Feb 4, 2023Liked by Michael P Senger

I am still mourning the loss of most of my friends who turned out to be hateful authoritarians. Also, I now have to question everything I have ever learned. While this is generally a good thing, it is exhausting. When I read how much other people have lost I realize that I have been relatively lucky and, with the help of a like minded husband, will just keep moving forward.

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Be very glad your husband stands with you on this. My wife took my son to receive the poison shot against my wishes and behind my back. I have never been angrier in my life, and I am no stranger to anger.

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I tried in vain to stop my sonInLaw from vaccinating my grandbabies. Still don’t know if the 3 year old was vaxxed. My 5 and 8 yr olds were fully vaxxed. I fear their it father will have to live with any damage that comes…

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I'm very sorry. The monsters who played on people's fear and the concomitant desire to conform, by appearing to do the right thing need to be severely punished. This has been the most evil event of all our lifetimes by far.

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I’m sorry to hear this. I know other couples where this has happened and honestly I don’t how I would move past it. I hope your son is well and continues to be well.

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Thank you very much. I detoxed immediately and adamantly refused to let him get a second jab. I pray every day that he will not be adversely affected by it later. So far, so good.

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Same thing happened to me.....and my son. Husband left ME bc I am so outrageous.

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I'm very sorry.

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This is heartbreaking Kerry.

I would be shattered without my hubbs

I am so sad for you.

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Yes...and he does not even see HOW I can be so shattered. He does not see this as the massive betrayal that it is, saying HIS doctor friends and all "the experts" said it was safe so I'm wrong, and I'm not a "science person", and therefore he did not have to listen to me. I can't get him to grasp that he HAD to listen bc I have been with him for 30 yrs, I am the wonderful mother of his two teenage boys, and that MY BELIEFS, concerns and values MATTER. He clearly wanted out before all this but never said anything or did anything about it. He has almost no ability to talk about how he really feels. And NO ONE we know agrees with me. NO ONE. They ALL drank the Kool Aide. Everyone in our town, our church, our circles, our families. EVERYONE. I have since found some people who agree with me, but he knows none of them. And all my friends side with him. He will not entertain the thought that I could be right. And he says bc I made his life so miserable trying to warn him and get him not to comply, I am disrespectful and so he left. He is SOO afraid of being judged "difficult" by his employer that he would NEVER consider pushing back on a mandate from them to keep his job. NEVER. I could have told you that 10 years ago. He knows he and our sons do not NEED this thing, he just does not want to be fired, cancelled, or have our kids miss out on any opportunities. TO THIS DAY he does not know what is going on and it has caused a MASSIVE rift in our family. He says I wrecked the family, but really, he did. I have cried every single day for almost three years. It's getting utterly ridiculous.....

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We here agree with you, see what you see, know what you know, feel what you feel.

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It is safe to say right now that he absolutely values his job more than me. More than the mother of his children. More than his 24 yr marriage to me. More than the person who was with him when his younger brother died years ago, and then his father. Because he is so fearful of losing his job, I think he took it as a personal attack that I was trying to warn him something very bad is happening and that we had to do something. We had to protect our kids. If I was right, he would HAVE to do something and I think he is not courageous enough to do it. It is so completely messed up....it wrecks me daily.

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I am shocked and heart broken for you.

Honestly, I know completely that you are not alone. My hubbs is not medical. He confidently relies on me. He trusts me. I am a former nurse and I still read and rely on the knowledge I attained in 4 years of training and real science

Now, you want to take about the war in Ukraine? we have our differences.

I know you feel betrayed. I am praying for you. Just pray, Kerry. Just be at peace for now. Do not let the actions and differences consume you.

I could write a long boring book about my trials and troubles with extended family over the years. I have been called many ugly names.

That is not even on the topic of this plandemic, it is moreso over care of my 99 year old father and things he asks me to do.

Keep praying and stay in that prayerful zone of peace. We need that.

