The world has been counting on the intelligence community to call out anything untoward about the response to COVID. Of course, that won’t happen, because they’re the ones who planned it.
It's so demoralizing to think that no one involved will ever pay for what they did. They hot away with it. Everything about the covid scam was torturous. It still pains me to think back to what they did to us. We'll all have scars. Meanwhile they'll wine and dine and laugh at the billions of dollars they made. They're all going to hell, that much I know for certain.
The Council on Foreign Relations publishes Foreign Affairs, an international affairs publication supported by and intended for the globalist audience, those who believe in one-world governance, varieties found both on the left and right. It is a highly influential publication in those circles.
Disease politics. How to fundamentally transform individual nationalist societies into collectivist globalist societies. A blueprint. CFR tells us what they were up to in March, 2020. But we failed to listen.
I list some of the chapter and section titles and a write up on my Stack about it to help readers dive into the blueprint. Eye-opening. Not a coincidence:
You contradict yourself. '...It's so demoralizing to think that no one involved will ever pay for what they did...'. and then 'They're all going to hell, that much I know for certain.' They could hardly pay a greater price than that!
Agreed; I can hope that these evil doers can be taken down and destroyed by the covid survivors but they can't escape their punishment in the afterlife
I think your hypothesis is heading in the right direction. Now, we need independent counsel or some other entity that also believes it may have been a coup to investigate thoroughly. They should also get plenty of rope and practice the Hangman's noose to prepare them for the public executions of all those involved.
The Scots have an early version called The “Maiden of Edinburgh” still in existence in a museum. The main difference was the victim looked up and saw the blade drop. When I saw it in the 90s it looked to be easy to duplicate and it’s portable! I have since learned I had a many times great uncle executed on it or spirited off by a friendly gnome depending on which version of the story you buy. The story was detailed by no less than Sir Walter Scott who left whether Sir Godfrey survived or not up in the air. One reason it is still in existence is they folded it up and put it in storage, then I imagine decided to utilize more modern methods reserved for those, whose religion was out of favor, for example, like staking the victim out in a tidal zone and waiting for the tide to come in. The hope was the potential victim would repent as the water rose. Say, doesn’t DC have a tidal basin?
As to the next pandemic the old saying always comes to mind:
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!
I am now much better set up to figure a new pandemic lockdown out and act accordingly as i imagine many are in their own ways.
We need to be on guard for the next public “health” emergency and it is unlikely to be a virus. Many are betting on a “climate” emergency which will be billed by the WHO as dangerous to our health. Very important to not be take in by mass formation fear psych op when they try to “lockdown” to mitigate. The fake return of the dolphins to the canals in Venice were a plant to show how the planet could “heal” with lockdowns. Always remember and never forget. We owe it to our children and all the elderly that were harmed and murdered to create the fear and our “consent” to trash our constitutional rights and freedoms.
Unfortunately, They also learned a lot of valuable data from what in my opinion was an orchestrated "Pandemic." Although I cannot prove it of course, I believe the virus was intentionally released. If you wanted to stoke a pandemic, what better type of virus to use? Highly contagious, not espcially deadly. Use your powerful connections to stoke panic, co-opt government leaders, and let the cash roll in....
I had a neat name for the Guillotines in April of 2020. I will have to go back and find it. I wanted the first one to be used on Andy Slavitt and Sara Cody
The disturbing thing is that this will happen again And again. There’s no consequence to the anonymous perpetrators and a good portion of the population will go along with anything in the name of “safety” or “the environment”.
We are looking at a military coup, an illegal and overt attempt by the military, the CIA and so-called NWO elites to take over as President and other political positions with the Biden administrations appointment of Major General Paul Friedrichs to lead the new Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy. I predict that Friedrichs will be seated in the oval office in the face of a new and more horrible plandemic response and most Americans will be portrayed in the MSM as being completely supportive. This too, along with the entirety of the covid plandemic's operations, has likely been planned well in advance. Why would RFK Jr. be prevented, blacklisted (not allowed to debate), censored, vilified and lied about throughout the WEF/NWO bought and controlled MSM in an effort to destroy his candidacy for President of the United States? The elections are meaningless. Yet Kennedy's voice and presence, along with the many other courageous individuals, such as Senger and Malone, and so many more has been, and now over the course of the election, is of inestimable value.
