What about people—like me—who sensed something deep in their gut, that what was happening was messed up and not right, and shouldn’t be happening, but who saw everyone around them behaving as if what was happening was a logical response. And who didn’t watch the news but listened to npr in the morning on the way to work, like she had every day for the last 10 years. And then, inspired by that deep gut feeling, started to seek out alternative media (e.g., substack) and learned a whole new world of information in a very short period of time and whose head started to explode with the new realizations, and who then became the only person in her community who thought the whole thing was a giant scam, and then her grown children (20 and 24) started to think their mother was insane when she begged them not to get the injectable products? But they went ahead and did it because they thought they were doing the right thing? And said person (me) was the only person at her workplace—out of 100+—that didn’t get the injectable products? And who can’t talk about any of the giant catastrophe that has been the last three years with anyone, except for her substack community? Is that 1a or 2a?

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One more thing: my father—at 81 years old—is a docent at an art museum on cape cod, and he has had all the shots and the boosters (two) and ended up in the ER on the evening he had the bivalent booster. With heart failure. He also thinks I am a crazy conspiracy theorist and has stopped listening to anything I say. However, he promised me he wouldn’t get the bivalent booster (that put him in the hospital) after I sent him several articles from writers I follow on substack. He caved and got it anyway when he went in to cvs to get his flu shot and the pharmacist convinced him that it would be a good idea. Anyway: Last summer, he was volunteering to “check peoples’ papers” so they could get into an exhibit at the art museum. When I asked him whether he thought that behavior was rather bizarre, rather third reich, he honestly looked at me with wide eyes and said, “Well, of course not! I was helping keep people healthy and safe!” I am still processing this all, and honestly, I clearly understand now how the nazis were able to pull it off. I never understood before. Now I do.

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Saying I'm so sorry is so inadequate. But I truly am. Brings tears to my eyes.

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It’s been rugged. Right?!?! I’m still processing it! I still can’t wrap my mind around it.

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I’m in California and recently attended the Palm Springs Film Festival. While in line, I learned that proof of covid jabs was required to attend! This, after everyone knows they don’t work and jabbed people are sicker! They even had a red wrist band identifier, their own “yellow star”.

I angrily got a refund then wrote to the organization. I reminded them that their film fest has always told the stories of the Holocaust, of apartheid etc. But here they were, “othering” patrons as diseased and dirty and asking for “your papers, please.”

No response yet. I’m sure they think I’m a nut for comparing to historical tragedies, but that’s where it starts.

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It boggles my mind that anyone thinks they have a right to anyone else's body as the cost of doing business. You did the right thing. You don't owe them your face, your snot to be tested, or your permanently altered immune system. I try to tell people that with the infrastructure in place to require medical devices and products, there may come a time when something will be required that they oppose. And they'll be up a creek because they thought it was okay this time. It's not okay, it never was okay, and it never will be okay.

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Totally agree! Shoe on the other foot argument sometimes works.

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Good for you! So glad I left that state. My hope is this all unravels so badly Newsom has to go hide in embarrassment.

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Yes! Good for you! I think comparing the current othering and dehumanizing of people (based on a relentless propaganda campaign) with what happened during the build up to Nazi Germany is astute--and anyone who says otherwise is, in my opinion, part of the problem. I heard or read a quotation the other day: "If you are still asking who 'they' are, you ARE them." Or something to that effect. I know that this kind of thinking is othering in its own way, but...

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Another of my favorite quotes about our current situation is:

"If you ever wondered how you would have behaved in 1930's Germany, now you know."

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I watched it all happen, but I still don’t understand it.

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Jan 19, 2023
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What is this?

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From fellow Cape Codder: I suspect that is the same museum to which I sent a stern reprimand over the "vaccine" apartheid policy in their website's "Covid safety" protocols this past August. I referred to the administration as "self-appointed Covidian Brownshirts".

They were apparently too busy saving lives to write back.

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Good for you! Did you actually go to the museum and get turned away by an elderly gentleman because you didn't have your "papers"? My father was aghast--completely confounded--when a man without his "papers" shouted, "What is this, Nazi Germany?" after my father asked him for his "papers" and he could not produce them. My father was recounting this to me, and I asked my father: "You don't see any parallels there?" His answer: "Of course not! I was trying to keep people healthy and safe!" Another disconnect is that the museum has a banner on their website that says "ALL THE ARTS FOR ALL OF US," emblazoned over one of those LGBTQIA+++ flags. All of us...except the "unvaccinated," apparently. Vomit emoji.

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No, a friend had an exhibit there, and when I checked the website to get info on it, I was instantly dissuaded by their Covid Manifesto.