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He is embarrassed, that is why he left. He may never be able to apologize. You have to find a way to forgive him and hold on to your own beliefs and values. Your marriage is a microcosm of the world right now.

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Isn't it mind bending that he says that I had no empathy for HIM, all bc I kept try trying to warn him, had such a problem with them masking our kids, I did not comply and encouraged them not to, I was begging him not to jab our oldest kid, and after he did that, violating all my values, belief systems and concerns and when I was so heartbroken and anxious, he said I was just so outrageous to be so upset about it all that because I was believing conspiracies, so he had to leave. It was HE that would not listen to how I felt and ignored what I deeply believe. If he HAD listened, I would have been able to live in peace knowing my kid would not be jabbed. Knowing that he cared about how it all made me FEEL. He just could not push back and, more to the point, IF he acknowledged that I was right, he would HAVE to push back and he did not want to have to do that.

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Forgiveness IS the only way. Anger has been eating me up....I am beginning to move on. But I feel really sad. And I do not know if he really can see that he did anything wrong...the denial seems to be really, really strong for his own self preservation.

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yes. Judith, you are not alone.

I used to be the one person friends and other people could trust for medical knowledge and advice.

Now, I have been called "disgusting" because of my concerns and views.

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Robert Sapolsky has a youtube lecture called Hate and the Brain and Jordan Peterson has an interview with Randy Thornhill on the pathogen stress theory. I mention this as you said "disgusting," as these guys both say we drop into the insula cortex in our brains and into authoritarianism and ancient, ancient mechanisms for avoiding disease, which involves disgust. Every tyrant in the history of the earth has harnessed this to usher in totalitarianism. Either the Tutus or the Hutsis were like "cockroaches," the Jews were disease-carrying "vermin". In March 2020 UC Berkeley texted people to watch themselves for xenophobia as that's another aspect of pathogen stress. They had to rescind it immediately as the students went ballistic. When the threat really dissipates, and the fear is still being pumped on every level through every media ecosystem, they may feel differently. So sorry that happened and is happening to you.

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The Nazis also were a "disgust culture". That's the company they keep! And as a student of history, why I recognized this nonsense for what it was.

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thank you for sharing this Cynthia.

I think you are correct. I will look for these videos.

Life has been turned upside down on so many levels

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yes..judith..lost my best girlfriend..she HATES me for not getting the jab..and for my disgust of facui,gates and numerous others with blood on there hands.

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ALL of these fights were never about the true concern of someone's health but rather - solely and entirely about CONTROL! It's a very sick world we live in. Control goes hand and hand with addiction and addiction is NOW RAMPANT! Show me one person that is not attached to and playing with these phones constantly! Personification of addiction! More lethal than cigarettes ever were.

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I totally agree...I have been warning everyone about these phones/screens/computers and their propensity to take over our lives, our emotions, our humanity, for OVER 20 years. No one cares.

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I too am now questiong everything especially medically. My doctor's office still requires masks (why??) so I refuse to go there until they stop. She pushed the vaccine on me. I now question everything she does - and she's been my doctor for almost 20 years. I'm moving this summer and I'm hoping to find a homeopathic doctor in my new state.

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I went through the same thing Judith. My heart is broken and my mind is blown, but we will survive. Stay strong and know that you're not alone.

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You are so lucky to have a like-minded husband. Sure would have been comforting. My husband and I are still married, but things are not the same as in the Before Times. Not sure they ever will be.

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My son to whome since 2017 was diagnosed the Addisson desease, by the 1st Vaccinacion phase was just 18 and decided in one day to go for a jab. He had two jabs, and all four of us in out family got Teo also. This was despite a huge effort of mine to explain why ee shouldnt do jabs and we stopped there. And luckily so far so good.

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For 50 years I beat myself up for not having an "education" then Covid came along and I was shocked how quickly I became the smartest person in a room - I have always been self taught - READ BOTH SIDES of everything and then decide for myself based entirely on irrefutable and indisputable evidence! I spend my entire life reading albeit a retirement job and walking my dog. I've come to the conclusion it all barrels down to laziness - NO ONE reads anymore! I also beleive narcissism and greed have destroyed society!

