If the intent was to get western elites to simultaneously support totalitarianism in their own countries while pretending to oppose it in China, then Xi Jinping has certainly made his point.
It is close to the place that I cannot even look at pro-jabbers anymore. They all look and sound like Trudeau now.
Their hardline pro-jab stance seems to irradicate any propensity for rational thought on any other level.
If it were only themselves they were dragging into hell I would buy a bulldozer and push them quicker to their desired demise. But hell no...these lunatics want to take the entire world with them.
Which they may well accomplish yet.
Hate is such a hard place to avoid right now. Think foregivness.
I wonder... if someone were to jab Trudeau with a jab of vaccine as an act of revenge or spite, would the perpetrator be charged with attempted murder?
Maybe they don't care about the contradiction, after all, they didn't reason themselves into supporting lockdown, lockdown is mediaeval cultism after all.
in the middle of 2021, my brother, my only sibling, told me and my wife that the unvaxxed belong in camps. He knew we were unvaxxed and would never willingly submit to the covid shot.
At Thanksgiving last week, he wore a mask, except while he was eating, and according to him, the mask remained on, for my safety. For the record, I told him to take the mask off. He refused. And he didn't apologize for wanting to inter the unvaxxed. I know he never will.
I hope the government and media members who sowed division and lies, get as may boosters as they wish.
It was tough last year and at the start of 2022, two of my good friends died in their sleep, early 50s, cardiac events. I am sure it was a coincidence.
Now, I am accustomed to the banality of evil in men's hearts. My rights were revoked because a bunch of weak people were scared; some cities--no restaurants, no music club, no bars. Now, no amnesty.
I know what you’ve endured. My three siblings refused to meet with me and my husband a week before Thanksgiving, ostensibly because of our vax status (non, of course). I later found out (from our 93-year-old mom) that their shunning of us was due to our disagreements regarding politics and religion, lol. Fortunately (but not without a lot of emotional pain), I recognize all of this as the Lord’s required economy of faith— winnowing of the crop (separating wheat from chaff) or culling of the herd (separating the goats from His sheep).
Terrible treatment but I have a sister like that. Not sure what’s going on with her as I haven’t seen her in over a year and she lives fairly close. She sees all of us as “Trump lovers”. Huh?
I ignore masked people when necessary. They aren’t people anymore. Or I just pepper them with “I can’t hear you with your mouth covered” until they are yelling and being fools.
It’s difficult for me to write this off as hypocrisy. After the bulk of western nations went full-steam ahead on the egregious COVID policies, the human rights violations are beyond counting. The fact that, once again in lockstep, all the western nations are speaking out against the CCP, tells me there’s an agenda at play. Just remember: Xi is a valued player at the WEF…. So I’d want to peel away a few more layers to better understand their strategy. Also…. Time to ditch Apple! Does anyone have any advice on how to save my photos and music? And whether a Linux based phone offers the best privacy? Please explain as though I’m wearing a mask by myself in a car😂😂😂
I had considered a Linux phone, since I've used Linux on my home computers for 25 years.
But there were a few Android apps that I really liked (including one for tuning my piano, and a bird guide). So I installed GrapheneOS on a Pixel 3a. This is a security-oriented, de-Googled version of Android, and it seems to be working very well so far.
A lot of These people really believed that they were protecting themselves and others w masks. Alot of ppl believed that the shot would protect not just them but others as well. Why did they believe this. The media lied and misrepresented the facts. fauci and the whole cabal of government health officials made decicions and arrogated to themselves this mantle of expertise and infallibility . They were wrong about everything, they allowed the whole situation to get politicized and created a global humanitarian catastrophe
So here’s the thing: I don’t think that fauci and the whole cabal of government health officials were wrong. I think they knew exactly what they were doing. When Bill Gates gave his Ted Talk and said that the world’s population would be reduced, through “vaccines and other health measures”, he was telling us what would happen. Once you realize that the pandemic was created for the vaccines & not the other way around, everything begins to make sense. I agree that none of this could have succeeded without the collusion of the media.