It is remarkable how people don't see (refuse to see?) the parallels with 1930s Germany. To both my German and to my American Jewish friends who have accepted or promoted "vaccine" apartheid, I say this, and ask them if it reminds them of anything from their history:

Jews are unclean carriers of disease. Do not shop in their shops. Do not let your children play with their children.

They just look at me.

Re "papers": You will no doubt appreciate how the awake French refer to their country's (thankfully mostly failed) "passe vaccinal": They call it an Ausweis -- a deliciously sardonic reference to a painful episode in their history, it being the German term used by Vichy France under the occupation for the identity papers that all had to carry. ("Ausweis, bitte" = "Papers, please"). I simultaneously winced and snickered the first time I heard a friend over there use that term.

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Yes--I appreciate that sardonic reference. And wasn't their "vaccine" passport program called "passe sanitaire" or something like that? Basically saying that if you don't have one, you are "unsanitary," like a dirty ----- (fill in the blank).

Glad you didn't patronize the museum and that you wrote to them to let them know of your disgust at their disgusting policy. I had to step down from the board I had been serving on as VP (I live in Maine) because I disagreed with their (i.e., everyone else on a board of 11, except me) "policy" regarding mandating the shots for all employees. I sent the president reams of studies and data showing the inefficacy as well as the potential harms. She wouldn't budge. I can't believe it! It's absolute insanity!

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Yes, they use both terms. The "sanitaire" comes across that way to our anglophone ears, but there we are running into the difference between the two lexicons, English having many more words. In French, that word means "health-related" as well as "sanitary". So "health pass" (still yucky).

I shudder to think how many people have been killed by our denial of The Science™.

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Psy Ops work.

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Many of us found new families to empower us

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Not to make it about me, but just curious.

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Brilliant, Michael. But what about those who planned these lockdowns in 2019? Schwab, Gates, Drosten, etc.?

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They’re the category 5’ers.

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Who is going to prosecute them? What body?

100% legit question.

Will it require bloodshed as in WW2?

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There is no ordinary court with the authority. It will require a special tribunal, presumably enpaneled by Congressional Act.

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Indeed. May they all choke on pain and stomach bile!

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I knew they were a bad idea from the get-go. Economies are not lights...you can't just switch them off and then switch them back on again. Shutting them down has serious consequences as well as a ripple effect that will be felt for years and will do far more harm that a respiratory bug ever could.

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Yes, and I recall only 1 official in Texas who argued passionately for consideration of the broader impact of even a short lockdown. He was slammed with the "killing grandma" charge and quickly shut down. I remember how absurd it seemed that Italy was shutting down and thinking that could neve happen here. I was mystified as to why there was no dialogue. Now we know ... and yes -purity test needs administered. My blue city officials are back to mask theater again -utterly ridiculous.

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It looks like common sense isn't really that common at all, alas.

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Indeed, as did I.

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Same here, lads, same here. Much to the chagrin of the good and the great around me, I might add...

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Looks like someone is impersonating Michael P. Senger. Notice it does NOT say "author", his name is misspelled, and his profile doesn't match the real one. Don't fall for it!

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We moved from Washington State to Idaho March 20, 2020, and would go back to see family -- a different world. We live five miles from the state line and even crossing that was another world. I remember shaking my head looking at all the closed businesses -- small businesses -- wondering what have we done?

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Indeed. I feel the same about my own state, New York. To paraphrase Five Finger Death Punch, it's stranger than fiction, how we've decayed....

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I failed to mention the mental effects it had on our young grandchildren -- absolutely petrified because of all the propaganda and constant fearmongering by the taxpayer-funded commercials -- still playing today.

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Yes… and yet very little mention of fentanyl or opioid epidemic. My son just lost a childhood friend to overdose. It’s killing young people at warp speed and it’s rarely if ever talked about in schools or media.

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So sorry to hear about your son's friend -- heartbreaking.

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Indeed. It is terrible. I guarantee you a good chunk of the excess deaths of the past three years are opioid related. Maybe even more than Covid in some states.

Fentanyl was/is the CCP's other weapon of mass destruction, aside from the virus. Covid to kill off the elderly and infirm, and fentanyl to kill off the young and healthy. And yes, the vast majority of the illicit fentanyl on the black market originates from China.

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Indeed. Will that generation, and future generations, ever forgive our generations?

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Even the kids whose parents did not buy into this madness have been politicized and thus made cynical before their time. They had to constantly put up with their parents complaining about the "sheep" or the "Covidians" and just what, in general, was going on. At least I know mine did. There was no way to play the role of that dad in Life is Beautiful.

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Even worse are those who forced the jabs on others, who threatened and belittled those insisting on maintaining their medical freedom, and who loudly and incessantly insisted on the safety and efficacy of experimental treatments, when a minimal amount of investigation would have shown that the safety risk was potentially catastrophic and unquantified, and there was not any scientific evidence of efficacy.