I recommend checking out RFK exposed dot com and looking at independent candidates. I keep coming across info constantly that RFK is controlled opposition, an option instead of Trump they can control. He’s an elite after all. Always was, always will be. His ex wife was suicided. Both ex wives. There’s no neat solution or perfect hero to vote for unfortunately, only the least worst of them plus our prayers.
I don't buy the idea that it was an unwitting coup, the intelligence agencies knew from the beginning what the COVID message plan meant. It was clear to an outsider like myself that the coordinated response with matching slogans, exactly matching marketing, identified accepted newspeak words and phrases used around the globe. None of that was coincidence, none of it was just common language used among bureaucrats. I have never seen that level of coordination on a world wide scale in my 65 years on this planet. never before has the message been so uniform, so consistent, the actions taken by government so horrific and uniform at the same time. It was an intentional worldwide coup that has continued. The WHO treaty is attempting to seal the coup with law.
No it was NOT unintended or unwitting, it was specifically planned by the 5 eyes.
Planned - at the request of the UN/WEF. It was just another event to depopulate, cause chaos and gain total control of the citizens - just like all of the wars since the 50s and the toppling/installation of heads of states.
The remarkable coordination certainly speaks to a pathological global conspiracy. Few Americans, I think, realize the power and reach of the Three Letter Agencies and Five Eye Nations. In America, the coup occurred in 1963. Their global power continues to increase unabated. It's already a One World Government, just an untidy, unofficial one at the moment. These crimes cry to Heaven for vengeance.
Aside, RFK Jr.'s bid for the presidency is history's way of winking at us.
Excellent analysis, Michael! It was not a catastrophe for the Malthusians though. They've been planning depopulation for a long time. They are just getting started.
Michael, I read your incredible article, the content of which touches me so personally. Today is the 3rd anniversary of the suicide of my son's father. If lockdowns and border closures, the terrible fear of covid brought on by the people that you cite plus the totalitarians such as Victorian Dan Andrews, there is a real chance that my son's father could still be alive today. And these people have not been made accountable for the harms that they are fully responsible for.
I don't think they do Bm....he just super-controls everything that happens...falsifies records (survey polls) lies through his teeth and narrates all outcomes. We know otherwise, but his blatant lying keeps him afloat somehow. I too had been very annoyed as to why the public seemed to see him as a king...but soon realised - they don't! Everything is orchestrated by him to make him appear to be this happless innocent. The massive poll numbers that saw him straight away re-elected...a rigged utter fraudulent result, total corruption...same as US current example. It's not the ppl.....he's pure evil.
Matthew Pottinger, Jamie Metzl, Robert Kadlec, Jeffrey Zients, and other key players in the covid fiasco are members of the liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which has controlled the US govt and the media since WW2. Most of the CIA directors from Dulles to Burns have also been CFR members. See charts:
CFR members on the "Biden team" include the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce, and 'Homeland Security'. Also the CIA director, Fed chairman, and dozens of deputies, advisors, etc.
When I read these posts and I think of peoples responses at the time, it’s amazing how this psyop convinced educated people to completely dissociate from me and the people around them. I have had very few of these people that had, what I would call, a temporary mental disorder finally say to me, you know a lot of what I did was based on false information. I honestly early on tried to go to work every day and ignore the BS as best that I could. Admittedly I do look at some differently.
The people in my life who “drank the koolaid” have not recanted. They hold no one responsible and have only said “we need to remember, it was a PANDEMIC”. These are educated people who seemed to lose their minds. I’m trying to put it behind us, but it’s hard to believe I could ever fully trust them again. Those that perpetrated the crimes, need to be brought to justice. If not here on earth, I take comfort it will happen when they face God.
What was it about SARS-CoV-2 that necessitated any response of any kind?
I agree U.S. intelligence was involved, but I highly doubt they got involved later rather than earlier.
Who all had an interest in creating the appearance of sudden spread of a deadly new pathogen?
Why was that pathogen nowhere in excess mortality until government interventions? How did it create selected, sequential mass-casualty events in Iran, Madrid, Northern Italy, and then New York?
I'd like to know more about the flu shot program and the 2019 flu shot in particular. These people had been messing around with that injection for awhile. Did the problems it created become too hard to hide in Alzheimer's deaths?
We are a long, long way from the truth...which I'm not sure can be blamed on China per se.