I’m a physician in private practice and I have a bio chemistry background. I never took any of these Covid vaccines and never allowed my two teen sons To get them. And I’m very comfortable with that decision. I was dropped off of the staff of a major northern New Jersey hospital for deferring the vaccine. So I am completely in agreement about the vaccine mandates. There was never any reason to mandate these vaccines. And most otherwise healthy people never needed to take any of them.
That being said I don’t agree with your statement above completely. When Bill Gates was talking about population control they are not talking about murdering people with vaccines. When people have higher standards of living they tend to have fewer children. When people know that their children are going to live in survive into adulthood they tend to have fewer children. So with proper health and economic development places in the developing world that currently have very high birth rates should in the future have slowing of their birth rate. And if the birth rate can be brought down to below replacement level then slowly the population of the earth will decline
This is the long-term goal of people like it. They are not talking about outright murdering people.
I think this is a gross misinterpretation.
The pandemic response was certainly a catastrophe but it was brought about by incompetence politics ideology in fear not buy some kind of grand conspiracy to murder half of humanity
I really, really want this to be the case. In my heart, it is hard to comprehend the banality of unabated evil orchestrating the entire thing; yet, similarly, I consider the eugenics-connection to the gates family to be....disturbing. Similarly, I do not believe it is gates, fauci & co., other than representing the interests of....others. Figureheads, if you will. Are they incompetent, and should never be allowed to continue in whatever capacity they are capable of, to instigate our current state of affairs? Certainly. There is just so much more to the story that we do not know.. or perhaps we do know, and it is just a really unfortunate, ghastly conclusion.
I do wish I could agree with you. Between what other readers pointed out regarding Gates’ track record with dubious-at-best vaccines, the unbelievable coincidence of planning meetings like #201, and assorted patents showing that the COVID vaccines have been underway for many years… I stand by my position. You and I are in complete agreement on not having mandatory vaccines. I applaud you for walking away from your hospital position and standing firm.
you might be right that there is some cabal of people who are trying to actively murder some percentage of the world population. it wouldnt be the first time groups like this have committed genocide. I just dont think these people are that smart or well organized. There are so many forces at play and its overwhelming to try to make sense out of them so people are naturally drawn to these theories of "agency" where there must be some group or person in charge that is doing this to us. But the whole phenomenon can be explained by the libertarian theories of power and centralization of bureaucracies. As power gets concentrated into fewer and fewer hands these problems that we all identify start to occur. Instead of people living their lives for themselves in freedom, the whole society becomes perverted to serve and please those in power. In the oriental chinese despotisms when the Khans were in power, everyone was always living in fear of the Khan and everyone was always bowing to his will. Today we have the Washington DC regime that has insinutated itself into everything. The founders of the US would have recognizefd this problem , they would be appalled , this is exactly why they wrote the constitution and tried to set up a system to prevent this from happening.
in 2014 the WHO started a tetanus vaccination campaign in Kenya and it subsequently found that the injections secretly contained a sterilising agent.
the campaign was financed by Gates.
how big a step is it from sterilising people with a vaccine without their consent or knowledge, to sterilising people with a vaccine and along the way killing off a portion of them?
in between 1932 and 1940 some 52,000 men, women and children that were deemed unfit for life were killed by doctors in hospitals in germany through lethal injections.
not nazi doctors and nazi hospitals but just ordinary doctors and ordinary hospitals.
MiFly, I agree with your analysis. The problems is that Gates did not spell out as clearly as you did the connection between better health and higher living standards = less children, which is exactly what has happened in the developed world. Oversimplification of that TED talk has led to the fear mongering notion of population control through iatrogenic murder. Us critical thinkers, aka conspiracy theorists, can sometimes be just as guilty of knee-jerk reactions as the opposition.
yes I agree. gates is not a doctor and has no experience in public health. He has appointed himself some kind of guru and really he knows very little and he's a bad communicator
between 1932 and 1940 some 52.000 men women and children were killed in hospitals by doctors. by means of lethal injection.
eugenics is the keyword in this..
the same eugenics that were quite popular in the usa among people like rockefeller jr. and gates sr..
indeed, bill gates senior.
the man behind the family planning movement.
family planning as in no more children for the great unwashed masses.
like in no more children for the women of kenya in 2014, that were sterilised without their knowledge by a tetanus vaccine distributed by the WHO and paid for by..... bill gates jr.