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{ "The world is fueled by lies, driven by envy," and "deception is the default condition in human relations." }

I agree however I beleive the lies are fueled by denial! Never in my life have I observed so many people completely devoid of reality!

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and it is impossible to have a rational calm discussion.

BC "before covid" I could share my views and explain the scientific process that led me there. My sister in law called me a stupid f-ing b- two years ago.

I was shocked but not terribly because she in particular is quite very stupid. So there is that

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excellent Steve.

My husband just reminded me of the Serenity Prayer (I have been sick this past week and I am the worst sick person: very dramatic and plenty of self pity and moaning)

Today I am feeling somewhat better but not fully enough to go to my dad and entertain him.

Bonhoefer was quite an inspiration. My parents lived in Holland during WW2

Thank you for these helpful thoughts.

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My parents lived in Brussels for 15 jaar.

hartelijk dank for the well wishes.

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Very troubling times. And all of those responses reflect the insanity of it all. However, because of the clarity this strange and evil veil brought, I was able to realize my true purpose as a father and husband. The frailty of our society invoked a desire to strengthen my family in ways I’d previously forsaken.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Michael P Senger

Them: Never Apologise. Never Explain.

Us: Never Forgive. Never Forget.

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Listened to Joe Rogan podcast #1919 with Brett Weinstein and was ultimately grossed out by Rogan’s insistence that we fully forgive and forget without conditions. Reading this substack and comments (and many other similar substack authors and articles) of the experiences of the C19 unvaccinated... It’s the same story, over and over again, different people, but same. I am almost fascinated in reading, transfixed, because I experienced so much of this horrific treatment by friends, family, job/career. How crazy that it isn’t even unique, from person to person. It’s fundamentally the same horrific “othering”. The hurt and damage has been traumatizing on so many levels. The disbelief the shock the loss. Living with a covidian who single-handedly destroyed my career because I refused to be vaccinated makes it all fresh, daily. I could never ever trust the many who also did their part to exclude, humiliate and punish.

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thank you for putting my daily thoughts down on paper my friend. My wife and others often give me the, "just let it go" attitude at times, as if that doesn't enrage me more. People know what we went thru was 'bad' in their eyes but don't want to realize just how horrific it was and will continue to be.

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Living with a covidian who single-handedly destroyed my career ... sooo sorry.

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I do not think we know who is REALLY behind it. We know the evil puppets though.

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It’s all painful. And yet, when I see the expression “never again”, it tears my heart asunder because yes - it WILL happen again until something fundamental changes in how we live in this world. I don’t have the answers. A good start, however, is the recognition that corrupt (and often not-corrupt, unknowingly) people & governments, use fear & othering to take eyes off of them, and have people engaged in fighting one another. That needs to be stopped. It’s been happening since the dawn of humanity and we’ve more than paid the price in endless wars, & needless deaths.

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Each human being is responsible for how they treat the other. Regardless of what CNN and Joe Biden and Fauci says and said. Until people learn to love one another nothing will change. Because love confers respect, and love casts out fear and love makes us intelligent/wise. Love cures Sheepleness.

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Humanity is fatally flawed. Every generation makes the exact same mistakes and some eventually learn the exact same lessons. The mistake we’ve made is thinking it could never happen again. It did, and it’s not over. We need to grow thicker skin to fight this.

