Books are fantastic, but is there also a good place online to which people can be directed? I've recently found myself in discussions where people actually question whether our pandemic response has anything to do with Chinese authoritarianism, but they're not necessarily going to read a book about it to get started.
Allow me to a pureblood Canadian not only am I effectively trapped here, I pay double for everything including books, I guess it’s good that tyrant Trudeau still allows seditious material like this to sell here... Looking forward to reading this one Michael!
Great book, I read it and then passed it along to my mum to read as she has been slowly coming around to the fact that there is something more nefarious at play.
What do you think is the reason for the current lockdowns in Shanghai? Lockdown propaganda for the West seems more far fetched the longer it drags on. No one really seems poised to emulate. Could they be using it to make sure they are fully stocked for a war on Taiwan while simultaneously ensuring the rest of the world is lacking key Chinese exports?
I don't believe that they are just a victim of their own misguided covid zero policy
It’s also entirely possible they’re using the lockdown to repatriate their citizens and key resources to China to put them on a more aggressive geopolitical footing.
Thanks so much Steve! Substack was an awkward transition at first, because prior to being banned from Twitter, my work was all sharing videos, breaking news, clever one-liners and occasional gold-level long-form writing—whereas Substack is good for silver-level long-form writing and pretty much nothing else. But it's actually a nice transition being able to tune out the daily culture war on Twitter, and my work actually has the potential to be even more powerful here.
This is a great read. Meticulous research and a thoroughly engaging writing style.
Great interview here
Thank you Bess!
Books are fantastic, but is there also a good place online to which people can be directed? I've recently found myself in discussions where people actually question whether our pandemic response has anything to do with Chinese authoritarianism, but they're not necessarily going to read a book about it to get started.
Glad to hear it Malcolm. I would direct them to my Substack page, and also to my article in Tablet last year, The Masked Ball of Cowardice, which I'd say is the best article I've written.
Then I'd encourage them to get the book, because this story really is too big to be told in one article.
Received my copy. Look forward to reading it. Thank you for sharing the documentary on the first chapter.
Thank you Amking!
Ephemeral internet....good pitch. 😀. I’ve never had a book ‘ping’ at me either. Sold!
Great point. Thanks Aaron!
Allow me to a pureblood Canadian not only am I effectively trapped here, I pay double for everything including books, I guess it’s good that tyrant Trudeau still allows seditious material like this to sell here... Looking forward to reading this one Michael!
I have this book and it is an important source of information.
Thank you Karen!
Great book, I read it and then passed it along to my mum to read as she has been slowly coming around to the fact that there is something more nefarious at play.
What do you think is the reason for the current lockdowns in Shanghai? Lockdown propaganda for the West seems more far fetched the longer it drags on. No one really seems poised to emulate. Could they be using it to make sure they are fully stocked for a war on Taiwan while simultaneously ensuring the rest of the world is lacking key Chinese exports?
I don't believe that they are just a victim of their own misguided covid zero policy
Thanks Orlando! Agreed, I’m sure the Shanghai lockdown is purposeful—wrote about it more here.
It’s also entirely possible they’re using the lockdown to repatriate their citizens and key resources to China to put them on a more aggressive geopolitical footing.
Perhaps the best book on covid.
Excellent in depth research.
Where can I find online the list of endnotes?
Thanks so much Steve! Substack was an awkward transition at first, because prior to being banned from Twitter, my work was all sharing videos, breaking news, clever one-liners and occasional gold-level long-form writing—whereas Substack is good for silver-level long-form writing and pretty much nothing else. But it's actually a nice transition being able to tune out the daily culture war on Twitter, and my work actually has the potential to be even more powerful here.