I take by the first part of your comment you are referring to “Aktion T4”, named after Tiergartenstrasse 4, the address in Berlin where the office was based in Nazi times that came up with the policy to kill “lebensunwertes Leben” (life unworthy of living), as they called disabled people. I’m a historian of disability and am unfortunately only to aware of this dark part of 20th century history. The infamous cyclon B gas used in the extermination camps was first trialled and used against the disabled in trucks labelled as “ambulances”. This is an important and often forgotten part of the history of atrocities.
It also highlights policies of euthanasia. The Kenya example you cite is an example of eugenics. One could here also name Sweden, who from the 1930s onwards sterilised “disabled” women against their will. Or coerced sterilisations in India under Indira Ghandi, if I remember rightly.
The point is that we need to be aware of the distinction between euthanasia (murder of people already alive) and eugenics (preventing the generation of people not yet born). One may brand Gates and his ilk as eugenicists, but please do not confuse with euthanasia.
As I heard Trudeau's mealy mouthed words (eavesdropped...) this evening, had to leave the living room in utter disgust.
It's the hypocrisy!! 😝
"Canadians are watching very closely. Obviously everyone in China should be allowed to express themselves (and) should be allowed to share their perspectives, and indeed protest," he said.
"We're going to continue to ensure that China knows we'll stand up for human rights. We'll stand with people who are expressing themselves. We also need to make sure that China, and places around the world, are respecting journalists and their ability to do their job."
His comments come just after weeks of testimony over Trudeau's invocation of the Emergencies Act to clear out-of-hand protests in Canada last winter, which ranged from discontent over vaccine requirements to rage fuelled by conspiracy theories."
it is interesting to see where everyone stands when it comes to freedom. Amnesty International is not all that amnesty nor international at all. Apple is despisable. All the rest of BigEverything is not much better. Few golden apples and lots of rotten ones in this BigBasket. Thanks for putting yet another finger on sore spots.
Michael complex ideas synthesised eloquently! Thank you. Im raging! Im so MAD that these virtue signalling arsehole human rights Amnesty BLEAT 'racism' and throw crap 💩 out to people like me and you for calling out government OVERREACH, the destruction of civil rights, a fucked up lockdown which really was a zero covid policy. These ARSEHOLE HYPOCRITES and their bs racism, white supremacy CRAP! What about the suffering and total destruction of life as we knew it. My life has been altered FOREVER coz ZERO COVID POLICY in Victoria (Australia), meant the suicide of my son's father. You know we have to rename the period of lockdowns to call it zero covid policy because many useful (ignorant) idiots BELIEVED lockdowns worked. But it was ZERO COVID POLICY just like the CCP has.
Tucker Carlson (and Michael today) did us a service by highlighting the fact that Apple seemingly endorses China’s crack-down on “Zero Covid” protests in China. If I remember correctly, Tucker's recent monologue also included a scroll of scores of companies that have either pulled advertising from Twitter or are threatening to do this (in “protest” of Twitter possibly allowing real free speech under the ownership of Musk).
This actually makes an important and under-appreciated point. Namely, all of these major companies have supported social media and legacy media sites that have implemented brazen censorship policies for almost three years. That is, with their advertising expenditures, they are endorsing companies that violate the founding tenet of our nation (free speech).
Conversely, these companies have BOYCOTTED sites that DO allow free speech and allow commentary and journalism that challenges any of the “authorized” narratives. For example, this is why My Pillow is the only big advertiser on Tucker’s show. This is why we don’t see Pfizer or Coca Cola or GM or Procter & Gamble running commercials in Tucker’s show.
