This is fascinating. Congratulations on doing the best work I've seen yet on digging up the roots of the disturbance of the last 2.5 years. All roads seem to lead back to China, eh? And if this is true about Speranza (ironically, that name means "hope"), it is yet another massive example of the utter failure and destruction that socialism's utopian ideals wreak when they're implemented in the real world.

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Exactly. Thanks so much Susanna!

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

"During the crisis, people have realized that there is a need for someone to protect and defend their life, their personal safety."

Umm...NO. Evidently I'm peculiar because I have realized no such thing. *I* am responsible for my own life and personal safety and I don't want anyone interfering with that. Especially an evil government. My life and personal safety are *no one else's* business. Period.

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A behaviorial scientist I communicated with said the same thing. She - and a colleague in the media - literally said 'we need to hold the hands of people' in learning to cope with Covid. Psychotic paternalism at its worst. They want to control our every move to 'prevent' and 'protect' us. /cue Pink Floyd's 'Mother'.

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I agree psychotic. But let’s stop putting down men and fathers .

Words have bigger meanings

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Exactly. Just leave me the hell alone.

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Well, yes I get your point. But the idea was that we all came together and agreed to cede a monopoly of violence to the government (subject, of course, to accountability, rule of law, etc). That way we could get on with the more important things in life like growing food, making love, raising families and not be constantly on the alert for those intending to do us harm (and they not constantly on the alert for us, etc) and not to have to go out and hunt them down when the threat was high. And now you're saying that didn't work out so well?

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Yet another amazing post, Michael -- keep 'em coming. You are right to focus on Italy and the socialist Left. I haven't read Speranza's book but will check it out. I am a lifelong lefty liberal but I am inclined to agree with you that the new Left or whatever we want to call them have gone way too far in the Covid era, and much of it has seemed to be motivated indeed by a zeal to show that "the science" and "the government" can provide a better world. Indeed, they can, and should, but the way in which "the science" and government have been wielded in the Covid era, in the face of a cyclone of contrary evidence at every step on the path, has been an abomination. It has induced in me and countless others a massive skepticism of government power, politics, and human zeal for control.

One tidbit you may find interesting: this study on the way in which NPIs were adopted around the world makes the case that this was mostly a game of emulation of neighbors and intuition, not based on science. We know this is true now but the game masters still attempt to convince us that all decisions were based on "the science," but when "the science" is simply what the powers that be say it is in any moment this becomes an unfalsifiable tautology worthy of Big Brother at his best. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2010625117

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Thank you Tam! So true.

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Since March 2020, I have been debating whether the lockdown / masking hysteria was motivated by peer pressure or was some coordinated global effort. I still don’t know. I can see both ways. Stupidity can explain a lot, but maybe not this much.

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Definitely a coordinated global effort. WEF a major player with trained leaders in countries all over the world. Canada-Trudeau, US (Newsome, Insley..), New Zealand, England, Italy, many other countries. WHO, UN. Central bankers and the wealthiest of the world. Globalists who have been planning this for many years.

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I'm in the same boat. For a long time I've thought it was mostly a series of errors based on an excess of caution, which massively backfired for various reasons. But I'm learning more toward the proverbial plandemic b/c the more I look into what happened the more I see the fingerprints of smart policy lawyers turning all the dials to ten (yes, I'm one of them but this is not my particular field), and coordinated efforts across countries. That said, I still don't have a firm opinion about what happened since there are as yet no smoking guns.

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The irony of his surname though, "Speranza"...

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Michael, I said this once before, but this is your best post yet...just keep me saying this and I will forever be blissfully amazed. I have not seen this essential material covered anywhere -- The memory-holing of the "newspaper of record" article (we have one of those in the US, too, with similar problems) is such a red flag.

Eventually, irrespective of one's political views, everyone sane is fundamentally repelled by the deliberate obfuscation of facts and the deliberate attempt to fool all the people all the time. Work like yours helps expose the perfidious acts of those perpetrating the fraud -- a little sunlight will do much of the rest.

Thanks for this important piece.

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Thank you so much Dr. K, I really appreciate that!

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

This sounds eerily like the recent revelations that Justin had a 'Secret Covid counsel'. Nothing has been made public about who ordered the mandates but we know the 'counsel' was not made up of scientists or doctors. At every turn, we learn no health expert recommended these cruel and punitive mandates. They just fester in their fetish for freaky masks.