In this category are many who deliberately deceived the public. And it also includes those who suppressed early treatment info and aggressively attacked anyone advocating it, and literally snatched the needed medications from the hands of millions, all so the jabs could be given to as many as possible. These people are guilty of mass murder, crimes against humanity, the most heinous acts.

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The famous Milgram experiment showed us that a frighteningly high % of otherwise decent/kind citizens will commit heinous offenses against their neighbors if the authorities in white coats tell them to. The larger issue, or so it seems to me anyway, is that this was all orchestrated from the outset to bring about economic, societal, and moral breakdown. The ones behind this agenda are not our "leaders", they are the ones behind the scenes pulling the puppet strings and, unfortuantely, they will likely never be held accountable nor will they be subject to the purity test that is the central notion of this post. The power of The State has become so omnipotent that even our best leaders have little ability to do anything but posture their courage and moral authority, often at great cost to themselves and their families in the most extreme conditions which are themselves all too common these days.

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"The power of The State has become so omnipotent that even our best leaders have little ability to do anything but posture their courage and moral authority,"


Which is why I asked Mr. Senger who is going to prosecute the Covid War Criminals?

Everybody will acknowledge that the "State" or the "Government" is captured, and that our leaders are powerless.

In theory this is not so. A group of leaders could create a coalition and go rogue.

Is this even possible? Without war?

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At least half the population is Happy on their knees, it seems.

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It was far more than half. Basically, these were the people who felt the threat of being cut from the herd was more painful than adopting the covid policies.

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Sad but true. It was at least three fourths I think.

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I lasted one week. I did my Costco stock up in upstate New York on March 14 and was on board for a couple days. My friend brought over hand sewn cloth masks out of remnant fabric a few days later. I was already over it. None of it made any sense. It seemed like everybody was playing an elaborate game of pretend. I’ve never felt so alone. I was so grateful to the great barrington authors for their rational and lucid understanding of it all. No political leaders matched what they did.

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Sadly The Great Barrington authors are all pro-vaccine.

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a product of Stanford and the Rand Corporation, was extolling the Covid injections as safe and effective at the Hoover Institute in Oct. 2021 even as the VAERS chart already showed more dead in ten months than the prior 31-years combined all vaccines.

If I'm not mistaken, he still advocates for their use with the elderly, which seems to be a premise that will not die. Dr. Mike Yeadon asserts that the elderly cannot form good immune responses to even legit vaccines, much less these Herd Culling monstrosities.

But everybody picks out one issue, say, "anti-lockdown" and defaults to, "a good guy, on our team". This includes Trump who has never backed off his three beautiful vaccines.

And thus, we never seem to get to the roots of the fraud. One of which is that the injections are toxic and beyond ineffective.

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"1. Those who realized lockdowns were a catastrophe and immediately acted to stop them."

Knut Wittkowski was the first I recall saying it was nonsense. I still remember him drawing a bell curve in the air as he described respiratory infectious diseases "They come for a month and go for a month".

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Looks like someone is impersonating Michael P. Senger. Notice it does NOT say "author", and his profile doesn't match the real one. Don't fall for it!

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I don't reply to those. If the real person wants they can contact me via DM/IM but thanks for the tip about it not saying "author". I didn't spot that. Cheers

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You're welcome :)

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I remember him as well.

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I never complied from Day 1. I drove, and rode my bike, and entered any public space that was open. I made trips to Home Depot for no reason. Grocery shopped in person daily, refusing the shopping services that everyone else did. I went to any friend's house who would have me and let anyone come to mine. That first summer, I drove from my home on the closed beaches of California cross country to the East coast, just to see how everyone else in the country was acting. I was sure it couldn't be as bad as the Bay Area. (It wasn't) I never washed my hands. I never wiped a surface. I avoided the squirts of hand sanitizer. I refused to buy toilet paper until I got down to my last roll. I wore a mask when they made me. I found underground pedicures and haircuts. In January I flew to DC to join the Defeat the Mandates protest. I avoided getting the shot even though it sadly cost me my job and half my friends and family. I remember telling someone on the phone in the first two weeks that this was going to go down as one of the biggest mistakes in history. I felt alone and struggled to hold on to my sanity when it felt like the whole world had simultaneously gone insane and I was surrounded by robots.

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Category 1: California Pastors like Rob McCoy, @Godspeak Calvary Chapel, Thousand Oaks, Tim Thompson, Murrietta, Jack Hibbs Chino Hills, Mike McClure Calvary San Jose, who preached against the lies and the lockdowns in the first month and who publicly opened in defiance of the Governor, County Health officers, County Sheriffs and under threat of being arrested. All who stood with them, CATEGORY 1.