Nor do we see any major company placing ads at sites like Zero Hedge or Citizens Free Press, which happen to have tens of millions of regular visitors (every one of whom is a consumer, who companies would be expected to want to reach).
Another example would be the Daily Sceptic. This site’s audience has dramatically increased in the last two years. The site is now running a few ads. However, I don’t even have to ask - I know - no major company is going to place an ad at The Daily Sceptic.
Bottom-line: Just about every company in the world endorses and supports rampant censorship and has intentionally withheld advertising from sites that do allow free speech. This is a massive “tell” about how rotten our system has become and how “captured” virtually all our major companies now are.
First it was Covid Amnesty, now it's Covid Amnesia - they seem to have forgotten what they said about their own countries last year.
But what is the real intention for these videos of protests being leaked? China has a tight control on the Internet so most of what we are seeing has been allowed to be leaked.
There is a Monk debate coming up about whether or not we can trust the MSM. The answer should be obvious by now but, understandable, the debate does not range the question wide enough because clearly the MSM group think is being shaped beyond the MSM (and I include big tech in that). Hard not to be a conspiracy theorist in such times, surely this cannot just be a mass delusion, I mean the Nazis were real, not a whacky conspiracy theory and so were the Leninist/Stalinists and the Maoists so why do we recoil from conspiracy theories when history tells us conspiracy happens and with massive consequences?
MSM need to get back into THEIR lane and report and STOP trying to be fake epidemiologists, which is what they are doing.
Listen to Dr Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, warns about vax harms to the 🇯🇵 Ministry of Health:
"You are ignoring science! It's a disaster. You spend billions on the vaccine & force people to inject it...due to the vax, natural immunity has been suppressed'
A couple of weeks ago I published an article giving the example of my state’s leading sports columnist.
This columnist had previously written a column eviscerating Auburn’s (then) head football coach (Harsin) for not getting his Covid vaccine. As one of our state’s most high-profile leaders, Coach Harsin was setting a terrible example to others and was probably putting countless lives at risk, this columnist wrote.
A few months ago, I emailed this columnist and asked him if he wanted to apologize to Coach Harsin now that the whole world knew that the vaccines didn’t prevent infection or spread. I also asked him if he still thinks “everyone” should still get their Covid boosters?
In a snarky way, he did reply that he thought everyone should get their boosters. I then asked him in a follow-up email if he had gotten his booster yet. You know, for some reason, he never replied to this simple “yes or no” question.
As we now know, at least 89 percent of the population has decided to NOT get these boosters. This probably means a very high percentage of journalists, editors and columnists have also not gotten their boosters. Well, why haven’t they?
They of course know that the boosters don’t work and they probably know they aren’t safe either. And still they keep pushing them for others and will not admit they were wrong for two years when they lobbied relentlessly for everyone to get these shots. These “persuaders” also did everything in their power to smear the people who didn’t get them.
The hypocrisy is everywhere. Calling these people out as the hypocrites they really are is always a worthwhile project.
It is close to the place that I cannot even look at pro-jabbers anymore. They all look and sound like Trudeau now.
Their hardline pro-jab stance seems to irradicate any propensity for rational thought on any other level.
If it were only themselves they were dragging into hell I would buy a bulldozer and push them quicker to their desired demise. But hell no...these lunatics want to take the entire world with them.
Which they may well accomplish yet.
Hate is such a hard place to avoid right now. Think foregivness.
Perhaps encourage them to get another jab. Sooner or later they'll take themselves out of the equation and leave the rest of us alone.
you really think the likes of turdeau were jabbed?
think again!
I wonder... if someone were to jab Trudeau with a jab of vaccine as an act of revenge or spite, would the perpetrator be charged with attempted murder?
They probably got the saline, lol. All of the elites except the true believers did, I think.
"Hey, Darwin called, they want their awards back!"
Fifth or sixth time's the charm!
The hypocrisy is so glaring lately. It's incredible how people don't see it in themselves.