Lots of good questions and yes, China should not be blamed for it all, but made a good scapegoat to distract from what was going on elsewhere.
Others could answer you but this is my research.
There was no deadly pathogen, it was all a scam. The appearance of mass-casualty events was a psy-op, but perhaps exacerbated by controlled release of poisons. However, when the media is controlled it is easy to spin things.
Wuhan was a psy-op, atmospheric pollution the main issue. Northern Italy has the same issues so the appearance of spread was easy to fake. basic ignorance of geography among the masses was easy to manipulate.
Not withstanding the effects of 5G turned on in ( Halloween 2019) Wuhan city tens of thousands of towers all turned on simultaneously is a directed energy (focused beam) weapon and nothing to do with cell phone use. Also. aerosolised poison (via drones?) direct targeting of cities in Wuhan, Italy, New York...5G rolled out + installed together with the timeframes we were all in lockdowns, worldwide. Many moving parts to the global crimescene...and continuing
When Ebola hit the news back in ~2014, the media and the ACLU were up in arms when the government tried to quarantine a nurse who just flew into the US from an Ebola hot spot in Africa. Remember that Ebola makes one internally bleed ... to death! with a near 80%+ death rate. The powers that be must not have had their plans fully organized to co-opt the media yet because that would’ve been a more believable time during which to release their scamdemic plans.
The lockstep coordination indicates this was planned and executed at the apex of the international deep state and that western leaders are merely barking show dogs.
Im going to sound like such a naïf, but the past 3+ years - & even much further back - have been such a depressing & infuriating shock to me, finally really seeing what our own government has done (& continues to do) to us & indeed to people all over the world. I used to believe America was a force for good, was proud to be an American & all of that. No more....
Do not confuse America with its government. America happens to be its people. That is why JFK's inaugural address was so off when he said ask not what your country can do for you–ask what you can do for your country. We, Cindi, are the country - America. He conflated country (America) with government.
I understand what you’re saying, Shelley, but the people have been pretty disappointing the last 3+ years w/ mass compliance w/ all things WuFlu. I’d have expected majority protests, rugged individualism, defiance & all & instead a majority rolled over
Having travelled across your beautiful country i too had higher expectations.
I now see it is time for the older generation and retirees to step up as a higher % of us seem to be a tad more resistant to the brainwashing.
We , who have had all the benefits of living through one of the most benign periods in history owe it to our ancestors and more importantly our descendants.
Its a call out that is successfully being answered thankfully.
Of course they have Cindy. We have all been trained for 100 years to trust the feds. How - national news owned by the wealthy, radio frequency and analog/digital TV frequency are licensed by the FCC which can be evoked any time for 'misuse'. Universities bought off with grants and funding. It has all been propaganda and culture shifting formulas to shape what we should believe and know and hide what we should know. My son says when people feel the 'system' is working for them, they never question it. I think that a small but still substantial group were forced into compliance and silenced at the same time by example. Think restaurants, churches, medical offices, dentist, airline, schools. This list is very long. That’s a lot of people who had no choice when they saw the consequences applied to others and SCOTUS back the feds in it all.
I guess what i mean is this: from what I understand, only ~25-30% of us refused to be vax’d at all. IDK if that’s true or not but in the “land of the free & the home of the brave” I would have expected at least half the country or more to defy & fight back. I can’t tell you how many people I know who wanted to travel, wanted to return to “normal”, went along to get along, etc. Many others felt they had no choice but they would have if enough of the country had said not only “no” but “hell no” & as a country, we didn’t.
My response was to the forced lock downs, the masks, social distancing, no church, funerals, weddings . Forced to wear a mask and social distance at the grocers. I was forced to wear a mask at the dentist and doctors. We could no longer have our monthly group lunches. In the beginning, this was all planned to isolate everyone, to keep any naysayer push back from affecting others. It was part of the plan - not to be able to talk about common sense with friends and even family. Now the jabs were double malfeasance on gov's part and why my retired friends (all liberal) that were not required to get jabbed did so as soon as the jab was available is another story. Most told me it was because their docs told them to. My younger brother and his wife got jabbed even after having Covid. Been boosted too. Neither needed to because they were then working from home. Now he won't admit his physical problems stem from those jabs. That is an issue, where mainly intelligent people don't even think to question the jab part even if advised by a medical professional, like I was advised several times.
