Jun 6, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

does china have a count of how many people starved to death while locked in their apartments? at least they didn't die of covid.

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Jun 6, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Great post and great points. I have been puzzled by WSWS' positions on the pandemic and your article suggesting a strong CCP influence actually now makes a ton of sense. It also adds weight to your arguments in your book (which I'm about halfway through) that Xi and CCP literally worked to shut down the world through either exaggeration or complete fakery of the pandemic -- including, in particular, the decision to test asymptomatics. It has been well-established in epidemiology for decades now that testing asymptomatics with low backround prevalence of the disease being tested for will lead to a large majority of false positives. And yet this was yet another key tenet that was simply ignored in this pandemic. Why? Well, that remains to be established but I am increasingly open to the idea that this was planned, whether it was CCP or Bill Gates or other forces leading the way. Or, more likely, a rare confluence of many large trends that worked together unwittingly to transform what would have been most likely a new and small epidemic into a global pandemic that shut down the world. Please contact me at tamhunt at gmail as I have a number of issues I'd like to discuss with you (I'm a 20 year policy attorney and have been working on pandemic policy for the last two years).

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Jun 6, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

The WSWS has no equal when it comes to covid fear porn. I could almost believe someone is paying them to do it. The ridiculousness knows no bounds--no msm is their equal on this. I am sympathetic to socialism as long as it is from the bottom up and not authoritarian, but that rag is so bad I can't even bear to look at it. I found out they routinely lied when they reported on the latest Chicago teacher's union kerfuffle--it just so happens I have a relative on the inside there. Their reporting bore no relationship to the truth whatsoever. And they never admit they were wrong.

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Jun 6, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Lysenko had reincarnated and he has a new hobby. 😂

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Damn Sweden! How dare they have the courage to follow established epidemiology! The nerve....

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Every person who compliments some country or institution for "stopping the spread" (covid-0), should they themselves be institutionalized.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Boris survived his confidence vote largely due to the bizarre revelation that his MP challenger, who publicly presents himself as anti-lockdown and anti-crazy covid policies, was secretly recorded wanting to emulate the harsh CCP zero-covid policies. Another MP released the recording. This nutjob phony could have been the new UK PM due to his misrepresentations. Perhaps he's one of the many CCP plants in UK govt?

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Jun 6, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

thank you for all your excellent and necessary work

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I've set up a business exporting breathing. Any takers?

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This is the Lord, or Whoever, punishing me for wasting so much of my life reading sci-fi instead of doing useful things like studying, oh I don't know, sociology or armadildo studies or something. Consigned to Sci Fi Universe forever. I'm really sorry that y'all are collateral damage.

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It is clear that the morons at the WSWS haven't received the latest Bill Gates newsletter were he says that PCR kit label "covid-19" is a mere FLU and the deaths are mostly on the old MMS...

COVID: “Disease Mainly Of The Elderly, Kind Of Like The Flu” Says Bill Gates



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Not surprising... the moron slaves that populate the "WSWS" are neither socialist nor worldly. They are mere morons aspiring to be fascists/nazis.

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