Agreed. The lack of introspection is breathtaking.
Indeed, the rank hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a knife. They are the secular version of Pharisees, basically.
Who says they don't?
Maybe they don't care about the contradiction, after all, they didn't reason themselves into supporting lockdown, lockdown is mediaeval cultism after all.
Indeed. It is across between medieval cultism and necrotechnocracy on crack.
in the middle of 2021, my brother, my only sibling, told me and my wife that the unvaxxed belong in camps. He knew we were unvaxxed and would never willingly submit to the covid shot.
At Thanksgiving last week, he wore a mask, except while he was eating, and according to him, the mask remained on, for my safety. For the record, I told him to take the mask off. He refused. And he didn't apologize for wanting to inter the unvaxxed. I know he never will.
I hope the government and media members who sowed division and lies, get as may boosters as they wish.
It was tough last year and at the start of 2022, two of my good friends died in their sleep, early 50s, cardiac events. I am sure it was a coincidence.
Now, I am accustomed to the banality of evil in men's hearts. My rights were revoked because a bunch of weak people were scared; some cities--no restaurants, no music club, no bars. Now, no amnesty.
I know what you’ve endured. My three siblings refused to meet with me and my husband a week before Thanksgiving, ostensibly because of our vax status (non, of course). I later found out (from our 93-year-old mom) that their shunning of us was due to our disagreements regarding politics and religion, lol. Fortunately (but not without a lot of emotional pain), I recognize all of this as the Lord’s required economy of faith— winnowing of the crop (separating wheat from chaff) or culling of the herd (separating the goats from His sheep).
Terrible treatment but I have a sister like that. Not sure what’s going on with her as I haven’t seen her in over a year and she lives fairly close. She sees all of us as “Trump lovers”. Huh?
I ignore masked people when necessary. They aren’t people anymore. Or I just pepper them with “I can’t hear you with your mouth covered” until they are yelling and being fools.
you really should do some soul searching.
do you really want to spend time with someone that clearly despises you?
for your safety?
as if you are a halfwit that cannot make his own decisions....
There should be thumbs down we can apply to comments. Cheers.
It’s difficult for me to write this off as hypocrisy. After the bulk of western nations went full-steam ahead on the egregious COVID policies, the human rights violations are beyond counting. The fact that, once again in lockstep, all the western nations are speaking out against the CCP, tells me there’s an agenda at play. Just remember: Xi is a valued player at the WEF…. So I’d want to peel away a few more layers to better understand their strategy. Also…. Time to ditch Apple! Does anyone have any advice on how to save my photos and music? And whether a Linux based phone offers the best privacy? Please explain as though I’m wearing a mask by myself in a car😂😂😂
I had considered a Linux phone, since I've used Linux on my home computers for 25 years.
But there were a few Android apps that I really liked (including one for tuning my piano, and a bird guide). So I installed GrapheneOS on a Pixel 3a. This is a security-oriented, de-Googled version of Android, and it seems to be working very well so far.
Thank you! I’ll add it to my list!
Exactly. That’s what’s so infuriating- bold faced lies, inversions of truth, they know exactly what they’re doing.
A lot of These people really believed that they were protecting themselves and others w masks. Alot of ppl believed that the shot would protect not just them but others as well. Why did they believe this. The media lied and misrepresented the facts. fauci and the whole cabal of government health officials made decicions and arrogated to themselves this mantle of expertise and infallibility . They were wrong about everything, they allowed the whole situation to get politicized and created a global humanitarian catastrophe
So here’s the thing: I don’t think that fauci and the whole cabal of government health officials were wrong. I think they knew exactly what they were doing. When Bill Gates gave his Ted Talk and said that the world’s population would be reduced, through “vaccines and other health measures”, he was telling us what would happen. Once you realize that the pandemic was created for the vaccines & not the other way around, everything begins to make sense. I agree that none of this could have succeeded without the collusion of the media.