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023Liked by Michael P Senger

I will admit, I fell for the need to isolate for a few months. Then I realized we were killing our local restaurants. Then my family got COVID and none of us had severe illness and disease. And I saw the harm to my kids and others caused by the isolation. We pulled together as a family of four, did lots outside, read books together, watched historical movies. I found solace in my faith and the Bible. I knew the vaccine was not right for us - God gave clear direction about natural immunity. So I also knew I would be terminated. While my former company did not officially announce until November 15, 2021(long after we all knew about "breakthrough infections"), I told my family it was coming in July 2021, when vaccines were said to be necessary for the return to office pilot. I did apply for both medical and religious exemption - they were both denied. My termination became official in May 2022. I am semi-employed. We have health insurance through my husband. God has given clear direction to me throughout and He will continue to provide. He also had made me to live far below our means for many years before this. At some point, our standard of living might change. I have been transformed. My faith is much stronger. My identity is no longer tied to my professional title or career. I worry most for my children and what path they have. I worry about the college choice they will have since the rest of my household still evaluates colleges on the traditional standards. I look forward to continued transformation, and I seek God's plan. But my eyes have been opened to the fact that the more "we" mess with nature, the more God signals He is in control. I am lucky in that my parents saw this clearly from the beginning, and most of our family has tolerated us. So we have never experienced the complete isolation some have. As to my career, God's will be done. Pray for justice for all of us negatively impacted.

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At first I was like you... At the beginning, I thought maybe it was serious. My husband was an ER nurse and the Ebola scare kind of prepared me for questioning the COVID scare. I decided to do a wait and see. But when everyone in the world decided to do the same thing and decide which human life was essential (we all need income to survive!)... I knew it was bogus. When they allowed big box stores to stay open and liquor/weed stores to stay open... My husband thought the vaccines would make his job easier. They destroyed his health. Being in a rural community, it wasn't quite as dramatic here. Enough people called it BS and just went on with their lives. Strange times, for sure.

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I fell for it as well for the first few months, not entirely but largely. Not so much the lockdowns, which I always opposed, but more the masks and antisocial distancing. But my red pill moment came gradually and largely by August 2020.

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ahhhh yes, I remember it well. Some on the West Coast called it the 'Summer of Love' while other "experts" were citied by local news outlets given the 'okay' to go out in the streets.

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Indeed. I had thought for sure that would finally be the end of antisocial distancing, as it would be utterly hypocritical to continue it any longer, but of course tyranny is always whimsical. "Summer of Love" was quite the Orwellian way to put it, lol. It was completely devoid of love, just rage. "Days of Rage 2.0" would have been a better name for it.

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Very true. I'll use the latter when talking to those that are bright eyed and aware, the former gives the normie a chance to really think about what I'm saying. They give a squinted look, a tilt of the head and then finally ask. Hopefully leaving a kernel/nugget that will stay with them

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Many of us had that “red pill” moment.

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Jennifer please write this in a post. It needs to be read more broadly. All of our stories need to be heard.

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The truth of the matter is, Steve, we don't have religious freedom if you need to hire a lawyer to have your exemption approved. I am actually a lawyer- though not that kind of lawyer - and I understood the futility. I expressed my faith sincerely and accurately, and I believe that God told me all along that it would be denied. In fact, two days after my religious interview and a day or two before my final denial, the sermon was on Francis of Assissi. Our priest said, "when you do what God says, people will reject you. Do it anyway." I walked out of church and told my family that is final confirmation that termination is coming. We need a true restoration of religious freedom. It is my opinion and belief that I was rejected because I am Catholic and my former company took the NY view that because the Pope supported vaccination, there was no valid religious exemption. It was decided long before I submitted and long before the obnoxious interview that I was not worthy. ACTS 5:29 - the Pope's position on this still does not matter to me because God wants me and my family to rely on the natural immunity He gave us and we have not, to our knowledge, been reinfected since our original infection long before vaccines were available. I hope that religious freedom is restored with all of this. If you are in NC, I am looking to add to my legal team! Finding a good team to pursue recourse has been challenging. Thanks all for your support. The news out of NY has certainly bolstered my spirits and my case. And thank you for supporting your friend!

