In a blistering exposé submitted to the Global Workers’ Inquest and published by the World Socialist Web Site, currently making the rounds among Covid-containment Twitter, Keith Begg and Virpi Flyg accuse Swedish authorities of openly conspiring to export the concept of “herd immunity” to other allied nations.
If true, it would be a bold geopolitical play for Sweden, the small Nordic country best known for its liberal politics, exceptionally high living standards, and commitment to the advancement of science, technology, and human rights, including as host of the annual Nobel Prize ceremonies. It would also be an unusual move for a country with all its democratic institutions intact, especially in the middle of an election year; this only serves to highlight the broad commitment of the Swedish people to export these concepts of “freedom” and “human rights” all over the world. The only discernable motive is that Sweden is trying to reclaim the glory of the Swedish Empire as it existed at the height of its power under King Charles XI.
In light of these damning revelations, some have even gone so far as to call for Swedish authorities to face justice at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. But this could be a tough case to make given that herd immunity has been a long-established principle of epidemiology for decades and a central tenet of pandemic planning until the western world scrapped all its pandemic plans just two years ago, and the fact that Sweden’s influence operation appears to have been limited to countries with which it’s been allied for nearly a century.
Still, it’s worth a try. I mean, I can’t imagine what country might conspire to use the response to a global health emergency to supersede their cultural and political values to those of other countries. Oh wait…
But surely there’s no way the regime’s useful idiots strewn across the western world could have known about this and helped bring about this sudden inversion in our infectious disease epistemology? Oh wait…
But surely there’s no way the World Socialist Web Site itself—the site which published this exposé against Sweden—could have known about this? Oh wait…
Among the many absurdities of the past two years has been having to spend countless hours proving that Covid lockdowns are a CCP policy, a fact vehemently denied by lockdown proponents even as self-proclaimed international socialists are often quite open about it—at least among themselves. It’s the kind of Orwellian inversion of truth, history, morality, and logic that’s only possible when information monopolies allow those whose policies perpetuate an endless state of emergency to use that same state of emergency to systematically censor their most articulate and knowledgeable opponents. The result is that up is down and down is up, and age-old principles of epidemiology are actually a Swedish conspiracy to spread “freedom.”
Michael P Senger is an attorney and author of Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World. Want to support my work? Get the book. Already got the book? Leave a quick review.
does china have a count of how many people starved to death while locked in their apartments? at least they didn't die of covid.
Great post and great points. I have been puzzled by WSWS' positions on the pandemic and your article suggesting a strong CCP influence actually now makes a ton of sense. It also adds weight to your arguments in your book (which I'm about halfway through) that Xi and CCP literally worked to shut down the world through either exaggeration or complete fakery of the pandemic -- including, in particular, the decision to test asymptomatics. It has been well-established in epidemiology for decades now that testing asymptomatics with low backround prevalence of the disease being tested for will lead to a large majority of false positives. And yet this was yet another key tenet that was simply ignored in this pandemic. Why? Well, that remains to be established but I am increasingly open to the idea that this was planned, whether it was CCP or Bill Gates or other forces leading the way. Or, more likely, a rare confluence of many large trends that worked together unwittingly to transform what would have been most likely a new and small epidemic into a global pandemic that shut down the world. Please contact me at tamhunt at gmail as I have a number of issues I'd like to discuss with you (I'm a 20 year policy attorney and have been working on pandemic policy for the last two years).