I’m a physician in private practice and I have a bio chemistry background. I never took any of these Covid vaccines and never allowed my two teen sons To get them. And I’m very comfortable with that decision. I was dropped off of the staff of a major northern New Jersey hospital for deferring the vaccine. So I am completely in agreement about the vaccine mandates. There was never any reason to mandate these vaccines. And most otherwise healthy people never needed to take any of them.
That being said I don’t agree with your statement above completely. When Bill Gates was talking about population control they are not talking about murdering people with vaccines. When people have higher standards of living they tend to have fewer children. When people know that their children are going to live in survive into adulthood they tend to have fewer children. So with proper health and economic development places in the developing world that currently have very high birth rates should in the future have slowing of their birth rate. And if the birth rate can be brought down to below replacement level then slowly the population of the earth will decline
This is the long-term goal of people like it. They are not talking about outright murdering people.
I think this is a gross misinterpretation.
The pandemic response was certainly a catastrophe but it was brought about by incompetence politics ideology in fear not buy some kind of grand conspiracy to murder half of humanity
I really, really want this to be the case. In my heart, it is hard to comprehend the banality of unabated evil orchestrating the entire thing; yet, similarly, I consider the eugenics-connection to the gates family to be....disturbing. Similarly, I do not believe it is gates, fauci & co., other than representing the interests of....others. Figureheads, if you will. Are they incompetent, and should never be allowed to continue in whatever capacity they are capable of, to instigate our current state of affairs? Certainly. There is just so much more to the story that we do not know.. or perhaps we do know, and it is just a really unfortunate, ghastly conclusion.
I do wish I could agree with you. Between what other readers pointed out regarding Gates’ track record with dubious-at-best vaccines, the unbelievable coincidence of planning meetings like #201, and assorted patents showing that the COVID vaccines have been underway for many years… I stand by my position. You and I are in complete agreement on not having mandatory vaccines. I applaud you for walking away from your hospital position and standing firm.
you might be right that there is some cabal of people who are trying to actively murder some percentage of the world population. it wouldnt be the first time groups like this have committed genocide. I just dont think these people are that smart or well organized. There are so many forces at play and its overwhelming to try to make sense out of them so people are naturally drawn to these theories of "agency" where there must be some group or person in charge that is doing this to us. But the whole phenomenon can be explained by the libertarian theories of power and centralization of bureaucracies. As power gets concentrated into fewer and fewer hands these problems that we all identify start to occur. Instead of people living their lives for themselves in freedom, the whole society becomes perverted to serve and please those in power. In the oriental chinese despotisms when the Khans were in power, everyone was always living in fear of the Khan and everyone was always bowing to his will. Today we have the Washington DC regime that has insinutated itself into everything. The founders of the US would have recognizefd this problem , they would be appalled , this is exactly why they wrote the constitution and tried to set up a system to prevent this from happening.
in 2014 the WHO started a tetanus vaccination campaign in Kenya and it subsequently found that the injections secretly contained a sterilising agent.
the campaign was financed by Gates.
how big a step is it from sterilising people with a vaccine without their consent or knowledge, to sterilising people with a vaccine and along the way killing off a portion of them?
in between 1932 and 1940 some 52,000 men, women and children that were deemed unfit for life were killed by doctors in hospitals in germany through lethal injections.
not nazi doctors and nazi hospitals but just ordinary doctors and ordinary hospitals.
eugenics was en vogue in germany at the time.
as it was in the usa.
the name gates and eugenics have a history.
MiFly, I agree with your analysis. The problems is that Gates did not spell out as clearly as you did the connection between better health and higher living standards = less children, which is exactly what has happened in the developed world. Oversimplification of that TED talk has led to the fear mongering notion of population control through iatrogenic murder. Us critical thinkers, aka conspiracy theorists, can sometimes be just as guilty of knee-jerk reactions as the opposition.
yes I agree. gates is not a doctor and has no experience in public health. He has appointed himself some kind of guru and really he knows very little and he's a bad communicator
history proves you wrong.
between 1932 and 1940 some 52.000 men women and children were killed in hospitals by doctors. by means of lethal injection.
eugenics is the keyword in this..
the same eugenics that were quite popular in the usa among people like rockefeller jr. and gates sr..
indeed, bill gates senior.
the man behind the family planning movement.
family planning as in no more children for the great unwashed masses.
like in no more children for the women of kenya in 2014, that were sterilised without their knowledge by a tetanus vaccine distributed by the WHO and paid for by..... bill gates jr.
but that is just fear mongering, or isn't it?