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Steve, God's will be done on my case. God's will be done on the cases being argued today in the Second Circuit. God's will be done on justice for the people of the military who were unjustly terminated. God's blessing in all of this is I have learned that I don't have control. I have learned that He does have a plan. I have realized that He gave me so many life experiences before 2020 that prepared me for 2020 and the need to stand firm. I am still floundering somewhat, waiting to discern what the rest of His plan is for me, but I am trying to find peace and comfort in being still and reframing myself to not put my identity in my title or paycheck. I am finding new outlets, focusing more on my kids, potentially becoming a foster parent, volunteering more, focusing on my faith. It has been painful to be discriminated against in this way and the grief has not ended, but I have also found comfort in the joy of counting my blessings. John 13:7 "You do not realize now what I [Jesus] am doing, but later you will understand."

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023Liked by Michael P Senger

Those who still have not opened their eyes believe all our sad stories were necessary to "stop" covid. I will never understand people, especially those whom I previously thought were thinking individuals. As always Michael P Senger, thank you for what you do.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Michael P Senger

So much suffering. I don't think it was an unforeseen side-effect of the idiocy. I believe it was an integral part of the plan to terrorize, demoralize and estrange us from each other, so we'd be easier to control and kill. It's unlikely that the plandemic was used just to get rid of Trump - rather, it's another step on the decades-old path to the dystopian future they have planned for us if we don't stand up and rid the world of these parasites. We're running out of time.

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I agree entirely. This has been a planned, coordinated, organized campaign of worldwide GENOCIDE via bioweapons (both viral and “vaccines”) at the behest of globalist psychopaths who believe we “useless eaters” have no right to exist on THEIR planet.

These demons from hell are far from being done yet. They haven’t massacred the 4+ billion innocent souls they seek to eliminate.

Keep a wary eye in H5N1 influenza, which is presently passing through various animal species. I strongly suspect that this will be the pretext for releasing a turbo-charged, lab-created variant of influenza with a very high mortality rate. And just by accident, a toxic mRNA-based “vaccine” will be ready to deploy almost immediately...to finish off the remaining immune-suppressed 3 billion.


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They are already telegraphing their intentions on the next plandemic, Bird Flu:


Apparently monkeypox was too much of a flash in the pan.

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And of course, with a shiny new mRNA "vaccine" to go with it. The beta test that was the Covid plandemic was already done, so this next one will be much smoother sailing for the planners.

Unless we all decide in advance NOT TO COMPLY.

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Indeed, and they are already telegraphing their intentions on the next one:


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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023Liked by Michael P Senger

I read most everything in this space. This is about as penetrating and moving an impact statement as I have seen. Hope you can get someone like Brownstone to republish this. It merits the wider exposure.

Frankly, even though there was nothing here I did not already know in general, reading this set of specifics in so many voices still leaves me shaken. That's impact.

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Thank you for compiling this, Michael, and thank you for your book. These are troubling times but since I'm on the older side of things, what bothered me most as I replied in the tweet you quoted was how the children were treated.

There's a special place in Hell for Fauci.

There were also direct effects on me, too: in a 12 month period between 2020 and 2021, 11 people I knew died (friends and family -- 2 elderly people from Covid, the rest from other things), my business failed, and my beloved dog of 17 1/2 years had to be put down "The Covid Way" (horrifyingly alone on a steel table with a terrified, masked veterinarian who made me stand 6 feet back). That image has seared itself into my brain. My response to all of this despair was to eat and drink too much and now I must suffer the consequences (and lose weight, bleh) of living under lockdown.

I still have friends who are STILL to this day afraid to come out of their house and so have everything delivered to them (the Laptop Class, you know) and will only socialize in their backyard in masks. I've lost my patience with them but I do see how they, too, were ripe to be terrified and have suffered.

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OMG I'm so sorry you had to endure that in the loss of your dog. Our animals are our lifelines and to have to say goodbye that way - that vet should lose his lisence. It's inhumane. Wow. I'm so sorry.

Also, I too know people who still are afraid. I've learned to just avoid them. I just can't deal with the brainwashing any more.