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Very original take on a very important issue. Of course, the people in most of the "Bad" group have all the power, and want to keep it ... so we're not going to get any kind of truth or justice-seeking tribunal.

How people responded to Covid isn't even on the political radar. But it's the template the matters the most to me.

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Agreed, Bill.

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You are trying to get it on the political radar. So are a few other people. Everything I do or write I do to hopefully expose the toxic "leaders" you identified. If we can get rid of the worst of the group, we're going to save a lot of lives and misery in the future.

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I have a candidate for the panel that should be setup to question the evil ones who have benefited/supported/got some kind of sick satisfaction from the "lockdowns" and every other part of the hell that has been unleashed on the world over the last three years. In speaking with one of our local deputies some months ago, I questioned her about her stance on "lockdowns", compulsory shots, masks and the like. She told me that one of the local pastors contacted her during the lockdowns to ask her when it would be okay to reopen their church. Her answer? 1776! I'll never forget this conversation and how it restored my faith in some of the "officials" in our society. I agree that we need to narrow down the group of people who must be interrogated for their role in the destruction of our society, but more importantly, those who do the interrogating must be of high moral character, with a clear understanding of liberty and the US Constitution. Great, thought provoking post.

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"That said, there are very few leaders on offer who are in the first category. For the most part, the public thus appears to be gravitating toward the crop of candidates in the second category. Ron DeSantis is the paradigm of a candidate in the second category."

Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota is in the first category, and to a lesser extent Bill Lee of Tennessee and ten other governors. Though all 50 governors did impose or at least recommend school closures at least for a few weeks.

For others in the first category, one would have to look to Sweden, Belarus, Nicaragua, Tanzania, Brazil, Uruguay, and even to some extent Japan and Taiwan.

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I don't understand, and never will, how anybody at all ever thought closing down society to stop a cold virus was ever the right thing to do. Even if that cold virus was Spanish Flu, it would have been a stupid decision. Economies can't just be stopped and started like car engines. Cold viruses can't be stopped either. Every single adult in the world knew both these things. Some gullible fools may have believed masks or perspex screens would help in some way even though a bit of thought would have shown them that was also nonsense. But locking down societies around the world? Never a believable proposition. Everyone who willingly participated chose to ignore the obvious flaws. Your 2nd group, the ones who quickly realised it was wrong, probably thought it was right from the start but were weirdly willing to go along with it. Everyone else is either a fool, a monster or a coward - probably all three.

I had no choice about stopping going to the hairdressers because they closed them down. Likewise the opera. But I carried on as normally as possible - never wore a mask, never tested myself for a cold or took any jabs. I'm not boasting (I tried to tell others it was nonsense but I didn't start any Movements or anything worthy). Sadly, I would be one of those dissidents who get put up against a wall by the totalitarians for not following orders!

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I didn't see a category for those who recognize the lockdowns as the smashing success they were (not for us, of course). I've read 50% of small businesses are gone and Jeff Bezos profited wildly. Gates, and many others, too. Power across the board became exponentially more centralized, the Constitution even more neutered. Katherine Watt's substack, Bailiwick News details the legislation put in place over decades to bring this to fruition.

Ron Paul said his staff freaked out when given something like 3 days to analyze the Patriot Act before the vote. He told them to simply stop when they ran into anything unconstitutional. They didn't make it past the first page - and yet, the Patriot Act passed. These lockdowns will come back if they can manage it. Digital currency, painted as an inevitable technology, will be a control system. You think Newsome will ever see lockdowns as a mistake? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9k-xp7UwRM And this could be our next president.

As an aside, we should have a windfall profits tax of 100% for any profits made off any and all covid policies. Vaccines, lockdowns, masks, the lot.

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God save us from Newsom. And I am a Californian. It's things like the Patriot Act that make Congress look extraneous.

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Jessie Jackson was right once in his life when he said stay out of the Bushes!

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Jan 19, 2023
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Sadly I do not "text". It's email, telephone, or nothing. I do look forward to "talking" with you!

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We should immediately tax the ultra wealthy 10-50% -- depending on their gains the last three years -- and distribute the money right away to the small and medium sized business owners, who had to close their business due to draconian lock downs. Note: Not as a loan, but as compensation, allowing them to restart their business.

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I like this idea. But Congress, who is beholden to rich corporations and individuals, will be hard pressed to pass such a law.

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I am sure you are aware that this is not about right-left wing politics, but about freedom vs authoritarian.

I consider myself relatively wealthy, and opposed lockdowns from day 1. I have not profited and with the current level of inflation poor economic outlook my money is worth a lot less.

In short, I don’t support your suggestion.

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Randi Weingarten is in category 4,

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And Dr. Leana Wen is as well, and now a woman without a country.

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