I take by the first part of your comment you are referring to “Aktion T4”, named after Tiergartenstrasse 4, the address in Berlin where the office was based in Nazi times that came up with the policy to kill “lebensunwertes Leben” (life unworthy of living), as they called disabled people. I’m a historian of disability and am unfortunately only to aware of this dark part of 20th century history. The infamous cyclon B gas used in the extermination camps was first trialled and used against the disabled in trucks labelled as “ambulances”. This is an important and often forgotten part of the history of atrocities.
It also highlights policies of euthanasia. The Kenya example you cite is an example of eugenics. One could here also name Sweden, who from the 1930s onwards sterilised “disabled” women against their will. Or coerced sterilisations in India under Indira Ghandi, if I remember rightly.
The point is that we need to be aware of the distinction between euthanasia (murder of people already alive) and eugenics (preventing the generation of people not yet born). One may brand Gates and his ilk as eugenicists, but please do not confuse with euthanasia.
"The gall" indeed.
As I heard Trudeau's mealy mouthed words (eavesdropped...) this evening, had to leave the living room in utter disgust.
It's the hypocrisy!! 😝
"Canadians are watching very closely. Obviously everyone in China should be allowed to express themselves (and) should be allowed to share their perspectives, and indeed protest," he said.
"We're going to continue to ensure that China knows we'll stand up for human rights. We'll stand with people who are expressing themselves. We also need to make sure that China, and places around the world, are respecting journalists and their ability to do their job."
His comments come just after weeks of testimony over Trudeau's invocation of the Emergencies Act to clear out-of-hand protests in Canada last winter, which ranged from discontent over vaccine requirements to rage fuelled by conspiracy theories."
#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️
it is interesting to see where everyone stands when it comes to freedom. Amnesty International is not all that amnesty nor international at all. Apple is despisable. All the rest of BigEverything is not much better. Few golden apples and lots of rotten ones in this BigBasket. Thanks for putting yet another finger on sore spots.
So true. Thanks Ingrid!
-big government, big healthcare systems, both public and private (consolidated), big pharma, big business, big finance (banks and investment firms)
-concentrates and centralizes power, influence and corruption and eases harm capacity by their psychopathic leaders
Michael complex ideas synthesised eloquently! Thank you. Im raging! Im so MAD that these virtue signalling arsehole human rights Amnesty BLEAT 'racism' and throw crap 💩 out to people like me and you for calling out government OVERREACH, the destruction of civil rights, a fucked up lockdown which really was a zero covid policy. These ARSEHOLE HYPOCRITES and their bs racism, white supremacy CRAP! What about the suffering and total destruction of life as we knew it. My life has been altered FOREVER coz ZERO COVID POLICY in Victoria (Australia), meant the suicide of my son's father. You know we have to rename the period of lockdowns to call it zero covid policy because many useful (ignorant) idiots BELIEVED lockdowns worked. But it was ZERO COVID POLICY just like the CCP has.
Thank you SN! Agreed.
Tucker Carlson (and Michael today) did us a service by highlighting the fact that Apple seemingly endorses China’s crack-down on “Zero Covid” protests in China. If I remember correctly, Tucker's recent monologue also included a scroll of scores of companies that have either pulled advertising from Twitter or are threatening to do this (in “protest” of Twitter possibly allowing real free speech under the ownership of Musk).
This actually makes an important and under-appreciated point. Namely, all of these major companies have supported social media and legacy media sites that have implemented brazen censorship policies for almost three years. That is, with their advertising expenditures, they are endorsing companies that violate the founding tenet of our nation (free speech).