Exact same experiences as yours & I know all of that - lockdowns, masks, distancing ad nauseum - were designed to keep people from talking, to make people fearful & distrusting, to sow division. Had to wear masks in medical offices & hospitals too (altho in all cases below my nose) & my doctor also said I should get the jab & I haven’t seen a doctor since. My liberal friends all lined up for 3+ jabs & have never admitted they’re wrong or that health issues are the result..
Point is still that if enough had said “no” to jabs, closures, masks, lockdowns & all the rest, it wouldn’t have worked. And not enough did. The most astonishing, infuriating, depressing & demoralizing thing for me is how completely & bovine-like the masses (globally) complied. Seconded by the realization of how much we masses of the great unwashed are hated by our “betters”, including our own politicians who continue to plot mass destruction for us
I am in the UK, but well said, the same applies here. I consider myself surrounded by morons. Sadly this seems to include many in my seemingly intelligent and educated family and friends. I did warn them though in late 2020 when I had it all worked out.
Absolutely my too re: educated sciency family and all fell down the MSM rabbit hole. I went out each day (not allowed to go further then 2k's) after my long library hours researching...went over 8k's for my long long walks off into the beautiful Aussie parkland bush.. under a cathedral of giant gums...hugged my favourite ginormous tree, smelled in all the beautiful oils released from the native plants and trees and got as far away from humans as I could = right in the heart of our city! like I always did. Our city is surrounded by a huge parklands and the cbd is right inside of it. Never ceases to amaze me you are right in the heart of the city itself. Kookaburras laughing their heads off, even saw a platypus too! Basically honoured myself. As we all should. Your main comment Cindi surprises me too....saw the same compliance factor here too!
Cindi, you are not alone. Took me a while to realize this is not the country I thought...and right now, it needs gutting down to the ground, and reconstituted using the Constitution. Very limited Fed powers, no agencies, local control.
Fully agree, Duchess! I realized I wasn’t alone (& crazy) when I found wonderful writers & communities on Substack.
Agree also that it’s way too late to “fix” any of it so gutting is the only way to go. Going to be lots of pain & death tho before it’s all said & done & i just hate that for my kids (altho status quo is infinitely worse).
Comfort yourself that you have kids... I do not, and regret it. Children are a blessing especially in one's old age...and I think you probably raised them right. Not only that, but they may end up re-creating what this country was supposed to be. I have 2 nephews, neither took the jab, both are awake..not woke. I comfort myself with them...and try to help them whenever I can.
Then you are a mother too, Duchess, because you care for them as your own. Friends can be better “family” than some blood kin, as we have heard countless times when people like us lost theirs.
My sons are conservative & hate all of this but 1 had to take the jab (J&J so only one dose) when he was starting his own business but the gym required it or have to wear a mask if you didn’t get it, which would have been a scarlet letter & no one would’ve gone near him. But he’s said “never again” to any of it. The other had just joined the USAF & had no choice. I fret about them both every day
It's so demoralizing to think that no one involved will ever pay for what they did. They hot away with it. Everything about the covid scam was torturous. It still pains me to think back to what they did to us. We'll all have scars. Meanwhile they'll wine and dine and laugh at the billions of dollars they made. They're all going to hell, that much I know for certain.
The Chinese are winning. They are playing chess while we are playing tiddlywinks.
The Council on Foreign Relations publishes Foreign Affairs, an international affairs publication supported by and intended for the globalist audience, those who believe in one-world governance, varieties found both on the left and right. It is a highly influential publication in those circles.
Past Pandemics Exposed China’s Weaknesses
The Current One Highlights Its Strengths
Foreign Affairs, March 27, 2020
In that important article directed at world leaders is a link to this book from China:
Rural Health Care Delivery
Modern China from the Perspective of Disease Politics
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
('GET' .pdf download)
Disease politics. How to fundamentally transform individual nationalist societies into collectivist globalist societies. A blueprint. CFR tells us what they were up to in March, 2020. But we failed to listen.
I list some of the chapter and section titles and a write up on my Stack about it to help readers dive into the blueprint. Eye-opening. Not a coincidence:
...And Matt Pottinger was a CFR Fellow, and a Bilderberg attendee. They wanted it. They demanded it! They got it.
They're not done.