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heart breaking, dear friend. I am so sorry. 💔💔

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Michael P Senger

A very large book needs to be published with all these stories.

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Wow. This is all so sad. We’ve all been traumatized by the Covid reaction. It’s mind-blowing to me that now no one wants to discuss it or admit what was done. I’ll never forget it and so grateful I never went along.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Michael P Senger

Very compelling and tragic stories, Michael. You should put these in a book.

My anger was over being told I’d have to delay my knee replacement because it was considered “elective surgery.” Meanwhile, I couldn’t walk without severe pain. I finally had it done a year later, thankfully with very minimal disruptions at the hospital (had to wear a mask everywhere except in the operating room, etc.)

I also lost my job. Our division was just abruptly shut down with pretty much no warning. It was vaguely attributed to Covid, then we learned much later that it was used as an excuse over severe long-standing financial problems, with a heavy dose of internal politics thrown in. I did eventually find another FT remote job, which solved the issue of being vaxxed. Had no intention of doing so and while I was looking, I made sure that the places I applied did not require it.

My husband and I had minor disagreements over the vax. He took it, despite me not wanting him to, so going forward, that’s going to be a worry. He respected my decision not to. The rest of our families did not make a big deal out of it one way or another, which was a relief.

But what really annoyed me was that one of my husband’s friends would not allow him to visit because *I* wasn’t vaxxed. I could see how it hurt, but at the same time, I was very resentful of the friends for putting that condition on him. I was not close to the friends, so I didn’t care if I ever saw them again, but my husband was very affected by it.

I still can’t get over how so many people just fell hook, line and sinker for all of the authoritarianism and fearmongering. It’s being swept under the rug, but it has certainly eroded what little trust I had in doctors and other health professionals.

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Thank you Lizzy! Agreed.

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My husband also got the shot (I and our teen son did not, and will not). He chose the J&J one because he didn't want mRNA. But I'm still concerned for him. He has a heart condition, which is why he chose to get it. I fully believe that the fact that he's already on blood thinners is why he didn't end up with blood clots from this poison.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Michael P Senger

Thank you for this, Michael. All of the stories so heartbreaking & powerful, & I know those of us here have stories too. I was traumatized beyond belief by these past 3 years & will never be the same as I was up to 2020, but I see it as a good thing (in a way) because my eyes & mind are fully wide open now. It can be lonely amongst the still-true-believers, but it is comforting here.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Michael P Senger

Heartbreaking...each and every comment.

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Michael this is very important work. Exactly like the Holocaust interviews or the https://www.ushmm.org/online/world-memory-project/

Since I was a kid I always wondered HOW the Holocaust could happen. How could people just line up to get on the train cars? Wouldn't it be better to die in a hail of gunfire than walk to a prison camp and be worked to death? How could the non-arrested stand by and allow it? How could the German Citizens, politicians, business men and academics allow Hitler to run his Brown Shirts all over the cities and seize power? I always had my theories and many of them were psychology & brain washing based, but now I actually know first hand what the later stages of fascist takeovers looks like. It's so banal to watch evil take over reality. The scam is so powerful and well practiced over the millennia, that it fools MOST folks. The play Book is Mein Kampf.

It's the old "frog in the pot" meets the Hegelian Dialect wrapped up in a tortilla of "Divide and Conquer". Oh yea, and don't forget how they always get the victims to pay $$$ for the privilege of marching to the front lines to "Serve their Country" in the name of freedom. Welcome to WWIII USA. Your goose is cooked.

THANK YOU !!!! Never Forget.

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So agree. But my husband has been fooled. If more comes, I will have to deal with whatever comes but I will never comply.

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I am in that position with my husband also. I will be alone when this happens again. I feel alone now.

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So true. The banality of evil indeed.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Michael P Senger

Thank you. Read everyone. Experienced all of it in some way. And still no acknowledgement from those who went along with these things that they were wrong.

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Or even from "Covid's willing executioners" among the people who went along with and vigorously supported these measures.

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