Conversely, these companies have BOYCOTTED sites that DO allow free speech and allow commentary and journalism that challenges any of the “authorized” narratives. For example, this is why My Pillow is the only big advertiser on Tucker’s show. This is why we don’t see Pfizer or Coca Cola or GM or Procter & Gamble running commercials in Tucker’s show.
Nor do we see any major company placing ads at sites like Zero Hedge or Citizens Free Press, which happen to have tens of millions of regular visitors (every one of whom is a consumer, who companies would be expected to want to reach).
Another example would be the Daily Sceptic. This site’s audience has dramatically increased in the last two years. The site is now running a few ads. However, I don’t even have to ask - I know - no major company is going to place an ad at The Daily Sceptic.
Bottom-line: Just about every company in the world endorses and supports rampant censorship and has intentionally withheld advertising from sites that do allow free speech. This is a massive “tell” about how rotten our system has become and how “captured” virtually all our major companies now are.
Thanks so much Bill—excellent points!
First it was Covid Amnesty, now it's Covid Amnesia - they seem to have forgotten what they said about their own countries last year.
But what is the real intention for these videos of protests being leaked? China has a tight control on the Internet so most of what we are seeing has been allowed to be leaked.
Thanks so much NE! Greatly enjoyed your piece on this topic as well. My take on the logic behind the videos: https://michaelpsenger.substack.com/p/chinese-protest-the-same-lockdowns
There is a Monk debate coming up about whether or not we can trust the MSM. The answer should be obvious by now but, understandable, the debate does not range the question wide enough because clearly the MSM group think is being shaped beyond the MSM (and I include big tech in that). Hard not to be a conspiracy theorist in such times, surely this cannot just be a mass delusion, I mean the Nazis were real, not a whacky conspiracy theory and so were the Leninist/Stalinists and the Maoists so why do we recoil from conspiracy theories when history tells us conspiracy happens and with massive consequences?
MSM need to get back into THEIR lane and report and STOP trying to be fake epidemiologists, which is what they are doing.
Listen to Dr Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, warns about vax harms to the 🇯🇵 Ministry of Health:
"You are ignoring science! It's a disaster. You spend billions on the vaccine & force people to inject it...due to the vax, natural immunity has been suppressed'
The idiotic and corrupted MSM has caused this disaster
Repressive tolerance anyone?
Good read here too. Similar receipts
When democracy’s very existence hinges on civic virtue and that breaks down then people long for totalitarianism. Sad, but true.
Re: Journalist hypocrisy, examples of same
A couple of weeks ago I published an article giving the example of my state’s leading sports columnist.
This columnist had previously written a column eviscerating Auburn’s (then) head football coach (Harsin) for not getting his Covid vaccine. As one of our state’s most high-profile leaders, Coach Harsin was setting a terrible example to others and was probably putting countless lives at risk, this columnist wrote.
A few months ago, I emailed this columnist and asked him if he wanted to apologize to Coach Harsin now that the whole world knew that the vaccines didn’t prevent infection or spread. I also asked him if he still thinks “everyone” should still get their Covid boosters?
In a snarky way, he did reply that he thought everyone should get their boosters. I then asked him in a follow-up email if he had gotten his booster yet. You know, for some reason, he never replied to this simple “yes or no” question.
As we now know, at least 89 percent of the population has decided to NOT get these boosters. This probably means a very high percentage of journalists, editors and columnists have also not gotten their boosters. Well, why haven’t they?
They of course know that the boosters don’t work and they probably know they aren’t safe either. And still they keep pushing them for others and will not admit they were wrong for two years when they lobbied relentlessly for everyone to get these shots. These “persuaders” also did everything in their power to smear the people who didn’t get them.
The hypocrisy is everywhere. Calling these people out as the hypocrites they really are is always a worthwhile project.
Naturally, Justin Trudeau supports the protestors. Truckers? Not so much.
Fu*king brilliant work comparing the MSM, etc !
Never forget!
Thanks DK!