You contradict yourself. '...It's so demoralizing to think that no one involved will ever pay for what they did...'. and then 'They're all going to hell, that much I know for certain.' They could hardly pay a greater price than that!
Agreed; I can hope that these evil doers can be taken down and destroyed by the covid survivors but they can't escape their punishment in the afterlife
True! I guess I should've said they won't pay in this lifetime but to know they'll suffer eternally in hell makes up for it.
Karma will get them sooner or later. It always does. Case in point, what is happening to China right now.
I think your hypothesis is heading in the right direction. Now, we need independent counsel or some other entity that also believes it may have been a coup to investigate thoroughly. They should also get plenty of rope and practice the Hangman's noose to prepare them for the public executions of all those involved.
Guillotine, not rope. Make Guillotines Great Again.
The Scots have an early version called The “Maiden of Edinburgh” still in existence in a museum. The main difference was the victim looked up and saw the blade drop. When I saw it in the 90s it looked to be easy to duplicate and it’s portable! I have since learned I had a many times great uncle executed on it or spirited off by a friendly gnome depending on which version of the story you buy. The story was detailed by no less than Sir Walter Scott who left whether Sir Godfrey survived or not up in the air. One reason it is still in existence is they folded it up and put it in storage, then I imagine decided to utilize more modern methods reserved for those, whose religion was out of favor, for example, like staking the victim out in a tidal zone and waiting for the tide to come in. The hope was the potential victim would repent as the water rose. Say, doesn’t DC have a tidal basin?
As to the next pandemic the old saying always comes to mind:
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!
I am now much better set up to figure a new pandemic lockdown out and act accordingly as i imagine many are in their own ways.
We need to be on guard for the next public “health” emergency and it is unlikely to be a virus. Many are betting on a “climate” emergency which will be billed by the WHO as dangerous to our health. Very important to not be take in by mass formation fear psych op when they try to “lockdown” to mitigate. The fake return of the dolphins to the canals in Venice were a plant to show how the planet could “heal” with lockdowns. Always remember and never forget. We owe it to our children and all the elderly that were harmed and murdered to create the fear and our “consent” to trash our constitutional rights and freedoms.
Unfortunately, They also learned a lot of valuable data from what in my opinion was an orchestrated "Pandemic." Although I cannot prove it of course, I believe the virus was intentionally released. If you wanted to stoke a pandemic, what better type of virus to use? Highly contagious, not espcially deadly. Use your powerful connections to stoke panic, co-opt government leaders, and let the cash roll in....
Thanks for that bit of history, my first new learn o the day.
I had a neat name for the Guillotines in April of 2020. I will have to go back and find it. I wanted the first one to be used on Andy Slavitt and Sara Cody
The cat had an interesting read. I agree with him about the Chinese. Covid-19 farce was definitely fueled to some degree by the Chinese.
didn't you see the report awhile back on how US has up to 30.000 guillotines placed all over the states in the FEMA camps
Maybe "they" might let them out for hire?... I hear $ is their biggest weakness
Make Authoritarians Gibbet Adornments!
Haitian necklaces. Bring marshmallows.
The disturbing thing is that this will happen again And again. There’s no consequence to the anonymous perpetrators and a good portion of the population will go along with anything in the name of “safety” or “the environment”.
Excellent, truly excellent, article BTW.
And likely worse / more tyrannical each time, given their preparations w.r.t. treaties and all
First class analysis. As usual.
Thank you Rick!
Unfortunately we can’t vote our way out of this
We are looking at a military coup, an illegal and overt attempt by the military, the CIA and so-called NWO elites to take over as President and other political positions with the Biden administrations appointment of Major General Paul Friedrichs to lead the new Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy. I predict that Friedrichs will be seated in the oval office in the face of a new and more horrible plandemic response and most Americans will be portrayed in the MSM as being completely supportive. This too, along with the entirety of the covid plandemic's operations, has likely been planned well in advance. Why would RFK Jr. be prevented, blacklisted (not allowed to debate), censored, vilified and lied about throughout the WEF/NWO bought and controlled MSM in an effort to destroy his candidacy for President of the United States? The elections are meaningless. Yet Kennedy's voice and presence, along with the many other courageous individuals, such as Senger and Malone, and so many more has been, and now over the course of the election, is of inestimable value.
