the crimes of Twitter .... and of Facebook. Absent rampant, coordinated censorship, our side would at least have had a CHANCE to save countless lives.


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Thank you Bill! Agreed.

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I agree. Clean sweep, everyone must go.

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I like the idea in theory, but it’s a little late for this election cycle.

An idea like this needs time (and advertising money) to take hold and become mainstream.

3 days before an election is way too late.......

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Yep, too late for now

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

My life will never be the same. The damage to our society is immense. We know their true character now but with time and the right leaders, I pray we can save ourselves. It is all we have left and we must try.

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So true.

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As in the US, so also in the UK. Out of 650 supposedly democratically elected MPs sitting (squatting, I should say) in the Mother of all Parliaments, I cannot think of one who is worthy of keeping that privileged position. They have neglected their obligation to serve in the best interests of their constituents and the country as a whole, choosing instead to serve the interests of their personal careers and/or bank balances. In the process, they have violated the British constitution and violated the constitutional and human rights of every British citizen. We need an Oliver Cromwell moment.

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There are two now. Christopher Chope and Danny Kruger.

The other 648 remain in darkness.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Wow, brilliant essay! Really on fire here by pointing out the glaring and simple truth that hasn’t been explicitly and so pointedly talked about.

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Thank you KLS!

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Our political leaders and unelected officials and non governmental bodies have lost their compass. We should clean house and go back to basics.

I am suggesting community based representation such as town hall meetings with leaders who represent and care about local issues.

Politics should be fromm THE GROUND UP AND NOT TOO DOWN.

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I agree with all these sentiments. Our so-called representatives are a problem, as are the unelected bureaucrats who rule over the 3-letter agencies. I'd suggest a groundswell of support in three other areas post-election:

1. Curtail all emergency powers. We can't have bureaucrats (federal, state or local) who put their fingers in the air, declare "state of emergency," then usurp for themselves powers they would not otherwise have, extending for as long as they want them. Emergency powers should last no longer than a week, at which point they evaporate unless and until a factfinding legislative body agrees to extend those powers.

2. Eliminate blanket immunity from anything on the vaccine schedule or offered via Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). Why should vaccines be any different than any other product. The argument is that vaccine makers won't invest the time and money into coming up with new vaccines unless they have immunity. Piffle. You could make the same argument about auto makers or any other sector: 'They won't offer new products to the market if they can get sued.' Nonsense. Liability is what forces them to be careful. Immunity allows them to be careless and chase outsized profits with no downside.

3. Advocate for reforming the courts. Judges, too, took and oath to uphold the Constitution and were the most prominent failure when bureaucrats and executives (mayors and governors) overstepped their authority. Electing a new pack of authoritarians does little good if the courts turn a blind eye to Constitutional infringements.

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Great points.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

If we’re judging American politicians by how well they protected the constitution, then every United States president in the last 70 years should’ve been immediately impeached and removed from office. Every single one!

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

What a refreshing change to find a writer on Substack who recognizes reality and doesn't pin all their hopes for salvation on the "other side".

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

I've always felt that we should be able to cast a negative vote, not just a positive vote. That would be a good way to express displeasure. Unfortunately, with the current system we usually only have a couple of choices, both of which are bad. The only option is to not vote at all, which is pretty useless also.

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I love this idea. The closest we'd be able to get is a "political party" on all ballots nationwide called the Screw You Party.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

The dems made a big show of fortifying D.C. after Jan 6th then labelling dissent ‘domestic terrorism’. Indeed the machine is waging war on its citizens with a sharp divide for politicians who defend the US constitution.

Good job bringing that into focus

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Amen to that. Too bad it won’t happen

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