It's all so weird and suspicious what's going on in the West. And many of us smelled the rats from the onset.

It can't just be 'stupid people doing stupid shit', can it?

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Great reporting! I think you've convinced me what my next pandemic book will be:

Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World

by Michael P Senger

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Perfect. Thanks Witzbold!

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

This was an excellent, but depressing post, Michael. Sometimes I’m so filled with despair at how deep the rot goes. These people are still globally in charge, brazenly self-indicting a lá Birx, et al. without a concern in the world for consequences of their actions. This Fall & Winter under their ongoing tyranny will be on steroids. NOW WHAT??

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Thanks Cindi! So true..

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Congratulations on another excellent research into the roots of the current disaster. But . . . it leaves me with sickness in my heart and belly.

"We need a great National Health Service, rooted and organized, capable of taking care of everyone and leaving no one behind."

While I can agree with it, there are caveats: democratic freedoms cannot be abandoned or sacrificed in the goal for universal health care. And is it really essential to cure everyone? I worry about the word “cure”, which seems pollyana-ish. If we are serious about curing everyone, why do we continue to ignore the persistently ill? Why do we continue to pollute our environment, including air and water? Why can we not establish a baseline of health in our own population? Is it a matter of knowledge or commitment? Or, profit?

Speranza’s essay reminds me too much of Workers of the World.

What we need in any public health endeavor is a commitment to open dialogue and democracy. Medicine should not be abused as a tool to steal someone's rights.

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Thanks Susan! So true.

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I think the word "cure" was badly translated and the intended word was "care for" or "look after".

Might I also point out that in the UK, "universal health care" when it was established as the National Health Service in 1948 did not involve abandoning any "democratic freedoms". It was/is funded by the government via a tax (like income tax) on working people's wages, so not specifically 'free' but it was/is available to everyone, whether they have contributed or not, including the unemployed, retired etc. No one could ever be bankrupted due to unaffordable medical bills since there are no bills to pay.

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Yes, as in "abbi cura di me".

Translation: take care of me.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Our managerial class has always admired China's well-ordered society. And as Esperanza himself exemplifies, there have always been fellow travelers of Marxist-Leninism in the West. But these phenomena were always balanced out by some sense of nationalism, and a 'better dead than Red' ethic carried over from the early days of the Cold War.

Now though, all that is gone, and to question anything like the Thousand Talents Program and our concomitant reliance on cheap H-1B academic labor is considered backwards, if not outright xenophobic. It's not clear exactly who owns whom in our establishment's relationship with the CCP, but it is historically unprecedented and deleterious, to science and increasingly to all other aspects of our culture.

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Hi First congrats on a terrific article! Wow this reporting is so greatly needed!

However one important fact, here in Canada our health access and systems has purposely become much worse since Covid with firing of staff much much longer wait times much harder to even get a family doctor — this doesn’t point towards a communist agenda but towards the depopulation Wef theory? Any thoughts Micheal? AGSIN thanks for yr amazing and courageous!! Journalism Blessings Mike

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Oh and btw, transparency denied in AU, more to come


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Thank you Michael for yet another great article and for staying the course.

Yet another reason why the capture of universities by the CCP must be seen and the stooges that are used by them to push CCP propaganda need to be uncovered - example in point Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz and the "China CDC" control of the university of Woolongong's epidemiology unit https://archive.ph/yTThP

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Thanks Dr! Exactly.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Michael I haven't read YET! But I thought that you might be interested to hear what Dr Yeadon says that supports your position that the lab leak and deadly airborne virus is a misdirection play https://gettr.com/post/p1l17d60afd

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Very interesting. Thanks SN!

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Isnt it Michael, Dr Yeadon doesn't reveal entirely what he has been told but he tells us enough to make it quite clear that there is a 5th column at work.

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

It was so helpful to read this and begin to understand the mindset behind today's totalitarianism movement and how Covid was used to its advantage. Thank you for your excellent reporting.

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My pleasure, thanks Unperson!

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

I don't often read stuff that I find chilling, but this Italian guy is definitely goose bumps material. What he's advocating is another "great leap forward" full Mao style. I'm sure he was probably tempted to use those very words, but then figured it might just put people off.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

The slope is slippery indeed, with myriad fools lined up to see who can first reach the bottom where lies the bottomless pit in which our freedom will be irretrievably lost.

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