I recommend checking out RFK exposed dot com and looking at independent candidates. I keep coming across info constantly that RFK is controlled opposition, an option instead of Trump they can control. He’s an elite after all. Always was, always will be. His ex wife was suicided. Both ex wives. There’s no neat solution or perfect hero to vote for unfortunately, only the least worst of them plus our prayers.
I don't buy the idea that it was an unwitting coup, the intelligence agencies knew from the beginning what the COVID message plan meant. It was clear to an outsider like myself that the coordinated response with matching slogans, exactly matching marketing, identified accepted newspeak words and phrases used around the globe. None of that was coincidence, none of it was just common language used among bureaucrats. I have never seen that level of coordination on a world wide scale in my 65 years on this planet. never before has the message been so uniform, so consistent, the actions taken by government so horrific and uniform at the same time. It was an intentional worldwide coup that has continued. The WHO treaty is attempting to seal the coup with law.
No it was NOT unintended or unwitting, it was specifically planned by the 5 eyes.
Planned - at the request of the UN/WEF. It was just another event to depopulate, cause chaos and gain total control of the citizens - just like all of the wars since the 50s and the toppling/installation of heads of states.
100% planned
The remarkable coordination certainly speaks to a pathological global conspiracy. Few Americans, I think, realize the power and reach of the Three Letter Agencies and Five Eye Nations. In America, the coup occurred in 1963. Their global power continues to increase unabated. It's already a One World Government, just an untidy, unofficial one at the moment. These crimes cry to Heaven for vengeance.
Aside, RFK Jr.'s bid for the presidency is history's way of winking at us.
Excellent analysis, Michael! It was not a catastrophe for the Malthusians though. They've been planning depopulation for a long time. They are just getting started.
It was a global financial bailout based on a paper presented to the Fed by Blackrock in 2019, run by intelligence agencies, the WHO, UN. The question is how many of our politicians were in on the psyop?
I like your thinking fellow kiwi.
Give 'em hell, Michael!
Thanks Susan! Will do.
Michael, I read your incredible article, the content of which touches me so personally. Today is the 3rd anniversary of the suicide of my son's father. If lockdowns and border closures, the terrible fear of covid brought on by the people that you cite plus the totalitarians such as Victorian Dan Andrews, there is a real chance that my son's father could still be alive today. And these people have not been made accountable for the harms that they are fully responsible for.
Awful, I’m so sorry SN! Hopefully we can at least get justice.
Why do so many support 'Desperate' Dan Andrews? I am not PC.
I don't think they do Bm....he just super-controls everything that happens...falsifies records (survey polls) lies through his teeth and narrates all outcomes. We know otherwise, but his blatant lying keeps him afloat somehow. I too had been very annoyed as to why the public seemed to see him as a king...but soon realised - they don't! Everything is orchestrated by him to make him appear to be this happless innocent. The massive poll numbers that saw him straight away re-elected...a rigged utter fraudulent result, total corruption...same as US current example. It's not the ppl.....he's pure evil.
So all a fraud like the USA. Thanks.
Matthew Pottinger, Jamie Metzl, Robert Kadlec, Jeffrey Zients, and other key players in the covid fiasco are members of the liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which has controlled the US govt and the media since WW2. Most of the CIA directors from Dulles to Burns have also been CFR members. See charts:
BlackRock and Pfizer are CFR/WEF corporate partners. Larry Fink (BlackRock) is a CFR director and a WEF trustee.
CFR members on the "Biden team" include the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce, and 'Homeland Security'. Also the CIA director, Fed chairman, and dozens of deputies, advisors, etc.
When I read these posts and I think of peoples responses at the time, it’s amazing how this psyop convinced educated people to completely dissociate from me and the people around them. I have had very few of these people that had, what I would call, a temporary mental disorder finally say to me, you know a lot of what I did was based on false information. I honestly early on tried to go to work every day and ignore the BS as best that I could. Admittedly I do look at some differently.
So true, James. Likewise.
The people in my life who “drank the koolaid” have not recanted. They hold no one responsible and have only said “we need to remember, it was a PANDEMIC”. These are educated people who seemed to lose their minds. I’m trying to put it behind us, but it’s hard to believe I could ever fully trust them again. Those that perpetrated the crimes, need to be brought to justice. If not here on earth, I take comfort it will happen when they face God.
What was it about SARS-CoV-2 that necessitated any response of any kind?
I agree U.S. intelligence was involved, but I highly doubt they got involved later rather than earlier.
Who all had an interest in creating the appearance of sudden spread of a deadly new pathogen?
Why was that pathogen nowhere in excess mortality until government interventions? How did it create selected, sequential mass-casualty events in Iran, Madrid, Northern Italy, and then New York?
I'd like to know more about the flu shot program and the 2019 flu shot in particular. These people had been messing around with that injection for awhile. Did the problems it created become too hard to hide in Alzheimer's deaths?
We are a long, long way from the truth...which I'm not sure can be blamed on China per se.
Lots of good questions and yes, China should not be blamed for it all, but made a good scapegoat to distract from what was going on elsewhere.
Others could answer you but this is my research.
There was no deadly pathogen, it was all a scam. The appearance of mass-casualty events was a psy-op, but perhaps exacerbated by controlled release of poisons. However, when the media is controlled it is easy to spin things.
Wuhan was a psy-op, atmospheric pollution the main issue. Northern Italy has the same issues so the appearance of spread was easy to fake. basic ignorance of geography among the masses was easy to manipulate.
Here are my links if you are interested.
it contains various sub-links. My Covid 19 Summary has the various sub issues. This is the Wuhan one that got the ball rolling as it were.
Not withstanding the effects of 5G turned on in ( Halloween 2019) Wuhan city tens of thousands of towers all turned on simultaneously is a directed energy (focused beam) weapon and nothing to do with cell phone use. Also. aerosolised poison (via drones?) direct targeting of cities in Wuhan, Italy, New York...5G rolled out + installed together with the timeframes we were all in lockdowns, worldwide. Many moving parts to the global crimescene...and continuing
When Ebola hit the news back in ~2014, the media and the ACLU were up in arms when the government tried to quarantine a nurse who just flew into the US from an Ebola hot spot in Africa. Remember that Ebola makes one internally bleed ... to death! with a near 80%+ death rate. The powers that be must not have had their plans fully organized to co-opt the media yet because that would’ve been a more believable time during which to release their scamdemic plans.
The lockstep coordination indicates this was planned and executed at the apex of the international deep state and that western leaders are merely barking show dogs.
spot on, unfortunately
Im going to sound like such a naïf, but the past 3+ years - & even much further back - have been such a depressing & infuriating shock to me, finally really seeing what our own government has done (& continues to do) to us & indeed to people all over the world. I used to believe America was a force for good, was proud to be an American & all of that. No more....
I’m a Canadian and I feel similarly towards our govt (all levels and political parties) and public health institutions.
Do not confuse America with its government. America happens to be its people. That is why JFK's inaugural address was so off when he said ask not what your country can do for you–ask what you can do for your country. We, Cindi, are the country - America. He conflated country (America) with government.
I understand what you’re saying, Shelley, but the people have been pretty disappointing the last 3+ years w/ mass compliance w/ all things WuFlu. I’d have expected majority protests, rugged individualism, defiance & all & instead a majority rolled over
Having travelled across your beautiful country i too had higher expectations.
I now see it is time for the older generation and retirees to step up as a higher % of us seem to be a tad more resistant to the brainwashing.
We , who have had all the benefits of living through one of the most benign periods in history owe it to our ancestors and more importantly our descendants.
Its a call out that is successfully being answered thankfully.
I guess we did, Matt! I took it for granted & didn’t know.
Of course they have Cindy. We have all been trained for 100 years to trust the feds. How - national news owned by the wealthy, radio frequency and analog/digital TV frequency are licensed by the FCC which can be evoked any time for 'misuse'. Universities bought off with grants and funding. It has all been propaganda and culture shifting formulas to shape what we should believe and know and hide what we should know. My son says when people feel the 'system' is working for them, they never question it. I think that a small but still substantial group were forced into compliance and silenced at the same time by example. Think restaurants, churches, medical offices, dentist, airline, schools. This list is very long. That’s a lot of people who had no choice when they saw the consequences applied to others and SCOTUS back the feds in it all.
I guess what i mean is this: from what I understand, only ~25-30% of us refused to be vax’d at all. IDK if that’s true or not but in the “land of the free & the home of the brave” I would have expected at least half the country or more to defy & fight back. I can’t tell you how many people I know who wanted to travel, wanted to return to “normal”, went along to get along, etc. Many others felt they had no choice but they would have if enough of the country had said not only “no” but “hell no” & as a country, we didn’t.
My response was to the forced lock downs, the masks, social distancing, no church, funerals, weddings . Forced to wear a mask and social distance at the grocers. I was forced to wear a mask at the dentist and doctors. We could no longer have our monthly group lunches. In the beginning, this was all planned to isolate everyone, to keep any naysayer push back from affecting others. It was part of the plan - not to be able to talk about common sense with friends and even family. Now the jabs were double malfeasance on gov's part and why my retired friends (all liberal) that were not required to get jabbed did so as soon as the jab was available is another story. Most told me it was because their docs told them to. My younger brother and his wife got jabbed even after having Covid. Been boosted too. Neither needed to because they were then working from home. Now he won't admit his physical problems stem from those jabs. That is an issue, where mainly intelligent people don't even think to question the jab part even if advised by a medical professional, like I was advised several times.
Exact same experiences as yours & I know all of that - lockdowns, masks, distancing ad nauseum - were designed to keep people from talking, to make people fearful & distrusting, to sow division. Had to wear masks in medical offices & hospitals too (altho in all cases below my nose) & my doctor also said I should get the jab & I haven’t seen a doctor since. My liberal friends all lined up for 3+ jabs & have never admitted they’re wrong or that health issues are the result..
Point is still that if enough had said “no” to jabs, closures, masks, lockdowns & all the rest, it wouldn’t have worked. And not enough did. The most astonishing, infuriating, depressing & demoralizing thing for me is how completely & bovine-like the masses (globally) complied. Seconded by the realization of how much we masses of the great unwashed are hated by our “betters”, including our own politicians who continue to plot mass destruction for us
I am in the UK, but well said, the same applies here. I consider myself surrounded by morons. Sadly this seems to include many in my seemingly intelligent and educated family and friends. I did warn them though in late 2020 when I had it all worked out.
Intelligence & education sure don’t account for much these days, do they?!
nah!...we always have a choice.
What you correctly illustrate has happened... just tells me ppl don't back themselves they don't value the amazing being they are.
Very well said. We always, but always have a choice. There may be consequences but that is part of being a responsible human being.
If the dimwitted try to punish us for being wise that is their problem.
Absolutely my too re: educated sciency family and all fell down the MSM rabbit hole. I went out each day (not allowed to go further then 2k's) after my long library hours researching...went over 8k's for my long long walks off into the beautiful Aussie parkland bush.. under a cathedral of giant gums...hugged my favourite ginormous tree, smelled in all the beautiful oils released from the native plants and trees and got as far away from humans as I could = right in the heart of our city! like I always did. Our city is surrounded by a huge parklands and the cbd is right inside of it. Never ceases to amaze me you are right in the heart of the city itself. Kookaburras laughing their heads off, even saw a platypus too! Basically honoured myself. As we all should. Your main comment Cindi surprises me too....saw the same compliance factor here too!
Cindi, you are not alone. Took me a while to realize this is not the country I thought...and right now, it needs gutting down to the ground, and reconstituted using the Constitution. Very limited Fed powers, no agencies, local control.
Fully agree, Duchess! I realized I wasn’t alone (& crazy) when I found wonderful writers & communities on Substack.
Agree also that it’s way too late to “fix” any of it so gutting is the only way to go. Going to be lots of pain & death tho before it’s all said & done & i just hate that for my kids (altho status quo is infinitely worse).
Comfort yourself that you have kids... I do not, and regret it. Children are a blessing especially in one's old age...and I think you probably raised them right. Not only that, but they may end up re-creating what this country was supposed to be. I have 2 nephews, neither took the jab, both are awake..not woke. I comfort myself with them...and try to help them whenever I can.
Then you are a mother too, Duchess, because you care for them as your own. Friends can be better “family” than some blood kin, as we have heard countless times when people like us lost theirs.
My sons are conservative & hate all of this but 1 had to take the jab (J&J so only one dose) when he was starting his own business but the gym required it or have to wear a mask if you didn’t get it, which would have been a scarlet letter & no one would’ve gone near him. But he’s said “never again” to any of it. The other had just joined the USAF & had no choice. I fret about them both every day
The worry must be awful. God bless you and keep you and yours.
And you & yours! 😘